Seek Ye First

Seek Ye First

Writings, thoughts, messages, and quotes that [through the leading of God] will empower, motivate, rebuke, guide, and inspire us.


"God uses broken things. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to give rain, broken grain to give bread, broken bread to give strength. It is the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power than ever." - Vance Havner

Just a reminder that you are not alone in your mental health problems. Because many of us, including me, are also going through the same thing.

Enough of the misconceptions that Christians don't get depressed, that anxiety is just "all in the mind". That we are strong because we have Christ, therefore we can carry all problems and burdens just fine.

The truth is, we NEED Christ because we are not strong. We fail at times. We stumble, we get tempted and sin because we are still in the flesh. We can't carry all our burdens on our back because they're too heavy for us. We get broken, beaten up, and trampled on.

But this is not necessarily a bad thing. Because through all of these things, we'll get to realize just how badly we need God. Through our problems, the goodness, love, and mercy of the Lord gets to be highlighted over our life. When we are at our lowest point, we could finally and truthfully say that God is all that we need, that He alone can save us.

This dark tunnel is not the end of us. There's a light at the end, the restoration promise of God.

He will make everything - the bad, the ugliness, the hurts, the pain, the scars - beautiful in it's own time.


Have you ever come to a point in your life that when you look back at everything you've been through, all you can say is,
"Wow, Lord, nalagpasan ko lahat ng yun."

It's there that we can really testify the truth of God's word in 1 Corinthians 10:13,
"...God is faithful [to His word—He is compassionate and trustworthy], and He will not let you be tempted beyond your ability [to resist], but along with the temptation He [has in the past and is now and] will [always] provide the way out as well, so that you will be able to endure it [without yielding, and will overcome temptation with joy]."

Trust in Him, in whatever season, whatever situation that you are in right now. Even in times of great difficulty, the troubled times that seem to go nowhere. Remember, Joseph spent many years in the pit and prison, but God is faithful to keep His promise to bring him to the palace in the end.
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To all of us who lead, who were entrusted to take care of the souls God gave in our care...

Take heart, even though discipling is hard. Even though trials and stuggles come.

Remember these words from the apostle Paul in his first letter to the Thessalonians:
After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when he returns? It is you! Yes, you are our pride and joy.
[1 Thessalonians 2:19‭-‬20]

Paul loved the Thessalonian believers that he shared not only the Good News to them, but also his life. He akin himself to a mother hen feeding and caring for her own children. He labored for them, because he knew how precious those souls are. That even when facing persecutions and hardships, they became his pride, hope, and joy.

So we continue on. Those of us who take care of the sheep will be encouraged in the midst of problems when they remain strong in the Lord and firm in their faith. ❤️
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Simple reminders for all Christian brothers and sisters.
Let's be mindful in these times, that first and foremost we are new creations through Jesus - the old has gone, the new has come.
We no longer conform to what the world does because we are now citizens in the Kingdom of God.

And so, let's not follow the rebellious and unsubmissive ways of the unbelievers. As Christians, it's not our job to criticize, bash, give negative comments, or even make fun of our leaders.

You wanna know why?

Because ALL AUTHORITY comes from God. Check Romans 13:1.
He Himself is the one who appointed our leaders, regardless of their personalities, whether they are "good" or "bad".
He is in control over everything, He knows the bigger picture, the reason why that specific leader is in that position.

So, what should we do as believers?
It doesn't mean that there's nothing we can do. Remember, God also gave us authority here on earth as His children.
It's actually our job to pray and intercede for those in authority!
[1 Timothy 2:1-4]

That's because the heart of the king [those in authority] is in the hands of the Lord. (Proverbs 21:1) Through our prayers and intercession, we can make a change where we are, as God will guide our leaders in their responsibilities and decisions.


If we live by our emotions, we'll end up being manipulated by our moods.

But as people of faith, we are to live our lives based upon our commitments, not emotions.

