Not Up 4 Debate Podcast

Not Up 4 Debate Podcast

Join Damien and Randy as they discuss various belief systems and other philosophical topics! Not Up 4 Debate is an exciting new podcast that started this year!

Founded by Damien and Randy, Not Up 4 Debate provides a fun and safe environment for people to share their beliefs, viewpoints, and questions about life's heaviest topics. Damien and Randy want to share their love of learning about other people's way of life with their listeners. The point of the Podcast is in the name; we discuss the guest's viewpoints without the discomfort of debate.


It's been a while since we've posted and that mostly because Damien has been sick for about a month now.

Due to Damien's health issues we are putting a pause on the Podcast indefinitely. We are unsure when or if we will continue.

It has been an honor and a pleasure thus far and we do hope to return. We just don't have answers for now.

Our published episodes of course are still available on all of our platforms.

Episode 14 Buddhism with Paljor 24/05/2023

Sorry its a little late but episode 14 was released yesterday!

Listen in as Paljor tells us some of the basics of Buddhism.

Remember to like, follow. Subscribe, etc on all of our platforms.

Have a great week!

Episode 14 Buddhism with Paljor In this episode, Damien and Randy talk with Paljor about his Buddhism faith and practices. We go over different aspects of the Muslim faith and the many cool...


Hi everyone, we weren't able to release an episode this weekend because life got in the way. Randy is returning to his regular work schedule and Damien has strep throat. We should have an episode available this upcoming weekend. Our apologies and thank you for your patience.

Episode 13 A Unique View of Parallel Worlds 06/05/2023

Episode 13 is here!

We had the privilege of talking to Eddie and his views on reality. Are parallel universes a reality? Eddie thinks they might be.

Enjoy the conversation and don't forget to get involved by liking, following, and subscribing to various platforms!

Episode 13 A Unique View of Parallel Worlds Damien and Randy engage in a conversation with Eddie Ortiz on his Unique View of Parallel Worlds. Various aspects of the multiple worlds are discussed, along...

Episode 12 The Baháʼí Faith 29/04/2023

Good morning and welcome to Episode 12!

Listen in as Dean walks us through the basics of the Bahá'i faith. Thanks so much Dean, you did a fantastic job and were a delightful guest!

Fun fact: As some may know, Damien is a huge fan of The Office and Rain Wilson and this is the faith that Rain Wilson follows.

Don't forget to like, follow, and subscribe on youtube, Instagram, Facebook and most places that you can find your podcasts. Check out our website too!

Episode 12 The Baháʼí Faith Damien and Randy engage in a conversation with Dean Hill on The Baháʼí Faith in this episode. Various aspects of the religion are discussed, along with some ...

Episode 011 Unitarian Universalists, Aliens, and Ghosts with Julian Jenkins 22/04/2023

Look who's back, back, back again...

We are so excited to be back in action. Surgery went well, healing is going well, and we're back to our weekly releases!

And we have a fun episode to start us back up! Julian was such a pleasure to have on the show. We take a little break from the usual episode concepts and get into the UNUSUAL. Aliens and the Supernatural, coming right up!

Again, thank you for your patience as we've paused over the last month and we're sure you'll have fun with Episode 11.

Remember to like, follow, subscribe and all that good stuff on all of our platforms!

Episode 011 Unitarian Universalists, Aliens, and Ghosts with Julian Jenkins In this episode, Damien and Randy talk with Julian Jenkins. We go over different aspects of Unitarian Universalists, Aliens, and Ghosts. This episode keeps y...


Well well well. Look who decided to show up to work! 😉

We're back at it. Surgery and recovery have gone well. Hoping to have another episode released this weekend.

Thanks for you're patience everyone!


We strongly believe this and it's basically a summary of why we started this podcast. Thanks for the reminder Rob Schneider 😆


Hello friends!

Just wanted to give a quick update that Randy's surgery took place early last week and it went well. He spent almost a week in the hospital and finally got to come home today, Sunday. He is recovering well and is having physical therapy. He is in good spirits and of course is cracking jokes about his surgery or the impacts it has.

