Agape Ministry

Agape Ministry

Agape Ministry exists to lead others to Jesus Christ through through evangelism and apologetics and to disciple believers through teaching and counselling.

AFGHANISTAN Urgent Prayer Request - 09.03.2021 | HeartCry Missionary Society 03/09/2021

Please share this and pray immediately!

AFGHANISTAN Urgent Prayer Request - 09.03.2021 | HeartCry Missionary Society For from the rising of the sun even to its setting, My name will be great among the nations. -Mal. 1:11 Receive your weekly email Featured mission updates, articles & videos. Unsubscribe at any time. Email Address* ¿HABLAS ESPAÑOL? Recursos Cristianos Para la Iglesia de Habla Hispana. RecursosEspa...

The Christian Response to False Teachers - Agape Ministry 26/07/2021

The Christian Response to False Teachers - Agape Ministry In this short letter, John begins with a traditional greeting, but this time, he uses his title, “The elder.” His recipient is the church, by which he refers to as “the lady.” This would be a respectful term that uses the typical feminine reference of the church as in the “bride of Christ....

Faith, More Valuable Than Gold - Agape Ministry 17/06/2021

Faith, More Valuable Than Gold - Agape Ministry The epistle’s recipients are not known for sure, with some arguing Jewish converts, and others arguing for gentiles. However, it can be concluded that the recipients were first-century Christians who were experiencing a situation that was causing them to have concerns—perhaps the persecution und...

Worry Not, Jesus is Lord! - Agape Ministry 19/02/2021

Worry Not, Jesus is Lord! - Agape Ministry We know that the Lord will win over all His enemies, so perhaps the Lord has given the secular world to their own debased thinking. In the absurdity of post-modern thought, the Truth will come out. It is an opportunity to bring people back to the Truth that God has revealed to us. So how shall we th...

Worry Not, Jesus is Lord! - Agape Ministry 19/02/2021

Psalm 110 is the most quoted old testament Scripture within the New Testament. If Jesus found it to be this noteworthy, perhaps it is a verse that we should revisit to see what it says and draw application from it. Psalm 110:1–7 (ESV): “The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” The Lord sends forth from Zion your mighty scepter....

Worry Not, Jesus is Lord! - Agape Ministry We know that the Lord will win over all His enemies, so perhaps the Lord has given the secular world to their own debased thinking. In the absurdity of post-modern thought, the Truth will come out. It is an opportunity to bring people back to the Truth that God has revealed to us. So how shall we th...

Scripture is the Truth, and Our Foundation - Agape Ministry 06/12/2020

Introduction By listening to the present rhetoric of politics, culture, and education, Christianity is backward and in great danger of extinction. According to the world, Christianity's only hope is to modernize by assimilating to the present day's standards. The church should no longer teach the “mythical stories” of the Bible, and the moral teachings of Scripture should be updated to accept the cultural direction of the day....

Scripture is the Truth, and Our Foundation - Agape Ministry By listening to the present rhetoric of politics, culture, and education, Christianity is backward and in great danger of extinction. According to the world, Christianity's only hope is to modernize by assimilating to the present day's standards. The church should no longer teach the “mythical sto...

The Heavy Burden of Anxiety - Agape Ministry 27/10/2020

Worries If you are reading this, then I am certain you will affirm this statement. You have experience anxiety or worry over an event or the future. We all experience this--some more than others, but it is a reality just as we need air to breathe, food to eat, and sleep. The difference is that anxiety produces an uneasy, heavy, and dark cloud to be cast upon our very souls. [ 985 more words ]

The Heavy Burden of Anxiety - Agape Ministry If you are reading this, then I am certain you will affirm this statement. You have experience anxiety or worry over an event or the future. We all experience this--some more than others, but it is a reality just as we need air to breathe, food to eat, and sleep. The difference is that anxiety produ...

