Copperdale High

Copperdale High

Copperdale High is the center of your teen Sims' world.

Inside these halls, Sims participate in everything that makes high school such a formative time in life, from building lifelong friendships, to selecting our favorite extracurr


Carving Your Own Path in High School

Copperdale High is the center of your teen Sims’ world. Inside these halls, Sims participate in everything that makes high school such a formative time in life, from building lifelong friendships, to selecting our favorite extracurricular activities and graduating into adulthood.

During school hours, Sims attend class, hang out with friends, have lunch in the cafeteria, take weekly exams, and hopefully avoid being scolded by the principal who patrols the halls! After school, students can participate in activities like football, cheer-leading, chess, and computer clubs, go to events like the science fair, or head home to their poster-filled bedroom to complete their homework.

In terms of extracurricular activities, a teen Sim can join an after-school club or team like football or cheer, practice these skill related activities, participate in competitions, and experience the highs and lows of winning and losing alongside your teammates.

You’ll even have the opportunity to navigate through the challenges and joys of young love, whether it’s the blissfulness of the crush stage, or the woes of a teenage breakup. A word of advice: Plumbite Pier is the perfect date spot! There is an amusement park with a haunted house, tunnel of love, a Ferris Wheel, and a photo-booth for memories!
