The Bougie Blacksmith

The Bougie Blacksmith

Welcome to The Workshop.
{Glowing & Growing}✨
Nurse. Health Coach. MMP w/ Monat. Medical Aesthetics.

Advanced practice registered nurse, health & wellness coach, certified medical aesthetician and laser technician, entrepreneur, creator. I'm passionate about aligning wellness habits with my client's unique, individual needs to increase energy, vitality, longevity, & confidence. I'm here to help you break through barriers so you can live and enjoy the life you dream of! I'm a lover of all things w

Photos from The Bougie Blacksmith's post 01/05/2023

Expectant & hopeful. 🌾

How are you entering this brand new month that kicked off with a brand new week?


🏃🏻‍♀️💨Reset & Go

The 1 thing we know for certain about life is that it’s unpredictable, and that unpredictability means our routines require flexibility. Sometimes our routines can withstand the curveballs life throws at us and sometimes, well they break. We get off track… and here’s a secret: it happens to EVERYONE.

When we accept that getting off track is inevitable in our health journey, we can move forward in creating habits that allow for flexibility and resiliency.

My biggest tip, and something I personally practice when I get off track, is to get back on track ASAP. Don’t wait until Monday, don’t wait until the 1st of the month… start now.

Here are 8 more tips for getting back your routine when it’s been shaken up a bit:

✨Assess where you’re at
✨Go back to your why
✨Assess your goal(s)
✨Are you still passionate about them?
✨Acknowledge you’ve gotten off track and make like Elsa: Let. It. Go.
✨What is do you need to do to get back on track now? Grocery run? An extra hour of sleep?
✨Create a new action plan addressing the above
✨Start NOW - pick 1 thing from your action plan and do it… right now.


Let’s talk habits & traveling…

Like oil & vinegar right? Two things that really don’t mix well. But who says travel needs to be the things that throws all of your efforts and work creating habits out the window? And why would you want to toss out the things that make you feel good when you’re on vacation in exchange for things that make you feel not so good?

Don’t get me wrong. I’m going to drink the margarita too, but when you show up for travel with a plan the margarita will taste that much sweeter.

2 keys to healthy travel:
🔑 Plan for it
🔑 Integrate as much of your normal routine into your travel days

What are your normal AM & PM routines? For me, I wake up, do my devotional and prayer, meditate, & get my workout in.

Guess what?

I do the same when I travel.

Why? Because I feel better and it makes getting back into full routine when I get home that much easier.

Don’t let travel - for business or pleasure - be derailing to your goals. Life is going to be full of curveballs like travel, when you can, plan for them & show yourself you can prioritize what supports you even when you’re out of your usual environment & routine.


[hab•it] noun : a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up.

When we talk about creating new habits it can be groan-inducing. A lot of times we go into setting them EXPECTING to break them. ie: all those jokes about New Year’s Resolutions (which are, in fact, just well intended habits).

I think we go into them with this mindset because we have the tendency to function with an all-or-nothing, go-big-or-go-home attitude, telling ourselves that if we can’t stick to it without fail, we’ve failed, we broke it, and it’s not worth doing.

Habits aren’t success or failure. They are gray. It’s important to keep them that way. When I talk about habits, you’ll often hear me say to create margin within them.

What do I mean?

Give a little wiggle room to accommodate the habit to what you need NOW. Instead of “I will get 30 minutes of running in a day,” try “I will move for 30 minutes each day.” This leaves “move” open to a variety of exercises and activities, which are all effective and all better then another 30 minutes on the couch!

