Kenz Montgomery

Kenz Montgomery

⋒ making my way through life ⋒
📍Winnipeg, MB |🪻 Life | 🏳️‍🌈

Photos from Just Kenz's post 18/05/2023

🌈 LGBTQ+ Meaning 🌈

You have probably seen LGBT+, LGBTQ+, or LGBTQIA+ on social media, tv shows, news, etc… and wondered what this stand for!

There are many labels within the lgbtq+ community, but let's talk about a few of the main terms!
LGBTQ+ stands for Le***an, Gay, Bis*xual, Transgender, Q***r

Le***an: A non-man who is attracted to a non-man. Previously le***an was defined as a woman who is emotionally, physically, s*xually, or romantically attracted to another woman, but the definition has expanded as some non-binary people also use the term le***an.

Gay: Gay often refers to a man who is emotionally, physically, s*xually, or romantically attracted to another man. Gay is also an umbrella term that refers to any individual who is s*xually or romantically attracted to the same gender.

Bis*xual: A person emotionally, romantically or s*xually attracted to more than one s*x, gender or gender identity but not necessarily simultaneously or to the same degree.

Transgender: An umbrella term for people whose gender identity or expression is different from their assigned s*x at birth. Being transgender does not imply any specific s*xual orientation.

Q***r: Used as an umbrella term to express a spectrum of identities and orientations. This term was previously used as a slur but has been reclaimed by many parts of the LGBTQ+ movement.

There are so many other terms within the lgbtq+ community, but these are a few of the common terms!

Are there any terms that you'd like to see discussed, or wished people knew more about? Let me know in the comments!

***rcouple ***r

Photos from Just Kenz's post 17/05/2023

🏳️‍🌈 International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) 🏳️‍🌈
Today is a day to draw attention to the violence, discrimination, and hateful acts that are taking place all around the world. Today is a perfect day to educate yourself, learn more about the lgbtq+ community, and how you can support and stand with our community. Today, and every day, the lgbtq+ community deserves your support against discrimination!

🏳️‍🌈 We are all human beings 🏳️‍🌈

Photos from Just Kenz's post 15/05/2023

Weekend with my loves ❤️

Much needed downtown with my favourite human and our doggos.
So glad that it's finally feeling like summer ✨
Happy Monday friends!


Spending today with my little family and off social media🤍 Be back tomorrow✨

Have a great day friends🤍

Photos from Just Kenz's post 12/05/2023

Just some words for you today ✨

Happy Friday beautiful humans 💛

These pieces are from my new book which can be found on Amazon!

***rpoet ***rpoetry ***r

Photos from Just Kenz's post 11/05/2023

❤️ a little reminder for you ❤️

Sometimes life can feel like a rollercoaster that never stops… but you have to find the good moments, the moments that make you smile, a moment to breathe, and the moments that bring you joy. Sometimes it might be small things, having a full tank of gas, running into an old friend, having your favourite meal for dinner, etc.

Find those small moments when the world feels heavy. As you find more and more small moments, they become bigger and bigger until you have a huge pile of small happy moments, and it reminds you that life can feel overwhelming sometimes (or all the time), but there can be moments that make life feel a little less heavy, even for a moment.

Here are some photos of some of my little moments from the last few weeks that helped make life seem a little lighter.

I hope you are having a great week, and if you feel like sharing, let me know one moment that made you smile this week!

***r ***rpoet

Photos from Just Kenz's post 10/05/2023

🏳️‍🌈 Today's Topic: Deadnaming 🏳️‍🌈

✨ What is deadnaming?✨

Deadnaming is when you refer to someone's old name after they have told you they no longer use that name. Deadnaming is common among trans and gender-nonconforming people who have chosen a new name that aligns with their authentic selves.

✨Why do people deadname?✨

Deadnaming is not always done in a hateful way. For example, if someone accidentally deadnamed someone but followed it by correcting themselves, or if they were unaware of someone's name change. However, deadnaming is frequently used in harmful ways. For example, some choose to purposely deadname individuals because they are not accepting of the person's transition, do not support them, or are in denial of that person changing, etc.

