Redeemer from Mount Zion

Redeemer from Mount Zion

We are built solely on the Truths from the Bible and it's teachings. We are all equal according to God.

We accept everyone :) "Come as You are" we believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God - Who was born, died on the Cross and Rose again on the Third Day!


Today's Scripture & Devotional:


Happy Mother's Day 🥰 sorry it's late ... May all the mom's be blessed


💝 Today’s Scripture & Devotional: 💝
“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong in behalf of those whose hearts are blameless toward Him...” (2 Chronicles 16:9) 💕
💝 Blameless 💝
Are you looking for God to move in your life today? The Bible says that God is actually looking to show Himself strong in the earth. He is looking for those who have a blameless heart toward Him.
💝 When you open your heart to Jesus and ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you by His blood, He gives you a blameless heart—then you are the person the Lord wants to work through. When you understand the fact that God longs to work in your life, your faith will increase. Your hope will increase. And, God’s work in your life will increase!
👌🏽Have confidence in this scripture today. Begin to thank God for giving you a clean and blameless heart. Thank Him for choosing to work in you. As you thank and praise Him, expect Him to act. Expect to see Him move mightily on your behalf because He sees you as blameless!
🙏🏽 A Prayer for Today
“Father, thank You for the blood of Jesus which cleanses my sins and gives me a blameless heart. Search my heart today and remove anything that isn’t pleasing to You. I open my heart and invite You to work in every area of my life. I bless You and thank You for Your faithfulness in Jesus name. Amen.

Photos from Redeemer from Mount Zion's post 15/04/2024

Be gentle with your Mother..
There are times that a quick, short answer jumps out of your mouth. Full of sharp edges that draw blood. And you look away so you don’t need to see the pain you know you caused.
Half of what she does, you don’t understand. The things she allows leave you cold and irritate you.
One moment you want to hold her in your arms, the next you wish you could just shake her a bit.
One day it will all make sense to you.
The things she never told you about, are the very things that hollowed out her insides and then built her up again, so she can carry more and more where no-one can see the weight. Those things that sometimes break her where you can actually see it, even though you prefer not to.
Her eyes notice everything, yet she keeps so much to herself. She steps back and offers her hope for the sake of her child’s happiness. The gratitude she deserves for doing that is far and few between, yet her flame of gratitude reaches close to the Heavens.
Should you be blessed enough to still have her breathing the air of this earth, it’s time you start digging in your gratitude-archives and find the warmth in your heart, the forgiveness in your voice and the same amazement you had as a toddler for her. I beg of you to please, today and every day, be gentle with your Mother.
Because the day will come that her morning greeting will no longer be.
Her words “I love you my child” will no longer be.
Her voice will no longer be heard.
All that will be left are memories..
Be gentle with your Mother. ❤

🖊️: Author Unknown


1 Timothy 6:7

"After all, we brought nothing with us when we came into the world, and we can't take anything with us when we leave it."
God says do not put anything or anyone before me!
1.Marriage and motherhood are good gifts. But, like all good gifts, if we look to marriage and motherhood for our ultimate meaning, value, significance, or security, rather than to God himself, then they do indeed become idols.
2. If you make your kids an idol, it will show up in the way that you parent them. You will start to parent them a worldly way, a different way, rather than the way that God has commanded us to be with our kids.
3. But like any created good, loved ones can become idols if our affection for them displaces a primary love for God. When we try to make any creature the source of our deepest fulfillment, two results are inevitable: our deepest need remains unmet, and we lose our ability to love that creature as we should.
4. Less like a graven image or a golden calf, our idols today are often that which most capture our heart's affection instead of God. This means the possibilities are rather wide and the specificity is rather personal. Often, our affections are aimed at good things.
God says put Him first Matthew 6:33


SHARING: "A Double-Minded Man is Unstable"
>>> Trials and Temptations


God is good. And God is good at being God. But it’s easy to forget that as the plans we had for our lives start to take a hard turn in another direction…

… when the dream job you had your heart set on goes to another candidate.
… when the man you love doesn't love you back.
… when your child is making choices that break your heart.
… when you’re just not where you’d thought you’d be at this point in life.

But what if God’s plan is to change us through this before He changes our circumstances in this?

God’s powerful promises can give life to your deepest devastations.


Today’s Scripture & Devotional
“I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1)




“Major Keys to Great Faith”
The Christian life is a life of faith. If we are to be successful as Christians we must learn to walk by faith, growing from faith to faith. (Romans 1:17)
Faith Key #1 - We must have a thorough understanding of Submission & Authority!
Matthew 8:8-10, Romans 10:17
Faith Key #2 - We must worship the Lord with Reverence!
Matthew 8:1-3, Joshua 5:13-15
Holy Ground - When you come to God, remove the carnal clutter, repent & get serious.
Faith Key #3 - Be convinced of Jesus’ ability & what YOU Believe!
Matthew 9:28, Romans 4:20-22, Genesis 22:4-5, Genesis 22:8
Faith Key #4 - Press in spite of the Obstacles!
Luke 8:45-46, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, 2 Corinthians 4:16
Conclusion: I am convinced that God is calling all of us at various times to new levels of faith, some of these levels require great faith, others require a normal amount of faith.
Where are you at now? Have you been at the same place for a long period of time? If so, God may be calling you to take a greater step of faith to experience a new freshness in your walk with Him. Submit to His authority in spirit of worship & adoration & be fully convinced of what He wants to do in your life & press in spite of all obstacles & you shall experience the results of great faith.


