United Delivery Mission

United Delivery Mission

We are supplying SUVs and other equipment to the Ukrainian army. 200+ vehicles delivered!

This is a fully private initiative where all parties are working for free - all funds raised for the initiative are used to buy and deliver the equipment. HOW YOU CAN HELP
Donate your car
Co-finance any of the future delivery missions
Donate military equipment or tools
Donate medicines/medical equipment
Send us good KARMA! Name: United Delivery Mission MTÜ
Account: EE607700771007795362

Photos from Ilmar Raag ametlik's post 16/07/2024

This T4 was deployed to Kharkiv region and is used by GUR. Good news is that this car came in super handy for the unit and is being actively used. Negative part is, we all know what is happening in Kharkiv region - constant bombing and shelling. Which unfortunately also means a lot of similar mobile vehicles are being destroyed.

Help us to continue our mission and send more and more vehicles to UKR armed forces.

You can do that by .. donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362
Slava Ukraini!


This Mitsubishi went to newly formed 156th Brigade, which will soon be sent to frontline. Fun fact, this was the very first car that unit got. This simply shows that in addition to heavy artillery units also need mobile enforcement to fight back and defend their country.

Help us to help Ukraine Armed Forces by .. donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362
Slava Ukraini!


The Nissan that was handed over to 30th brigade air surveillance battalion in the middle of May reached to frontline now.


This brave T4 from our last delivery was handed over to 115th Brigade and is serving at Avdiivka frontline where heavy battles are held right now.

The war is still ongoing, help us to help Ukraine Armed Forces by .. donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362
Glory to heros!


This Ford Connect from our last delivery is currently in a good hands of the recruitment center.

Slava Ukraini!


This Nissan from our last delivery was handed over to 30th brigade to newly formed air surveillance battalion. This is the very first car in their battalion. Glory to heroes.


All the cars from our last delivery have been handed over to their new owners, but it has been rather hectic/busy on frontline to send these messages.

With a small delay, this Caddy went to supply unit of 81 airborne brigade in Bakhmut region.

Now when RUS army is pushing forward on certain fronts, UKR needs such cars even more to be mobile with supply and sting operations.

Help us to help Ukraine Armed Forces by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362
Glory to heros!

Eestist on üha raskem leida Ukrainasse saatmiseks mõistliku hinnaga masinaid 29/04/2024

Meil on välja pakkuda üks väga eriline ülesanne - REIS UUE KUULIKINDLA BUSSIGA KRAMATORSKI.

Äkki jäi eelmine nädal silma, et Eesti Kohtu töötajate annetuste najal valmis meil uus kuulikindel buss - https://tartu.postimees.ee/8006789/eestist-on-uha-raskem-leida-ukrainasse-saatmiseks-moistliku-hinnaga-masinaid

See oleks nüüd kiirelt vaja Urkainasse toimetada. Sellega seoses otsime soovijaid, kes võtaks selle masina treilerile või mõne teise auto peale ja sõidaks sellega Kramatorskisse.

Kui sul on huvi sellise põneva roadtripi vastu, siis anna meile teada toomas.antons (at) respo.ee

Slava Ukraini.

Eestist on üha raskem leida Ukrainasse saatmiseks mõistliku hinnaga masinaid Eesti kohtute töötajad kogusid aasta algusest annetusi, et saata Ukrainasse kaks soomustatud evakuatsioonibussi. Esimene sõiduk läks teisipäeval Toomemäelt sõjakolde poole teele.


Our delivery number (god know what is the exact number by now) went out last weekend and is in Ukraine by now. 6 new cars ready for action to help UKR to win the war.

You can also help us to help Ukraine Armed Forces by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362

Glory to heros!


Suur-suur tänau Itak Tervisevahenditele, kes andis meile selle valge Volkswageni. Auto ise oli tehniliselt nii heas korras, et ei vajanud isegi ühegi mutri ülekeeramist.

Autoga läks kaaasa ka palju muud, mis aitab lahingus kannatada saanud inimestel paremini taastuda või kohaneda, sh kastitäis ortoose ja muud sarnast.

Suur tänu veelkord.

Ka sina saad endiselt aidata meil Ukrainat aidata …
… annetades meile 4x4 võimekusega auto
… müües meile mõistliku hinnaga 4x4 võimekusega auto
… saates meile raha, et saaksime autosid ja varustust ise soetada (Konto nr. EE607700771007795362


This mysterious beast is now in the hands of 81st airborne brigade.


