Out Of The Margins

Out Of The Margins

A free and accessible resource available to any emerging leaders, teaching the fundamentals of nonpr


Out Of The Margins is thrilled to be a part of the Lois Curtis Campus!

Located in Topeka, KS, the Lois Curtis Campus is a physical and virtual hub for services, supports, and guidance that centers individuals with disabilities that experience marginalization within the disability community, including people of color, people who are homeless, people who are system involved, people who are not enrolled in Home and Community Based Services, and people who do not identify as having a disability but may experience a disability that is either not detected or not apparent.

Our efforts are inspired by the artist Lois Curtis, a Black woman with multiple disabilities who, after spending nearly twenty years in incarcerated and institutional settings, singlehandedly spearheaded efforts that led to the US Supreme Court's passage of the Olmstead Decision in 1999. Regarded by many as the "Brown vs Board of Education" for the disability community, the Olmstead Decision affirms that people with disabilities have the right to live independently. However, Lois continued to experience institutionalization as a result of systemic racism within the disability community that created barriers to her accessing community based services and supports. It wasn't until nearly ten years after Olmstead that she was able to create her own support network and move into her own apartment.

She died on November 3rd, 2022 but her legacy lives on at the Lois Curtis Campus, where we are committed to bridging the gaps that Lois and countless other multiply-marginalized people with disabilities experience in the US.

Lois Curtis Campus is disabled/Brown/Black/woman/LGBTQ/direct support professional led.

Lois Curtis Campus is solar powered.

Image is a self portrait by Lois Curtis

On Wheelchair Accessible White Supremacy 06/03/2023

Out Of The Margins is at the Pacific Rim International Conference on Disability and Diversity to present on what I like to call "wheelchair accessible white supremacy", a topic is elaborated on below (captioning forthcoming).

On Wheelchair Accessible White Supremacy Objectives:-Removing the whitewashed history of the disability rights movement-Exposing how the disability rights movement both appropriated key components o...


Fluent in Acronym? Remember to clarify what you are referring to, always, and to not assume that others know the word you are referring to when using an acronym.

Learn more: https://outofthemargins.org/alphabet-soup-agencies-and-acronyms/
ID: Top center: Out of the Margins logo
Center text in white: Fluent in Acronym? Remember to clarify what you are referring to, always, and to not assume that others know the word you are referring to when using an acronym.
Next line: Julia Wolhandler
Bottom white text: Alphabet Soup: Agencies and Acronyms
Bottom center text: www.outofthemargins.org


New Captioned/ASL video!

One of the ways organizations, including nonprofits, maintain some organization during meetings is to use Robert's Rules of Order. Expert Tiara (
) gives a quick overview

ID: Black background
Top text (yellow): www.outofthemargins.org
Short blue horizontal line divider
Center bold white text: Robert's Rules Of Order
Short blue horizontal line divider
Bottom white text: With Tiara Simmons Mercius


All of our topics have ASL/Captioned videos, and there's more to come.

Make sure you visit our YouTube Channel, hit subscribe, and turn on notifications


ID: Solid yellow background
Top Center: Out of the Margins logo floats between two vertical strings.
Center: A red rectangle with the "play" symbol (Youtube logo). Beneath this is a longer read rectangle with white text "Subscribe"
Bottom text is a website link: https://bit.ly/OOTM-YouTube


Expert Tom Earle presents two (2) scenarios about leading an organization through a crisis (Crisis management).

All information is available on: www.outofthemargins.org


"As people with disabilities, we often have to work a little harder at selecting a mentor and building our networks, partly because there are not a lot of resources on networking specifically geared towards people with disabilities."

Here are some tips that may help you navigate mentorship and networking from Dr. Davi Kallman


How to Read Legislation, Statutes, and Amendments 30/09/2021

As a non-profit, it is important to know how to read and understand legislation and laws as part of your work. Victoria Rodriguez-Roldan helps us understand what legislation is and how to read it.

How to Read Legislation, Statutes, and Amendments


Successful conflict management means first understanding how conflict arises. Conflict within organizations/boards can be classified in the following categories: task, relationship, and value conflict.

OOTM Expert Andrea LaVant discusses types of conflict, communication styles, and steps for successful negotiation. Visit : https://outofthemargins.org/conflict-resolution-negotiating-with-difficult-people/
ID: Blue background.
Top - Center: Out of the Margins logo. www.outofthemargins.org
Center Text (large writing)- Conflict Resolution & Negotiating
Text (small writing) with Difficult People
Bottom image: On the left is an Illustration of a blue boxing glove facing right. On the right is an illustration of a red boxing glove facing left. Between the gloves is A plain illustration of a woman in a dress suit and her arms stretched out towards each glove.


Orgs, Boards, and Committees: The "nerve center" of any non-profit.

We have added ASL interpretation!
Visit: https://outofthemargins.org/organizations-
ID: A square image divided in half vertically.
Left side:
White background. A light brown vertical rectangle frame.
Inside the frame: Out of the Margins logo ("Out of the Margins" in black text. background has four spheres in different colors lined horizontally: Fuscia/Purple, Orange/Yellow, Green/Light Green, Blue/Light Blue, and Brown/Tan)
Tan text below the logo: Organizations, Boards & Committees
(white space)
Small tan text: www.outofthemargins.org

Right side:
A Black woman with short cropped, blonde hair looks in the distance on the left. She is wearing a pink buttoned top open at the neck, a black blazer and a black lanyard around her neck. She is typing on a laptop.

Nonprofits and Tax Exemption 04/08/2021

We've added another ASL video to the library.
Oh! And please don't forget to do the evaluation for the different lessons you complete.


Nonprofits and Tax Exemption When a person or a group wants to start an organization, they must first understand what types of organizations are out there: for profit, non-profit 501(c)3 and tax exempt, non-government (NGO), a…


We've been working hard behind the scenes to translate lessons for you!