✨Is Deadnaming harmful?✨

Deadnaming not only takes a toll on someone's mental health but is also disrespectful, extremely invalidating, causes unneeded stress, and shows that you are not a safe support person for them.

✨What should you do if someone deadnames you?✨

If someone accidentally deadnames you and does not correct themselves, you should remind them of your correct name and ask them to make sure they use this name from now on.
If someone is being hateful and deadnaming you, you should try to correct them and let them know their actions hurt you. It would also be a good idea to have someone who respects and supports you to be with you when you talk to that person, as they can also step in and stand up for you.

✨Friendly Reminder:✨

Please remember, if someone does not respect you or negatively impacts your mental health, they do not deserve to be in your life. You do not have to feel obligated to maintain a relationship with someone who does not respect you, that applies to friends and family too.

Have a great rest of your week!


Photos from Just Kenz's post 09/05/2023

✨ My little family✨

Hello beautiful humans, welcome back, or welcome if you are new here!

Since we are still getting to know each other, I thought I would talk more about my little family.

I am engaged to my beautiful fiancee Sam! We are a q***r interabled couple, and we’ve been together for three years and engaged for two years.

✨How did we meet?✨
We met online, but not on a dating app! We met on Tumblr, where I saw one of her posts saying she was in the hospital. Long story short, I messaged her (I don’t know where the boldness came from, but it appeared at the right time!) wished her a fast recovery, and the rest is history.

We lived in different provinces, but the distance did not last long. Her family graciously took me in right when the pandemic hit and my university closed down, and she’s been stuck with me ever since!
I don’t know if you’ve ever had the experience of feeling like you’ve known someone your whole life, but it's only been less than a week. It’s a feeling I wouldn’t trade for anything.

✨The rest of our little family✨
Some of you may already know my fiancee from her social media! She has a page for her and her current service dog Navy! We also have two other dogs, Molly, who is Sam’s retired service dog, and Groot is just our pet! Sam also has a horse named Duke!

I know this is a short introduction, but I am sure you will hear lots about them over time! Tell me a little bit about you, do you have any furbabies?

***r ***rcouple

Photos from Just Kenz's post 08/05/2023

🏳️‍🌈 Gender vs. S*x 🏳️‍🌈

Gender and s*x are two terms that we often use interchangeably, but they have very different meanings. For some people, their assigned s*x and gender identity are the same. For example, a cisgender man would be a person who is assigned male at birth and also identify with the male gender. However, this is not the case for everyone.

In the lgbtqia+ community, people who do not identify with their assigned s*x at birth, or identify with more than one gender identity, may identify with one or more of the terms below :

- Transgender
- Non-binary
- Gender non-conforming,
- Gender Fluid
- Agender
- Aliagender
- Androgyne
- Bigender
- Demigender
- Genderq***r
- Omnigender
- Polygender
- and more!

So what does s*x and gender mean?

Here are direct quotes from the Planned Parenthood website:*x-gender-identity

“S*x is a label that you’re assigned by a doctor at birth based on the ge****ls you’re born with and the chromosomes you have.”

“Gender identity is how you feel inside and how you express your gender through clothing, behaviour, and personal appearance.”

S*x refers to your assigned s*x at birth by a doctor, while gender is how you feel inside and how you express yourself.

If someone’s gender identity differs from their assigned s*x at birth, they may identify with one or more gender identities within the lgbtqia+ community. They may also choose to opt for medical procedures to have their body match their authentic self, take hormones, or have no medical changes whatsoever.

✨Every person is different, and they do not have to explain or justify their choices to you ✨

There is so much more to talk about when it comes to gender and gender identities, and I will talk more about some of the terms above in future posts! I hope this little post helps distinguish between s*x and gender!

If you have any topics you'd like me to discuss let me know in the comments!
***r ***r

Photos from Just Kenz's post 07/05/2023

✨Celiac Awareness Month✨

Hello beautiful humans, welcome back!

This month is Celiac awareness month, and I thought what better way to celebrate than making a little post about my journey with celiac and some of my favourite recipes. I am also vegetarian, so all recipes will be gluten-free and vegetarian!

