Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

We will provide you with information and motivation how to life a healthylifestyle.


To be really successful to fulfill your dream of a change and a healthy lifestyle, your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.

Because the lifestyle change takes time and dedication and there will always be a time when you want to stop because it gets to hard. But you should still go ahead it will get easier again and the results will come.


All the training and routines that you do today and in the past couple of days, months or years are worth all the time spent, all the pain, all the deprivation and all the sweat.

Because all the training will result in improvements of your overall health, your well being, your mood and your body. This improvements will continue to exist. Thus the work you do today can improve all your future days.


You should keep doing your daily fitness routine for yourself and not for others. Only your self motivation will keep you doing your routines.

How to get healthy through the fall - Healthy Lifestyle Tips 28/09/2021

Here are 5 simple tips to jumpstart your immune system for the fall and stay healthy and fit during the cold and wet time of the year.

How to get healthy through the fall - Healthy Lifestyle Tips You want to stay healthy and fit in the fall and winter. You want to get throught the cold and wet time without a flue. Then you have to get your immune system up to speed quickly. This is not as difficult as you think and a good immunesystem is not only good for the […]


Leading a healthy lifestyle and having a regular training routine it is not about being the best and comparing yourself on a daily basis with the best or professionals. It is more important that you continue on your path and comparing yourself to yourself yesterday.

It is very motivating for yourself when you see the progress you have achieved for yourself when comparing today against three month ago.


Training your muscles is key component to a healthy lifestlye as it improves your posture and thus your overall health. in addition muscles burn more calories than fat, thus when you have more muscles you burn more calories and loose your weight easier. The positive side effect of all this is that you also look better when your body is more defined.

However, there is no magic pill to grow your muscles, there is only a system to it. You have to repeat your exercises even if the last repetition hurt. Going through the pain divides the ones with a toned body from the ones who do not see progress


To restart my Instagram and Facebook profile, I will start with a motto that does not only apply to a healthy lifestyle and fitness training but to our life in general. I have also taken this as a motto for my restart.

If your training and your new targets do not challenge you, they won't change you. They won't change your daily routine and they won't change your life in general.


I took a break from posting an Instagram, Facebook and taking care of my online business. However, I am planning on continuing my journey and going even stronger. I want to help everybody leading a healthy lifestyle by getting tips to eat healthy, being active and taking care of your mind.


My Mat is my Canvas
and Yoga is my Art.

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Train with a purpose.
Eat with a plan.

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Karma Yoga is a supreme
Secret indeed.

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Yoga doesn't take time,
it gives time.

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Never give up.
Great things take time.

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Champions aren't born,
they are built.

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Get fit for life,
not just for summer.

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Never give up.

Great Things

Take time.

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Lady in the streets.
Freak in the gym.

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Go the extra mile.
It's never crowded.

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Do it for the
'holy s**t you got hot'

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Fear makes the wolf,
bigger than he is.

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It's kind of fun
to do
the impossible.

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Find your comfort zone.
Then leave it.

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Mistakes are proof
that you're trying.

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Look like a beauty,
tain like a best.

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Salmon Belly Salpicao

Salpicao is a stir-fry dish that is traditionally made of meat. But the fish version is just as good as the traditional one. The salty and tangy taste of the sauce is perfectly paired with the salmon belly.
🍽 Servings: 1

150g Salmon Belly strips, diced
2 cloves Garlic, minced
1 tsp Red Chili Flakes
2 tsp Olive Oil
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
1.5 tsp low-sodium Soy Sauce
Spring Onions for garnish

1) Heat olive oil in a pan.
2) Add garlic and red chili. Sautee until aromatic.
3) Add salmon and stir for 1-2 minutes.
4) Add lemon juice and soy sauce. Stir briefly.
5) Top with fresh spring onions to serve.

➡️ Nutritional Information:
Energy - 287 kcal
Protein - 31g (47%)
Fat - 16g (49%)
Carbohydrates - 3.6g (4%)
Fiber - 0.2g



An apple a day
keeps the doctor away.

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It takes zero talent
to get in shape.

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Buid your body,
build your character.

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Comfort is the enemy of

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