A Puritan Golden Treasury

A Puritan Golden Treasury

The Golden Treasury Of Puritan Quotations


"A godly man is free from the sting, but not from the stroke, from the curse, but not from the cross of death"

~George Swinnock


"The fear of death is ingrafted in the common nature of all men, but faith works it out of Christians"

~Vavasor Powell


"They are fools that fear to lose their wealth by giving, but fear not lose themselves by keeping it"

~John Trapp


"He that saith he will be good tomorrow, he saith he will be wicked today"

~James Janeway


"All believers do grow in grace. And this ye know is the difference between a painted child and a living child, and though he but little and very weak, yet he grows bigger. But a child that is painted upon a wall grows not"

~William Bridge


"Whether sincere conversion began now, or before, or after, I was never able to this day to know. . . God breaketh not all men's hearts alike"

~Richard Baxter


"I have other things to do than be a contentious man"

~John Penry


"The devil loves to fish in troubled waters"

~John Trapp


"No flattery can heal a bad conscience, so no slander can hurt a good one"

~Thomas Watson


"Many blush to confess their faults, who never blush to commit them"

~William Secker


"Let them fear death who do not fear sin"

~Thomas Watson


"Many crowd to get into the church, but make no room for the sermon to get into them"

~Thomas Adams


"If there be glory laid up for them that die in the Lord; much more shall they be glorified that die for the Lord"

~Sir Richard Baker


"In spite of all devils there shall be saints"

~Joseph Hall


"You are to follow no man further than he follows Christ"

~John Collins


"Christians must be thrown to the lions because they are Christians"

~Nehemiah Rogers


"Christ hath told us He will come, but not when, that we might never put off our clothes, or put out our candle"

~William Gurnall


"To forsake Christ for the world, is to leave a treasure for a trifle. . . . eternity for a moment, reality for a shadow"

~William Jenkin


"Sin could not die, unless Christ died; Christ could not die, without being made sin; nor could He die, but sin must die with Him"

~Elisha Coles


"God is best known in Christ; the sun is not seen but by the light of the sun"

~William Bridge


"Though Christ's coat was once divided, He will never suffer His crown to be divided"

~Thomas Brooks


"When Christ reveals Himself there is satisfaction in the slenderest portion, and without Christ there is emptiness in the greatest fullness"

~Alexander Grosse


"There is little hope of children who are educated wickedly. If the dye have been in the wool, it is hard to get out of the cloth."

~Jeremiah Burroughs


"It is in mercy and measure that God chastiseth His children."

~John Trapp


"There is no real bo***ge, but what is either from, or for sin."

~Vavasor Powell


"Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayers and worn with thanks."

~Thomas Goodwin


"The Scriptures teach us the best way of living, the noblest way of suffering, and the most comfortable way of dying."

~John Flavel


"None will have such a sad parting from Christ, as those who went half-way with Him and then left Him."

~William Gurnall


"There is no death of sin without the death of Christ."

~John Owen


"He doth not believe that there is God, is more vile then a devil. To deny there is God, is a sort of atheism that is not to be found in hell."

~Thomas Brooks


"I am wholly His; I am peculiarly His; I am universally His; I am eternally His."

~Thomas Brooks


"None sink so far into hell as those that come nearest heaven, because they fall from the greatest height."

~William Gurnall


"It is the great duty of all Christians to put off anger. It unfits for duty...A man cannot wrestle with God and wrangle his neighbor at the same time. Short sins often cost us long and sad sorrows."

~Philip Henry


"Not to be afflicted is a sign of weakness; for therefore God imposeth no more on me, because He sees I can bear no more."

~Joseph Hall


"Adversity is the diamond dust Heaven polishes its jewels with."

~Robert Leighton


"A man adopts one for his son and heir that does not at all resemble him; but whosoever God adopts for His child is like Him; he not only bears His heavenly Father's name, but His image."

~Thomas Watson