Being too closed minded and strict on our habits can set us up for failure. Instead, follow these 5 times when considering the habits you want to set:

🌀 Start small, then build (ie: start with 20min of movement per day and build by 10min each week)
🌀 Make it enjoyable (ie: fill that 20min with your favorite workout, and don’t be afraid to mix it up based on what you feel like doing)
🌀 Leave a little wiggle room (ie: margin, meeting your body with what it needs now)
🌀 Plan for success (ie: set your workout clothes out the night before, fill your water bottle and keep it in the fridge so you can grab it quickly)
🌀 Focus on one at a time (ie: just focus on getting in the movement, tackle cutting back caffeine or tweaking your diet later - don’t overwhelm yourself)

Now, go put these in action! And if you need a little accountability - DM me, let me know what we’re working on. I’ve got your back!

Photos from The Bougie Blacksmith's post 06/04/2023

Make time for # 1. (It’s you. # 1 is you)

Self-care practices don’t have to be elaborate or take hours out of your day. Let’s be honest, we’ve all got a lot on our plates. Sometimes the day only gives us 10-minutes (or even less) to sneak a self-care practice in that will help us re-energize & refresh.

Here are a few tips for fitting these 10-minutes self-care practices into your day:

⏰Set an alarm - particularly at the time of day (or times) where you know you start to feel drained
💃🏼Declare that it’s break time and get up, move away from your current space
💡Focus on your current need - Are you feel overwhelmed and need quiet & deep breathing? Are you feeling restless and need to get outside for a quick walk? Ask yourself how you are feeling and align your self-care with it.
🥰Indulge in self-care activities you actually enjoy, especially in that specific moment. Some days a personal development podcast will just add to your overwhelm and anxieties - don’t sabotage yourself with what you think you “should” be doing. Instead, listen to what you need and respond with what you truly enjoy!

What’s one of your favorite self-care practices? Let me know!

Photos from The Bougie Blacksmith's post 04/04/2023

Find joy. Recognize it when it when you do. And embrace it by sitting in it. ✨

The temperature here in Indy is finally above 50 and even though we’re also expecting rain and lower temps later this week, I’m holding onto the joy in these early spring days. Early mornings with crisp, fresh air and a cup of coffee while working on my passion, craving all the fruit with warmer temps, & getting in those last moments of sun and warmth on my balcony.

When we’re in seasons of waiting, of struggle, of chaos or confusion, of frustration or restlessness - it’s this ability to find the joy that will get us through the heavy hours.

Joy : find it, recognize it, sit in it. 🤍


Alignment. 💫

Health and wellness has been a passion of mine since I was in 5th grade 🤓- I’m not kidding, I remember falling in love with nutrition and the human body during health class that year. In all my years of studying it, reading about it for fun, following along as trends come and go, there’s always been this question: “Why doesn’t this work for everyone?” This being the trend of the moment.

The answer: Individuality.

There are scientific factors that play a role in how our bodies respond to our health and wellness habits, but there is also an important human factor: alignment.

How aligned is the trend of the moment with what our body specifically needs, NOW?

This changes constantly. It can change day to day, and for women, this changes as we move through the phases of our hormonal cycle. Learning what your body needs in each phase of your cycle can help you establish health and wellness habits that align with what your body needs. When you align in this way you support higher energy levels, increased focus, improved overall functioning of your body, healing and recovery, and hormonal balance… which impacts every function and system within your body.

True health and wellness isn’t the product of a trend or current hot product, it’s about alignment. Learning about and align habits with what your body needs when it needs it is the 🔑 to unlocking true wellness, for YOU. Individual, unique, YOU.


My 3 favorite ways to use Rejuveniqe Oil:

🟣 weekly scalp and hair treatments
🟣 added to my body lotion for added hydration - especially in winter!
🟣 as a cap to my nighttime skincare routine to lock in my serums and moisturizer

With 100+ uses, it’s a staple in my house.

