Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey

Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey

Hello! My name is Mandy Lee Fei Mien, nicknamed The Tough Cookie. I'm a stage 4 Lymphoma (PMBCL) Can


💌 Warm greetings my dearest Tough Cookie Supporters.⁣⁣
As the Covid-19 fear tears its way into our lives and its impact continue to increase by the day,😣 I truly hope that all of you are thriving well in these trying times. ⁣⁣
Amid the flood of negative news we get on a daily basis, I would like to highlight a recent positive moment in my life in hopes it will brighten up your day and perhaps give you hope that great challenges in life can be surmounted by patience, perseverance and a strong SUPPORT system.⁣⁣
🎉 It is my honour to share with you this great news; my recent PET-CT scan showed that the cancer metabolic activity have DECREASED! YIPPIE! The mass is now largely ametabolic (not active), with some scattered ‘spots’ of minimal activity. There is also an interval reduction in size from 10cm to now 7.6cm. ⁣⁣
🤩 In short, this means that I am on the right track and the treatments are working and the is cancer dying. *doin the happy party dance*⁣⁣
I have recently completed 9 cycles of chemotherapy. I have another 7 cycles to go. A follow up PET-CT Scan will be done in 6 months to ensure that the cancer continues to shrink and that the metabolic activity does not increase. My next course of treatments will then be planned accordingly. ⁣⁣
🥲 I am feeling a gazillion and one emotions and typing this makes it a lot more real. I am deeply grateful to reach this milestone in my cancer journey. It is a huge relief to FINALLY see some progress and positive news after all these years of struggles and setbacks. It has been an exhausting and painful 7 year journey.. but! I am here today ALIVE all thanks to YOU. 💓 None of these achievements would be possible if it wasn’t for your support.⁣⁣
📣 With this, I would also like to announce that my fundraising campaign (📌 #/updates) will officially end on 31st May 2021. All of your donations have enabled me to sustain financially accessing the treatments I need. ⁣⁣
Each and every one of you are HEROES in my eyes and heart. I am forever indebted to you for all that you were able to contribute to my fundraising campaign. 💞 The kindness and coming together of the community, friends and strangers near and far, was the most beautiful experience I have ever had. It has carried my family and I through some of the darkest moments in our lives. 😌 The contributions have gone far beyond the financial – so many of you have sent messages of strength and encouragement. Till this very day, I am in total awe by everyone’s outpouring love and support. It takes a lot of strength and courage to walk this path each day. And the strength I have comes from all of YOU. ⁣⁣
❣️Yes I can’t emphasise enough the word ‘YOU’. Cause really, my recovery was only possible because of you! ⁣⁣
✨ With a humble and grateful heart I’d like to end this update with the heartiest grandest THANK YOU to everyone who have been involved in helping me get to where I am today. It is with everyone’s collective efforts in supporting my fundraising campaign that has enabled me to succeed. I owe all of you my dear life. I pray that you will be blessed abundantly for your generosity and kindness and may you prosper further in life. ⁣⁣
🌈 I wish you all love, success, safety and good health. Take care my dearest supporters.⁣⁣
❤️ With love and more love,⁣⁣
🍪 ⁣⁣


🍪 Still going steady & strong 💪🏼 ⁣

Warmest greetings Tough Cookie supporters!⁣

As we are moving toward a brighter future with the kickstart of the vaccination programme, I pray that all of you are well, safe and healthy. 😊⁣

With all the rocky turbulences we endured, I learned that as long as we have hope, we cannot be defeated. ✨I am hopeful that we can vanquish this dreadful pandemic. ✨ Hopeful for a swift economic and financial recovery. ✨ Hopeful that we shall soon be able to return life to nomalcy, or at least closer to what was once ‘normal’. ✨And I am also hopeful that I will be closer to achieving remission.⁣

☺️ Happy to inform that I am 75 days post transplant, currently undergoing targeted chemotherapy, I have completed 6 cycles and I am scheduled for another 10 cycles 💪🏼. Glad to report that I am still going steady and strong, coping well with manageable side effects. Woo hoo! 🌈 🙌🏼 ⁣

🏥I will be having a PET-CT scan in a few weeks to monitor my response to the treatments, I honestly have no clue on what will unfold next.. but I shall remain hopeful! 😌⁣

❣️Thank you for making a huge positive impact in my life with your kind support throughout my fight against cancer. ⁣

