Andy Raingold

Andy Raingold

Andy Raingold as spent over 35 years studying, applying and testing mind and self-improvement systems and methods to find out what actually works.

He then honed his findings into a collection of short books and programs to help others succeed!


Do all the ads in a campaign need to be up and running at the same time? Or can you add them as you go. For instance, Ive only just started on a small budget and tested a single ad creative for a few days and then because it didnt make a sale I duplicated the ad and stopped it. I then bechanged the creative on the second ad and am now running that. It is performing better but still no sales. I will... if this is the way to go, then create another ad with different create and test that.

Once I have a winning creative, I was going to test 3 headlines at once for example., and keep doing this until I had tested the headline and main text.

Is that not the way to go. Im on a small budegt so this kinda suits me for now.
