Nickolas.G. private

Nickolas.G. private



I am giving a chance to all my true fans out there who would love to have a conversation with me. So if your one feel free to text me anytime I’ll try my possible best to get a response to the little I can. Love you all so much.


I noticed the amount of messages I get from you all on my main account so I just decided why don’t I just get a private account just for my fans , now too all my true fans out there who wants too have a conversation with me you are all free too click the link below and I’ll try my possible best too get back too as much of you guys , one love ❤️


I feel extremely honoured and humbled to the amount of love showered upon me. You all have stood by me through thick and thin, and I think this love is what makes my concerts house-full.So today I’d love to have a little conversation with some of you , I know I won’t be able to reply you all but the little I can I will. Love you all so much


If you believe something needs to exist, if it's something you want to use yourself, don't let anyone ever stop you from doing it.


My Youngest Pearl is getting so big 🥹


Happy New Month Guys , I’ve been getting a lot of wishes from you all and it feels me with so much joy to know I have fans like that. Love you all so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Best sister ever. ❤️


Too everyone out there wishing too have a little conversation with me here is the opportunity , I might not be able too reply too all your messages but the few I can I will , if you want too send me a message just click the send message bar under my picture , love you all so much ❤️


Am getting a lot of wishes from you all , already 😊, Thanks for all the love and support you all show to me ,I really don’t think I would have gone this far without you guys , I would always love and cherish you all my lovely fans ❤️


Good morning fans ❤I noticed how you all have been wanting too talk too me so I decided too create a private fan page just for you all , am sure I’ll get a lot of messages but I’ll try my possible best too reply most of you guys ❤️❤️❤️


Hello guys date my angels smile 😊


You all have been really amazing and very supportive so today i just want too get too know some of you guys that’s why I had too create this page , feel free too send me a private message anytime I’ll try my possible best too reply as many of you ,love you all very much ❤️


❤️my heart bit 🥹


It feels so good to be back home .


I noticed how you all have been wanting too talk too me so I decided too create a private fan page just for you all , am sure I’ll get a lot of messages but I’ll try my possible best too reply most of you guys ❤️❤️❤️


I really don’t know how too thank you all for all the support , love and motivation you give me , I don’t think I’ll be we’re I am today without you guys , thank you so much fans ❤️🙏


You guys have been really amazing and very supportive so today i just want too get too know some of you guys that’s why I had too create this page , feel free too send me a private page anytime I’ll try my possible best too reply as many of you ,love you all very much ❤️


Too all my true fans , who have always wanted too chat me well I decided today too give some of you all a chance too chat with me on my private page , feel free too send me a message anytime I'll try my best too reply you all , ❤❤❤
