Jena n Phill

Jena n Phill

✨ ️Supporting families like us to realise their potential in the online space 💻 ✨️ Being too tired or have too little money to do anything fun!

✨️We are a family with two young boys who have had enough of the daily grind and not having enough hours in the day to spend quality time together. We've had enough, so we're doing something about it! Watch this space, great things are to come 👊💙

Photos from Jena n Phill's post 22/07/2024

🔥🔥 OUR TEAM 🔥🔥

Pretty sure my favourite part of our whole business is the support that we are so lucky to have 💙

There are so many different personalities, age groups, and relationship dynamics but there is one thing that ties us all together and that's the drive to share this opportunity with others, to grow and be successful in our businesses 👊

Most of us have never met in person, but we count each other as friends 💓
We have each other's backs, we offer advice and feedback, and best of all we celebrate each other's wins 💪

Such as Jesse & Tamara- Oz Travel Lux and Casey & Nathan- The Collier's who have both recently ranked up to 2A ✨️✨️

Congratulations to you all!

Curious what that means and how you could start your own online business?

Flick us a message for 7 days access to our FREE trial which includes a series of videos explaining everything to you 🤯


Part 2


We were down in the dumps, feeling sorry for ourselves and felt like we kept getting kicked when we were down…..

We knew that we needed to figure out a way that Jena could contribute financially and still be at home with the kids when needed 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Flexibility was our priority- but we had no idea where to start 🤷‍♀️

So Jena started a resume writing business, but as with any new business, they take a while to get off the ground, so while it is still a functioning business, it truly is a side hustle 👨‍💻

Then we met our friends and mentors Brendan & Rae, who have been in the online business world for 3 years, who were just like us.
A family who loved getting outdoors, showing their kids the amazing things that this country has to offer, a tradie and an admin chick, who saw an opportunity to create an income through high ticket affiliate marketing and have now retired Rae from working for an employer for good.
Brendan no longer needs to take overtime just to pay the bills and they took 5 months off last year and did a half lap of Australia! 🇦🇺

That is the kind of freedom we wanted, to be able to work from anywhere at anytime, with no experience and learn as we went 🎉

We figured we had nothing to lose, if they could do it, why couldn’t we?

We took a chance, thinking it would be a great business opportunity that would give us options, but it turned out to be so much more than that💓

The self development that we didn’t realise that we needed, the community spirit and support is like nothing I’ve ever seen and the training library and regular meetings are mind blowing 🤯

I honestly shudder to think where we would be right now if it wasn’t for this business- while we still have a lot of work to do, and this is by no means an ‘easy’ thing- it takes hard work and dedication (it is a business like any other after all)

But if we hadn’t have taken a chance, we would still be living payday to payday feeling lost and stuck 😵‍💫

If you are nodding your head to any of this, and want to know more about the business that we have created, how we are actively doing something about our situation to be able to spend more time with our kids and not be stuck at work all the time- send us a message 📩


✨️✨️ WHO ARE WE?! ✨️✨️

Part 1️⃣

We have quite a few new followers lately, so thought we best to reintroduce ourselves and tell you a bit about what we’re up to and what this page is all about 😊

We are (obviously) Jena & Phill, originally from Newcastle/Port Stephens but have lived all over this amazing country thanks to Phill’s 14 years in the army. He discharged about 5 years ago and now works in civil construction 🪖👷‍♂️

Jena’s background is a bit of a mixed bag of hospitality management, admin and financial compliance. She currently works from home in the finance industry but also runs a resume writing business and this business (Jena n Phill) 👨‍💻

We are parents to two young boys- one of which is high needs. Let's just say that the last couple of years have been some of the hardest that we have ever faced 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Anyone who has been through any kind of diagnosis process, knows that it is one of the most stressful, tiring, expensive and drawn out processes you can encounter 😫

It meant that Jena was unable to work anymore due to the number of appointments each week, the therapy ‘homework’ that we needed to do, managing of his NDIS plan and just being able to be there if s**t hit the fan and he had to be picked up from school (which in the beginning was a lot) - combine that with the commute time and having our youngest in daycare as well- working, alongside everything that we were going through, just wasn’t sustainable 🙅‍♂️

So resigning, almost 2 years ago, was somehow both the easiest and hardest decision that we have had to make 💔

We were suddenly a one income household, and then the cost of living and interest rates rose on top of that.
We never left the house, because we couldn’t afford it.

Phill was working 60-70 hours a week, usually 6 day weeks, and was missing out on seeing the kids most days. He would leave home before they woke up and would only be home with them for an hour at night and would usually fall asleep before them 😴

We were in a rut…..