Thank yall for catching up on some of the other episodes as we take a few weeks off here. Of course, please do like, follow, and subscribe to our various platforms, especially YouTube.

Again, if you'd like to contribute to Randy's recovery, feel free to donate to his gofundme.

Thanks everyone and see ya soon!

Help us help Randy thru this cancer road trip, organized by Kevin Robert Sherrill 18/03/2023

Hello friends and followers of the Not Up 4 Debate Podcast!

We've had a few unexpected situations arise that are causing us to put a short pause on producing more episodes.

First, Randy will be having surgery next week, March 21st. He will spend at least a few days in the hospital and will need to take a few weeks to recover at home.

Second, Randy's grandfather passed away earlier this week, rest in peace. Randy is now in Oklahoma visiting family and celebrating his grandfathers life.

While we knew about Randy's upcoming surgery we did not expect his grandfather to pass. This week we were planning on editing and having several weeks worth of episodes to release while Randy recovered at home. Randy needing to leave home has put a pause to that editing. We are looking at possibly not having anything new available for another 3-4 weeks.

This all being said, please do take this time to catch up on episodes you haven't watched or listened to.

Randy is one of the most positives guys I've had the privilege of knowing and that positivity doesn't stop where his surgery begins. He's in good spirits for the most part and welcomes your positive thoughts and prayers.

Also, if you'd like to help Randy with expenses as he is out of work during his recovery please feel free to donate to his gofundme using the link below or reach out to Damien for other ways to help donate.

Thank you all for understanding the delay in production. We look forward to bringing you more content!

Help us help Randy thru this cancer road trip, organized by Kevin Robert Sherrill Hi, Our brother, uncle, best friend, all around wonderful guy, wa… Kevin Robert Sherrill needs your support for Help us help Randy thru this cancer road trip

Episode 010 Christianity with Kevin Blow 11/03/2023

Episode 10 is ready for your listening and viewing!

Listen in as Kevin teaches us the basics of Christianity, dives into some history, and talks about the Anglican church.

Kevin, it was an honor to have you on the show!

Check out our YouTube at and find us on most other podcast platforms.

Episode 010 Christianity with Kevin Blow In this episode, Damien and Randy talk with Kevin Blow. We go over different aspects of the Christian faith and the many cool stories Kevin tells about Chris...

Episode 9 The Hillbilly Muslim Linda Ilham Barto 05/03/2023

We are so excited to release the 9th episode today because this is the first guest we had that wasn't a long time friend of ours. We know most of our friends journey and we enjoy having them share on our platform but it was thrilling to learn Linda's journey and story alongside our listeners. Thank you, Linda ILham Barto, for joining us. It was an absolute pleasure!

Listeners, please please listen in this week. Of course find us on our typical platforms including YouTube.

Also, check out the "As Mentioned" page on our website to see some of Linda's available publications!

Episode 9 The Hillbilly Muslim Linda Ilham Barto In this episode, Damien and Randy talk with The Hillbilly Muslim, Linda Ilham Barto. We go over different aspects of the Muslim faith and the many cool stori...

Episode 8 The Philosophy Episode 25/02/2023

Episode 8 is launched and available on all of our platforms. Enjoy Damien and Randy goofin off while they talk about philosophers and the general concept of philosophy.

Also, listen all the way through to find out how you can get involved in the fun and possibly win a small prize!

Please subscribe and follow on YouTube!

Episode 8 The Philosophy Episode In this episode, Damien and Randy talk about Philosophy. We go over different Philosophers and their methods.Episode 8 The Philosophy Episodewww.Notup4debate...

Leaving the LDS Church for Atheism 18/02/2023

Since we won't be releasing a new episode today we invite you to take a look back on our second episode with Holly. Here's a small clip from that episode:

Leaving the LDS Church for Atheism Watch the Full Clip here: talks about leaving the LDS Church for AtheismIn this week's episode, we sit down with Holly Mille...


Due to personal health issues we will not be releasing an episode this weekend. It's a great time for our listeners to catch up on previous episodes and to follow us on YouTube. We'll see yall next weekend!