Soon, every single lesson will be available with a Spanish translation. So stay tuned!

In the meantime, take a look at our current lessons, such as Internships, or our Grant Writing module.
Image ID: Black background. Top third has a gold patterned design beginning from a narrow point center right and spreading out and up to the top edge.
Small white text: Coming Soon...
Large white text: Out Of The Margins En Espanol
Small gold text: Stay tuned


Tell us what you want to know!

Out Of The Margins and Disability EmpowHer Network are teaming up to host a Virtual Roundtable for youth to provide input on nonprofit and leadership subjects that YOU want to learn more about!

If you’re a young person (ages 16-24) interested in nonprofit leadership and learning about how you can expand your skillset, sign up to participate in our roundtable! We will select 10 young people to join us on June 29, 2021 at 5pm ET for a 1.5 hour roundtable discussion. All youth who participate will receive $30 gift card for their time and feedback.

If you’re interested in participating, sign up by June 13th! If you’re selected, we will let you know by June 22nd!

Sign up to be considered here: https://forms.gle/GFVKPr49DYnmHPGi6

Image: White square with purple boarder. Center is image of six youth wearing different colors with conversation bubbles above them. Out of the Margins and Disability EmpowHer Network logos at the bottom. Words: Youth Leadership Roundtable! Tell us what skills you want to learn! Get paid!


Have you heard? Disability EmpowHer Network and Out Of The Margins have joined forces to bring you the Youth Leadership Round Table. See info below.

Tell us what you want to know!

Out Of The Margins and Disability EmpowHer Network are teaming up to host a Virtual Roundtable for youth to provide input on nonprofit and leadership subjects that YOU want to learn more about!

If you’re a young person (ages 16-24) interested in nonprofit leadership and learning about how you can expand your skillset, sign up to participate in our roundtable! We will select 10 young people to join us on June 29, 2021 at 5pm ET for a 1.5 hour roundtable discussion. All youth who participate will receive $30 gift card for their time and feedback.

If you’re interested in participating, sign up by June 13th! If you’re selected, we will let you know by June 22nd!

Sign up to be considered here: https://forms.gle/GFVKPr49DYnmHPGi6

Image: White square with purple boarder. Center is image of six youth wearing different colors with conversation bubbles above them. Out of the Margins and Disability EmpowHer Network logos at the bottom. Words: Youth Leadership Roundtable! Tell us what skills you want to learn! Get paid!


New video alert! We've updated our Polices, Procedures and Handbooks page to include ASL interpretation alongside the captioned video.



We promised you we'd have ASL interpretations alongside our captioned video. Because , right?

Here's a screenshot from Grievances and Complaints with our expert and ASL interpreter.

You can find it here: https://outofthemargins.org/grievances-and-complaints/ or follow the


We are always working to make sure our content is accessible. All of our lessons are available in print, pdf, and video.

All of our videos are captioned. And soon, all of our videos will include ASL interpretation! The first one is up and ready for you!


Img: White background. Hands showing sign for international sign language

Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter for Nonprofits 20/02/2021

Just serving a community or having a mission is not enough. Always ask if your organization is upholding D.E.I (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion). We came across this article that explains why DEI matters and best practices.


Why Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Matter for Nonprofits The National Council of Nonprofits stands with others for equity and justice and in denouncing racism, intolerance, and exclusion. Yet taking a stand is not enough. We, along with many other charitable nonprofits, have been on a path of exploration to identify how to build the core values of diversi...


What is a nonprofit?
Generally, nonprofit organization serves a specific community to meet specific needs. You can find its purpose if you look at the mission statement. Maybe it fundraises to support medical research or to directly support an underserved community

How to disclose disabilities to a potential employer 19/02/2021

We told you about Internships, Fellowships, and Externships. But, how do you navigate the process as the interviewee? What should you expect as the interviewer?

How to disclose disabilities to a potential employer Interviewing for jobs and internships is already an anxiety-ridden process, but there can be an added level of stress when worrying about how and when to disclose a disability to a potential employ…


We hope you've learned something new about running a nonprofit from our experts. If you haven't already, make sure you complete the survey we included with each module.

Your feedback helps us improve.

[Img: Blue background. Text: We want your feedback. "Feedback" is in black text on a card held by two white hands with black sleeves]


Expert Laura Cohen presents "Getting Grants for Work by and for Disabled Folks". A Guide for Nonprofit Board Members, Staff and Volunteers



So, you're part of an organization and you have a problem. What do you do? Put it in the comment box? Take it to social media?


Sophie Poost discusses grievances and complaints.


Timeline photos 01/01/2021

There are just some things that make you cringe and maybe want to run and hide. Robert's Rules of Order is one of those things.

Tiara Simmons Mercius helps make Robert's Rules just a little simpler. As she says, the Rules are important. They make sure everyone who wants to be heard, is heard.


Hello friends! The family wishes you a happy new year.

Alphabet Soup- Acronyms 29/12/2020

What are acronyms and why do we use them?

OOTM expert Julia Wolhandler explains acronyms in organizations.


Alphabet Soup- Acronyms


put together a panel of experts to present each of the topics. As an organization centered on serving disabled people, we are happy to tell you each expert is part of the disabled community. Follow the link for each bio.



Organizations go through changes. That's just a fact. Whether it is a change in leadership or necessary downsizing. These changes can through your org into a crisis. How you manage it will determine the future of your org.

Learn more here: https://outofthemargins.org/management-in-the-time-of-crisis/


Schoolhouse Rock taught us that a bill goes to Capitol Hill before it becomes a law (legislation).

But how do you read legislation? Our expert Victoria Rodriguez-Roldan explains.