But we knew something had to change....
Have you been in a similar situation?

Part 2 to be posted tomorrow


💲 $740 💲

That’s how much our minimum repayment on our home loan has risen in the last year and a half, that’s $740 per month that we would have previously put towards enjoying our life or simply just into savings so we had a safety net 👎👎

(And I’m sure that there are many people with bigger increases than us)😢

I don’t think we’re alone in saying that the cost of living and the interest rate rises over the last year or two have been crippling 💔

It really does show that there is more and more need to have multiple streams of income in every household nowadays

We were looking for a way out, and quite possibly you are too? 💙💙

We have access to a couple of hours worth of videos that will explain the ins and outs of the business blueprint that we are utilising- ✨️completely free information for you to watch when it’s convenient over the space of a week✨️- all we need is your email address

🔥🔥Comment FREE below to gain access 🔥🔥


📆New financial year, means one thing to most people- Tax returns 💰💰

Which gives you two options generally;

🎉 Spend it- usually fun and major dopamine hit 😁😁


💼 Invest it- Boring and responsible! 👎👎


Only one of those options gives you a possibility of a return on your money 🤷‍♀️💲

This time last year, we did the latter, we invested in ourselves and our family and used our tax return towards our business 💙

We had started our business only a couple of months before, and we both knew that you’ve gotta spend money to make money

Which one are you going to be this year?


💞15 years married! 💞

How has it been 15 years? It feels like yesterday, but at the same time, a lifetime ago 😍

The things we have done, the places we have been, friends we have made, things that we have accomplished and the beautiful family that we created amaze me everyday 🤯
I couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else, thanks for putting up with me and all my s**t

Happy Anniversary Bagz 💙
Love you long time 💙💙


📍 Tasman Holiday Parks - North Star
📍 Hastings Point NSW

Our mission this year is to try and get away for weekenders as much as possible- we love a mix of the big caravan parks that are more like resorts and appeal to kids and parents alike- as well as your national park style camps where there’s no one around, sometimes no amenities and nothing to do but for the kids to use their imagination and possibly swim all day ⛺️

We visited Hastings Point for Christmas, as we love to get away from the stress of the day every couple of years and hit the road before the crowds 🎄

We loved it there and would definitely go back again! Here is our thoughts below 🙃

✅️Things that we loved about it;

🧒Kids Club- You give them your kids for an hour or two and go and hang out in the adults only spa area. Our kids were begging to go back every day

💦The Water Park- There was a couple of big waterslides and the water play area with the water dump bucket etc. Our kids took a while to warm up to this, but once they did, it was hard to get them off

🏖School holiday program- There was something on every day, different activities, movies etc

🐠Marine Discovery Centre- A museum showcasing our marine environment with guided talks and shows- the boys loved the hands on experience of holding starfish and sea urchins

👬Plenty of kids to keep ours company and spend all day riding their bikes around in a safe area

🚻Ensuite sites- this is what we opted for as sometimes you just want the extra convenience, especially with kids it makes life easier for those midnight toilet runs

💆‍♀️Adults only spa area- It has 3 differently heated spas, massages and treatments etc. We didn’t get any treatments, but did spend some time in the spa

🌊Walking distance to the beach and creek area- a beautiful spot which is safe for kids to play, take the paddleboards down or just chill in the water

🧍‍♂️The live in locals- the few that we met were really great people and very welcoming

🚜They park your van with their tractor if you want

❌️Not a fan of;

🍹No drinks allowed in the adults only area- I understand not in the pool, but c'mon, the whole building, we got away from the kids, we wanna sit back and relax with a drink

🤏Site’s were a bit on the small side, but that’s to be expected in a big resort style caravan park

🚳Kids weren’t allowed on their bikes/scooters after dark. I understand the safety side of it, but it’s part of a caravan park experience in my opinion

🍺Atmosphere in the bar/restaurant was non existent- which is a shame as we enjoy listening to a bit of live music and meeting people and they had a pretty good cocktail list 🍹Maybe it would have livened up after christmas when the crowds arrived 🤷‍♀️

Definitely add this place to your list if you love the parks that have activities for kids coming out the w***o, and the chance for parents to ‘relax’- as much as you can on holiday anyway….🫶



The last couple of days have been pretty rough in our household, school holidays always are for us, but this week has been a doozy 🤯

Our week has involved a night spent between three different hospitals (everyone is fine, but we had one scared little boy) and due to the complete incompetency of two of the QLD Health hospitals that we visited in the middle of the night (with the third being a winner) ; we finally got home at about 3am 😴