💌 Your patronage in supporting my medical funds have immensely aided me in receiving the treatments I need.. giving me a second chance at life. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you. 🥲💗⁣

Stay safe & take care everyone.⁣

💝 Much love & gratitude,⁣

🌸 Official Fundraising page:

Photos from Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey's post 06/01/2021

💌 2021 update from Mandy 🍪 ⁣

🥳 Happy New Year Tough Cookie Supporters! I hope all of you are well & in high spirits. 2020 was undoubtedly a tough year filled with unforeseen challenges for all of us, for this new year, my hope is that you and your family will have prosperous new opportunities and remain healthy, happy and safe. 😌⁣

🎉 I have recently completed my Stem Cell Transplant, currently at home recuperating and managing the side effects. As of today, Im +20 days since my Stem Cell Infusion. Im feeling good, and each passing week I feel a little better and stronger 💪🏼. The next 6 months are crucial as my immune system continues to develop and mature.😷 ⁣

What’s next?💉 12 cycles of Brentuximab awaits me. I don’t know what the future entails, but I am hopeful. 😌 Hopeful that I will be able to achieve remission. Hopeful that I will one day be cured 🙌🏼🌈⁣

💓 I’ve been counting my blessings and I am truly humbled by all that I am blessed with. I really believe that I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for your support, love and generous contribution in helping me raise funds for my treatments. 🥺 My family and I have so much to be thankful for that our hearts swell with so much love and gratitude. 💖

🥲 Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Stay safe & take care everyone.⁣

With a thankful heart,

🌸 P.S If you’d like to contribute, here’s the link to my official fundraising page, thank you in advance ✨


💖 Heartfelt thank you to everyone for the continuous support. Still going strong, fighting on! 💪🏼


🎗I FIGHT BECAUSE.. I want to live.

🌸When you look at me, instead of seeing a miserable, sick kid, see me someone as who has lived an incredibly complex beautiful life. 🌸

Photos from Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey's post 03/09/2020


💉That’s the fancy name of my latest chemotherapy regimen. Brentuximab-Ifosfamide, Carboplatin & Etoposide. The whole chemo infusion took 3 full days to complete and I was discharged on day 4. Pictures taken before I snuggled in bed for daysss on end 😴Way too tired.

My last chemo was back in 2016, and it was my first time getting this particular regimen, and Im glad that I was able to tolerate the drugs fairly well. There were numerous side effects that took a toll on my body. Happy to report that I am now back home recuperating and recovering (😌nothing beats the comfort of being at home). Lethargy, breathlessness, 🤢 nauseous, headaches, poor appetite were among the many side effects. I know in time I’ll be able to feel like myself again, currently giving my body the time it needs to rejuvenate ✨Not going to rush into anything. ⁣

🥰Im incredibly blessed to have my parents with me, they brought delicious homemade meals, gave me shoulder massages, accompanied me during the day and showered me with lots of love and support. Blessed beyond measure🌈⁣

💐Thank you all for sending in encouraging words, thoughtful and loving wishes and cheering me on every step of the way 🌸⁣

😴Embracing the couch potato life,⁣

Photos from Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey's post 08/08/2020

💓Hello everyone, Im back home now, recovering from the recent hospitalization and procedures. Thank you for the well wishes & words of encouragement! Lots of love!

😌All smiles: Stem cell & blood plasma apheresis checked ✅ ⁣

🙂That girl with the tired-puffy-face smiled with evident relief. It took close to 7 hours to harvest these precious blood plasma as well as stem cells. ⁣

I was on the edge of crying tears of joy when the apheresis machine started to beep melodious music 🎶, marking the end of the harvesting process 🔚. I was completely drained by then. Headaches, shortness of breath and body aches and pains were among the discomforts I was facing 😓⁣

BUT! It was all worth it! 🥳Successfully harvested 2.9 Million stem cells, these valuable babies will be preserved for future stem cell transplant.🩸⁣

Undergoing 3 apheresis procedures lately have taken a hugee toll on my body😣. Imma be sleeping lots, eating lots and resting lots! Know that I do read everyone’s messages and that I appreciate each and every one of you for sending such powerful healing vibes and positive energy 💖✨⁣

🌈 Thankful, grateful and blessed.⁣

Photos from Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey's post 02/08/2020

🎗Important update: Leukapheresis checked✅ ⁣

😌🙌🏼 I’ve completed 2 rounds of leukapheresis, each took 5 hours. And in total, we’ve successfully harvested 1.5 Billion T cells!! (more on leukapheresis process in my previous post) 😉⁣

🧫These T cells will be activated in a lab and shall be 🧬genetically engineered by adding a new receptor to my T cells.📍This receptor is called a Chimeric Antigen Receptor or CAR. It is highly specific to the type of my cancer expression. 💉These engineered cells will be multiplied even further before infusing back into my body!⁣ This treatment is known as CAR-T Immunotherapy.