> The Greatness of His Favor


~ One Life to Give ~

"I face death every day—yes, just as surely as I boast about you in Christ Jesus our Lord." — (1 Corinthians 15:31)

You and I were not born knowing how to love others. In fact, we were born with a selfish, "all about me" attitude. The Bible refers to this as "sin nature." Adam and Eve sinned against God by doing what He told them not to do, and the sin principle they established was forever passed to every person who would ever be born.

God sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins and to deliver us from them. He came to undo what Adam did. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, He comes to live in our spirit, and if we allow that renewed part of us to rule our decisions, we can overcome the selfish, sin nature of our flesh. It won't go away, but the greater One who lives in us helps us overcome it daily (see Gal. 5:16). That does not mean we never sin, but we can improve and make progress throughout our lives.

Paul wrote our verse for today: " I die daily." in other words, even this well-known apostle struggled with putting others first; he found that doing so was a daily battle and required daily decisions. Each of us must decide how we will live and what we will live for; there is no betÂŹter time to do so than right now. You and I have one life to live and one life to give, so the question is: How are you going to spend your life?

Love God Today: Remember that whatever you do for others, you are doing for God!


"Lord, you are Holy above all others, and all of the strength that I need is in your hands.
I am not asking, Lord, that you take this trial away. Instead, I simply ask that Your will be done in my life. Whatever that means, that is what I want.
But I admit that it's hard, Lord.
Sometimes I feel like I can’t go on. The pain and the fear are too much for me, and I know that I don’t have the strength on my own to get through this.
I know that I can come to you, Jesus, and that you will hear my prayer. I know that it is not your intent to bring me to this point just to leave me in the wilderness alone.
Please, Lord, give me the strength that I need to face today. don't have to worry about tomorrow.
Just give me the strength that I need today that is all I need.
Keep me from sinning during this trial. Instead, help me to keep my eyes on you.
You are the Holy Lord, and all of my hope rests in you.
Thank you for hearing my prayer.
In Jesus' name. Amen.


"You can't change someone who doesn't see anything wrong with their actions."
GOD says you can't be lukewarm ... it's either hot or cold ... you can't be serving God n still be doing things in the world God wants you in 100% or he will spit you out!
“I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:15-16) So people get ready Jesus is coming! Where will he find you Ready? Or in the World? Will you be the one to go or be left behind?
"Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left." Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. Matthew 24: 40 - 44


~ Staying in Peace ~
"So repent (change your mind and purpose); turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing (of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air) may come from the presence of the Lord." - Acts 3:19

Peace with God is maintained by never attempting to hide sin. Because hiding sin just causes condemnation and guilt, and neither of those are productive in any way. God knows everything anyway, so it is useless to think we can hide anything from Him. When we make mistakes, we shouldn’t withdraw from God, but we should come near to Him, thankful that He promises to restore us.

To repent means to turn away from sin and return to the highest place. God is not surprised by our weaknesses and failures. Actually, He knew about the mistakes we would make before we made them. All we need to do is admit them because He is faithful to forgive us continually from all sin (see 1 John 1:9). God is waiting for you with open and outstretched arms—always run to Him!

Prayer of Thanks: I am grateful, Father, that You forgive my sins and You bring healing and restoration into my life. I choose to reject the condemnation of the enemy and come to You when I sin and fall short. Thank You that You forgive me and love me through it all.


Could the Lord be calling you to His better plan today?

Even the best of our intentions to love and serve others can become misguided if we’re not seeking His will first. But, thanks be to God, the Lord has never lost sight of us. We need only forfeit our own plans in order to hold fast to His hands.

Dear Lord, as I rest in Your presence, my heart is repentant. I desire to follow Your lead and hold fast to Your truths. And yet it seems as though my heart can become so easily misguided — forging ahead without seeking Your will first. Please forgive me, Lord. Beckon my heart to Yours, that I may receive Your mercies and serve You well. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

How can you surrender your plans for God’s plan today?


Today's Scripture & Devotional >> Shine On!