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes a reaction to the protein gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and other products such as makeup, medication, etc. This protein causes damage to the lining of your small intestine, which is responsible for absorbing nutrients from food. You can find more in-depth details about celiac disease here:

I was diagnosed with celiac in late 2018 before transferring to a new university. When I was diagnosed, I was not given much information on what it meant to be celiac, I did not know about cross-contamination, and that gluten can be found in so many things, not just food. So, the first year was a lot of trial and error on how to prepare and eat my food safely and advocate for my needs to others.

Being at university and being celiac was brutal, but I was lucky I had some great staff that listened to my concerns and allowed me to remove myself from the meal plan because I could not safely eat in the dining hall.

However, since then, I have learned so much and continue to learn different ways to keep myself healthy and safe. I am fortunate because my fiancee also eats gluten-free, and she has always put up with my need to be super careful when we eat out, get groceries, cook, etc. She has never complained about how much extra work or complicated our life can be because of my restrictions. She likes to try new recipes with me, always tries anything I bake (even if it does not taste good...), and is a fantastic support system.

If you take anything away from this post, I hope it is this:
You can still eat fun, tasty, and overall good food even when you are gluten-free. Yes, it takes a little more work, but it is possible!

So with that being said, let’s get into some of my favourite recipes that I have found over the years! Just a note: some recipes don’t specifically say gluten-free, but I substitute the gluten things for gluten-free!

Easy Chickpea Pot Pie:



Easy Gluten-Free Pancakes {Dairy-Free & Vegan Option}:

Gluten-Free Cinnamon Roll Sugar Cookies:

Gluten-Free Coconut Cream Pie:

Gluten-Free Focaccia:


These are just a few of the recipes that I frequently make! Pinterest is my favourite place to find recipes!

What are some of your favourite recipes? Let me know in the comments!

Photos from Just Kenz's post 06/05/2023

🌈 Rainbow Washing 🌈

Have you ever heard of the term rainbow-washing?

As defined by This Is Gendered (

Rainbow Washing is...
“The act of using or adding rainbow colours and/or imagery to the advertising, apparel, accessories, landmarks, et cetera, to indicate progressive support for LGBTQ+ equality (and earn consumer credibility)–but with a minimum of effort or pragmatic result.”

Rainbow washing is something that happens a lot as pride season gets closer. Rainbow Washing is when businesses/brands use rainbows/pride symbols to convince customers that they support the lgbtq+ community, but in reality, the company does not.

You see it a lot with big brands once the end of May or beginning of June hits, all these rainbows and unicorns on their brands, catchy slogans, and other pride-related things suddenly appear. Sometimes they may even suggest they support the lgbtq+ community, but once July hits, there are no rainbows in sight.

Many brands will not show any signs of supporting the lgbtqia+ community 11 months out of the year. Not only that, but some of these brands put funds towards politicians behind some of the worst anti-lgbtqia+ laws, such as Toyota, AT&T, FedEx, General Motors, and more.

Some brands and companies do support the lgbtqia+ community! Maybe you are wondering what support can look like, so let me give you some examples. Brands and companies can show support by hiring lgbtqia+ employees, donating proceeds to lgbtqia+ organizations, standing up for the lgbtqia+ community etc…

This Is Gendered( gives a great example:

“ For instance, Calvin Klein just launched its Pride 2021 campaign… What is more important is that the models hired for the shoot come from the q***r community as well. This campaign celebrating diversity and inclusion also continues Calvin Klein’s ongoing work in support of multiple LGBTQ+ organizations, such as ILGA World, The Trevor Project, and [Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund](”

The reason I want to share all of this with you is that pride season is coming so soon, which means lots of people tend to buy pride-related apparel and more. Make sure when you are making these purchases you check to see if these companies are actually in favour of the lgbtqia+ community. Or, shop lgbtiqa+ small business instead! There are so many, and you can find lots on Etsy and Instagram!

Do you have any fav lgbtqia+ businesses?
***r ***rownedsmallbusiness

Photos from Just Kenz's post 05/05/2023

✨ Q***r Interabled Couple✨

Hello beautiful humans, happy friday!