These CAR-T cells will now be more highly capable to recognize and kill the cancer cells. ⚔️ Basically they’re highly trained soldier cells that’ll be armed with high tech weapon and a given blueprint on how to take down the enemy! 🛡All be geared up to locate the enemy, ambush and attack! 💣⁣

💔😩Unfortunately this latest Immunotherapy (just completed Clinical Trials) is really really costly and I am currently insufficient of RM 300,000.. The current plan is to undergo a few chemotherapy cycles to help de-bulk the mass before proceeding with CAR-T. ⁣

💚My fundraising page link:, pretty pretty please do help me share. 🙏🏼Any amount donated is deeply appreciated. Many many thanks in advance. 💓Thank you for helping me come this far, for helping me fight on! ⁣

💪🏼This Tough Cookie ain’t slowing down!⁣


IJC insertion checked! ✅ ⁣

🩺 IJC, Internal Jugular Catheter also known as a Central Venous Catheter. It is placed in a large vein to administer fluids, nutrients, medications, collect blood samples and more💉⁣

🚨Why do I need IJC?⁣
I’ll be undergoing a procedure called Leukapheresis. Where my own T-cells (a type of White Blood Cell), will be collected via apheresis. 🩸A procedure during which blood is withdrawn from the body into a fancy high tech spinning machine which separates T- cells from other blood components (such as plasma, platelets and other white blood cells). The blood is then returned to the body! How cool is that?! 🤩⁣

Besides harvesting my T-cells for CAR-T Immunotherapy. I’ll also need to harvest my Stem Cells via apheresis as well. It serves as a back up in case I won’t be able to undergo CAR-T treatment or the cancer relapses in the future (🙏🏼 praying really hard that everything goes well).⁣

🧫Harvesting both of my T-cells & Stem Cells marks a crucial first step forward in preparation for my next phase of treatments. ⁣

💚Thank you all so much for always sending so much positive energy and prayers! ✨⁣

💪🏼More steps forward,⁣
The Tough Cookie 🍪


🇲🇾🥳 We’re back homee! Traveling amid a worldwide pandemic is nothing like I’ve seen and experienced before..⁣⁣⁣
😞I never once thought a global health crisis would rock our world upside down..⁣⁣⁣
✈️Traveling in the midst of a worldwide lockdown had it challenges; stricter screening rules and new yet unusual regulations. The whole experience is now engrained deep in my memory, something I’ll never forget, and something I wouldn’t want us to experience ever again. (No more pandemics please 😖🙏🏼).⁣⁣⁣
There were many hiccups leading up to our flight back home but I am incredibly grateful that we’re now home safe and sound 😌⁣

🥳My dad & I have completed our 14 days home quarantine last Saturday. We’re both in good health. ⁣
💓Heartfelt thank you to all frontliners who are working day in day out to the point of exhaustion, thank you for all of your efforts in keeping us safe 🌈⁣⁣⁣
✨I truly hope and pray this pandemic madness comes to an end soon.. Hope everyone is safe and doing well! 💕 Thank you everyone for your concern & lovely wishes. ⁣⁣⁣
🎗Ready to move to my next phase of treatments!⁣
The Tough Cookie 🍪 ⁣


FIND THE JOY IN YOUR JOURNEY 💚 Do watch the live session here if you’ve missed it. Thank you once again for supporting me in my battle against cancer. My heart feels so full with all the immense love Im receiving from all of you!!💗


Don’t forget to catch us live later today on Choo Mei Sze page at 3:30pm! 💓

Join Mandy and I tomorrow (19th July) at 3.30pm! For those finding strength, Mandy can definitely inspire u on her cancer journey and find out how she is doing now.. see u!


