

Beeswax Candles is a website dedicated to toxic-free, plastic-free living and sharing how to live a 100% pure, fragrance-free, natural honey scent, non-toxic



Thousands of butterflies leaving the Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve in Michoacán, Mexico 🦋🦋


Just added to my bucket list!

Hey !👋🏻

Let’s welcome the month of March with beginnings, growth, and endless opportunities. And what better way to celebrate it than by admiring the majestic beauty of Mayon Volcano in all its glory. Its perfect cone shape reminds us that even in the midst of chaos and adversities, there is always a chance for beauty to emerge. May we all learn from the resilience of Mayon Volcano and face every challenge with grace and strength. Let's make this month count!🌋💪

📸Sid Luna Vlogs

Photos from Tiny Hands's post 26/03/2023

Don't they look yummy?

Photos from Coverz's post 26/03/2023
Timeline photos 05/05/2022

It's almost Mother's Day!

Who's the Mommy you love in all the world?

for 14% off Mother's Day candle.

Timeline photos 31/01/2022

Did you realise it's Valentine's Day in a couple of weeks?

If you're a candle lover,, tag someone on the comments below to drop a hint :-).

Or if you're a buy-my-own-gifts type of person, I'll bet you'll enjoy the lovely slight honey scent when you light this 100% pure beeswax candle.

Non-toxic, sustainable and eco-friendly - doesn't that make a perfect Valentine's Day gift?

For choice of quote on candle,

Timeline photos 30/01/2022

Do you wish for harmony in the world?

Look around you and you will notice that harmony exists in nature.

Why isn't it true among humans?

And yet, it shouldn't really be that difficult!

It all starts with little things, and kindness, with thinking before we act/react to one another; the individual choices and decisions that we make every moment.

Next time you think of, or meet, a person, any person,

Ask yourself these questions:

- ? am I regarding this person as my equal?
- ? am I being judgemental?
- ? am I treating this person with respect and understanding?

And the all important question:
Is the way I regard, respond, interact to this person advance my dream of world harmony?

Today, my goal is to be aware of everyone around me and reflect on what the little things I can do to contribute to bringing peace in our world.

I would love to read your comments below on your actions and choices to achieve the same goal.

Timeline photos 27/01/2022

It's amazing the wildlife we invite when we leave our garden wild, pesticide-free, and fertiliser-free.

I don't even know what this beautiful colourful winged creature is.

Does anyone here do?

Timeline photos 20/01/2022

Are you like most people who put value on things based on $ amount?

Let's take broccoli for example. It's a simple vegetable that doesn't cost much, it's not traded on the stock market, yet it's very nutritious and thus valuable to our health. Farmers who grow it have hardly been heralded in the press, if at all.

In the U.S., meat and dairy farms get government subsidies. Are there subsidies for fruits and vegetables? No!
Why not? Because there is no money in growing fruits and vegetables compared to the enormous amounts in the meat and dairy industry, because more people consume meat and dairy.

Can you think of other examples where the more valuable product in terms of human and planet health is perceived as less valuable by most people?

Share them in the comments below.

Timeline photos 18/01/2022

How do bees make honey?

Honeybees sit on flowers in order to collect the nectar in it's sac, called the 2nd stomach. When the sac is full the bee returns to the hive and gives its nectar to an indoor, or house, worker bee. For the nectar to transform to honey, the house bees dehydrate the nectar from 70% to about 20% moisture by passing it from them the mouth of one house bee to the mouth of another house bee. It takes worker bees 3-4 weeks to produce honey from a new hive.

Aren't bees just amazing?

Timeline photos 17/01/2022

Have you ever stopped to think that no matter how far the world advances technologically, we are all still dependent on nature?

We might all have the latest and greatest cell phone, television, and all kinds of electronics, but when it comes down to it, do we really need all of that?

Drop your comments below on your thoughts of what is really important to you at the end of the day.

Timeline photos 13/01/2022

Isn't it true that the simplest things give us the most happiness?

That's certainly true of this candle. Fragrance-free and made of 100% pure beeswax and 100% pure cotton wick. Simple! It will give you over 65 hours of bright glow and light honey scent.

For choice of candle quote, shop

Timeline photos 12/01/2022

Do you use pesticides?

All pesticides are toxic. But toxicity depend on the level of exposure.

If you use pesticides, make use you read the label before using.

Timeline photos 11/01/2022

Pesticides are the primary suspects behind colony collapse disorder, defined as sudden disappearances of entire colonies. This phenomenon has been reported since 2006.

As a consumer, what can you do to make a difference?

Avoid food grown using pesticides.
Buy organic, at least the dirty dozen (
Buy from local farmers. Ask them about their agricultural practices.

Timeline photos 10/01/2022

Have you ever stopped to think human life depends on the bee?

Bees are the major pollinator of our food crops and of wild plants.

Timeline photos 09/01/2022

Have you ever seen a bee up close?

