Ubuntu Collaborative

Ubuntu Collaborative

A collaborative that aims to be catalyst for positive change in the African American community.


Morning Prayer for Men of the United States based on Jeremiah 7:

Arise, O men of the United States! Hear the word of the Lord, for thus says the Almighty: "Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery, and then come and stand before me in this house, which is called by my name, and say, 'We are delivered!'—only to go on doing all these abominations? Has this house, which is called by my name, become a den of robbers in your eyes? Behold, I myself have seen it, declares the Lord."

You have forsaken the commands of the Lord your God and have turned to follow the desires of your own hearts. You have desecrated the sanctity of marriage and family, caring only for your own selfish pleasures. You have oppressed the vulnerable and turned a blind eye to the cries of the needy.

How long will you continue in your wicked ways? Do you not know that the Lord sees all and will not be mocked? Repent, O men of this nation, and return to the Lord your God with all your heart. Cease from your evil deeds and seek to do what is right in His sight.

The time of reckoning is at hand. Unless you humble yourselves, the judgment of God will fall upon this land. But if you will listen to the voice of the Lord and obey His commands, then He will relent from the disaster that He had planned to bring upon you.

Arise, then, O men of valor! Be watchmen on the walls, standing firm in righteousness and leading your families and communities back to the ways of the Lord. For thus says the Lord: "Amend your ways and your deeds, and I will let you dwell in this place."

Photos from Ubuntu Collaborative 's post 23/07/2024

Empowering our community through education is at the heart of Ubuntu. Learn more about scholarships, new initiatives, and how YOU can get involved! Visit our website today!


Join us for Open Enrollment at the exciting new Indian a Agricultural and Technical School!

This Thursday at Come As You Are Community Church.

Learn about:

Innovative curriculum ‍
Focus on agriculture and technology 🌱⚙️
Supportive learning environment
Don’t miss your chance to be a part of something special!


Jeremiah Chapter 6 Morning Prayer

Gracious and Almighty God, as the sun rises and a new day dawns, we come before You with grateful hearts, seeking Your guidance and strength for the journey that lies ahead. Your prophet Jeremiah reminds us in chapter 6 that You are a God who is ever-present, and we take comfort in the knowledge that Your watchful eye is upon us.

We confess that, like the people of Jeremiah's time, we too often turn away from Your ways, becoming complacent and self-reliant. Forgive us, Lord, for the times when we have failed to heed Your warnings and have instead pursued our own desires. Help us to be vigilant, to stand firm in the face of temptation, and to walk faithfully in Your light.

As we enter this new day, we ask that You would fill us with a deep sense of purpose and a renewed commitment to serving You. May we be a people who delight in Your law and find our joy in obeying Your commands. Give us the wisdom to discern Your will, the courage to speak Your truth, and the compassion to reach out to those who are hurting.

Lord, we know that the world around us is often a place of turmoil and uncertainty. Yet, we take refuge in the promise that You are a fortress, a strong tower, and a safe haven for all who trust in You. Grant us the peace that surpasses all understanding, that we may face the challenges of the day with unwavering faith and unshakable hope.

May our words and actions throughout this day bring glory to Your name. Use us as instruments of Your love, that we may be a source of encouragement and a beacon of light in a world that so desperately needs to know You. As we go forth, may the words of Jeremiah 6:16 be ever on our hearts: "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls."

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.


“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Abraham Lincoln

Let’s be the architects of our own destiny! Ubuntu inspires and empowers the Black community of Fort Wayne to achieve their dreams. Join us in making a difference!


Ubuntu: Together We Rise! ✊

At Ubuntu, we believe in the power of collaboration. By working together, we can uplift our community and create a brighter future for all.


Jeremiah Chapter 2 Morning Prayer

Almighty God, we come before You this morning with grateful hearts, reflecting on the words of Your prophet Jeremiah. In Jeremiah 2, we are reminded of Your steadfast love and the covenant relationship You desire to have with us.