The Function of Pneumatic Charismata in the Contemporary Church - Agape Ministry 08/08/2020

There is tremendous evidence of the continuation of spiritual gifts throughout church history and in the present-day church, but are all spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture available today? If so, how should they function in the modern church? The Holy Spirit’s work in believers is evident in conforming them to the image of Christ, and even in bringing the unbeliever to faith. Richard B. Gaffin states, “No work of the Spirit, I hold, is more radical, more impressive, more miraculous, and more thoroughly supernatural than what he does—now, today—with people who are nothing less than “dead in … transgressions and sins” (Eph. 2:1, 5).

Follow the link to read more!

The Function of Pneumatic Charismata in the Contemporary Church - Agape Ministry There is tremendous evidence of the continuation of spiritual gifts throughout church history and in the present-day church, but are all spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture available today? If so, how should they function in the modern church? The Holy Spirit's work in believers is evident in con...

The Function of Pneumatic Charismata in the Contemporary Church - Agape Ministry 08/08/2020

Introduction There is tremendous evidence of the continuation of spiritual gifts throughout church history and in the present-day church, but are all spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture available today? If so, how should they function in the modern church? The Holy Spirit's work in believers is evident in conforming them to the image of Christ, and even in bringing the unbeliever to faith. [ 2,680 more words ]

The Function of Pneumatic Charismata in the Contemporary Church - Agape Ministry There is tremendous evidence of the continuation of spiritual gifts throughout church history and in the present-day church, but are all spiritual gifts mentioned in Scripture available today? If so, how should they function in the modern church? The Holy Spirit's work in believers is evident in con...

The Providence of God - Agape Ministry 24/07/2020

The Providence of God - Agape Ministry The providence of God is directly related to the sovereignty that only He holds. In His sovereignty, God plans and ordains the events of the past, present, and future to achieve His desires. As such, it is God’s providence that His creation is provided “overseeing care and guardianship.” Witho...

The Providence of God - Agape Ministry 24/07/2020

The providence of God is directly related to the sovereignty that only He holds. In His sovereignty, God plans and ordains the events of the past, present, and future to achieve His desires. As such, it is God’s providence that His creation is provided “overseeing care and guardianship.”[1] Without the Lord’s divine provision, life is not possible. Providence Providence covers a wide range of actions of God, lending to a definition that can be hard to comprehend fully. [ 657 more words ]

The Providence of God - Agape Ministry The providence of God is directly related to the sovereignty that only He holds. In His sovereignty, God plans and ordains the events of the past, present, and future to achieve His desires. As such, it is God’s providence that His creation is provided “overseeing care and guardianship.” Witho...

United Under Christ 08/06/2020

United Under Christ We live lives that are wrought with fear, suffering, and great strife. The news and social media constantly bombard us with messages that cause fear, uncertainty, and dismay; however, we as Christians, are reassured that our future will bring about order, peace, and tremendous joy because of Christ....

Imago Dei - Agape Ministry 07/06/2020

Imago Dei - Agape Ministry Pertains to everyone including the lives of the unborn. Simply put, ALL lives matter. We have all been created by God and bear his image; in the imago Dei.

Verse of the Day Posts - Agape Ministry 02/06/2020

Need some inspiration? Want to encourage others through social media? Check these out!

Verse of the Day Posts - Agape Ministry Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information.

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

Speak of nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. He alone is the solution to all human sin. He will bring true justice one day. If you fail to speak of Him, all your lofty ideas are but empty vessels and idolatry.

Timeline photos 01/06/2020

This rioting has got to stop. Violence is not the answer for justice. But this is to be expected, for we live in a world of depravity to sinfulness.

Timeline photos 13/05/2020
Suffering to Glorify God - Agape Ministry 03/05/2020

Much of life can be viewed through the lenses of sufferings and blessings. It is not typical for one to desire to suffer, so the faithful shall seek alleviation of such pains. In their prayers to the Lord, they petition the Lord to remove such hardships. What do we make of it when He does not remove the malady from one’s life? Is it possible that the affliction is not a mere mark of suffering, but truly, it is a blessing to the faithful?

