Faith's Novels

Faith's Novels

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Hey guys🫀 I'm back with another bang!!!
Hope you guys had a great exam season, and to the people who are still writing, Good Luck😚❤
Soooo I'll be continuing with the novel, stay tuned😊

Thank you guys for the support, I appreciate it🥺🤍


Guys I'll continue after this exam seasion😭😭 please dont come for me



The next morning I lost track of time then Gogo woke me up and made oats while getting ready for school. Went to Amo's room "Amo wake... f**k his really gone." Went down stairs not feeling emotionally okay
Gogo: Are you okay mtanam?
Jay: No Gogo , Amo is gone
Gogo: aww ngani yam (giving me a tight hug) do you think you should go to school?
Jay: Yes Gogo I'll be okay.
I ate that oats she made me,, and went to school.
Tshego: (waiting at the gate, smiling her face of) hey baby
Jay: baby?are you talking to me?
Tshego: yes silly
Then saw Sharin with her headphone on walking to class alone...
Jay: Sharin! (Running towards her)
Tshego: f**k this brat again.
Sharin: what do you want from me?
Jay: geez girl wassup with you?
Sharin: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you ass hole! You left me on read yesterday.
Jay: I'm so so sorry, I fell asleep
Lucky enough we were able to fix things and we even sat together in class.


After Gogo called my name I felt like going back to sleep because the dream I had? Ohh chile... I didn't wanna respond because she messed up what was happening in my dreamland. I buried my head in my pillow and my body caved in the blankets, mind you it was raining outside... thinking I'd once again dream that little ngwana sitting on my face. 5mins later I got a call from Tshego
Jay: (groaning) yes?
Tshego: you disowned me wena neh?
Jay: pssh so you woke me up to tell me that?
Tshego: What's going on between you and that new little brat?
Jay: Who? Sharin?
Tshego: What ever her name is! She can't just replace me just like that!
Jay: No she didn't
Tshego: She did Cee, and she's a step ahead of me because you guys are having s*x... and you haven't thought I also need it, uh?
Jay: Grow up, she's just a friend and what the hell do you mean you need it?
Tshego: I really...
Then I hang up and then saw a text from Sharin.
"Hey lover" my heart raced boy, ohh boy, "hey mama" and she texted back "Sorry about what happened" I fell asleep and left her on read by mistake.


What do you guys think happened while they were busy or after?💀


I'll leave you guys hanging for now.🥺🤭


After dropping of Sharin I called Tshego on my way
back home
And tried calling again but still declined, so I U-turned
on the gate to Tshego's house. As i reach there I called
her phone and she didn't answer, got out of the car and
knocked at her door and her mother answered
Tshego's mother: Hello Enhle
Jay: Hi ma, is Tshego around?
Tshego's mother: Yes but she's asleep
On my home *PHONE BEEPS* it's was a message from
Sharin saying "I enjoyed your therapy session baby"
with a emoji that seemed like she's hungry more, I left
her on read cause I was driving.
Gogo: Aw ngwana ngwanaka
Jay: Eya gogo, how's my mother?
Gogo: Ontsale hantle atseba...
She gave me a hug and I went upstairs to take a nap.
I had flashbacks of the scene that happened in the
car before i fell asleep... then 10 minutes later Sharin
walks in my room and wakes me up saying she's h***y
Sharin: Wake up dumb ass, mind having another
therapy session? Pleassssse
I thought "is this girl out of her mind? I mean I need to
rest and mourn for Amo."
But I couldn't resist a p***y that came all the way from
wherever just for me to eat it, so I got off the bed. As
she was pleasing I grabbed her tiny waist and pulled
her closer to me and we kissed, I stood up and picked
her up and put her on my bed... luckily I had my strap
on. She undressed and I pulled out my strap rubbed
her p***y and inserted the strap slowly while sucking
her little ti***es. This bitch grabbed the sheets, calling
papi and moaned her lungs out. Then all of a sudden
Gogo:"Enhle ngwanaka, I made your favorite"


Sharin called me after school to tell me she's at the
park, I took my mother's car keys and drove to the
park. I was glaring at those s*xy thighs in a skirt then
snapped out of it.
Jay: Come in princess
Sharin: Ohh thank you sir, where to?
Jay: wanna go grab something to eat?
Sharin: ye sure why not
We drove of with my hand on her thigh and listening to
a song "Her heart by Anthony Hamilton" as we arrived
at her favorite restaurant she ordered for the both of
us and I paid obviously. Went back to the car, she told
me about her past life... then ended up crying I wiped
her tears and I felt bad so I parked somewhere private.
Took the food and put it at the back sit then went in
grabbing her neck and kissing her, I got access to her
p***y so I went in and rubbed it gently then I heard her
breathing heavily.
Jay: Can I?
Sharin: Go in daddy
I made her sit lay back then took her panties off then
teasing her p***y while giving her hickeys then she
shouted "Stop playing with me and go inside" I then
went with 1 finger and she said "I want more" then
went with 2. I whispered "Hold on princess, daddy is
getting there"
Sharin: (moaning so hard) ye..yes daddy
I went down gave her a head then grabbed my head
luckily I had cornrows on, she said 2 minutes noodles
break then after 10 seconds she wanted more so I
went for the combo of fi*****ng and eating it up at
the same time. Then her legs started shaking after 10
mins Tshego called me, and I had to answer the phone
so we stopped. And drove her back home.


