Teri Friesen Author

Teri Friesen Author

Encouraging parents in their pursuit to raise godly children is my passion.

My first book, Chasing Adulthood, is a curriculum designed to help parents launch their tweens into godly man or womanhood with intention and purpose.

Know Your Place 24/04/2024

New blog post is up. Thank you for sharing and posting.

Know Your Place Parents, when we became moms and dads for the first time our whole world turns upside down. We now have to share our time and energy with a little wiggly creature who depends on us for their very existence. We quickly fa...

Photos from Teri Friesen Author's post 04/04/2024

Busy preparing for the homeschool conference in Mazatlan Mexico at Calvary Maranatha Church. I am honored to be the speaker and teach from my curriculum Chasing Adulthood. (Teri-Friesen.com). God's on the move here and it's a blessing to get a front row seat.


New blog post is up, "A Good Comforter". Do you comfort others well in their grief? I don't think I do. Take a look and be challenged. Teri-Friesen.com/blog


So excited!! "Chasing Adulthood" is going international!! Headed to Mexico next month to speak at a homeschool conference in Mazatlan. I'll be using my curriculum to teach families how to disciple their children and launch them into biblical man and womanhood. I'm humbled and in awe how God is using my offering to bless others. Charlotte Zeus Ebio thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement. ❤️


God is still the source of truth, but the subtle lies of society are so pervasive, we as parents may feel the need to disinfect our children each time they come home from another "exposure" to the world. How can we help them build the rock-solid foundation they'll need to make sound, God-honoring decisions, not just for now but throughout their lives? Check out my book "Chasing Adulthood". Launch your tween/teen into biblical man or womanhood with intentionality, purpose and confidence!


New blog post is up - "The Idols of My Heart". Take a look at Teri-Friesen.com/blog


New blog post is up "Family Game Night" for all you fun families out there that may need some new ideas. Check it out on my website Teri-Friesen.com/blog. Sign up to receive automatic notifications of new posts.


New blog post is up for December, "Parenting Through the Storms". If you'd like to continue to receive my blogs please subscribe on my website at Teri-Friesen.com/blog then confirm once you get the confirmation email. You'll receive the blogs notifications automatically.


Hi friends, a new blog is posted for November. Head on over to my newly redesigned website and click on the blog link at the top. Scroll down to subscribe to receive posts automatically in your inbox. I appreciate your support! Teri-Friesen.com/blog


New blog post - "Teach Them To Pray" - check it out Teri-Friesen.com/blog


New blog post is up - Groaning or Grumbling. Learn how to lament before God. Check it out at https://www.teri-friesen.com/blog/groaning-or-grumbling


We may be tossed about and bombarded but we will not be utterly cast down. I am thankful that God sustains me when it's hard and that I don't have to carry my burdens alone. Psalm 55:22


Someone needs to hear this...


Preach! Be in the Word people! The only way we distinguish his voice from the enemy.


So honored to be featured on Mrs. Mom's Homeschool YouTube channel. Take a look and pass along to anyone who may be interested. Then subscribe to Vani's channel for homeschool tips and tricks, homeschool curriculum reviews, Day in the life videos and more. She's amazing!


NEW BLOG is posted. Check out "Waiting and Whispers" if you are or ever have been in God's waiting room. https://teri-friesen.com/blog/waiting-and-whispers (ignore the blog dates posted as they are all out of order 😞)


Post conference! So so tired and ready to collapse. But filled up with amazing conversations with incredible parents who are excited to dig into their "Chasing Adulthood" books with their kids. I'll be cheering you on when we get home - but for now SLEEP!


Wow - blown away by the interest in my curriculum. What blessed me was engaging with so many families who desire to raise strong young men and women to be bold warriors for Christ. God is so good.


The home is the training ground. It's in the trenches and a daily commitment to shape, mold, guide and teach. I'd love to share a resource that can help you do just that. https://youtu.be/aVWkIULLSsE

Photos from Teri Friesen Author's post 18/05/2023

Four weeks! I'm coming for ya Rocky Mountain Homeschool Conference (Denver) Homeschool Summits
Can't wait to share my curriculum with families of tweens and teens. Are you looking for a way to prepare them for godly adulthood? Please stop by my booth, 416. I would love to get to know you and see if I can offer a resource. teri-friesen.com


I feel this deeply! Harder some seasons than others. Happy Warrior Queen Day to all the mamas who fight on their knees and in the trenches for their kids - no matter the age. You're seen!


Hey friends, I'm excited to announce a new resource available to your family. Building Spiritual Muscles is a study on the Fruit of the Spirit. Either a nine day or nine week option, depending on the ages of your children, this study walks you through the attributes of the fruit and how to apply them within the family community. I invite you to take a look. It's available to purchase via download in PDF form on my website:
teri-friesen.com/shop Thanks for checking it out.

teri-friesen.com 08/05/2023

New blog post is up - "Of Kings and Thrones" -

teri-friesen.com I’m an unashamed fan of the British Royal Family. Not everyone is, after all, we’re Americans and don’t do royalty here in the great US of A. Without sparking a debate about excess, relevancy, economic impact, etc. let's just say I love the pomp and circumstance. I’ve watched all the docume...


Mom friends, take a deep breath today. You're carrying the world - your kids' hurts and disappointments, your own mom guilt, your husband's needs, home life responsobilities, the emotional care of your family. Our shoulders are wide but regular soul maintenance is important so we can pour out and into those whom we love. Take a moment to breathe, invite the Holy Spirit to pe*****te your soul and refresh the tired places. We carry the world - but not alone.

Teri Friesen - Chasing Adulthood 02/04/2023

New blog post is up, "Parenting for The Long Game". Check it out at

Teri Friesen - Chasing Adulthood Supporting parents by providing biblical resources, including Teri's book Chasing Adulthood for launching tweens into godly adulthood.


Someone needs to hear this today

teri-friesen.com 18/03/2023

New blog post is up. If you're a younger mom or dad raising wee ones, hopefully you'll find encouragement and helpful ideas on how to capture their hearts for Jesus.
Check it out:

teri-friesen.com As a new mom, holding my babies, I felt the heaviest weight on my shoulders. Their whole lives flashed before my eyes as I realized I was responsible for teaching and training them. Not just how to be well-rounded humans but more importantly, how to love Jesus and choose to live for Him. Oh, the pre...