Let's keep on and persevere, for that is the secret of success.
Credits to: Streams of Water Ministry (SOWM)
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It doesn't matter whether you take big, energetic, radical steps or little, baby steps. What matter is that you moved forward and deeper in your relationship with the Lord.

How? Here are SOME ways:
✅Reading the Bible, one chapter a day (or more)
- It's His living and breathing Word where we can know His heart
✅Talking to Him all the time
- Whether through long, deep prayers, or simple talk and musings with Him
✅Listening to His word through His servants
- Sunday worship service, Bible study groups, cell groups
✅Setting a special time to have a date with God ALONE
- Have long, winding walks with Him, go to the park and have a picnic, go on a vacation; spend it purely with God, soaking in His presence, talking to Him, having a "quiet time" to just pause and breathe Him in

Make it your goal that the day won't end until you spend time with God. 🤍
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"I look up to the mountains, where can I find help?"
Pressures in our lives never end.
It keeps on coming and coming.
We long for a moment where we could just BREATHE.

My dear, this is your reminder to look up to God and cry out to Him.

David wonderfully painted it in his song:
"I look up toward the mountains.
Where can I find help?
My help comes from the Lord,
the maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let you fall.
Your guardian will not fall asleep.
Indeed, the Guardian of Israel never rests or sleeps.
The Lord is your guardian.
The Lord is the shade over your right hand.
The sun will not beat down on you during the day, nor will the moon at night.
The Lord guards you from every evil. He guards your life.
The Lord guards you as you come and go, now and forever."
[Ps. 121:1-8]

Our God never sleeps, He is always there listening for our whispers and cries to Him. He will never let harm come our way.

So, just talk to Him. He's waiting for you. Draw your strength from His presence, and you will be empowered by His grace.
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I know my dear, it hurts.
The pain seems like it will never end.
The tears keep on falling.
It feels like you can't get out of it.

It's like no one can see your situation.
No one can understand your agony.

But, can I invite you to open your eyes and look up?

For there He is telling you,
"I see you, and I hear you."

Look up to the Lord who heals the brokenhearted and binds their wounds.
The Lord who sees each tear that falls, and hears us when we call.
The One who let Himself be wounded just for you to be healed.
The One who loves you so much that He died just so you can be with Him.

Look up, and be healed.



Hindi lang tayo basta-basta.
If you feel like society, or your family, or other people thinks so little of you, you need to know your true identity in God.

🌹Beautiful; fearfully and wonderfully made
[Psalm 139:14]
🌹The daughter of the King
[2Corinthians 6:18]
🌹Precious and beloved by your Father
[John 3:16]
🌹The apple of His eye
[Psalm 17:8]
🌹Redeemed and rescued through our Savior
[Titus 2:14]
🌹And so much more! (You can read it in His Word)

You are WORTH IT, just ask Jesus.
He gave His own life for us even if He knew the things that we did and are going to do, all our dark and messed up moments, all of our mistakes.

He knows, and still He loves us so much to die on the cross just so we could be reconciled to Him. 💗

Happy Women's Month!

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Having a bad week?

Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a rut, feeling empty and dry and weak?

But then, God suddenly speaks to you through whatever you're doing...

Then you feel inexplicable joy bubbling out of your heart out of nowhere...

And just like a ray of sunshine, it banishes the dark thoughts, the shadow of fear, the emptiness inside of you, and you just want to express out what the Lord is doing in your life.

I hope you have a great morning like me 🌞💖.
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Photos from Seek Ye First's post 28/02/2022

There's no doubt whether God loves us or not. He already showed us His answer when Jesus died on the cross.

The question is: do WE love God?
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A reminder for us these days....

With what's going on in the world right now, let's take this moment to reflect that in all situations, in all the chaos and the storms, HE IS GOD.


Let our faith be bigger than our fear.

Listen to the voice calling to you,
"Be still, and know that I am God."
Intercede for Ukraine


One Saturday morning when I was soaking in the Lord, I found myself crying to Him.