Gracious Lord, we acknowledge that like the people of Jeremiah's time, we too have turned away from You, the "fountain of living waters" (Jeremiah 2:13). We have sought to quench our spiritual thirst in the broken cisterns of the world, only to find them empty and unsatisfying. Forgive us, O God, for our tendency to wander and our hearts that so easily stray from You.

This day, we pray that You would revive our souls and rekindle our love for You. May we hear Your voice calling us back, as You did with Your people of old, saying, "What wrong did your fathers find in me that they went far from me?" (Jeremiah 2:5). Help us to remember the joy and fulfillment we found in walking closely with You, and may that memory draw us back to the wellspring of Your grace.

Lord, we desire to be a people who walk in Your ways, who delight in Your commandments, and who find our satisfaction in You alone. Strengthen us by Your Spirit to resist the temptations of the world and to stand firm in our commitment to You. Empower us to be witnesses of Your transforming love, that others may also come to know the freedom and peace that is found in You.

As we begin this day, we pray that You would guide our steps, direct our thoughts, and fill our hearts with Your presence. May our lives be a living testimony to Your faithfulness, that all who see us may be drawn to the hope and redemption that is found in You, our rock and our redeemer. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.



Faithful God, as the day draws to a close and the sun sets on our labors, we come before You in humble gratitude for all that You have accomplished through us.

In the life of Jeremiah, we are reminded that Your call upon our lives is not just for a moment, but for a lifetime. Like Jeremiah, we have been set apart to be prophets to the nations, to speak Your truth and to stand firm in the face of opposition.

As we reflect on the events of this day, we acknowledge that there have been times when we have faltered, when our faith has wavered, and our courage has been tested. Yet, in the words of Jeremiah, we are reminded that You, O Lord, are always with us, ready to strengthen and sustain us.

Tonight, we ask that You would pour out Your Spirit upon us, that we may rest in the knowledge of Your unwavering love and protection. Fortify us with the same steadfast determination that Jeremiah possessed, that we may continue to fulfill the mission You have entrusted to us.

In the quiet of this evening, we surrender our hearts and our lives to You, O God. May the words You spoke to Jeremiah become the guiding light for our steps: "I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand." Let us be bold and uncompromising in our proclamation of Your truth, knowing that You will always be our shield and our fortress.

As the day draws to a close, we commit ourselves anew to Your service, trusting that Your hand will guide us through the challenges that may come. In the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer and Lord, we pray. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 66 Evening Prayer:

Gracious and Loving God, as the day draws to a close, we come before You in a spirit of reflection and gratitude.

In Isaiah 66, You declare, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word" (Isaiah 66:2). We are reminded that our true worth is found not in our own accomplishments, but in our willingness to humble ourselves before You and submit to Your will.

As we look back on the events of this day, we acknowledge that there have been both moments of triumph and times of struggle. Yet, through it all, we are grateful for Your constant presence and unfailing love.

Lord, we ask that You would forgive us for the times we have fallen short of Your perfect standards. Cleanse us from our sins and renew a right spirit within us, that we may walk more closely with You.

Grant us the wisdom to learn from our experiences, both positive and negative, and to grow in our faith and understanding of Your ways. May the lessons of this day prepare us for the challenges that await us tomorrow.

In the quietness of this evening, we pause to reflect on Your goodness and grace. We are in awe of Your mighty works, and we are humbled by the knowledge that You desire to dwell with the lowly and the contrite.

Lord, as we rest in Your presence, we pray that You would fill us with a deep sense of peace and contentment. May our hearts be filled with gratitude for all that You have done, and may our minds be fixed on the hope that is found in You.

We commit the night and all that lies ahead into Your capable hands. Guide us and protect us, that we may rise tomorrow ready to serve You with renewed vigor and dedication.

In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 66 Noonday Prayer:

Sovereign Lord, as the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, we pause to seek Your face and reflect on the fullness of Your glory.

In Isaiah 66, You declare, "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word" (Isaiah 66:2). We are humbled by the reminder that our worth is not found in our own achievements or status, but in our willingness to humble ourselves before You.