Photos from The Bougie Blacksmith's post 03/02/2023

Hello February! Do you feel that?
Love is in the… hair 🤍

All that shine is brought to you by weekly oil treatments & using high quality, clean, effective haircare… all infused with Rejuveniqe Oil. There’s a reason we won’t stop talking about it …

✨balances pH of your scalp
✨reverses & prevents hair & skin damage from the inside out
✨the only oil with molecular structure small enough to pe*****te INTO all 3 layers of the hair shaft to cleanse & repair
✨consists of 13+ oils & is completely natural and safe
✨has 100+ uses ➡️ to see a few of my favorite ways to use it!
✨strengthens hair & promotes growth
✨soothing, healing, & nourishing to skin - it’s great for sun burns, scars, & as added hydration to seal your daily skincare routine in or added to your body lotion

Right now you can get a travel size oil with 3 lip stains in our Kiss & Makeup Valentine Gift Set!

Ready to get your hands on this self care staple?
Link in bio to order or DM me with any questions!


Get the Glow✨

Great skin is multifaceted. It requires taking care of yourself on the inside through diet and nutrition and on the outside through treatments and consistent use of great products.

Essential Steps of a Complete Skincare Routine
✨Nourish & Treat

My favorite thing about Monat Skincare is that I can target my skin concerns while getting anti-aging benefits in every step of my routine, no specific anti-aging line required. I don’t have to sacrifice tackling acne to get anti-aging benefits. I can do both.

YOU can do both✨

The steps may be overwhelming, but Monat skincare plays well in the sandbox with each other - making customizing routines a breeze.

Don’t let 2023 slide by without getting the glowing skin you want. I have struggled with my skin since I was a teenager. I was so frustrated because I had eliminated so many things form my diet, I was using the “best” products (and trying all the brands), I’ve done Accutane, antibiotics, you name it. There’s no shortcut to great skin - it takes consistency and care - but hands down, my Monat products have made is SO MUCH easier and enjoyable. I’m getting the results I want from the products I’m using, finally!

Ready to get your glow?
DM me and let’s chat - we can make your routine as simple or complex as you’d like - but let’s get started on that glow ✨

Send a message to learn more

Photos from The Bougie Blacksmith's post 18/01/2023

Spending 10 days doing some training for medical aesthetics at NLI in Dallas! Busy days of learning with short breaks require quick snacks to stay on track. For me, a quick protein and greens smoothie has been clutch! Recipe 👇🏼

1 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1 scoop each: Monat vegan vanilla protein, total greens powder, & collagen

I prepped them before traveling so I can grab 1 ziplock with the powders premixed, add the milk to my shaker bottle & head out!

Quick snacks are great but prep is essential! Plan for busy so you can stay successful in your wellness goals.

PS: peep what’s coming soon! Vegan omegas. Monat is becoming a 1-stop hair, skin & wellness shop!

Photos from The Bougie Blacksmith's post 13/01/2023

Lock & Key 🔐

Sometimes the most unexpected yeses are the things that shift the trajectory of your life. Being willing to get uncomfortable, to challenge yourself, and to be vulnerable opens up your world to opportunities that unlock your truth.

For me, that key has been Monat and my Monat community. I didn’t join for the discount. I didn’t join because I love the products. I didn’t join to earn trips or a car. I didn’t join for the extra paycheck.

I said yes to community. I said yes to growth, to personal development. I said yes to discomfort, to challenges, to vulnerability. Why? Because I was craving more. I was craving a life that felt alive again. I was craving creativity. And I was craving a community in which I was surrounded by women who operate with positive mindsets, who show up & show out, who will not only chase their dreams but run alongside you with encouragement and connects as you run after yours.

It was my best yes of 2022.

It was the key that unlocked me. That has helped me peel back layers, to get back in touch with the core of who I am and the potential that’s been dormant for too long. And it has given me the courage to say yes to a new challenge in learning medical aesthetics. It’s unlocked a new journey for me.

And that’s the beauty of Monat. It’s not about the products, they can speak for themselves.
It’s what it unlocks for those brave enough to believe in themselves. None of our journeys look the same in our community, but I can tell you that each of us has an army with us cheering us on and ready to remind us who we are and what we’re capable of when we forget.