As unlikely as it may sound, bees can thrive in urban environment, apparently because in general there is less pesticide used in cities.

However, in urban environments, there's a risk that bees will not find sufficient food supply.

If you live in the city, think of bees and plant flowering plants. But especially, DO NOT use pesticides as they are toxic to bees.

Timeline photos 07/01/2022

Have you ever been in a garden where there are bees?

If you have, describe to us what it's like.

If you haven't tell us how you imagine it to be.

I live in the country, and I keep my garden wild, leaving all kinds of plants, weeds included, to thrive. From spring to early fall, as different plants flower, bees hover about and go in and out of the flowers. They make such a bustle, making the garden SOUND alive.

Over the years, however, I notice less and less bees, which makes me even more determined to let wild plants grow everywhere.

Timeline photos 03/01/2022

May the gift of Health, Hope, and Happiness be yours in 2022!

Timeline photos 24/12/2021

Do decorate with candles – they are an elegant display on your mantel and make for an impressive centerpiece when grouped together at least three inches apart. However, make sure you place them in open spaces and on sturdy tables when you light them. And, when children are present, place them where they can’t be reached.

Do light candles a few hours before guests arrive when you’re hosting a dinner or gathering, to give your house a fragrant scent so you can blow them out when the party gets started. That way, you don’t have to add keeping an eye on the candles to your hosting duties. While candles are traditionally present during the holidays as a celebratory décor and to add to the festive ambience, they also pose a potential risk. According to the National Candle Association, the top three days for residential candle fires in the United States occur during the holiday season – on New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve.

Don’t leave a candle burning unattended. A lit candle is an open flame, and a potential fire hazard if not carefully monitored. Never burn a candle on or near anything that might catch fire – drapery, decorations, and greenery – and make sure to keep candles out of the reach of children and pets. And never burn a candle in a room where you might fall asleep.

Happy Holidays!

Timeline photos 22/12/2021

Do keep burning candles at least 3 inches apart. Burning candles too close to each other will cause the candles to create their own drafts, which leads to the wax on the sides of the candle to get soft and melt. This will not only cause an uneven candle burn, shortening its life, but can also create a spill that could be a fire hazard.

Timeline photos 21/12/2021

Do extinguish your candle properly.

There are several ways to put out the flame of a candle, and we'll go through them.

You can always blow on the flame to put it out. To do this correctly, you have to position your face and mouth directly horizontal to the flame so that the air doesn't travel too far to reach the flame. Make sure that your face is NOT directly over the flame as you could get burned. Inhale, purse you lips, and then exhale quickly directly into the flame. Make sure not to blow too forcefully making droplets of wax go spraying about, which could result in minor burns to you. This is not a recommended way of extinguishing a candle because the wick releases a plume of thick dark smoke which gives off a nasty smell, effectively erasing the sweet fragrance of the candle.

The recommended way of extinguishing a candle is to use a snuffer. Place the curved part, usually shaped like a bell, a thimble or a pyramid, of the snuffer directly over the flame and hold it there until the flame is out, usually when a wisp of smoke escapes from under the bell.
If you haven't got a snuffer, you can easily make one with a piece of foil. Make a thimble shape with one end of the foil and twist the rest of the foil to make some sort of handle so that your hand will not be close to the flame.

Another quick way to put out a candle is with the help of a wick dipper, which is simply a long metal stick, for which a screw driver is a good alternative. With this tool, push the wick into the pool of wax melt and hold it in place until the flame goes out, then right away straighten the wick back up again. The advantage of this method is that there is not smoke as it's smothered in the wax pool. Be careful, though not to let the wick break in the wax.


Do use a candleholder and keep it away from drafts.

Always use a sturdy, and heat-resistant candleholder, adapted to the candle. Also, place the candleholder on a flat, stable, heat-resistant surface to prevent any risk of spillage and damage.

To prevent the candle from burning too fast, keep it in a sheltered area, like in the center of your living room, on your coffee table. A breeze feeds the flame causing candles to burn unevenly, and hotter, making the wax melt more quickly. As wax is the candle’s fuel, you want to preserve it as much as possible.

Don’t burn a candle near fans, air conditioners, open windows, or “high traffic” areas in your home. Moving air can disturb the flame and produce excessive smoke or soot.

Timeline photos 19/12/2021

If your candle starts tunnelling, don't despair, because luckily, a tunnelling candle can be recovered. For a pillar candle, like BeAmbiance candles, during subsequent burns while the candle is hot and the wax is soft, push the outer top part of the candle inward towards the flame. This is referred to as "hugging". This hugging will cause wall of wax to melt into the wax pool, thus reducing the tunnelling.
Sometimes, the wall might be too thick that the outer side does not get soft enough to be pushed in. In that case, place the pillar candle in a hurricane candle holder or a jar tall enough to take in the full length of the candle. Note that because beeswax candles burn hotter than other waxes, it is NOT recommended to place a beeswax candle in a hurricane. But to fix a tunnelling beeswax pillar candle, this can be done for a short period, i.e., one burning session, just to soften the wax enough to push it inward. Watch out though not to force too much wax to melt at once as it could drown the flame. Once the tunnel wall is thin enough that it softens when the candle is lit, make sure to STOP using a hurricane candle holder on subsequent burns. Otherwise, as the pillar becomes shorter, the heat from the beeswax could shatter the glass.