This Mazda was recently adopted by 70th Engineering regiment in Bakhmut area for carrying personnel and ammo.

Personnel is happy, Ammo doesn't complain, Mazda itself is extremely happy and in good health.

Glory to heroes!

Photos from United Delivery Mission's post 09/03/2024

Sometimes lose, always WIN. That is the mentality among the troops in Ukraine.

Unfortunately war takes it toll. We got sad news from 111 brigade. Ford Ranger we sent some tome ago does not exist any more. This is what happens with the can when it gets direct hit from FPV drone.

Fortunately no-one was in the car at the moment and people were not injured.

This is the exact reason why we need to keep going and send more cars to UKR every month.

You can also help us by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362

Glory to heros!


This Ford Ranger went to one of the National Guards Unit that is now fighting on Kupiansk front where Russians are pushing hard. Guys said this car came at a very right time!

Remember, war is not over and you can help us to help Ukraine by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362

Glory to heros!


Yet another delivery was sent out during the last weekend. 6 cars, one of them very special, one massive UPS, few radiators and bunch of tires are already happily in Ukraine already.

Remember, war is not over and you can help us to help Ukraine by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362
Glory to heros!


What did you do during the weekend? We sent another 5 cars to Ukraine to help the troops to push the enemy back.

Well targeted and specific help is still needed in Ukraine to help the units on frontline. Help us to help Ukraine.
.. donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362
Glory to heros!

Photos from United Delivery Mission's post 01/12/2023

Some people have asked more pictures of STINGER (our self made armored car) before it goes out.

Here they are. But to be honest, there is way more that meets the eye in real life.

This van is special in so many ways. It has been our longest project so far, but we have managed to build fully armored car out of a regular van.

Secondly, our co-operation with Tanel Kriggul aka STINGER was cut too short, so to remember him and his actions in Ukraine we named this van after him.

Thirdly, this van is also a very unique piece of art by Edward von Lõngus who gave STINGER it's look.

Remember, war is not over and you can help us to help Ukraine by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362

Glory to heros!


Do you still remember the post about our armoured car project? Guys are are working on last details before STINGER goes out to Ukraine this weekend.

Glory to heroes.


This VW Saharan was donated to us by Delfi Media. Now it is in a good hands of 58th Brigade and is fighting on Avdiivka frontline where the main Russian attack is happening.

Guys from 58th Brigade are super thankful, can is in a good shape and much needed on frontline. Big thanks to Delfi Media.

You can also help us to continue our mission by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362

Glory to heros!

Photos from United Delivery Mission's post 20/11/2023

Wanted to tell you a story about a little Ford Ranger that could.

With our 4th delivery we sent one mean Ford Ranger to 103rd Brigade. After few months in action it got severely damaged, but guys in Ukraine managed to get it back in shape and it continued serving it's duty.

Unfortunately fate caught it and it was fully destroyed. RIP our Ranger. Fortunately this car saved all the crew members. This is the way every war machine wants to go out.

And to connect the circle of life, we sent the same unit another Ford Ranger with our 26th delivery. We hope this one will serve these men as good as it's former relative.

Glory to heroes!


Petro from P&P Motors donated us 2 really nice cars not so long time ago.

Jeep Grand Cherokee went to 127 TRO Brigade and Ford F150 went to 111 TRO Brigade. Both cars are super handy and helping to save lives.

Thank you Petro for your support.


We sent this Ford Ranger to Ukraine about a year ago, as you can see it us still operational and in good shape. What is more, the car was added "a small" addition to make it a mean mobile assault machine and is helping out 110 Brigade now.

FORD (Found On Road Dead) has gotten completely new meaning with this car and this time it is not about Ford itself.

You can also help us to continue our mission by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362

Glory to heros!


Winter is coming…. but the war is still ongoing 😞.

This MB is now in place and ready to fulfill it’s duty.

Slava Ukraini!

Photos from United Delivery Mission's post 10/10/2023

UDM-Respo TANK. Meie soomustatud VW Transporter

Järgmise saadetisegaa läheb meie poolt teele meie jaoks üks eriline auto, mille kohta võib ka öelda kaua tehtud kaunikene.