The paychecks, the trips, the discounts, the free cadi … they’re just the cherry on top.🍒

Want to hear more about my story? Check it out in my highlights on my IG page .bougie.blacksmith — link in comments.

Ready to unlock your path? The DMs are open!

Photos from The Bougie Blacksmith's post 11/01/2023

Welcome to the Workshop✨ Today we’re talking Meditation —->

Meditation is a key part of the morning routine for the world’s most successful people. Why?

✨increases productivity 120%
✨increases your attention span after just 4 days
✨increases grey matter in your brain : key for memory & learning
✨decreases stress, anxiety, and BP 60-80% of the time
✨improves mental clarity & focus

It doesn’t have to be fancy. Listen in for all the tips & our meditation journeys. *LINK IN COMMENTS*

Stay tuned for more!

Photos from The Bougie Blacksmith's post 08/01/2023

Sunday Set Up✨

I often joke that Sunday’s are ”sacred.” If you get me to make plans with you on a Sunday, consider yourself lucky & loved. These are days I tend to protect. They’re for rest, yes, but also for the set up.

Things I do just about every Sunday:

✨Meal Prep, all my meals… ALL of them.
✨Make sure all laundry is washed & dried - my toxic trait is that I hate folding laundry - it’s always last on my to do list. But my clothes are always clean!
✨Map out the week ahead, assess your calendar & to do list. Schedule rest - it’s important.
✨Self-Care moment: usually a home facial

I rarely experience Sunday Scaries - the truth is, Sunday Scaries are the result of your own mindset and focus. Shift the focus, defeat the Scaries. Prepare for what’s to come, defeat the Scaries.

I’ve kept this routine now for a few years and my week goes significantly different when I don’t follow my Sunday routine, which is why risking it to make plans is a big deal! We are all creatures who need a little structure. This is part of mine.

What is your Sunday routine?
How do you prepare for your week ahead?


Happy 2023 ✨

I’m back on this page with a fresh new name, a fresh profile, & a fresh focus - what’s a new year for if not a fresh start?!

This space is for anyone wanting to benefit from my passion for holistic wellness, functional medicine, hormonal health & helping others feel their best from the inside out.

Of course I’ll be sharing Monat & my VIPs will be the first to know about product launches, sales, etc. right here!

But I’ll also be sharing my health & wellness tips, posting what I hope to be inspiring and uplifting content, and sharing life with all of you!

I hope you hang around & engage with this community here!

Welcome to the workshop! 👑

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 26/01/2021

Needing to few pulled together or just needing an extra pep in your step for work from home or even while running errands with that mask in place? A good lip has been cheering me up this past year and now there’s a clean, sheer, shiny & shimmery option from Beautycounter! Learn more in the photos - these duos come with ✌🏼 6oz. tubes - AKA: more clean gloss for your 💵💰.

Link in comments!!

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 26/09/2020

Not all natural foundations are created equal & Beautycounter’s Dew Skin & Skin Twin take the cake!

Now included in our Flawless in Five set perfect for quick mornings & breezy weekends 💃🏼

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 24/09/2020


The Counter+ Lotus Cleansing Balm has quickly become one of my favorite Beautycounter products! Working in a hospital, my skin gets dry easily and this balm helps keep dryness under control. You can use it daily or a few times a week overnight as a moisturizing mask, all without feeling greasy.

Swipe through the photos for more dets!

Comment below for a free sample or head to the link in comments to shop it now ✨

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 23/09/2020

Eye makeup is really having a moment since we’re all wearing masks these days. The BC Eyeshadow palettes come in 3 color sets and each one packs a punch of subtly & shimmer- for whatever mood you’re in. It’s great pigmentation & long lasting wear, your set for day & night!

I LOVE my eyeshadow palette and use it almost every day. My personal go-to is the Classic palette- colors for year round & my first palette lasted me a full year!

Link in comments to order ✨

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 22/09/2020

FALL 👏🏼 IS👏🏼 HERE 👏🏼.