Suffering to Glorify God - Agape Ministry Much of life can be viewed through the lenses of sufferings and blessings. It is not typical for one to desire to suffer, so the faithful shall seek alleviation of such pains. In their prayers to the Lord, they petition the Lord to remove such hardships. What do we make of it when He does not remove...

The Suppression of Truth - Agape Ministry 03/05/2020

The Suppression of Truth - Agape Ministry Many who advocate for abortions ignore the data, pictures, and details. Even if you provide them with this information they will suppress the truth and continue believing the lies they've been told to support the atrocity that is abortion. Today we are going to be exploring some of the gruesome fact...

Marks of True Conversion 12/04/2020

Marks of True Conversion There are many that profess to be Christian, but their lives do not reflect such faith. It is greatly concerning that it is likely that many “Christians” are false converts—those that want salvation, but their lack of faith has let them remain the same as they were prior to conversion. It is t...

Timeline photos 10/04/2020

Tetelestai, "It is finished"

John 19:30 (ESV): When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished,” and he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

Can a Pandemic Glorify God? - Agape Ministry 05/04/2020

Can a Pandemic Glorify God? - Agape Ministry At this current time, the world is experiencing a pandemic that is causing many to become ill (over 1 million), and many thousands to die. For logical reasons, people are worried over this current situation. What will the future hold? Will it get far worse, or will it ever stop? What about those tha...

When does life begin? - Agape Ministry 05/04/2020

When does life begin? - Agape Ministry The problem today is that individuals are using science to support their agenda on the morality of abortion, and altering the English language to dehumanize human babies because their location starts in the womb. Many women will argue that a "fetus" has no right to inhabit their body without their c...


"This is, therefore, the only true repentance, when the heart of the sinner is inwardly torn with grief, and weighed down by heaviness; and when, on the other hand, it is healed by faith and the remission of sin, quickened by the infusion of divine joy, provoked to good works, and thoroughly transformed and changed. Such a frame of mind cannot fail to be attended also with an external reformation of life and manners."

Johann Arndt

Be Calm During the Storm - Agape Ministry 22/03/2020

We are living during a difficult time, but is there peace to be found? Can we have hope in the future? Yes, through Jesus Christ, we can have both, despite our circumstances.

Be Calm During the Storm - Agape Ministry We are living in a time that is certainly not the norm that we are used to, but is this unprecedented? If it is unprecedented, then is it totally unique or should our actions and emotions be similar to any other catastrophic event? The new Coronavirus that has spread globally, Covid-19, has caused o...


While there is no reason to be fearful, be smart about things. Don't needlessly interact with others--this is how you either get infected or infect others. While many are likely to survive the infection, that's not to say it's not miserable. Further, you might (most won't) need hospitalization. I'm not going to be missing church in person for no reason--the only way to can prevent people from dying and continuing to spread this is through quarantines and limiting our interactions. Despite all this, if this virus causes you more fear than your sin, then we have much larger issues to deal with than just this virus. The virus causes death of the body, but sin causes death of the soul.

I pray all will be safe. If you need anything, contact me and I'll do my best to get you what you need. God bless!

“I shall ask God mercifully to protect us. Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine and take it. I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance inflict and pollute others and so cause their death as a result of my negligence. If God should wish to take me, he will surely find me and I have done what he has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own death or the death of others. If my neighbor needs me however I shall not avoid place or person but will go freely as stated above. See this is such a God-fearing faith because it is neither brash nor foolhardy and does not tempt God."

- Martin Luther

Should Christians Judge Others? - Agape Ministry 01/03/2020

Should Christians Judge Others? - Agape Ministry Should a Christian judge others? Are they commanded to stay sillent on the sins of others, or are they to provide correction as a gesture of love?