For those of you who don’t know, I am engaged to my beautiful fiancee Sam, and we’ve been together for just over 3 years! We are a q***r interabled couple! I often get a lot of questions about what being an interabled couple means, so let’s chat about it!

The general definition of an interabled couple is where one person has a disability, and the other does not! So, how does that translate to our relationship?

Sam has multiple chronic health conditions, is visually impaired, and she has a medical alert guide dog that helps her in her day-to-day life! I do not have a disability, so we are an interabled couple!

People often ask me what it is like being with someone who is chronically ill or disabled. I find this question hard to answer because, to me, her disability or chronic illness is not who she is as a person, it is simply a part of her life. It is not the deciding factor in whether I love her or not. Yes, our life looks different than some, but our love is just like anyone else's.

I will talk more about this in other posts, but I think it is important to remind people that just because someone's life looks different from the “norm” doesn’t mean they are any less valid, less worthy of respect, or less valuable.

I hope this sheds some light on what it means to be an interabled couple!

Photos from Just Kenz's post 04/05/2023

🏳️‍🌈 Coming Out 🏳️‍🌈

Before we get into today's post, I just want to thank everyone for the amazing support of my new book! I really appreciate all of you!

Coming out is something that most lgbtqia+ people experience at some point in their life. It almost seems like a rite of passage for the lgbtqia+ community, and it can come with lots of pressure. Keep in mind, coming out is not always an option for everyone, especially for those in unsafe living environments with unsupportive families or friends.

It is important to recognize that coming out looks different for everyone, and there is no one exact way that you have to come out. One of the most common ways to come out is face-to-face with someone, so here are a few tips for coming out!

1. Be safe, even if you know that your family or friends will support you. If you cannot come out safely, maybe try to find someone you feel safe with, a friend, a distant family member, an adult at school, or a coworker you trust, and try coming out to them first.

2. Be gentle with yourself, don’t feel like you have to rush to come out if you are not ready. I know it can feel like there is pressure to be your authentic self, but everyone's situations are different. You decide when the time is right for you, and no one else can take that from you.

3. You don’t have to label yourself to make others comfortable. You don’t have to give yourself a “common” label just because you think it will be easier for them to understand or that it will be easier for them to be okay with it. That is not fair to you. You should not have to water yourself down to be more acceptable to someone.

4. Be prepared for a negative response. I hope you never have to experience a negative response, but unfortunately, that is not always possible. If you are unsure how someone might react, prepare for both reactions.

5. No matter what happens, you are loved, and you are valid. It can feel like no one understands the pressure of coming out, but you have a whole lgbtqia+ community online or in person that is here for you. You are not alone!

Remember, Coming out is different for everyone, and it can happen at different stages in someone's life, different ages, and it, unfortunately, is often a lifelong occurrence. Even after you come out, you will likely experience situations in all areas of your life where you have to come out again to someone new. For example, a doctor who asks if you could be pregnant, a family friend who asks if you have found a boyfriend yet, etc. Coming out is a lifelong process.

However, there are scenarios where people can safely come out, so don’t forget, there are lots of fun ways to come out! I will make a whole other post about some creative ways to come out! Just remember, you get to come out however you feel is best for you!

Have a great day!

Photos from Just Kenz's post 03/05/2023

Hello beautiful humans! I hope that your week is going well!
I have some very exciting news to share with all of you!


My poetry book “Damaged Hearts Can Heal” is finally published and available on Amazon. It is self-published, so it will only be available through Amazon!

“Damaged Hearts Can Heal” is a journey showing how we go through traumas, heartbreaks, and other pain in life, but eventually, we learn not to let it consume us, and how to heal and let our hearts love again.

I have wanted to share this for a long time, but it took me a while to start healing some parts of me. Writing a book like this means being vulnerable with the world and yourself, and that can be scary! Now, I no longer fear the vulnerability or opinions that others may have about my words. This book isn’t just for me. This book is for anyone who needs a reminder that even though you go through terrible heart-wrenching things in life, you can heal and live your life again. It takes time, and healing is never easy, but you are strong and worthy of healing and happiness.

