Kein_the programmer.
computer programming.
Information and communication technology (ICT) plays a critical role in students’ learning engagement and improvements by providing them with learning support through increased teacher–student and peer interactions. One way to afford such support is through the use of instant feedback and asynchronous feedback facilitated by online, mobile, and game-based learning tools. By examining an empirical case study of our own classroom, this chapter explores the research question: How can ICT be used to facilitate instant feedback and asynchronous feedback for students’ learning engagement and improvements? Using learning tools such as instant response system and learning management system affording instant and asynchronous feedback, students were provided with constant learning support. Findings from classroom observations, student focus groups (n = 15), and teacher interview (n = 1) affirmed the capacity of ICT for generating instant feedback and asynchronous feedback, which enhanced students’ learning engagement, collaborative knowledge building, and autonomy as active learners.