ACP Sauce
ACP Sauce kini hadir untuk sebuah revolusi cita rasa sebuah saus, dengan produk saus lada hitam yang kaya akan rasa dan kaya manfaat untuk kebaikan tubuh.
Blackpepper sauce Dapatkan produk ini dengan Rp46.500 saja! Download aplikasinya sekarang juga:
Black pepper sauce / saus lada hitam | Shopee Indonesia Did you know? Blackpepper contains a very high concentration of antioxidants, which makes it perfect for our health. Iyaps, selain mengandung anti oksidan yang begitu tinggi, lada hitam juga memiliki banyak manfaat lainnya loh 😎 Makan jadi lebih enak dan terhindar dari virus corona🤤🤧 ...
Did you know? Blackpepper contains a very high concentration of antioxidants, which makes it perfect for our health.
Iyaps, selain mengandung anti oksidan yang begitu tinggi, lada hitam juga memiliki banyak manfaat lainnya loh 😎
Makan jadi lebih enak dan terhindar dari virus corona🤤🤧
Don't be afraid of being fat from eating oily snacks, being fat doesn't make you look ugly, it makes you look cute instead.
Iyaa serius, Makan gorengan pake Saus Blackpepper, nggak takut gendut d**g 🤤
The Story behind ACP Sauce (Part 3)
Three years later as time passes by, the formula of the deliciously refined blackpepper sauce remains unchanged and is still original. Adi Cipto Prakoso has yet to make another goal: to broaden the range of his beloved sauce thus people's chance to have it served to their table isn't limited on just buying burritos. As to-date ACP Sauce has been available on the market, treat yourself and have your senses experienced the tasteful of intriguing handmade spicy blackpepper sauce to your very own kitchen—have a healthy food, have a quality food!
Team of ACP Sauce
The Story behind ACP Sauce (Part 2)
Starting from the bottom, packed with lifetime experience as a chef, one day he recalled one of his favourite sauce being the blackpepper and was inspired to perfect the formula. Long story short, in mid 2017 our chef had found the way for the sauce to finally step a higher platform of savour by the secret blend of finest natural ingredients, therefore the famous blackpepper sauce was born. Not taking long, the discovery of the sauce's formula later followed by the birth of Burritos Brader with the blackpepper burritos being one of the original 3 variants in the menu as well as the most sold.
The Story behind ACP Sauce (Part 1)
ACP Sauce specifically refers to the legendary blackpepper sauce that makes the best selling blackpepper burritos of . The founder, Adi Cipto Prakoso of whom his name's abbreviation is used as the brand 'ACP Sauce' has promising years of culinary experience as the chef of multiple fine restaurants in the city of Banjarmasin. He then quit his job in 2017 for a greater challenge, to dare himself to run his own culinary business.