So, I hope you enjoy my little poetry book, and please remember, you are never too damaged to heal.

***rpoet ***rpoetry ***r

Photos from Just Kenz's post 02/05/2023

✨ Let's talk about pronouns! ✨

For those of you who are not familiar with pronouns, pronouns are used when referring to someone, instead of using their name, for example, she, he, they, etc).

So, why are pronouns important?

Well, pronouns are associated with gender identity and expression! Gender identity is someone's internal sense of how they identify (for example, woman, man, non-binary, etc). Gender expression is how you present yourself via how you dress, act, etc.

It is important that you ask people their pronouns, and you should never assume someone's pronouns based on their appearance. You should always use someone's correct pronouns, and by doing so, you are showing that you respect them.

How can I ask someone which pronouns they use?

If you are unsure of someone's pronouns, it is best to use their name and then find the time to ask them which pronouns they use. The best way to ask someone is to be direct, there is no need to shy away from asking, and if the person does not want to share their pronouns they will let you know. You can use questions like:

✨“Would you feel comfortable sharing your pronouns with me?”

✨ “What are your pronouns?”

✨ “My name is ___ and my pronouns are __, What about you?”

✨“Could you remind me which pronouns you use?”

What are some examples of pronouns that people use?

There are quite a few different pronouns that people use! I won’t mention all of them, but make sure you do some research to find what pronouns you feel fit you best! Some of the most common pronouns are:

✨ She/Her/Hers
✨ He/Him/His
✨ They/Them/Theirs
✨ Ze/Zir or Hir/Zirs or Hirs
✨ Xe/Xem/Xyrs

Some people also use a combination of pronouns such as he/they or they/she. That does not mean you pick which pronoun YOU are most comfortable with. You should ask if they have a preference, and if they do not have a preference, you should use the pronouns interchangeably.

What happens if I say the wrong pronoun?

We all make mistakes! If you accidentally use the wrong pronouns, make sure you apologize briefly and correct yourself with the proper pronouns. The focus should not be on your apology and not on why it is hard for you to remember their pronouns. The apology should be quick and focused on using the correct pronouns.

Lastly, a little reminder, people change and grow, and gender and s*xuality are fluid. People can change their pronouns. What might work for them right now might not fit who they become in five years, so they might decide to change their pronouns.

*( was used as a resource*

✨ I hope some of this info was helpful, and if you are comfortable sharing your pronouns in the comments that would be amazing! Let’s create a safe and respectful community together. ✨

🏳️‍🌈 My pronouns are she/her/hers 🏳️‍🌈

Photos from Just Kenz's post 01/05/2023

Hello! Welcome to my little corner of the interweb.

If you found your way here, you are probably wondering who I am and why I have this page. So let’s get to it!

My name is Mackenzie, but you can call me Kenz(my pronouns are she/her)! I am 24 (almost 25) years old, q***r, and engaged to my future wife, Sam (her page: A Service Dog For Sam ), and we have three dogs.

Fun facts about me:
- I love music, singing, playing piano or guitar
- I love true crime documentaries
- I have a book obsession, specifically nonfiction books
- I’m self-publishing a poetry book soon!
- Road trips and sunsets are the way to my heart
- I’m celiac and vegetarian

Now that you know a little bit about me, let’s talk about my I am starting this page.

As I mentioned above, I am a part of the lgbtqia+ community, and advocating for my community has always been important to me. I have other platforms (Tiktok, Instagram, Youtube, Tumblr) where I advocate, educate, share my life experiences, and try to create a safe space for all.

Besides talking about the lgbtqia+ community, I plan on discussing topics such as mental health, interabled relationships, self-love/healing, and any other hot topics that come up along the way.

It won’t just be heavy topics here! I will be sharing posts about some of my other passions, like poetry, fun life moments, my fav non-fiction books, dog photos, baking/cooking, my favourite documentaries, and any other fun-filled randomness.

I am looking forward to this new journey will all of you, and I hope you stick around for the wild ride!