💚Hello everyone! I’ll be going live with the amazing Cancer Survivor Choo Mei Sze tomorrow here on Facebook! Do catch us live tomorrow on Mei Sze’s page at 3:30. See you there! ✨🌈

For this Sunday (19th July) at 3.30pm, I will be having Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey on the show to share how she is doing, and how she handled treatment in Bangkok! Pleass do watch for inspiration because this girl is so brave and she is fighting terminal cancer. If you have donated to help her, all the more to watch! Pls share this to get people to watch her story, streaming on my FB and Youtube 🥰

Photos from Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey's post 03/07/2020

❣️PET-CT scan update:⁣⁣
🌠Not the best news but still good news.⁣⁣
The mass is still there but the growth rate has slowed down. To me, that’s great news for someone who have aggressive stage 4 cancer! 🙌🏼⁣⁣
🙏🏼 Im grateful that there’s no further metastasis. Though there’s slight increase in size but the growth rate has been slowed down by half. That’s still a win for me! 🥳 Means Im still in the game and beating the odds extensively. ⁣⁣
💪🏼 I’ve now just completed phase 1 of my Immunotherapy treatments here in Bangkok. And Im confident that the upcoming treatments which will include Radiation, CAR-T Immunotherapy and possibly Pembrolizumab Immunotherapy will continue to show good results. Im making my way to remission. Step by step! 😌⁣⁣
🎨I drew and colored this ‘art’ way back in February 2020, telling myself that Healing is not linear. Have hope! One day at a time. Stay positive! 🌈 And I’ve since carried those words with me throughout my course of treatments here and I shall continue to do so! ☺️⁣⁣
🛣There is no clear cut path to healing. No guarantees but I’ve learned to find the comfort in the unknown and learned to let go of how I thought my life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way for me. 💓 Im a firm believer that everything happens for the best! And the treatment outcome thus far is for the best! 😌⁣⁣
🎗Onto the next phase!⁣⁣
You’re going down Cancer,⁣⁣

💚My one & only fundraising page:

Mandy's cancer journey 28/06/2020

🎗MY CANCER JOURNEY SO FAR.. still beating the odds 💫

Im currently outliving my ‘expiry date’. To be here, alive more almost 4 years after being told I have less than 2 months to live, is a HUGE accomplishment! Truly grateful and blessed to be have such an amazing support system; my beloved family, awesome friends & the incredible Tough Cookie Supporters. I owe it to all of you! 🥰💕 ⁣

My advice for cancer patients and everyone who’s going through a tough time, be it battling an illness, midlife crisis, depression etc, is to have a strong willpower to live. I feel it is the GREATEST human strength one could ever have! When you have a strong willpower, nothing can stop you. 💪🏼 ⁣

Special heartfelt thank you to Choo Mei Sze for believing in me and supporting my fight! Hope this video will inspire and empower others to push through no matter how tough life may get.⁣

Much love,💗🌈⁣

❣️Video was dated back in October 2019, do follow Choo Mei Sze YouTube channel and page for more inspirational content💖

💟 Fundraising page:

🎦Watch video ➡️

Mandy's cancer journey Diagnosed at the age of 21 with terminal cancer, Mandy's cancer journey is a remarkable one. She was given two months to live by her doctors, but she has sur...


☢️ Photoshoot session⁣ ⚠️

📷 Ain’t any ordinary photoshoot I would say. This one is indeed very special. Involves a gigantic camera that shapes like a donut 🍩, and the model of the day (which was me🙋🏻‍♀️) will be injected with radioactive tracers💉

😴 Then after chilling for an hour waiting for the dye to be fully saturated in the tissues, I’ll have to lay down very still while the donut-like-camera does the job. Can’t recall if I smiled or winked instead.. haha. 🎞 It’ll take a series snapshots of my insides from different angles (just like a photoshoot lol). But this camera doesn’t have flashes, instead invincible X-rays beams (the dangerous stuff) were being irradiated out in the process ✴️⁣

😎 Upon completion, I’m required go home, stay home and rest. Im a radioactive hazard to the public especially to young kids and pregnant women. So, this calls for hibernation!💤⁣

The results of the scans will show how I’ve has been responding to the treatments thus far. 😌 I’ve just completed phase 1 of my Immunotherapy treatments and yet to continue with more. No matter what the outcome will be, I know I’ve done my best and I’ll continue to show up and give my all 💪🏼⁣
😘 I would like to thank everyone for the continuous support & loveee! ⁣
🌈 Craving for donuts 😋 ,⁣⁣
The Tough Cookie🍪 ⁣⁣

Malaysian Cancer Patient Warns Of Scammers Using Her Name To Get Medical Fee Donations 24/06/2020

📨REPOST 9th June ❣️

💖😌Thank you so much SAYS for sharing this out to the public, I hope this will raise awareness to get the public to always cross check and verify the page before donating. There are many kind & generous people with charitable traits. But sadly the world we live in now, there are people like these scammers who would scramble at every opportunity they get to cheat. 😞

“Seeing them use these pictures again made me really upset. If they only knew how much I went through. I was terminally ill at that time, fighting for my life. I went through so much, I almost lost my life dealing not only with cancer but severe complications including sepsis."