I felt so lost at that time. So unsure, so unsetteled, so uncertain with my life.

I felt I was going nowhere. Thoughts racing with responsibilities and decisions I need to make.

Then these words suddenly came and burst forth from my heart to mind...

"Guide my feet. May I always be found in Your perfect will. When I go astray, bring me back your way."

Words that planted a desire deep in my soul. To surrender my all and be led by the Lord fully and completely.

Because only He knows the best for me. His plans are so perfect, and wonderful, and incomprehensible.

And now, whenever I feel those worries and fear starting to bubble up again, I'll declare these words as I set my gaze up to my Father in heaven.
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Choose carefully.

"I'll just watch this once, then I'll be done with it."

"I'm too young to learn about saving and budgeting and all of that jazz. I want to enjoy what I want right now without that hassle."

"I'll study later after I finish this one game."

"Everyone's doing it. I'll be an outcast if I won't do the same."

Dear young people, don't think that what we do now won't affect our future. Our actions now will either become destructive habits that we need to unlearn and break as time goes by, or habits that will become helpful for us.

You harvest what you are going to plant. If you'll sow an apple seed, you won't get an orange from its tree. Likewise, if we plant seeds like "selfishness", "bad habits" and "earthly desire", we'll reap the fruits of its consequences. But if we plant seeds of actions that wants to please God, we'll harvest the fruits of joy, peace, and everlasting life.

Galatians 6:7-8 says
"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life."
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No matter how hard we try, it seems like we can't escape problems in our life.

"Problema nanaman..."

"I surrendered my life to Jesus, bakit mas lalong humirap ang situation ko?"

"Lord, if totoo ka bakit nangyayari ang mga ito?"

"Pagod na ako...When will this ever end?"

First of all, we need to know some truths.
One, God is not the one who made and/or caused the problems in this world. That's the work of the enemy - satan, and the consequences of this broken humanity.
But, He ALLOWED it to happen because He has a higher purpose for it.

The trials, the problems, the challenges, the struggles that we are facing right now are actually God's way of deepening our spiritual roots in Him. The more storms that come, the more we will call and hold unto Him, the stronger we will be.

These are not obstacles to our faith but are opportunities for us to grow it.

Don't worry, because God promises that He will never give us anything that we can't handle (1 Corinthians 10:13)

So don't avoid these difficult times. Instead, embrace them!
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To you who needs to hear this today...

Feel unloved?
Answer = Romans 9:38-39

Feel like you're not enough?
Answer = Romans 9:38-39

Self-condemnation gripping you?
Answer = Romans 9:38-39

You feel so far from God?
Answer = Romans 9:38-39

No matter what situation you are in right now, be convinced and convicted that the answer will always be:
Romans 9:38-39

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Dear son of God,

We always hear people and social media advising us to "follow our hearts" when it comes to making decisions about our life and our future. But it's actually a bit of stupid advice!

Let's look at what the Bible says about it:
Jeremiah 17:9
“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?"

How can we follow our hearts when our hearts are actually unreliable? It wants one thing now then changes tomorrow. It's easily influenced by emotions and other outside factors, and that can lead to bad or devastating decisions.

So, what should we do?
Be a man after God's own heart!

Acts 13:22
"But God removed Saul and replaced him with David, a man about whom God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.’"

Be a person that seeks and does the will of God in every area of your life. God knows what's best for us. He has a perfect plan for our lives, plans that will actually prosper us and not harm us. Great and beautiful plans that will give us hope and a future.

So my dear, pursue and run after the heart of God! ❤️
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Dear daughter of God,

We always hear people and social media advising us to "follow our hearts" when it comes to making decisions about our life and our future. But it's actually a bit of stupid advice!

Let's look at what the Bible says about it:
Jeremiah 17:9
“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?"

How can we follow our hearts when our hearts are actually unreliable? It wants one thing now then changes tomorrow. It's easily influenced by emotions and other outside factors, and that can lead to bad or devastating decisions.

