PNG's Favourite Game i.e Politics.

PNG's Favourite Game i.e Politics.

This page is created to discuss politics in PNG. Also we can discuss anything regarding PNG. Nothing more .Nothing less.


PNG has won its first battle! Take back PNG slogan first point!
Mining laws have been changed!
Now we're seeing change!
Take back PNG!


Belden Nama' s famous quote


Topic: A simple outcome
It's just simple , you give and take! It's a blueprint already structured by nature, a willing and clever observer sees that invisible potential and radiates the chances in the blueprint already placed by nature.
All you have to do is give time to God, then give some time to the old and wise and lastly educate your self!
You are what you believe you are if you out time and effort!
All in all! It's the natures way , nature always balances ! You give and take.
Patience is virtue!


Topic: Politician yet running a fool's errand!

You can be a politician but with out your legacy , you are nothing!come to think of it, once you reach retirement, your loyal supporters, your clansman and your immediate family will ask ,what have you done that signifies you and radiates respect for you,
You can have a CV resume with all your tally about how many times you have entered parliament but without a significant infrastructure or an investment that signifies your roleplay in it, then im sorry but i tell you, you will be soon forgotten and the upcoming generations will never know what you have done for your province since the dawn of your political era!