During this midday moment, we ask that You would fill us anew with the power of Your Spirit. May our hearts be receptive to the stirrings of Your voice, that we may discern Your will and walk in obedience to Your commands.

Lord, we confess that too often we have been distracted by the cares and concerns of this world, failing to keep our eyes fixed on You. Forgive us for the times we have allowed the noise of this age to drown out the still, small voice of Your Spirit.

Empower us to live with a renewed sense of purpose, always seeking to bring glory to Your name. May the work we undertake in this season be a reflection of Your heart and a testament to Your transformative power.

As we continue on through this day, we pray that You would grant us the wisdom and strength to face the challenges that may arise. Strengthen our resolve to stand firm in the face of temptation and to extend Your love and grace to all those we encounter.

Lord, may the light of Your presence shine brightly through us, drawing others to the hope and healing that can only be found in You. We surrender ourselves to You, that Your will may be done in our lives.

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 66 Morning Prayer:

Gracious and Almighty God, we come before You this morning with humble and grateful hearts. As we meditate on the words of the prophet Isaiah, we are in awe of Your majesty and power.

In Isaiah 66, You declare, "Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?" (Isaiah 66:1). We are reminded that Your presence is not confined to any physical structure, for the entirety of creation is a testament to Your glory and sovereignty.

As we begin this day, we acknowledge that our lives are but a small part of Your grand design. Yet, You have chosen to dwell with the humble and contrite in spirit, promising to revive and restore those who tremble at Your word (Isaiah 66:2).

Lord, we humbly ask that You would fill us with Your Holy Spirit, that we may walk in obedience to Your commands and bring honor to Your name. May our thoughts, words, and actions reflect the transformative power of Your love.

Empower us to be Your faithful witnesses, speaking Your truth with courage and compassion. May we be channels of Your peace and justice, seeking to uplift the downtrodden and bring comfort to the brokenhearted.

As we venture forth into this new day, we entrust ourselves to Your divine guidance. May Your presence be our strength, Your Word our lamp, and Your love our motivation. We pray that through us, the world may see the beauty of Your Kingdom and be drawn to the hope that is found in You.

In the precious name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.


New Book Alert! “Cusp” by Anthony Payton Now Available Online!

Struggling through a tough transition? You’re not alone. Our friend Anthony Payton’s new book, “Cusp,” offers insights and wisdom to help you navigate challenges and find your strength. Grab your copy online today! https://apaytonenterprises.com/product/cusp-a-point-of-transition/


What an incredible day! I was given the privilege to share with a group of Burmese young people. Some living here in Fort Wayne, others who traveled to Fort Wayne to be part of a youth camp! Pastor Tyke and his wife hosted these kids for four days. Many are leaving next week for a major youth conference in South Korea! I was invited, but my schedule would not allow it, but if the Lord wills, I'll be there next year!

It is humbling at this stage in my life and age to be surrounded by so many gifted young people from diverse cultural backgrounds. I love being a student. As a young person, born and growing up on 1125 Mobile Street in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, I never thought I would see the parts of the world that I've seen and meet the people that I've met and be used by God in the way that I have. Lord, thank you and may you endow me with Caleb's spirit so that I would maintain useful vigor for service and learning.


Isaiah Chapter 64 Evening Prayer

Gracious and Compassionate God, as the day draws to a close, we come before You with hearts filled with gratitude and a deep sense of need. In the words of the prophet Isaiah in chapter 64, we are reminded of Your majesty and the wonder of Your ways.

Lord, You are the One who reigns supreme, the Creator of all things, the One who formed the earth and the heavens. Yet, You have not abandoned us, Your humble children. You have stooped down to dwell with us, to know our struggles and to bear our burdens.

As we reflect on the events of this day, we acknowledge that we have often fallen short of the standards of holiness and righteousness that You have set before us. Our righteousness is like filthy rags in Your sight, and yet, You continue to extend Your grace and love to us.

Forgive us, Lord, for the times when we have allowed the cares and distractions of this world to consume us, causing us to lose sight of Your grandeur and majesty. Empower us, we pray, to walk in a manner worthy of the calling we have received, ever mindful of Your holiness and our need for Your transforming grace.

