A revolutionary program to lose weight, transform relationships with food and find a healthier life.

Transform Your Life - 29/12/2023

We're almost at that time of year where people make resolutions - and so many of them we make are about weight.

How about this year, instead, you make a resolution to change your mind?

You wouldn't take a long drive with a car that wasn't fully functional. You wouldn't try to do a job with a tool that didn't work quite right. So why would you try to start a diet with the same thinking that got you where you are?

Be nice to yourself - and give yourself the gift of change that matters. With a new way to think about food, and how you use it, you just might find that finally you're moving in the direction you want to go.

Transform Your Life - Is your BRAIN ready to help you lose weight?Be honest. How many ‘diets’ have you tried? Have you been successful? If you’re like the majority, probably not. And we know why success has been out of reach. Your brain isn’t helping you.The science is clear. The National Institutes of Health, Cl...

Transform Your Life - 19/12/2023

Give the gift of mindset change, and real LIFE CHANGE for 2024!

We all know people who try and try, but just can't lose weight and keep it off.

How about the gift of The WALT for the holidays this year?

Give them learning through the WALT Assessment, or new skills through the WALT Course!

Click through to buy either, and create the account for them with their email address - you set the password for the purchase, but then they can change it.

Transform Your Life - Is your BRAIN ready to help you lose weight?Be honest. How many ‘diets’ have you tried? Have you been successful? If you’re like the majority, probably not. And we know why success has been out of reach. Your brain isn’t helping you.The science is clear. The National Institutes of Health, Cl...


Ready to learn why it's so hard for you to lose weight? Start here and get the answers you've been looking for.


The word "thin" is in the word "think".

For us, it's just a great reminder that using your brain IS the way to lose weight, and keep it off.


Racing towards the end of the year, and it's nearly that time ... you know, when we make promises we don't really want to work that hard to keep.

But what if ... for the first time ... you gained the skills you needed to actually reach your goals?

The WALT is here to help you get your brain prepared to help you in your weight loss. You won't be fighting against yourself to avoid snacking, or emotional eating. You'll find the commitment and motivation you've always wanted. You'll feel good.

Give us a try!


Like a lot of people, we overate on Thanksgiving, and the days after.

But the difference is now we know how to get back on track without punishing ourselves, feeling guilty, or overdoing it by restricting food.

Using the WALT as a new tool to build skills to help manage eating and our brains really works.


Dr. Zelman, the psychology brains behind the WALT, is out of town on Friday now, so we have to push our inaugural Friday FB Live for new members back a week.

We will be on a regular schedule soon - keep checking in to see when all the sessions will be ready to go. BUT ... if you want a quick personal 1:1 call, just message and we will get that arranged.

We believe in you!


Hey WALT Member! Thinking about joining one of our live FB sessions? Let us know what you're curious about and we'll make sure to address it.

Transform Your Life - 01/11/2023

We are so thrilled to launch our new FB Live chats starting 11/10! If you're a WALT Course member, this is YOUR place to learn, share, and build community.

Not a member yet? Go to and sign up!

Transform Your Life - Body image, the perception one has of their physical appearance, is a multifaceted concept that influences various aspects...


Are you subscribed to the WALT? If so, you will receive an invitation to join our private group for FB Live sessions! See you there.


New research says "HECK YEAH" that changing your mind to lose weight and keep it off is WHAT WORKS.

New research shows that improving your mindfulness means you lose weight, and keep it off way.

This is the WALT, in a nutshell.


We always check in with our family of WALT users! Just learned that for the check-in question on how our Body Image module landed for them, 50% said they felt more confident about reaching their weight loss goals, and the other 50% said they felt VERY confident!

This could be you! Confident and moving forward to achieve your weight loss goals, with new skills and ideas from the WALT!


Did you know?

A significant feature of low self-image is self-sabotage.

When we don't believe in ourselves, we may subconsciously undermine our weight loss efforts. This can show up as skipping workouts, cheating on diets, or simply not committing to a weight loss plan.

Because research suggests that people with higher self-esteem are more likely to adhere to their weight loss goals, it's a core focus for the WALT.

If you've started and stopped diets, made excuses, or just quit, maybe self-image is driving some of that behavior.

We can help.


Yep, this was a great weekened! And, I ate some cake, had some ice cream, enjoyed some shrimp and grits, and loved every minute of it.

Now, it's back to mindfulness and enjoying the memory of the fun that came with some great food.

In the 'old days' I would have been so upset at myself I would have gone full melt down and jammed myself with food. Now? I recognize I can't be 100% all the time (no one can) and it's okay to step outside my plan, and then get back on it with mindful eating and better choices.

Happy Monday!


How do we make sure we're going in the right direction?

Not every day can or will be 100%. But, no day has to be 0%.

Do something good for yourself every day - that might mean taking a walk, doing 10 jumping jacks, eating a piece of fruit when you're lonely instead of chips. But one thing is so so much better than no-thing.


