Esther Bassey

Esther Bassey

Public Figure


The following names have been approved for appointment in Calabar South Local Goverment Area:

1. Mr. Francis Ironbar - Secretary of Council
2. Barr. Ukpong Eba - Legal Adviser
3. Ekeng Ekeng Henshaw (Calabar boy) - Special Adviser, Peace and Security

4. Mrs Kate Okon Umoh
5. Mrs Sarah Edet Archibong
6. Emmanuel Eyo
7. Mrs Utibe Ephraim
8. Edem Offiong
9. Innocent A. Augustine
10. Orok Asibong Orok

11. Mrs Inyang Okon - Protocol Officer to the Chairman
12. Mrs Nkese Eneyo - Chief Press Secretary
13. Mrs Umoh Antigha Cobham - Special Assistant, Women Affairs
14. Mrs Stella Duke - PA to Chairman, Political
15. Edith Archibong - PA to Chairman, Admin
16. Noami Dominic Edet - PA to Chairman, Domestic
17. Hon. Rowland Edet - Special Assistant, Legislature
18. Francis Ekpenyong - Special Assistant, Special Duties/COS
19. Mr Williams Ibok - PA to the Vice Chairman
20. Daniel Essesien - Protocol Officer to the Vice Chairman
21. Williams Coco-Bassey - Special Assistant to the Vice Chairman
22. Nkiru Bassey Otu - Special Assistant to the Vice Chairman
23. Effiong Etim Effiong - PA to the Leader of Legislature
24. Ubong Frank - Protocol Officer to the Leader
25. Iquo Okon - Special Assistant to the Leader of Legislature
26. Maurice Offiong - Special Assistant to the Deputy Leader
27. Ruth Ekeng - Special Assistant to the Secretary
28. Micheal Effiom - Special Assistant Media/ICT
29. Ukpong Ukpong - PA Protocol
30. Nse Okon Umoren - PA to the Deputy Leader
31. Esther Ekpenyong Ekpenyong - PA to the Chairman
32. Arit Asuquo - Special Assistant to the Chairman

Hon. (Mrs) Esther Bassey
Executive Chairman, Calabar South Local Government Area.


To all the men who work diligently and tirelessly to put food on the table, send the kids to school, and put a roof over their family’s head.

You are our unsung heroes, and we can't appreciate you enough.

Fatherhood is a gift, a gift to raise generation that is better, wiser and has more opportunities.

Fatherhood is a privilege, and on this Father's day, I urge every man out there to realise that it's beyond words but the examples that you show and the life you

We see you and we celebrate you today and always.

Happy Father’s Day!!!

Mbok Emem Odu #

Hon.(Mrs) Esther Edet Bassey.
Proudly Calabar South.


The Amazons of our time... The women of substance, the quintessential mothers of Cross River State that have turned the tide in the politics of our dear state
Dr Linda Ayade, the beautiful and unassuming humble wife of our dear Governor who stood against all odds to see to it that women are favorably carried along and well represented in the political terrain. She is the mother Theresa of our time, a philanthropist and humanitarian of note. Thank you ma for giving a woman good representation, thank you ma for loving me unconditionally
Dr Inyang Asibong, the only female campaign DG in Cross River State in the just concluded Local Government elections. She came out with the best result ever recorded in Calabar South Local Government, thereby culminating in the emergence of another beautiful woman as the new face of Calabar South LGA Chairman, this goes to show that what a man can do, a woman can do much better
Hon Esther Edet Bassey, the Queen of Calabar South as I am popularly referred to by my supporters. My emergence as the Local Government Chairman shows that hard work pays and this is what endeared my boss Dr Linda Ayade to support me against all odds. I am a woman of peace, that is why my slogan is # Yak emem odu, Let there be peace #
Like I said, I must do all in my power as the Chairman to bring back peace and safety back to Calabar South
I present to you the amazons of Cross River State....

Photos from Esther Bassey's post 03/06/2020

If it was not the Lord who was always on my side when men rose up against me.....

It was a successful inauguration into the council today and I return all the glory to JESUS!

Calabar South behold The New Executive Chairman of the Calabar South Local Government Area; orchestrated by the Mighty Hands of God and empowered by my boss Dr (Mrs) Linda Ayade.

True Victory belongs to GOD!

Hon.(Mrs) Esther Edet Bassey


On behalf of my husband and entire family, I rejoice with all Muslims on the occasion of this year's Eld- el - Fitri.

Traditionally, the end Ramadan comes with funfare and celebrations with families and friends.

But as we celebrate at home with our families, I want us to remember that our fight against -19 is not over. Let us reflect on the last couple of months as individuals, as a state and as a nation.

Not forgetting health workers and thousands of Covid-19 patients who would have loved to be at home celebrating with there families and love ones.

To reflect the Spirit of the current global pandemic, I implore all to celebrate moderately with our families. It's my prayers that the end of the Ramadan brings joy to every Cross-riverians irrespective of there religious inclination.

Eld Mubarak.

Prouldy Calabar South.


Esther Bassey


Cross River State is indeed the place to be. I want to use this medium to personally congratulate His Excellency, The Executive Governor of our dear state, Prof Sir Benedict Ayade and his team of Covid19 fighters on this giant stride of keeping Cross River State Covid free.

It is huge for us because you and your great team have shown how great it is to be committed and dedicated to achieving a goal..

Thank you so much for a Job Weldon, and for this show of leadership.

And to my dear cross-riverians, thumbs up for your co-operation.

Long Live The Federal Republic Of Nigeria.
Long Live Cross River State.
Long Live Calabar South.



Calabar South Mbok #

Esther Bassey


I welcome our Muslim brothers and sisters to the Holy month of Ramadan. I urge you all to use this period of spiritual connection with the almighty Allah to pray for our dear State, our country and the entire world as we battle the novel Coronavirus pandemic.

Let us remain law abiding by following strict instructions on social distancing, using of nose masks and proper hygiene.

Always remember to take precautions:

1) Wash your hands well with soap and avoid contamination.

2) Cover your mouth and nose with tissues or sleeves when coughing or sneezing.

3) Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

4) Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects.

May Allah accept our supplication.

Ramadan Mubarak.

Esther Bassey

Mbok #


Lord am grateful for another year, am thanking you for the grace and opportunity to serve.

Am grateful for where you took me from and where you are taking me to!

Even if i had a million tongues, my thank you will never be enough.

Another 365 days to do great exploits and to tell the world of your goodness.

Happy birthday to the Queen.
(Today na my day i go do shakara!)

My brother God can bless anybody,
Make you no look down on anybody,
As you see me so no be by power o,
No be by sense e o,
No body special pass....
My sister God can bless anybody.....

Emem Odu #.

Photos from Esther Bassey's post 12/04/2020

In support of the Covid-19 sensitization, I and my team paid a visit to the elderly,aged and widows in all the wards in my LGA, to educate/sensitize them on personal hygiene and preventive measures.

Facial masks,hand sanitizers and hand wash were give to them. We were also able to support them in our little way with food items.

My sincere appreciation goes first to God Almighty for bringing us this far and to my ever supportive First Lady,( My Boss) Her Excellency Dr Mrs Linda Ayade, Rt Hon Essien Ayi and his dear wife Deaconess Mrs Helen Essien Ayi, My personal person Dr Mrs Inyang Asibong, and to all the women leaders, ward councillors and my lovely crew.

Thank you so much.

Mrs Esther Bassey