In the stillness of this evening, we ask that You would rend the heavens and come down, that the mountains would quake at Your presence. May Your Spirit move mightily in our hearts, stirring us to deeper devotion and a renewed commitment to Your kingdom work.

We long for Your coming, O God, when You will restore all things and establish Your eternal reign. Until that day, may we be Your faithful witnesses, sharing the good news of Your salvation with those around us. Use us, Lord, to bring glory to Your name and to advance Your kingdom here on earth.

As we rest in Your presence this night, we entrust ourselves and all that we hold dear into Your loving hands. May Your peace guard our hearts and minds, and may we awake tomorrow with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper longing for Your glorious return.

In the name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord, we pray. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 63 Evening Prayer

Gracious God, as the day draws to a close and the sun sets on another chapter of our lives, we come before you with grateful hearts. In Isaiah 63, your prophet declares, "In his love and mercy he redeemed them; he lifted them up and carried them all the days of old."

Lord, you have been our ever-present companion throughout this day. In times of triumph and in moments of trial, you have been our rock, our fortress, and our shield. We stand in awe of your unwavering love and your unfailing compassion.

As we reflect on the events of this day, we acknowledge our shortcomings and our need for your forgiveness. Forgive us, O God, for the times we have fallen short of your perfect will. Cleanse us from all unrighteousness, and renew a right spirit within us.

In the stillness of this evening, may we find rest in your presence. May the cares of the day melt away as we bask in the knowledge of your steadfast love. Quiet our anxious hearts, calm our restless minds, and grant us the peace that surpasses all understanding.

As the darkness of night envelops the world, may your light continue to shine within us. Empower us, O God, to be beacons of your hope, vessels of your grace, and ambassadors of your kingdom. May our lives be a testament to your transformative power and a witness to your unwavering commitment to your people.

We offer this prayer with thanksgiving, for you alone are the source of our salvation and the anchor of our souls. May this day, and every day, be a reflection of your glory and a celebration of your eternal love. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 63 Noonday Prayer

Gracious God, as the sun reaches its zenith, we pause to seek your presence once more. In Isaiah 63, your prophet declares, "In all their distress, he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them."

Lord, you are no distant deity, but a God who intimately knows our struggles and sorrows. When the weight of life's cares threatens to overwhelm us, may we find comfort in the knowledge that you walk alongside us, sharing in our pain and offering us your strength.

Strengthen us, O God, to face the trials of this day with unwavering faith. When the world around us seems to spin out of control, anchor us in the steadfast truth of your sovereign plan. Grant us wisdom to discern your will, courage to follow your leading, and perseverance to endure until the end.

In the midst of our labors, may we never lose sight of your presence. Remind us that our work is not in vain, for it is done for your glory and the advancement of your kingdom. May our hands be diligent, our hearts be pure, and our motives be pleasing in your sight.

As the noonday sun casts its light, so too may your Spirit shine brightly within us, illuminating our path and guiding our steps. Transform us, Lord, that we may be beacons of your love, compassion, and grace to all who cross our path.

We offer this prayer with thanksgiving, for you alone are the source of our strength and the sustainer of our souls. May this day be a testament to your faithfulness and a witness to your unwavering love. In the powerful name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 62 Evening Prayer

Heavenly Father, as the day draws to a close and the sun sets on the horizon, we come before You in humble gratitude. We reflect on the words of the prophet Isaiah, found in chapter 62, and we are reminded of Your unwavering love and faithfulness.

Throughout this day, we have witnessed Your promise to not be silent or rest until our righteousness shines forth like the dawn, and our salvation burns like a blazing fire. We thank You, Lord, for the opportunities we have had to walk in Your ways and to be a light to the world around us.

As we transition into the quietness of the evening, we ask that You would grant us the gift of Sabbath rest. May our souls find peace and restoration in Your presence, that we may be renewed and refreshed for the days to come.