You're going to slip off that eating plan - none of us can be perfect. It's just the way it is. But as long as you refocus your energy, get back on track, you'll be fine.

Every day, try to do something that helps move you forward. Every day doesn't need to be 100%. Just keep any day from being 0%.


Kristin here ... at the start of every year I look forward to my late summer birthday, and promise myself to be in my best health and shape ever.

Well, after years of promising myself I'd do it - and never getting there - I finally MADE IT!

I feel so much better about myself, and losing more than 20 pounds, that I didn't even feel the need to get on the scale on my birthday. I could see the change. I could feel the change. My energy is off the charts, and clothes fit again.

It's been a long time, but I'm on the path that is working for me.

And it's the WALT that got me where I am! Hope you'll try it yourself and see the benefits.


When you keep starting diets with the idea that you will only eat certain things or certain amounts of food, you're cutting out the single most important factor: how you are thinking about food.

Until you explore your relationship with food, why you're eating it and when, you're leaving so much information on the table.

And helping you to explore and answer those questions is just what we do. We make the playing field wide open for you to make better choices, feel better about yourself, and finally lose the weight.


We've been following Arnold (Schwarzenegger) for a while, and he has some great messages - based on research, just like the WALT.

One of the ways we agree is that the wellness industry has a role in doing more harm than good.

"We act like fat loss is a puzzle we can't solve, when, in fact, most people have tried eating healthier and lost some weight.

The problem is finding something that consistently leads to results and doesn't take more than it gives."

So what does this mean? Fads and promises for quick change do not last, and can do more harm in the long run. Changing your mind, and how you think about/use food, will result in big changes over time, and for your whole life.

We're here to help.


Had a talk with someone yesterday who finally recognized and said out loud, "yes, 100% I use food for self-soothing."

When you can realize eating habits are literally in your mind, you can find new ways to make yourself feel better without eating things that don't help your mood or your weight.

The WALT can get you there. Ready to start?


Change doesn't come in a pill. It's a process.

Once you start changing your mind, you will be so surprised to see the positive changes everywhere in your life.


Counting calories all day every day is hard work. It takes quite a bit of intention and focus to stay on that path.

But our work around weight loss tells us that it's more about how you use food in your daily life ... do you eat when you're bored? Tired? Anxious?

Learning what triggers you to eat, and what foods 'soothe' those triggers is key to creating a plan that works for you to achieve sustained weight loss over time.

We're here to help!


You know, we don't care how much you weigh. If you're healthy and happy, you're winning.

But if you don't feel great, and you do want to make some changes, the first place to start is with your mind. We don't promote dieting or exercise because unless your mind is supporting you in weight loss, even if you get to your goal weight you most likely won't stay there.

If we can help, we're here for you.


How's your self-talk these days?

If you're giving yourself a hard time, we recommend a simple threshhold behavior ... if you wouldn't say it to your friends, don't say it to yourself.


Believing it's just not worth doing if it isn't perfect can be a BIG road block to weight loss.

None of us is perfect, and we never will be.

Learning to accept that sometimes we are going to eat a big bowl of ice cream because it tastes amazing is THE way to keep a positive balance in our plans.

It's all good. Eat the delicious meal, then be more in line with your plan the next day.

This isn't about deprivation. It's about learning why we want to eat some things at certain times, and finding other ways to soothe ourselves.


Are you great at keeping your word to other people?

Are you great at keeping your word to yourself?

Honoring commitments around what we will do for other people is more likely to happen than honoring the pledges we make to ourselves. But it can change!

At The WALT, one of our learning modules focuses on building commitment to ourselves, so that when we tell ourselves we will lose weight, or not snack, or learn to control our emotions, we can actually gain the skills to do just that.

Drop in and learn more!


Prediabetes? Nobody wants to hear that word.

If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, taking proactive steps towards weight loss can make a significant difference in your health and well-being.

By addressing obesity and adopting a healthier lifestyle, you can improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, and lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Remember, small changes can lead to significant improvements, and with dedication and perseverance, you can take control of your health and prevent the progression of prediabetes.


Get ready for the very best you! Learn new ideas, skills and behaviors that will get you to where you want to be.

Our 10 week online course kick starts the very best life you deserve.

Change will happen.


We live our lives with "if only". "If only I ate 1000 calories a day ..." "If only I worked out more".

The truth is that we will not be able to lose weight and keep it off if we don't respect and care for ourselves, physically and mentally.

Helping people find peace with themselves, at any weight, is our passion. Because we know, once that happens, change is possible.

Learn to feel great ... and then grow.


We have this bad habit of speaking to ourselves in a much harsher way than we would speak to others.

"I'm fat", "I'm ugly", "I can't".

These are ideas we formed when we were little kids and were trying to make sense of the world and others in it.

But those ideas are so outdated. It's time for some new ones.

Today, before you let your brain say something unkind to yourself, imagine whether you'd say that to your best friend, or your child. Then, see if you can find a nicer thing to tell yourself.

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