No Lesson Plan

No Lesson Plan

This podcast is for language teachers, learners, and researchers.


Exploring and is essential when tackling skills with English learners with .

Fomenta el pensamiento crítico sobre el uso de la IA en clase 08/12/2023

Teachers, what are you doing to be up to date on AI in the language classroom?

Fomenta el pensamiento crítico sobre el uso de la IA en clase El Aprendizaje Basado en Preguntas para la Comprensión (ABPC) ayuda a los estudiantes a comprender mejor las herramientas de IA.

Educating the Whole Child: Language Development - Teaching Strategies 13/11/2023


Educating the Whole Child: Language Development - Teaching Strategies In January of this year, my first grandchild was born. Watching him as he discovers the world around him has quickly become our favorite pastime. To our joy and delight, he recently started recognizing and responding to his name and expressing himself verbally via frequent cooing and babbling. His f...


More episodes coming up! Pass it on to your students or someone you know whom wants to start learning English!


From the web:


If you have a moment, take a look at a website I made to inform teachers and students about dislexia in the language classroom as well as offer some practical teaching and learning strategies.

It’s in Spanish!

DAI: Info Este sitio, ha sido creado con el objetivo de informar tanto a docentes como a estudiantes de idiomas sobre la dislexia, el impacto que puede tener, y tambíen brindar algunas estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje.


Here’s Teacher Sandra Velasco ‘s fun conversation class!

Building Authentic Relationships With Students 25/10/2023

Building Authentic Relationships With Students Borrowing some ideas from psychology can help forge strong relationships with high school students, improve their academic performance, and promote a sense of belonging.


Hi! If you have a moment listen to it and help me by sharing it with people you think may benefit. Thank you!


Just published number 9! If you have a chance please listen to this episode and give me feedback!

Ep. 9 - Personal information questions 1 by Minutitos de inglés 17/10/2023

Already episode 9. Man... I wish I could get paid mad amounts of money to do this...

Guys, if you have a chance, please give me feedback!

Ep. 9 - Personal information questions 1 by Minutitos de inglés En este episodio aprenderás cómo preguntar sobre información personal. Aquí va: Leo: Hi, what’s your name? Sam: My name is Sam. Leo: What’s your last name? Sam: My last name is Hart. Leo: What’s your phone number? Sam: My phone number is 818 781 3636. Leo: Thank you. Va de nuevo: Leo: Hi, ...


Creating language learning multimedia material for my students with learning difficulties and podcasting really has me going!


One thing that really motivated me in NoLessonPlan was watching the list of countries grow (quite long now!). I’m feeling the same stoke with this second project. I really hope that people around the globe find it useful.


Evidence based learning strategies!!

Getting ready for midterms? Try putting your notes aside and writing out what you can remember. It’s called retrieval practice and it’s super effective. You won’t remember everything, but that’s okay! When you have written all you can remember take your notes out again and check to see what you got right (yay!!) and what you need to work on more (double yay because now you know what to do next).

_Image by Firmbee from Pixabay_


Lots of coffee, fidgeting devices, chillwave, and… sentence structure tutorial creation! When was the last time you took a dive into these concepts? Has it improved your English grammar teaching?

Minutitos de inglés 05/10/2023

If you have a chance, please listen to this new stint and give me feedback. Its just some minutitos!

Minutitos de inglés Listen to Minutitos de inglés on Spotify. Este podcast te ayudará a aprender inglés de una manera práctica en unos minutitos al día a través de frases y explicaciones. Tendrás el resto del día para practicar lo que escuchaste.


Here I am getting into more work as if I didn’t have enough already!

Ep. 19 – Sandra Velasco – English Language Teacher and Entrepreneur 04/10/2023

After audio mayhem, here's the latest episode! Thank you so much Sandra!

Ep. 19 – Sandra Velasco – English Language Teacher and Entrepreneur In this episode, Sandra shares her experiences as an undergrad ELT student, her MA, being motivated to continue her studies, her teaching beliefs, doing what you have to do with what you have, find…


Sometimes you make rookie mistakes when recording as I did in this wonderful episode with my dear friend and colleague Sandra. Nonetheless, simple GarageBand is powerful enough to fix it after weeks of tutorials and ins n outs… Here comes episode 19.

Las mejores IA para el investigador moderno 26/09/2023

Here’s a good quick read! AI tools for researchers.

Las mejores IA para el investigador moderno La inteligencia artificial llegó para quedarse, por lo que hoy en día existen más herramientas de IA dedicadas a la investigación científica.

How to Maslow Before Bloom, All Day Long 27/08/2023

How to Maslow Before Bloom, All Day Long Morning meetings are a good place to start, but what you really need is a toolkit of strategies to meet your students’ social and emotional needs all day long.

We Drastically Underestimate the Importance of Brain Breaks 16/08/2023

Step away for greater benefits.

We Drastically Underestimate the Importance of Brain Breaks When it comes to optimizing learning, we don’t value breaks enough, neuroscientists suggest in a new study.


Just had the most intense conversation with Sandra Velasco (San Draa Velasco) ! Job sucks? Feeling burned out? Colleagues are A holes? And much much more. Next episode, coming up!

My Child With ADHD Can't Wind Down at Night. What Can I Do? 14/08/2023

Here's a very interesting quick read on sleep and ADHD.

My Child With ADHD Can't Wind Down at Night. What Can I Do? Many kids with ADHD have trouble falling asleep. An expert explains why a child with ADHD can’t wind down and stays up too late—and get tips on how to help.

Ep. 18 – Alonso Gordillo – Language Teacher 10/08/2023

In this episode Alonso talks to us about his beautiful teaching philosophy, what it takes to learn a language, his own experience as a language learner of both English and German, and tips and tricks for teachers.

Ep. 18 – Alonso Gordillo – Language Teacher In this episode Alonso talks to us about his beautiful teaching philosophy, what it takes to learn a language, his own experience as a language learner of both English and German, and tips and tric…


In this episode Alonso shares with us his beautiful teaching philosophy, what it takes to learn a language, his own experiences as a language learner of both English and German, and tips and tricks for teachers.


A couple tweaks here and there and the next episode will be done.


Here comes the next episode! Just a couple tweaks here and there and voila!

Ep. 17 – Lander Legarda – Language Learner 31/07/2023

In this episode, Lander talks to us about his love for language learning which include English, German, and currently French. He gives other learners tips and tricks as well as apps that have helped him, one of which helped him make friends with people from other countries. He also talks to us about a memorable professor and his future as a language and translation student.

Ep. 17 – Lander Legarda – Language Learner In this episode, Lander talks to us about his love for language learning which include English, German, and currently French. He gives other learners tips and tricks as well as apps that have helpe…