Lord, we lift up to You the events and experiences of this day. We acknowledge the times when we have fallen short, and we ask for Your forgiveness and grace. May the words of Isaiah ring true in our hearts: "You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God" (Isaiah 62:3).

In the stillness of this moment, we surrender ourselves to Your divine plan. We trust that You are working all things together for our good and for Your glory. May the assurance of Your love and the hope of Your promises sustain us through the challenges we may face.

As the darkness of night settles in, we are reminded of Your steadfast presence. You are our light in the midst of the shadows, our anchor in the storms of life. We find comfort in the knowledge that Your mercies are new every morning, and that Your faithfulness endures forever.

We commit this night to You, Lord, and we look forward with anticipation to the dawning of a new day. May our sleep be peaceful, and may our dreams be filled with the vision of Your Kingdom come. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 62 Noonday Prayer

Gracious Lord, as the sun reaches its zenith, we pause to lift our hearts to You in prayer. We are mindful of Your promise, found in Isaiah 62, to not be silent or rest until our righteousness shines forth like the dawn, and our salvation burns like a blazing fire.

In the midst of our daily routines and responsibilities, we acknowledge our need for Your divine strength and wisdom. May the words of the prophet resound in our ears, that we may be a people who live with intention and purpose.

Help us, O Lord, to be vigilant in our pursuit of justice and righteousness. May we not grow weary in doing good, but instead, may our commitment to Your ways be a beacon of hope to those around us. Empower us to be agents of change, standing firm against the injustices and inequities that plague our world.

We pray that You would give us the courage to speak up for the marginalized and the oppressed, that their voices may be heard and their dignity upheld. May our actions be a reflection of Your heart, as we strive to bring relief to the brokenhearted and comfort to the afflicted.

Lord, as the day reaches its midpoint, we ask that You would renew our strength and rekindle the fire within us. Infuse us with a deep sense of purpose, that we may be fully present and engaged in the tasks and relationships before us. May our work, whether in the home, the office, or the community, be a testament to Your glory.

We lift our eyes to the horizon, trusting in Your promise that our righteousness will shine forth like the dawn. May the light of Your truth and love dispel the darkness, and may our lives be a reflection of Your transformative power.

In this moment of quietness and reflection, we surrender ourselves to Your guiding hand. Use us, O Lord, to advance Your Kingdom and to bring about the fulfillment of Your plans for this world. We give You thanks and praise, for You alone are worthy. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 62 Morning Prayer

Heavenly Father, we come before You this morning, grateful for the gift of a new day. As the sun rises and the world awakens, we reflect on the words of the prophet Isaiah, found in chapter 62.

Lord, You have set Your sights on Zion, and we are Your people. You have promised to not be silent, to not rest, until our righteousness shines forth like the dawn, and our salvation burns like a blazing fire (Isaiah 62:1). We lift our hearts in praise, for Your promise to crown us with the splendor of Zion, to adorn us with the beauty of Your holiness.

As we begin this day, we ask that You would strengthen our resolve to walk in Your ways. May our lives be a testament to Your goodness, that all may see and know that You are the Lord our God. Help us to be a people marked by justice and righteousness, that we may be a shining light to the nations around us.

Grant us the wisdom and discernment to navigate the challenges we may face today. Surround us with Your protection, that we may stand firm against the schemes of the enemy. May our words be seasoned with grace, and our actions driven by love, that we may bring glory to Your name.

We pray that You would pour out Your Spirit upon us, that we may be empowered to fulfill the purpose You have for our lives. May our lives be a fragrant offering, a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You.

As we go forth into this day, may the words of Isaiah ring true in our hearts: "You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God" (Isaiah 62:3). We commit this day to You, trusting in Your unfailing love and steadfast guidance. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 61 Evening Prayer:

Faithful God, as the day draws to a close and the sun sets, we come to you with grateful hearts. We reflect on the words of Isaiah, who proclaimed, "They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor" (Isaiah 61:3).

Lord, we thank you for the blessings of this day, and we ask that you would help us to grow as oaks of righteousness, firmly rooted in your love and bearing the fruit of your Spirit. Despite the challenges and distractions we may have faced, we have seen your hand at work, guiding us and sustaining us.

