Paul's Pepper Co

Paul's Pepper Co

Hi, my name is Paul Byland. I like to grow my own chili peppers and make hot sauce.


Here's the green sauce for the 2023 growing season. I can't believe I was able to cram around 6 pounds of peppers into a 4 liter jar.


Lol, thanks for the warning Greg! I'm going to be making the last batch for the season this weekend!


With a big freeze coming tonight I went and picked all the remaining peppers. All of these will go into my green hot sauce.

On a side note, does anyone have peppers they'd like to add to my hot sauce?


Got two batches of hot sauce started today! Oh and some Shish*to peppers to grill up later!


The latest pick of peppers


The little pepper patch: The soaker hose has about 5 feet of extra length, so I put my olive trees on it so I don't waste water.

On a side note: I need to repot that olive tree. It's just to tall for a round spherical pot. It's blown over several times today.


Freezing kills the micro organisms responsible for fermentation, but I've found as long as I also use plenty of fresh peppers, it doesn't matter if some of them are frozen. I usually freeze all the peppers from early in the season and use them in the fall. This is how much I have so far.


Labor Day pepper harvest


First harvest of the season!


🌶 Crazy. I started selling last Sunday and as of right now I'm down to only 11 or 12 bottles! Anyone else need some hot sauce? I probably won't have any more for quite a while! I promise it's fire! Literally and figuratively! 🌶


Holy cow. Out of the 16 greens and 45 reds, I'm now down to 23 reds only. All the greens are gone, I didn't even get one for myself!


I finally got the hot sauce all finished and bottled! It wasn't quite as much as I thought it would be: 16 bottles of green and 45 bottles of red.

What's the difference between the two you might ask? I'm glad you asked! Both hotsauces are made from the same peppers, but I kept the green (unripe peppers) aside and fermented them separately. The green has a slightly richer flavor and the red is a bit sweeter.

If I had to guess, there are about 10 different types of peppers in this batch, ranging from hot (Reapers and Ghosts) to medium (Tabasco, Serrano, Jalapeno) to not hot (Bananas, Shish*tos, and bells).

The only ingredients are the peppers, garlic, brine (salt water), and vinegar.

Red is $10
Green is $15 (I only have a few bottles left)
Shipping is $10
I'm also including free pepper mash for anyone who orders two or more bottles.


I got all the green sauce bottled up. It's FIRE. Literally and figuratively. I only have 16 bottles this year and will be selling it for 15 a bottle.


My hands are on fire (and a few other places although but not as bad) but I got all the hotsauce blended and squeezed. I got the green done a few weeks ago.

Hopefully I'll get it all mixed and ready to bottle this weekend.