Autosid, haagiseid, termokaameraid ja muud vajalikku Ukrainasse saates tekkis Toomasel plaan, et peaksime saatma ka ühe korraliku kuulikindla masina. Et võtaks ühe tavalise masina ja ehitaks selle ise ülesse nii, et selle eluiga oleks pikem kui tavalistel autodel. Samas võiks seda masinat kasutada ka natukene vihasemas pealetungis.

Nagu Eesti meestele kombeks, kui tahad, et midagi saaks hästi tehtud, tuleb see ise ära teha. Nii saigi ostetud üks Volkswagen Transporter ja töö võis alata. Naljaga pooleks läks paraku selle masina tööga sama moodi nagu Eesti mehe köögiremondiga…. töö võttis oodatust kauem aega :). Antud juhul ei saa kedagi laiskuses süüdistada, lihtsalt soomustades muutus auto raskemaks, oli vaja paremat vedrustust jne.

Päevatöö, üldiste UDM-i saadetiste komplekteerimise ja muu kõrvalt võttis projekt natukene kauem aega kui algselt ette sai nähtud, aga nüüd saab öelda, et meie TANK on valmis.

Nagu arvata oli pidi Transporterit kõvasti tuunima. Soomustus tehti kabiini kõigile külgeledele ja põrandale, kasutades selleks 10mm Hardox 500 terast. Aknad on 55mm paksud ja 5 klaasikihi vahel on ka plastik. Kokku lisandus autole kaalu 800-900kg. Kuna aknad on väiksed ja väljavaade piiratud, siis saab sõitmiseks kasutada ka katusele paigaldatud kaamerat ja armatuuril olevat monitori. Eraldi nupust saab sisse lülitada infrapuna prožektori, et ka öösel kaameraga sõita. Samas on infrapuna valgus hästi nähtav vaenlase öövaatlusseadmetele, seetõttu tuleb selle kasutamisega ettevaatlik olla

Peatselt hakkab see UDM-Respo Tank juba rindel tegusid tegema, aga vahetult enne väljasõitu sai ta oma tuleristsed Ussisõnade õppustel, kus ta lisaks teistele meie autodele, oli sõdurite käes laenuks/tesimisel.

Ka sina saad endiselt aidata meil Ukrainat aidata …
… annetades meile 4x4 võimekusega auto
… müües meile mõistliku hinnaga 4x4 võimekusega auto
… saates meile raha, et saaksime autosid ja varustust ise soetada (Konto nr. EE607700771007795362)


This Ford Ranger from our last delivery is repelling russian attacks on Kupiansk frontlines now.

Slava Ukraini!


This Mazda is working in Bakhmut area now. Doing what it does the best....


This Nissan from our last delivery is now helping out an anti-drone unit of 92nd Brigade in Kupiansk direction and is helping the unit to stay mobile to push back massive offensive from the occupiers there.

You can also help us to continue our mission by ..... donating your car or drone.. selling your 4x4 car with reasonable price.. sending us money so we could buy needed equipment & cars
Account: EE607700771007795362
Glory to heros!


Meet the Roughnecks, a mobile infantry unit we have been helping out with few cars.


Work-work-work-work …. To us pure joy obviously.

New cars are being prepared, soon in Ukraine.

Videos (show all)

This T4 was deployed to Kharkiv region and is used by GUR. Good news is that this car came in super handy for the unit a...
This Mitsubishi went to newly formed 156th Brigade, which will soon be sent to frontline. Fun fact, this was the very fi...
The Nissan that was handed over to 30th brigade air surveillance battalion in the middle of May reached to frontline now...
All the cars from our last delivery have been handed over to their new owners, but it has been rather hectic/busy on fro...
Our delivery number (god know what is the exact number by now) went out last weekend and is in Ukraine by now. 6 new car...
This mysterious beast is now in the hands of 81st airborne brigade.
This Mazda was recently adopted by 70th Engineering regiment in Bakhmut area for carrying personnel and ammo. Personnel ...
This Ford Ranger went to one of the National Guards Unit that is now fighting on Kupiansk front where Russians are pushi...
Yet another delivery was sent out during the last weekend. 6 cars, one of them very special, one massive UPS, few radiat...
What did you do during the weekend? We sent another 5 cars to Ukraine to help the troops to push the enemy back.Well tar...
Do you still remember the post about our armoured car project? Guys are are working on last details before STINGER goes ...