Frequency HVAC
Residential ventilation experts
Don't wait until the weather turns cold. With equipment shortages and supply chain issues, don't be caught off guard. Full line of Carrier, Bryant, Payne, Comfort Maker equipment.
Filters, Filters, Filters
Secureaire Particle Control Technology
SecureAire Air Purifier for Residential Homes - Eliminate Pathogens Once the pathogens are captured by the SecureAire air purification cartridge, the energy field that surrounds the cartridge will create oxidative stress at t...
GPS Ionization
GPS Power of Ions English Global Plasma Solutions’ patented NPBI® technology cleans the air by introducing ions into the space via the airflow in your ventilation system. Our products...
Now days with the outbreak of viruses, along with allergens and bacteria, indoor air quality is important as ever. The best systems for filtering indoor pathogens are whole house filtration systems. From UV light to Ionization to Electronic Particle Control, there are solutions to help combat your homes air quality. Filtration and air changes play a crucial role in clean indoor air. Since everyone has a different situation, we can help you to find what is best for you.