It’s time to prep your skin for the weather transition. I love switching out my wardrobe to sweaters & booties but managing my skin changes can be tricky. Hellooooo dry skin. So I’m sharing the Beautycounter products I’ll be leaning on to make it a smooth skin transition so you can prep your skin too!

First up is one of my all time faves- COUNTER CHARCOAL MASK. I use it at least once a week to keep my skin balanced and detoxed. It also leaves your skin surprisingly smooth!

Comment below if you want a free sample headed your way or follow the link to purchase!

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 20/08/2020

✨Ready to jump into better beauty? Shop our sets now & get a FREE full size Brightening Oil #1. This oil can be added to your daily moisturizer to give you a fresh faced glow and lighten dark spots- a win-win!

Shop the sets:


Check out my story to catch up on all things Beautycounter!

✨20% off your first order with code “CLEANFORALL20”

💃🏼Beyond Gloss & Shear Genius Lipstick have arrived in new shades with ethically sourced ingredients and flawless pigmentation

👯‍♀️Beautycounter best sellers are on the shelves of your nearest Sephora store - get your hands on some of our best products fresh from the shelf!

🌟there’s more coming this month so stay tuned & thanks for being here!

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 16/07/2020

It’s here!! Countertime Minis have arrived for a LIMITED TIME. Why are minis great?

✨They contain all the amazing good for your skin benefits the full size line has.
✨They’re born for travel (and your girl needs that!)
✨They’re a great way to try the ENTIRE line at a cheaper price 💲💲

So hurry to the link in comments to get your hands on a kit! And avoid the sad experience of putting your products in random sample size containers you happen to have (see photo of my current status 🙄).


Sharing exciting Beautycounter news & some of the things I’m loving right now!

Stay up to date with me by following along on my page below ✨💃🏼


Catch up on July happenings with Beautycounter & some of my other favorite things right now! ✨

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 02/07/2020

Sooo many things are on the horizon for Beautycounter and we’re kicking it off with 20% off your first purchase! If you missed it last time, it’s back but won’t be here forever! Have skin goals? DM me and let’s find the clean beauty products to make those goals a reality!

And this month’s Band of Beauty Membership welcome gift is 🔥🔥. 2 of my all time favorites in 1. Check the photos for the dets!

Photos from A Self-Care Revolution with Tiffani's post 29/06/2020

Hey friends— have that 1 item you’re wanting to try but you just don’t want to pay shipping? Well, I’ve got you! I’m placing a bulk order TOMORROW NIGHT & would love to include your item in my order - shipping AND delivery is on me 🤗. As a bonus: the first 2 people who order will get a 15% off discount code to use on a future BC order (expires: August)!! Comment, text or message me if you’re ready to order!


To my BC friends- this email is incorrect. The Friends & Family dale ends TOMORROW! Be sure to get orders in to save 15%!


Calling all my mask 👸🏻👸🏽!! 2 of my favorite products I’m using as face masks are on sale now! Check out my video to learn The What & Why, then head over to to enjoy 15% off!


During a yoga class several years ago my instructor said, “If you can control your breath, you can always go further.” Since then I’ve had those words go through my head many times and I’ve realized, she was right. Breathing brings you back to center, back to your inner peace, back to here and now, back to rational thinking, back to calm. Breathing gets me through sweaty classes, hot yoga, runs, and strength workouts, yes. But breathing also gets me through tough days, heartbreaks, anxiety, stress, 8hrs in an N95 😉, fear... breathing is my home base. Sharing because right now not much in life is within our control, but our breath is. Hold onto what you control, focus on it, breathe it in- let the rest go. Another yoga instructor once said breathe in the good, breathe out the bad- let that s**t go. Another set of words that goes through my mind frequently. 😆

Videos (show all)

My 3 favorite ways to use Rejuveniqe Oil:🟣 weekly scalp and hair treatments🟣 added to my body lotion for added hydration...