As we prepare to rest and recharge for the day ahead, we pray that you would continue to fill us with your peace and your joy. May our lives be a testament to your glory, and may others see the beauty of your grace shining through us.

We lift up to you those who are weary and heavy-laden, those who are mourning or struggling with despair. We ask that you would comfort them, and that you would use us as instruments of your healing and hope.

Lord, we know that you have a plan and a purpose for each of our lives. Help us to find our identity and our worth in you, rather than in the fleeting things of this world. May our lives be a reflection of your love and your light, and may we never forget the good news you have proclaimed to us.

As we close this day, we offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who has come to bring restoration and redemption to all who call upon his name. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 61 Noonday Prayer:

Gracious God, as the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, we pause to seek your guidance and strength. The words of Isaiah ring true in our hearts: "to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair" (Isaiah 61:2-3).

In the busyness of the day, it is easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of your steadfast love. We confess that we have at times been more concerned with our own agendas than with your Kingdom and your righteousness. Forgive us, Lord, and renew our focus on the things that truly matter.

Help us to be agents of your comfort and joy, bringing hope to those who are weighed down by the burdens of life. May we be like the oak of righteousness, firmly rooted in your truth and bearing the fruit of your Spirit.

In this midday pause, we ask that you would strengthen us and restore our souls. Nourish us with your Word, and fill us with your Holy Spirit, that we might be empowered to fulfill the purpose you have for us.

As we navigate the challenges and distractions of the day, keep our eyes fixed on you, the author and perfecter of our faith. May our lives be a testimony to your transforming power, and may others see the beauty of your grace shining through us.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, the Anointed One, who has come to bring good news to the poor and freedom to the captives. Amen.


Isaiah Chapter 61 Morning Prayer:

Dear Lord, as the sun rises and a new day begins, we come to you with grateful hearts. We reflect on the words of the prophet Isaiah, who proclaimed, "The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor" (Isaiah 61:1).

We know that we are all in need of your guidance and grace, for we are all poor in spirit at times. Help us to see the world through your eyes, to recognize the hurting and the downtrodden, and to be instruments of your comfort and healing.

Give us the courage to bring good news to those who are weighed down by sorrow, to bind up the brokenhearted, and to proclaim freedom to the captives. May our words and actions reflect your love and compassion, and may we be a beacon of hope in a world that often seems so dark.

Lord, we ask that you would anoint us with your Spirit, that we might fulfill the purpose you have for us this day. Grant us the wisdom to discern your will, the strength to carry out your plan, and the humility to give you all the glory.

As we face the challenges and uncertainties of the day ahead, help us to remember that you are our ever-present help in times of trouble. May we find refuge in your steady presence, and may our trust in you never waver.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus, our Savior and our rock. Amen.


Fort Wayne Job Search Power-Up:
Tips to Land Your Next Opportunity

Being unemployed can be tough, but has your back!

Here are some key tips to help you land your next great job:

•Craft a Stellar Resume & Cover Letter~ Head to the Impact Center (260-422-3498) for free resume and cover letter writing assistance. They’ll help you showcase your skills and experience in a compelling way.
•Brush Up Your Job Search Skills~ Enroll in a job search workshop at Northeast Indiana Works (260-423-1530). Learn valuable techniques like effective online searching, interview skills, and crafting a powerful network.
•Go Digital~ Don’t have a computer or internet? Utilize the free resources available at the Fort Wayne Public Library (260-422-4294). Search for jobs online, update your resume, or even access online learning resources to upgrade your skillset.

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Ubuntu Collaborative focuses on—🌐Leadership: Mentorship and development programs👏Collaboration: Strengthening community ...
Faith Over Fear: Pastor Kim Curry #RisingTideFollow us on Facebook #dailyword
Life Lesson, Life Scripture — find inspiration in Matthew 9:36Just like Jesus served his community, acts of service can ...
#LifeOnTheCusp #AnthonyPaytonEnterprises #TheCuspBook
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