So, what should we do?
Be a woman after God's own heart!

Acts 13:22
"But God removed Saul and replaced him with David, a man about whom God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.’"

Be a person that seeks and does the will of God in every area of your life. God knows what's best for us. He has a perfect plan for our lives, plans that will actually prosper us and not harm us. Great and beautiful plans that will give us hope and a future.

So my dear, pursue and run after the heart of God! ❤️
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Photos from Seek Ye First's post 12/02/2022

"A Post About Love"

Matthew 22:36-39
"Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?" Jesus replied, "'You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.' This is the first & greatest commandment. And second is equally important: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.

There's actually something we forget to realize in Jesus' words about love in this passage from the gospel of Matthew.

Yes, we do prioritize our love to God. He should be the number one in our lives.
But when we go to the second part of what Jesus said, we focus immediately on 'loving our neighbors' that we forget the precept:
loving yourself.

We try to love someone else when we don't even love ourselves.

That's why problems come into our relationships. We can't truly and fully give our best for them because we haven't learned to do that to ourselves. We always look for validation from them, that we feel like we failed without it. We settle for the bare minimum when we actually deserve more.

And so my dear, don't just go and rush to enter into a relationship with a person.
First, hone and refine your relationship with God. Be filled with His perfect love until He alone can satisfy you.
Next is to love yourself. Remove any self-condemnation. Be healed.
Only after then can you truly love others the way Jesus wants you to.
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Hey, you.
I see you working hard.
For your family, for your loved ones, for the future.

You went through a lot of trials, problems, and challenges.

Sometimes, you can easily overcome them with that strong faith of yours. But there are also times you wonder when will these hardships end?

Has God forgotten you?

Is there a point to any of these?

My friend, your perseverance is a seed that will produce results. God will not overlook everything you have done - every sweat, every tears, every sacrifice you have made - He will honor it.

And this precious seed you have planted will one day grow and bear so many fruits that will in turn bless many.
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..."You won't be able to graduate and get any decent job because of your grades.".."I'm sorry but we're not going to give you that promotion, someone else outperformed you.".."Your brothers got many awards when they were your age. Why can't you be like them?".. "You came from good-for-nothing parents, you'll probably be like them too."

🔹We hear countless opinions around us.
🔹Maybe it's from our family, our parents, siblings, titos and titas.
🔹Maybe it's from our teachers, from our 'friends', our classmates, our bosses, our coworkers, our significant others.

🔹Opinions that try to bring us down, that demeans us, that puts us down.

🔹But you have to know that amidst the rejections if this world, a louder voice tells us,

🔹That's no other than our Father in Heaven.
🔹He knows our worth, our potential that He has planted inside of us.
🔹He knows our hidden skills and talents that are waiting to come out and flourish.

"When the world dumps and rejects you, and you land on the garbage heap of the world, stand resolved to be hopeful and courageous. You are a person of great worth. Don't accept the opinions of others because they do not see what great and valuable potential is inside you."
-Myles Munroe
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"A God-Shaped Blank"

All of our lives, we desperately search for our purpose and meaning, the reason why we are alive.
But despite of taking steps to find these, we always end up feeling empty and unfulfilled.

This is because deep inside each and everyone of us is a blackhole. And no matter what we try to put in it, the hole is still there.
Void. Dark. Cold.
A spiritual emptiness, a God-shaped blank.

We try to fill this hole with possessions, success, relationships, even religion.
Still, none of these truly satisfies us. At first, we feel temporarily accomplished having these things. But then that blackhole slowly sucks out the happiness, the enjoyment, the sense of accomplishment, until it once more feels empty.

That's because there's only one that could truly occupy this void, and that's God.
And He won't only help us have a life that is full and rich here on earth but also give us that eternal hope with His presence.

In Him alone we'll find our purpose, our meaning, our satisfaction.

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Some excerpts paraphrased from First Steps for New Christians, Greg Laurie