“The hardships were incredibly tough, and to see them use that to get people's attention for their own benefit hurts like no other. I feel incredibly sorry for the compassionate donors who only had good intentions to help but succumbed to their evil tricks. Me feeling helpless and heartbroken would be an understatement. To see all of this repeat again is breaking my spirit."


Malaysian Cancer Patient Warns Of Scammers Using Her Name To Get Medical Fee Donations Mandy Lee has only one fundraising page.

老千盗用癌症病患照片 博同情骗钱|中國報 24/06/2020

📨REPOST from 9th June ❣️

“💖Thank you so much for sharing China Press (中國報)!! I hope this reaches far & wide alerting the public on the scam incidents.

Original post:

Also would like to thank everyone of you who have been sharing my post to alert others, and everyone who have been reporting the Fake page. Truly truly appreciate everyone’s support 🌸🙏🏼💕”

老千盗用癌症病患照片 博同情骗钱|中國報 (吉隆坡8日讯)无良老千盗用癌症病患照片,开设“粉丝专页”博同情骗钱!罹患非霍奇金淋巴瘤(Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma)的华裔女子李慧敏(M...

Photos from Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey's post 21/06/2020

💌REPOST from 19th May❣️

It has been 13 weeks since I’ve set foot on to this new path, embarking yet on another healing journey. 🚶🏻‍♀️In the past, I’ve traversed through paths that led to dead ends and painful disappointments 😪⁣⁣
For all of us, life is strange with its twists, turns and barricades. No matter how questionable and uncertain the journey gets, 🙌🏼 I have learned to surrender, forget about time or speed, and most importantly to keep pursuing with grace and unwavering faith 🌸⁣⁣
👣 Onto week 14! Another week of treatments followed by a PET-CT scan.🚦Super important checkpoint to evaluate how responsive the treatments have been thus far. 💭 Im visualizing lots of healing!✨⁣⁣
No matter how tough the upcoming weeks may get, I’ll keep showing up, have hope and be brave. 💪🏼 To not give up even when the pace feels slow, even when nothing is guaranteed.. 😌⁣⁣
🌈With that, I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all of you who’ve continue to believe in me and supporting my cancer journey, in all of my endeavors. Thank youuu so much!💕⁣⁣
🎗Braving through the weeks,⁣⁣
The Tough Cookie 🍪 ⁣


💌 REPOST 8th April ❣️

“Those who missed the my Facebook LIVE today with The Red Clinic & True Complexion, you can watch it here 💖 Touching on my cancer journey, immunotherapy treatments, fundraising and thoughts on the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for tuning in 😘”

Battling cancer head on 19/06/2020

💌 REPOST from 7th April ❣️
📰Featured in THE STAR newspaper 🗞

“💪🏼 And Im still beating the odds! Still smiling, still positive as ever. 💖 Deepest heartiest gratitude and thank you’s to everyone for the continuous LOVE & SUPPORT. Do help me share! ❣️”

Battling cancer head on Positive attitude, supportive family bolster medical student’s fight through treatment, insufficient funds and even online scam


💌 Hello everyone, in light of what has happened recently where unscrupulous individuals once again used my pictures and cancer story to exploit the public for money.. I have decided to launch my own page.

I believe its high time I have my very own page! 😉

🎗 This page will serve as a platform where I will continue to share my cancer healing journey, the highs & lows and everything in between. I hope by sharing my story here, it will not only raise awareness but also serve as an empowerment to other cancer patients.

🔁Over a period of time, I will re-share my previous posts here as they were all initially posted on my personal Facebook account.

💟Big shoutout & thank you to all of you (Tough Cookie Supporters 🍪) who have been so incredibly supportive, loving and caring throughout my battle against cancer.

Happy to report that I am still going strong! 💪🏼 I wouldn’t have been able to come this far if it wasn’t for you!

