Equal For Each

Equal For Each

Our organization promotes active participation through legal reform, gender mainstreaming, eliminati


Don’t forget to engage men in your efforts to confront discrimination and address gender inequality. While it may often seem like they are the problem – or at least are the adversaries – consider that men are also impacted by gender discrimination and inequality both directly and indirectly. Men may find it difficult to break into careers that are typically dominated by women. They may also feel limited by their typical gender roles. For example, many men have trouble expressing their emotions. Men aren’t supposed to cry. But by suppressing these emotions, the mental health of men can suffer.

Gender discrimination and inequality are issues that impact society as a whole. We learned earlier that there is good reason to believe that gender inequality slows economic growth. This is certainly a concern for men.

While it may be a little harder to convince men of the costs of gender discrimination and inequality and what they stand to gain by addressing them, it is possible and men are increasingly championing these issues. Identify potential allies, consider the arguments that will convince them, and enlist them in your efforts.


There are a number of different ways to fight discrimination and win. You may not succeed right away but at least you will continue to push for change, not just for yourself but for other women.
Name it: Sometimes just calling discrimination what it is can be effective. Just by pointing out discrimination as it is taking place, the person that is committing it may become more self aware and may think twice before doing it again. If nothing else, you are making discrimination more visible and thus harder to ignore.
Change it: If the laws of your country are supportive, take legal action on a personal
level. Your legal victory or even defeat may inspire other women to confront discrimination. Your case could even change laws in your country for the better by challenging the legality/constitutionality of the status quo. You could also advocate for temporary special measures or other policies/legislation. For example, you could support the establishment of quotas in parliaments, political parties, executive branch positions or even in the private sector. You could advocate for the establishment of laws around issues such as domestic violence and sexual harassment that will help to change mind-sets. Laws that criminalize certain activities, assuming they are enforced, will eventually change mindsets about what is and isn’t acceptable.
You could also just ignore discrimination…but that won’t make it go away.


While some cases of discrimination may seem relatively innocent, all cases should be taken seriously. Why? Because discrimination and gender inequalities have a negative impact not just on individuals, but on the whole society. Discrimination comes at a high cost, including:
Gender inequalities reduce program effectiveness and waste resources (this is true in the case of both government programs and development programs).
Gender inequalities inhibit a country’s growth and development. Countries that don’t take advantage of the strengths and capabilities of ALL of their citizens – both men and women – are losing out on opportunities. Women are often an untapped resource.
Gender inequalities limit lifetime opportunities and individual potential for women and, by extension, their families.


Other forms of discrimination include:
Sexual orientation
Political affiliation
Physical attributes: weight, height
Many people face multiple and overlapping forms of discrimination.Consider women in african countries and the challenges they might face.


What does gender discrimination look like in the political arena?
Men are rarely asked what impact running for office will have on their families.
Women politicians have to prove themselves while their male colleagues are assumed to be competent, even if they aren’t.
Women in politics are seen to be women of ill repute since politics is a dirty business; male politicians are respected even when they engage in dirty practices.
Journalists often comment on what a woman politician is wearing, her attractiveness, her hair style or makeup. No one says anything about the suits her male colleagues are wearing.

What causes gender inequality in the workplace? 14/11/2021

We know that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on gender equality. Not only has it resulted in less income and less work for women, widening the gender gap when it comes to job security, it could actually extend the time to gender equality by 51 years – from 2120 to 2171.

What causes gender inequality in the workplace? In this video series Michelle King, author of the upcoming book, THE FIX: Overcome the Invisible Barriers that Hold Women Back at Work, which provides insigh...