The next day was a complete write off 🙅‍♂️
We were obviously very tired, feeling sorry for ourselves and in shock from the stress of the night before, so we cancelled appointments that we had, stayed in our jammies until lunch, and watched movies all day 💙💙

If I was working a normal 9-5, I would have been running on about 3 hours sleep, been rushing out the door to get to vacation care, there would be a lot of yelling as I HATE being late and our kids take 45 mins to get dressed, and then I would have felt guilty for being at work and not at home with my boy who just wanted cuddles and to be told that he was going to be ok🫶

But thankfully, we have made some good choices in the last year or so that has resulted in me not only being offered my original 9-5 in a WFH basis with an extremely flexible schedule, but we have opened two online businesses that allow us the flexibility to earn from anywhere at anytime and be able to prioritise our family👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Because in the end, that’s why we’re working so hard at everything, for them💓

If you’re wondering what those choices were and how we have made this happen for us, comment FAMILY below 💖


🤦‍♀️IT’S A SCAM!😳

There is a lot of people who believe that online businesses are all scams and that people are just trying to push get rich quick schemes to take advantage of people 😡

Trust me, if this was the case I wouldn’t be putting mine or my families names and faces to this business 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

Sure there is an ugly side to the internet, but just remember there are scammers in the real world too; just because it’s on the internet doesn’t automatically make it a scam 🖥

Our free trial is completely obligation free, it is purely a few hours worth of information to answer all of your questions, if it’s not for you- no harm no foul 🙅‍♂️

It is free information for you to make an informed choice about something that could change your life, what have you got to lose? 🤷‍♀️

Comment ‘ONLINE’ for the link 💙🔥


I've found that there are two types of school holiday parents;

1️⃣ The parent who loves the holidays and embraces it as a chance to spend more quality time with their kids. They love that there's no packing of lunchboxes or having to be out the door at a certain time (unless of course they're still working themselves).

2️⃣ The parent who dreads it as it means your responsibe for finding ways to stimulate their minds and bodies, cause god forbid they get bored 🤦‍♀️
It means that there is constant many arguments!
You feel guilty cause they watch way more TV than you would like, but it is what it is 🤷‍♀️

I'm a bit of a mix of the two!
In our household, due to our kids high needs, I really struggle to leave the house with both of them without another adult as backup.
So while Phill is at work, we stay home. 🏠
Which parent are you??


💻There are so many people earning money online now💻
I used to think that most of them were scams, that if you were going to earn money the right way, it was in a regular job slogging away 💪
If you didn’t come home from your job absolutely buggared were you even working? 😫
But the world is changing 🚀
We see that now
There are 100’s of people in our community alone that are earning an honest and legitimate income online
So we thought, why not us? 🤷‍♀️
We can build the business as fast or as slow as we want and can work it around out current jobs and lives etc with no experience 🤯
What did we have to lose ⁉️
What have you got to lose ⁉️
Comment below CHANGE for more info



Pretty stoked to reach this point 🎉
Thank you to all of you 💙



When we started this business, we had no idea what we were doing!

No experience with much online except for our personal pages and Jena's resume business website (that I still have no idea how it works if I'm completely honest) 🤣

It's all about being open to learning new things and utilising the huge amount of support that is around you in this community 💙

Photos from Jena n Phill's post 16/06/2024

SUNDAY- Phill's only day off work for the week 😪

I (Jena), being a homebody, would love nothing more than to stay at home and chill 🖥

But Phill likes to get out of the house and spend some quality time with us (obviously) so his days off usually consist of us doing some sort of day trip 🌞

Today it was to attend the RACQ Motorfest at the Brisbane Showgrounds 🚘

Phill and I are rev heads and lets just say when it comes to our boys, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree 🍎


Let's have a little fun!! 😄😄

Because I'm hanging out for my next concert and it seems too far away, let's play a game✨️✨️

What was your first concert?

What was you last concert?

If you could see any band/performer in history, who would it be???


I'll go first! 😄

First- Blink 182 (2004)
Last - Incubus & Live (April this year)

My dream would be to see Silverchair or Soundgarden

Post your below! 🤩

📸 Pic- Fuel 2017 because I don't have any photos of Blink 182 🤷‍♀️



Google searches for “affiliate marketing” have quadrupled since 2020 🤔

Since the world was forced to isolate 🧻

Since we all realised our jobs weren't all that secure after all 🤷‍♀️

The world is starting to wake up to the possibilities online 💻



Monday = back to work for us after an amazing week off exploring Fraser Island with our friends and family💙

I always need a holiday after my holiday to recover, chill and wash everything🏖

But unfortunately that’s not the world we live in……YET 👊

We’re working on a business that will allow us the ability not to dread Mondays so much, and to have the freedom to take more time off work to do the things that we enjoy 💥💥



We have come home from our week away with no phone signal to this fantastic news!