Damien and Randy "philosophizing." (Without the w**d though)

Yes, that's a real word.


Episode 7 Mormonism with Will 11/02/2023

Episode 7 is now available on all of our platforms! Listen in as Will talks about his Mormon (LDS) faith.

Subscribe on YouTube today!

Episode 7 Mormonism with Will In this episode, Damien and Randy talk with their guest Will about his life with LDS Mormonism. We look at how his life growing up in Mormonism. We also go o...

Bonus Episode! Is the NFL Rigged? 08/02/2023

Surprise! We have a bonus episode for you! Just on time for the Superbowl too.

Listen in as Damien and Randy discuss the idea of the NFL being rigged or scripted.

As always, subscribe and follow us on YouTube, Google Podcasts, Spotify, etc.

Bonus Episode! Is the NFL Rigged? Is the Super Bowl LVII Rigged?Damien and Randy sit down to talk about the NFL and the Super Bowl on this special episode from Not Up 4 Debate. They discuss w...

Episode 6 Witchcraft with Ashlee 04/02/2023

Episode 6 is now available. Ashlee talks to us about what it means to be a Witch!

As usual, listen on Spotify and most other podcast platforms or watch on YouTube!

Episode 6 Witchcraft with Ashlee In this episode, Damien and Randy talk with their guest Ashlee about her life in Witchcraft. We look at her transition as well as how her life has changed be...


We've added a new page to our website!

As our guests mention certain items, links, or anything else we can physically show, we'll post them on our "As Mentioned" page. Enjoy!

Episode 5 Journey from Jehovah's Witnesses to Paganism with Karla 28/01/2023

Episode 5 is now available on all of our platforms! Join us as we discuss Karla's journey from Jehovah Witness to Paganism.

Episode 5 Journey from Jehovah's Witnesses to Paganism with Karla In this episode, Damien and Randy talk with their guest Karla about her leaving the Jehovah's Witnesses and her new life of Paganism. We look at her transiti...

Not Up 4 Debate Episode 4 Death and Paradigm Shifts 21/01/2023

Episode 4 is available on all of our platforms!

Listen in as Damien and Randy discuss paradigm shifts and what might make one consider changing sides of a debate.

Here's our YouTube link and of course you can always visit our website at

Not Up 4 Debate Episode 4 Death and Paradigm Shifts In this episode, Damien and Randy talk about Death and Paradigm Shifts. We look at our different perspectives, Damien recently dealing with a life-challengin...


Episode 3 is launched. Listen to Damien and Randy talk about the concept of parenting in today's world.

Check out our YouTube video here or go to our website at We're also on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon, or almost anywhere you listen to your podcasts!

Again, thank you for your patience as we had technical difficulties with this episode 😊


Hey all, we're still working on releasing this weekends episode and working through some tech issues. We appreciate your patience. Thank you!


A chuckle for your Thursday. Hope everyone's enjoying their day and looking forward to episode 3 this weekend!

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are on a camping trip.

In the middle of the night, Holmes nudges Watson awake, and says, "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

"I see millions of stars, my dear Holmes."

"And what do you infer from these stars?"

"Well, a number of things," he says, lighting his pipe:

Astronomically, I observe that there are millions of galaxies and billions of stars and planets.

Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.

Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.

Meteorologically, I expect that the weather will be fine and clear.

Theologically, I see that God is all-powerful, and man, his creation, small and insignificant.

What about you, Holmes?"

"Watson, you fool. Someone has stolen our tent!"

Not Up 4 Debate Episode 002 Atheism with Holly Miller 07/01/2023

Episode 2 is available now! Join us on Spotify, YouTube, Google Podcasts, or our website to hear us discuss atheism with our good friend, Holly!

Please like, follow, and subscribe on FB, Instagram, and YouTube.

Not Up 4 Debate Episode 002 Atheism with Holly Miller In this week's episode, we sit down with Holly Miller and discuss her transition from Mormonism to Atheism. We go into detail about what that transition was ...


Damien and Randy, every day 🤔

Minus the judgemental look on their faces, usually 😆