🙌🏼 Thank you for following me on this journey, thank you for making it less lonely, less stressful than it would have been without your support.

I shall do my best to keep everyone in the loop of things. I hope everyone is doing well💓

🌈Positivity all the way!

Photos from Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey's post 18/06/2020

📨REPOST from 6th April ❣️

🎗We may not look sick, we may not look ill, but we are IMMUNOCOMPROMISED. Cancer patients and high risk individuals with underlying health conditions will face far more serious complications if we were to contract this life-threatening Coronavirus virus 🦠 ⁣
🩹I have a long list of poor medical history amongst which includes heart infection, multiple lung effusion, lung infections.. 🙁 so, I urge those who are not taking this Coronavirus breakout seriously, please please think twice before you endanger other people lives 🙏🏼⁣
🥺I don’t want to add a new fight to my life.. It’s already so tough fighting cancer. So, don’t be a and adhere to the guidelines given.⁣ ⁣
❣️In efforts to raise awareness urging the community to practice social distancing,
Rethink Breast Cancer have launched the hashtag
$5 will go to Rethink’s Breast Cancer for every hashtag used, which means they can continue to support and develop programming tailored to the needs of women in their community during this difficult time.
🏡 Stay home, stay safe = save lives. It’s the right thing to do. Let’s all do our part to flatten the curve💓⁣
🌍 We’re all in this together,⁣⁣
The Tough Cookie🍪 ⁣

Photos from Mandy Lee’s Cancer Journey's post 18/06/2020

📨REPOST from 10th March❣️

“Hi Tough Cookie Supporters! 🌈⁣

Here to share my thoughts today 💭 ⁣
⁣🎗“Soon you’ll get better, you’ll get better soon. Cause you have to”⁣⁣⁣⁣
I vividly remember last year.. the very first time I listened to Taylor Swift’s song “soon you’ll get better”, I couldn’t hold back my tears 😢I instantly knew who she was referring to, I knew what it was about 💔⁣⁣⁣⁣
It moved me and cut me so deep. It's a beautiful tear-jerking ballad which anyone who's ever had a loved one facing a chronic illness can relate to. 🎼The lyrics will hit home right in your chest. Happens every time I listen to it.. Such a raw, pure and personal piece from someone who’s going through so much pain, fear and heartbreak watching their loved ones battle it all out. 😞⁣⁣⁣⁣
💪🏼 Here’s to all cancer patients, cancer thrivers, cancer fighters, cancer warriors.. SOON WE’LL GET BETTER, CAUSE WE HAVE TO! ⁣⁣⁣⁣
Don’t ever lose sight of how far you’ve come. Think often about the reasons that you’re still choosing to fight. We shall continue to take brave, faithful steps. We shall survive this😌⁣⁣⁣⁣
Thank you Taylor sharing this exquisite piece with us. It’s empowering us all in many ways. Praying hard for your mum, Andrea and for all cancer patients! 💖⁣⁣
THANK YOU EVERYONE for supporting me in this fight. This Tough Cookie is still battling it out with a BIG smile 😊 ⁣⁣
Soon I’ll get better,⁣ we’ll all get better,⁣

❣️❣️More on my fundraising campaign here, please do help me share!

Never give up 18/06/2020

📨 REPOST from 7th February ❣️

📰 Featured in THE SUN DAILY newspaper! 🗞

Never give up BY ALL accounts, the fight should have ended more than three years ago for Mandy Lee Fei Mien (pix). The cancer had ravaged her immune system, apart f...

Timeline photos 18/06/2020

📨REPOST from 3rd February❣️

“🌸Hi everyone! Hope you’re doing well and are in high-spirits ✨

Quick update! My family & I were incredibly honored and privileged to be interviewed by LiteFm! Tune in to LITE (Malaysia) Breakfast show (6am-10am) TOMORROW morning to listen to the interview on my cancer journey😊

My parents’ interview segment will be aired on Wednesday and my sisters’ segment will be aired on Thursday! 🌈

💓 Thank you everyone for the continuous support & love! I hope my story will inspire and uplift others and stands a beacon of HOPE🎗”

☺️ You can now listen to the replay via Spotify!!

Mandy Lee on Lite Breakfast:

Mandy Lee’s parents on Lite Breakfast:

Tomorrow on at 7, Mandy Lee, a young lady who's battling cancer, joins Bel and JD to talk about her life and how her family and friends have been supporting her.