They did it! 🎉

In just three years, our mentors Brendan & Rae, have gone from a tradie and an admin chick to online business owners that have now reached a major milestone of 6A 🫶

You probably have no idea what this means, and fair enough🤷‍♀️

💥This means that they have sold 101 products and over $450000 AUD in sales 💲

💥This means that they now get a bonus for reaching this point

💥This means that there is no one above them that benefits from their sales- they get 100% of their commissions

💥This means that over 50% of that $450K in sales that they made, went into their back pocket in commissions


And they did all of this alongside their regular jobs and commitments, to the point that Rae has not worked for an employer for over 12 months 👊

In just three years, your life can change- Just imagine where we’ll be in three years! 😱

If you want in on this brilliant opportunity- flick us a message


We're back- still not really alive 🤷‍♀️

Photos from Jena n Phill's post 07/06/2024


If you have never been to Fraser Island, definitely add it to your list 💙

We just got back late last night from a week away celebrating Phill's 40th birthday with an amazing group of family and friends ❤️

This was our 5th or 6th time to the island and we've never made it to the northern tip, so this was Phill's one wish for his birthday and we did it! 👊

The kids had a ball, they tested our nerves, we all made new friends and spent our days four wheel driving, swimming and fishing 👌

Sand is everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE 🤣, but it was so worth it 🏖




It's been one hell of a ride, guess it's time for an upgrade 🤷‍♀️

But seriously, we hope you enjoy your day on Fraser Island, you deserve it 💙
For everything that you do for our beautiful little family 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
We love you 💙💙


👩‍💻 Working from the road- one of the greatest perks of this business 👌


Today Enagic, the company that we affiliate with, raise their prices for the first time in thirteen years 😞

It's not all bad news though, price rise = rise in commissions 🎉🎉

Curious about what the new structure will be? Flick me a message, let's chat 🗣


Something I knew sooner- who would travel with kids ....seriously 🤦‍♀️



So were we!

We sat on this opportunity for a couple of months, while we worked through all of our worries 🫶

➡️ Could we afford it? Jena had not long resigned from her job and we were living on one income

➡️ Was it a scam? You hear so many horror stories, how do you know who to trust?

➡️ Did we have the time? We were already soooo busy, could we really fit this in as well?

➡️ How much help and support would we get? We knew that there was no chance of us making this work without someone holding our hand

➡️ Could we be patient and consistent enough to see results? Everyone loves the idea of a get rich quick scheme, but we didn't want that, we wanted longevity and a business that could provide financial freedom

If you want to know our thought process in overcoming these concerns, comment EBOOK below for your free copy of our ebook-

"5 Top Concerns we had Around Investing in an Online Business"


What held us back in the beginning??


🎉 1 YEAR 🎉

Since we started this page and our business!
I can't believe it's been a year already!

There's been times where we thought about throwing in the towel, because, well life happens 🤷‍♀️

But I'm so proud of us for sticking it out, constantly learning and showing up 💪

If it wasn't for the amazing team around us, we would not be where we are today and I can't wait to see where this takes us 😀


✨️✨️How to fit an online business into a crazy busy schedule ??


✨️ We have a fair few new followers on our page! 🎉

💖 Welcome 💖

We would love to know where you are all following us from? 🌏📍

We are from Newcastle and Port Stephens NSW - but have lived in the Lockyer Valley QLD for the last 10 years (With a few others states/territories in between) 💙 😁

Comment below where you are in the country or even the world 🔥

Videos (show all)

😎This is the type of support that we receive on a daily basis from our direct team and the wider EYH community 💙💙Last ni...
First of all- FOLLOW US- Jena n Phill 💙✨️Kids grow so fast, blink and you will miss it 👀We dream of being able to show o...
We're back- still not really alive 🤷‍♀️
Something I knew sooner- who would travel with kids ....seriously 🤦‍♀️
What held us back in the beginning??
✨️✨️How to fit an online business into a crazy busy schedule ??
✨️May is the time to start!✨️
🎉IT'S THE WEEKEND! 🎉Tell me what you're up to 😃😃
🤘My favourite quote🤘
💥 A valuable skill that I have learned 💥