Timeline photos 19/12/2021

Do burn your candle correctly the first time, and every time. That means keeping it lit for at least 3 hours at a time. Manufacturer recommendation always says to burn the candle 1 hour for every inch of diameter. But following this might not be enough.

The safer rule to follow is to make sure that the wax on the top of the candle is completely melted, which means keeping the candle lit until the top layer of wax melts all the way to the edges. This is important because wax has "memory", it will always follow the burn through the wax from the previous burn, that is, if the wax melt did not make it to edges of the candle the first time, it will do the same thing on the succeeding burns, resulting in what is called "tunnelling". Tunnelling is when only the wax at the center of the candle melts, leaving a hard ring of wax on the "outside" of the candle.

But don't despair, because luckily, a tunnelling candle can be recovered. For a pillar candle, like BeAmbiance candles, during subsequent burns while the candle is hot and the wax is soft, push the outer top part of the candle inward towards the flame. This is referred to as "hugging". This hugging will cause wall of wax to melt into the wax pool, thus reducing the tunnelling.

Sometimes, the wall might be too thick that the outer side does not get soft enough to be pushed in. In that case, place the pillar candle in a hurricane candle holder or a jar tall enough to take in the full length of the candle. Note that because beeswax candles burn hotter than other waxes, it is NOT recommended to place a beeswax candle in a hurricane. But to fix a tunnelling beeswax pillar candle, this can be done for a short period, i.e., one burning session, just to soften the wax enough to push it inward. Watch out though not to force too much wax to melt at once as it could drown the flame. Once the tunnel wall is thin enough that it softens when the candle is lit, make sure to STOP using a hurricane candle holder on subsequent burns. Otherwise, as the pillar becomes shorter, the heat from the beeswax could shatter the glass.

At the same time that there's a minimum burn time, there's also a maximum burn time, and that is 4 hours. This is because, after 4 hours, the candle wax tends to be too hot, and the wick could start smoking.

Timeline photos 17/12/2021

Today, I will start a series on candle tips to burn candles safely and longer.

Before even putting a light to the candle,

Do trim the wick to 1⁄4 inch above the surface of the wax.

Trimming the wick limits the wax that the heat has access to, thus limiting the melted wax, i.e. fuel.

An untrimmed wick causes too much wax to melt, eventually drowning the wick. Wicks that are left long or crooked can cause uneven burning, dripping, flaring, and sooting. Trimming wicks helps prolong the life of the candle; it will burn up to 25% longer if you trim the wick every time before lighting a candle.

Besides trimming the wick, check for debris around the wick which can cause the flame to unexpectedly flare up or even start a small fire near the candle flame.

The best way to trim the wick is with a wick clipper which has a little hammock to catch the bit of wick and any dust (carbon), thus keeping the wax free of debris.

Timeline photos 15/12/2021

This is what's called tunnelling.

The secret to lies in the initial burn. Make sure to let your candle all the way to the edge the first time you light it. Depending on how quickly the wax melts, that could mean up to 4 hours. Because beeswax burns the slowest of all the waxes, don't light your beeswax candle unless you know that you've got the time to let the wax melt to the edge.

Timeline photos 14/12/2021

Paraffin wax can release toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air including acetone, benzene and toluene, which are known carcinogens. These are the same chemicals found in diesel fuel emissions and are known to cause allergies, asthma attacks and skin problems. A study by the University of South Florida showed that candles made of paraffin wax emit low levels of benzene even when they are not lit.

In addition to releasing toxic chemicals, burning paraffin wax produces soot with particles that can remain suspended in the air for hours. The University of South Florida study showed that these ultra-fine soot particles are similar to diesel exhaust in both their size and composition. They pe*****te deeply into the lungs and are absorbed into the blood stream. Ultra-fine particles are associated with allergies, asthma and other respiratory diseases, as well as heart attacks, strokes and even cancer.

And a study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency showed that soot emissions from candles containing fragrances are significantly higher than those from non-scented candles.

Quoted directly from:

Timeline photos 12/12/2021

LAST day to save!
Save 20% with discount code 20BF2021.

This is the candle to give the person with whom you most love to spend your time. Enjoy its sweet scent and gentle light together as you linger over home-cooked dinner or sip hot cocoa on a winter evening.

Order today to make sure to get it in time for Christmas!

Burn time: 65+ hours
Height x Diameter: 5″ x 2.5″
Weight: 11 oz.

For 100% pure fragrance-free beeswax candles with inspirational quote


LAST day to save!

Save 20% with discount code 20BF2021.
Order today to make sure to get it in time for Christmas!