Today’s Scripture & Devotional:
“...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...”
(Hebrews 12:1–2)
💪🏼 Run Your Own Race
It’s easy to be tempted to go through life competing with everyone around us. When we see someone who’s more talented, better looking or has more gifts, instead of running our race and being comfortable with who we are, oftentimes, we feel inferior and think, “I’ve got to catch up to them.” The problem with this unhealthy competition is that it’s a never-ending cycle. There will always be someone ahead of us. But it’s very freeing when you realize, “I’m not competing with you. I don’t have to have as big a house as my neighbor to feel good about myself. I don’t have to keep up with my co-worker. I don’t have to be a certain size. No, I understand that I’m not in competition with my friend, my neighbor or my co-worker. Instead, I’m going to be the best me that I can possibly be.”
💕 When you focus on being who God made you to be, that’s when you’ll rise up higher and position yourself for every spiritual blessing He has in store for you!💕
🙏🏽 A Prayer for Today
“Father, I humbly come to You giving You all that I am. I choose to keep my eyes on You and allow You to work in my heart and mind. I declare that I am free from competition today in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Comfort Zones. We all have them. We create worlds for ourselves that feel safe, secure and predictable.
When we operate in our comfort zone, we can easily anticipate what each day will bring. But what happens when our world is turned upside down?
When our world crashes in on us, God’s strong arms keep us secure.
Our ultimate and only true security is found in Christ.

Jesus says in John 10:29, “My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all; no one can sn**ch them out of my Father’s hand.”

When life comes undone, we are secure in Christ.
When our comfort is met with outside chaos, we are promised that we will never be sn**ched from His hand.

Hebrews 10:23 says, “Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.“
Friend, God can be trusted to keep His promises – we are secure in Him.


Today's Scripture & Devotional: >> Be a Believing Believer


A shepherd knows all of the needs of his sheep. He knows where to lead them so they are safe and protected. And He knows when to use his rod and staff to pull his sheep back into his presence when they go astray.

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul.” - Psalm 23: 1-3

When sheep are lead by their shepherd, all of their needs are met. And just as sheep are lead by their shepherd, we are lead by our Shepherd.

When the Psalmist says, “I shall not want,” it reveals that in the presence of the Lord, we have no other wants. It doesn’t necessarily mean we have no other desires and dreams, but that God knows just what we need right when we need it. His provisions are abounding for whatever we are facing in front of us right now, and He is our Almighty Provider!

Trust your Shepherd. Where is He leading you today? He has perfectly equipped you for the very thing you are facing. Amen


Do you ever worry that all of your hard times and suffering will be for nothing? That all of this pain you keep trying to press through is completely and utterly pointless?

I deeply understand that kind of fear and fatigue. What it’s like to pray the same prayers over and over, with little to no change, all while the disappointments linger on and on.

I’m sure Joseph was familiar with feelings of discouragement and fatigue. How could you be thrown into a pit by your family, sold into slavery and then unfairly imprisoned … without wondering if any good could ever come of your story?

But God had a plan. From pit to palace, Joseph was positioned to spare not only the lives of his family, but the entire nation of Israel. This is why his words to his brothers in Genesis 50:20 are such a beautiful picture of redemption and hope: “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

God has a plan for your life, too. The enemy is going to try to trip you and rip you to shreds with the hurtful hisses that all of this suffering is for nothing. Don’t you dare listen.

Your story, surrendered into the hands of God, will not be wasted.

Close your eyes and breathe. You’re brave, beautiful and hand-picked. A decorated soldier in this horrible battle with a glorious ending. I’m declaring over you that the Lord will restore you, redeem you and write His glorious story onto the pages of your life. The journey might not look anything like you planned, but I’m believing with you that God is working things out in ways you cannot yet see.


"Be holy for I am holy" 😇
Holiness is subject that frightens most people. This mandate from heaven was never designed to torment us. God never makes a demand without providing the means to achieve such a dynamic task. 1 Cor. 1:30 tells us that Christ became for us ....sanctification (or holiness). Making it available to us by the indwelling life of the Lord Jesus. 2 Peter 1:4 tells us we are made "partakers of the divine nature" and the writer of Hebrews informs us in Heb. 12:10 that we are partakers of His holiness.
So in no way whatsoever is holiness the product of human effort. Rather a work of God made effective in us by the indwelling life of Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit. The key is the indwelling life of Christ. If you don't have that, holiness is as lost as you are. Invite Him in today. 😇


When we face a confidence crisis, whether it’s our own or a result of someone we care about, we’re not without help. As we ask for help, we are released from uncertainty. The Holy Spirit eases into our confidence crisis to remind us of what we can and cannot do on our own. We are freed to bring doubts and questions to our heavenly Father in prayer. We are released from the need to control the outcome, allowing us to be open to play a part as the Holy Spirit leads, or to trust as God works behind the scenes.

Father, thank you for help. You are a good Father, and You give good gifts — and I receive this gift. Thank You for renewed confidence in this area, not in the circumstance or even in what I can or cannot do, but in who You are.


Have you ever stood at the edge of a leap of faith?
>> I’ve been stuck on the roof many times. But with each peek over the edge I’ve learned when I shift my gaze from what I face to the One who stands beside me, I gain the confidence to try.
>> I may not know where God’s taking me. I may not know what happens next. I may question whether or not I’ll be safe. But as Jeremiah 17:7 says, I can count on the One who sends me, “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him."
>> If you’re standing at the edge today looking at cloudy waters below, turn your head. Your Heavenly Father is right beside you. You may not know a lot of things, but if you know Him, that changes everything.


Today's Scripture & Devotional:
>>> Pray at All Times

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