I didn't wanna go to school because it was Besto's
birthday so I went to give my mother a hug and kissed
her on the forehead. I called my grandmother to come
help me nurse my mother, then called Sharin to tell her
I won't be going to school and she said she'll come
after school. When my Gogo arrived we celebrated
Amo's life on earth.
Gogo: Hotla loka hle ngwanaka
Mphumi: Yes ma, I'm a bit better now that you're here
Tshego: Hi. You must be Shar...rin
Sharin: You mean Sharin, he that's me
Tshego: Ohh great, have you seen where Mbalienhle
Sharin: Mbalienhle? I don't know who that is.
Tshego: Arggg I meant Cee Jay
Sharin: Ohh Cee didn't come to school, she says she
doesn't feel okay
Tshego: And do you know?
Sharin: She called me this morning...
Tshego: right am not surprised
Then Tshego walked away


The other side of the call: Hey cutie it's Sharin
I tried pulling back my tears and trying to act normal
Jay: Hey wassup?
Sharin: nothing, are you okay?
Jay: ye I'm fine no biggie
Sharin: You don't sound okay to me
She pushed me to the point of me breaking down into
Jay: You caught me there, I'm not okay
Sharin: come let's meet at the park now
Mind you it was 5pm, but I went there because I
needed fresh air. I told her what happened and as she
was comforting me she went in and kissed me, I went
with the flow then my hand went from her thigh to
slowly going under her t-shirt and gently massaging
her acup ti***es. I stopped kissing and went for
gently kissing her neck then she grabbed my t-shirt...
suddenly her mother called
Sharin: I'm so sorry I have to go, but hope you'll be okay
Jay: it's okay, bye princess
I got home feeling better and comforted my mother,
and she fell asleep.
*PHONE BEEPS* It's was a message saying "You calling me princess
turned me on daddy" with the moaning emoji at the
end from Sharin. I blushed and ran to my room and
answered "Come on that was nothing, and thank you
for making time for me" then she went offline, and I
called Tshego and told her what's happening then tried
processing what happened to Amo and cried my self
to sleep



As I was waiting with Tshego at the bus stop I saw Sharin sitting all alone on the branch in the school premises...
Jay: I'll be back now now
And I walked towards her
Tshego: Where are you going mother f**ker!!
Jay: You don't have to wait for me, you can go!
I paused and thought about what I was about to do, I took a deep breath...
Jay: Can I?
Sharin: Umm... yea yeah sure.
Jay: Thanks, so I'm Jay by the way
Sharin: Nice knowing you Jay (giving the nicest smile)
We had a great conversation and even lost track of time. I asked for her digits only to find my phone died so I gave her mine instead, later on her mother arrived and I went to catch a bus. As i got home I shouted "Ma I'm home!", no one answered then I went upstairs to my room and and charged my phone and turned it on.. then Boom 9 missed calls and 5 texts from my mother, and I was definitely not in trouble. I ran down stairs looking for Amogelang he was now where to be found, then suddenly my mother walks in with a sad face as if she lost her 10K in the taxi.
Jay: Ma? What's wrong, where's Amo?
Mphumi: (as she's strolled) his no more, he didn't make it
Jay: Mphumi stop playing with me where is Besto!
Mphumi: He was involved in a car accident on he's way home
Jay: Mom no! How is that possible, it's his birthday tomorrow
I shed tears that could possibly fill a bath tub, and I was very confused because my mother didn't even cry.
*PHONE RINGS* it was an unknown number, and I answered


insert 3 in a few mins



I got of the bus with my headphones on then of the sudden I see my best friend Tshegofatso miming from a distance and obviously I can't hear her because I have my headphones on. I walked towards her and she took my headphones aggressively...
Tshego: I've been calling you for like 5mins dummy
Jay: Please forgive me
Tshego: Always (as she rolled her eyes to me)
She told me how was her weekend while walking to class. As we were sitting the bell rang for register, then Tshego went to class. Our teacher walked in with a very gorgeous light skinned hun and obviously she had a nca bunda apparently she's new
Mrs Zwane: Morning class this is Sharin and she's new here...
Then Kopantsang which is the mean girl of the class shouted "Geez we all know she's new, and girl don't even go near my man" and all the class was full of laughter except me obviously...
Mrs. Zwane: Shut the hell up! You can have a sit honey. As she sat I couldn't get my eyes off her, somewhere somehow she turned towards me and we locked the eye contact... and obviously I folded and unlocked. After a few minutes the bell rang and I walked out and mistakenly bumped into her
Jay: Ohh sorry I didn't mean to do that
I was shivering as if I've never seen a girl before, on God I don't know what was happening
Sharin: Ohh so what was your intentions exactly?
Jay: Uh...uhm nothing
Sharin: okay cutie don't worry I won't bite. I'll catch you in another class bye



My alarm rang at 4:30 in the morning and I woke up and checked my phone first thing to see if I got a message from one of my hoes then I got up, made my bed and went to brush my teeth.
Mphumi: Enhle! Are are awake?
Jay: Yes ma! I'm about to wake Besto up (which is my brother)
Thando gave me the name "Besto" saying it's another way of saying best friend. I strolled to his bed room and woke him up...
Jay: Hurry little nywana you gon' be late.
I took a quick shower, got dressed took my phone and went down stairs.
Mphumi: Morning Ausi Mantate
Jay: Mama oqadile, morning to you too ma. Amo is awake, and I'm heading to school.
Mphumi: You haven't eaten breakfast yet mos, you won't be able to concentrate
Amo: Hi Besto, morning ma
Mphumi: Morning baby...
I don't even wanna listen to their morning conversation so I grabbed an apple and left.


The narrator is writting the story as the first person "I"


My name is Mbalienhle Buthelezi but I prefer Cee Jay cause its a bit masculine. I am 18 years old, grade 12 and I'm attending CURRO Northern Academy in Polokwane. I'm proudly part of the LGBTQ COMMUNITY taking the label "L" (lesbain)

I stay with my mother (Mphumi) which is a single parent and my little brother Nthando who's 7 years old. Our father died 6 years ago and My mother works as a Plastic Surgeon.


