Gemini Moon Yoga

Gemini Moon Yoga

Yoga topics, Guided relaxation, & Yoga Nidra

Timeline photos 22/04/2021

Have a beautiful and blessed Earth Day 🌎 🌳🌿☁️☀️🌷

Timeline photos 12/01/2021

Let’s be honest, yoga with our pets can be a bit distracting, but it sure is fun. Some of my greatest moments of gratitude are when I get an unexpected visit on my mat from my best friends. Do your pets visit you on the mat?

Timeline photos 08/01/2021

When does class start? Isn’t that what we all want to know?! 🤣🤷🏼‍♀️ Patiently (or not so patiently) wating for in person classes again. In the meantime, I’m working on a couple new videos. Let me know if there’s a topic you’d like me to cover. Kitty just wants a cat/cow class, minus the cows. 😂💕.

Timeline photos 01/01/2021

Wishing you a blessed and prosperous 2021. Interested in 365 days of yoga? Would you like a community to cheer you on with that goal? Or maybe you just want to increase your time on the mat this year. Do you have a yoga goal for 2021? Let me know in the comments!

Timeline photos 10/08/2020

Happy Monday. Don’t fret about the week that hasn’t happened yet. Put that energy into creating the week you want. “Worry is a misuse of the imagination.” —Dan Zadra

Timeline photos 25/06/2020

“Use it or loose it” isn’t just a catchy phrase. It tends to be a universal law. The body was designed to move mindfully. And it is true that many people do not know how good it’s supposed to feel. Do you notice a difference when you don’t move? I do.

Timeline photos 10/06/2020

A Tree bends so it does not break. Good words to be reminded of in these challenging times. Hopefully you are bending right now, growing, and not breaking.

Timeline photos 02/06/2020

In times like these, “SILENCE IS VIOLENCE.” Gemini Moon Yoga stands with the black community. Please see my story to understand why we shouldn’t be using certain hashtags today—show solidarity without showing off. It can cause more harm by clogging important channels. It’s not about getting attention for yourself, it’s about getting attention for those who haven’t had a voice.

Timeline photos 01/06/2020

Bird of paradise (Savages Dvijasana) is one of those poses that proves the phrase, “It doesn’t matter how many times you fall, what matters is how many times you get back up.” What pose have you finally gotten after many failed attempts?

Timeline photos 30/05/2020

Happy weekend, Calm Clan! Be like this zen frog and find some time this weekend to slow down and be mindful. What can you do today to appreciate the moment?


Have you ever tried so hard to get a pose that you lost the true meaning of why you should get there? I know I have. yoga has a way of showing us who we are.


Are you ready to make healthy mental practices a part of YOUR new normal? I'm creating new guided relaxation videos to help with that! If you missed the last one, follow the link in the comments.


Remember that yoga is meant to help our body, not to perform cool tricks. Don't use your body to understand the pose, use the pose to understand your body.


Wishing you a peaceful Memorial Day. Thank you to all who serve and have served.


What do you need to drop today?

Relaxation & Stress Management during "The New Normal." A short guided relaxation. 23/05/2020

A new short guided relaxation to help you develop healthy mental practices in YOUR new normal.

Relaxation & Stress Management during "The New Normal." A short guided relaxation. Wondering how to develop healthy mental practices during "The New Normal" of a post Covid19 world? This short guided relaxation was created to help you with ...


It's a new day full of new thoughts and possibilities... Also a new guided relaxation video coming out this afternoon! 💜 Make this day a great one


Happy New Moon in Gemini! ♊️🌙 Plan to relax tomorrow. Do something healthy for your body and mind by making time for a 15 min guided relaxation. New video TOMORROW!


Do you need to relax? NEW guided relaxation video coming out SOOON! (I'm working on it right now!) 😉



The busiest road isn't always the best road.
I took this photo on outside of where the nature nurtures your soul.



Listen to your body, it knows best, but you have to pay attention.


Yoga may be pretty "mainstream these days, or at least portions of it, but you don't need to be. Embrace your uniqueness! Forgive your weaknesses, be grateful for your strengths, and follow your passion. # grateful heart


Send a signal to yourself that you have gratitude and joy. Sometimes it's a matter of perspective. 😁😄😃😀☺️😊

Feeling Stressed? Relax With This Guided Relaxation 02/05/2020

Did you know that May is month? It's always important to care for your mental health, but especially at times like these. Take some time for relaxation. If you missed it, here's the second short video. Please enjoy.

Feeling Stressed? Relax With This Guided Relaxation Feeling Stressed? Relax with this guided relaxation that is designed to help you overcome stress caused by Covid19, and the coronavirus pandemic. This is a 1...


This is my favorite thing about yoga. What's yours?


We keep saying these are “unprecedented” times, but do we really think about what that means? It means we’ve never been through this before in our life time. Think about how much we’ve already adapted. Think about how much YOU have already adapted. No one has this figured out yet, so give yourself some credit. Send yourself some love and appreciation.


Gratitude helps your spirit, mind, AND body.

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It only takes a moment for your body to send a signal to your brain...

Self Care in the age of the pandemic: A Short Guided Relaxation. 21/04/2020

I hope you enjoy this Self Care Guided Relaxation video. 💙
And please subscribe to the Gemini Moon Yoga YouTube Channel. 🙏

Self Care in the age of the pandemic: A Short Guided Relaxation. This short guided relaxation is meant to help you with your self care during these difficult times of pandemic. It will take less than 15 minutes to relax th...