Safety First - Reopening Schools

Safety First - Reopening Schools

Providing information on science-driven strategies for reopening schools safely in Oconee County. Risk reduction strategies will be provided and discussed.


Here's the information for our next county wide election! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

Parent Calls On Oconee County Board of Education To Provide More Oversight Of Management Of County Schools 09/02/2021

Parent Asks Oconee School Board To Provide More Oversight Of School Administration

Parent Calls On Oconee County Board of Education To Provide More Oversight Of Management Of County Schools ***Cites Findings Of Study Of Communication With Board*** John Phillips told the members of the Oconee County Board of Education on Monday...

Georgia school leaders to coordinate teacher vaccination planning 24/01/2021

Georgia school leaders to coordinate teacher vaccination planning A handful of superintendents from around Georgia will develop recommended plans for vaccinating school employees against COVID-19, though it remains unclear when doses for that frontline group of workers will become available.

Dr. Tom Frieden on Twitter 11/01/2021

From former CDC Director Tom Frieden: "I've never seen an epi curve like this. The B.1.1.7 variant is spreading like wildfire in the UK and Ireland. If it spreads here, it will make an already-bad situation even worse."

Dr. Tom Frieden on Twitter β€œI've never seen an epi curve like this. The B.1.1.7 variant is spreading like wildfire in the UK and Ireland. If it spreads here, it will make an already-bad situation even worse.”


Hoping we can soon begin to heal some of our divisions, locally and nationally!

Coronavirus in Georgia | Latest data for Friday Oct. 23 23/10/2020

Coronavirus in Georgia | Latest data for Friday Oct. 23 Here's the latest COVID-19 case, death and hospitalization data from the state.


We've heard from several folks here but wanted to ask more of you: If you or someone you know well who is connected with OCS have experienced a positive COVID test, how are you faring? How sick have you (or the people you know) been? How quickly and how fully have the affected individuals recovered? Has there been any spread to family members? Are you aware of any hospitalizations? If you don't feel comfortable responding here, please send a message to the page and we can keep the information confidential.

Oconee County Schools Has Some Late Shift To Distance Learning Option As In-Person Instruction Begins 05/08/2020

Oconee County Schools Has Some Late Shift To Distance Learning Option As In-Person Instruction Begins ***School Board Briefed On Opening Plans*** The number of students selecting the distance learning/digital option rather than in-person in...


This page has been started to provide space for families to talk about safely reopening schools in Oconee County. This is a non-partisan, science-based group focused on finding creative strategies to help our children and families thrive during the pandemic. This community is intended to be a place of positive support for families. Click on the "visit group" button on the page to request to join the group discussion.

The Sunday Week in Review 05/07/2020

Amber Schmidtke, PhD, is a medical educator and science communicator and works with Mercer School of Medicine. She provides daily updates for the state of GA (with the exception of Saturday). The Sunday week in review can be accessed through the link in this post.
This is being posted here to keep this group informed on the most recent increases of COVID infection in Ga.
Across the state, our largest case increases are in children and young adults.
This is directly from the Sunday week in review report: "Compared to a week ago, there is a shift in cases from those 60+ to younger populations, with children taking the bulk of that shift. In fact, cases increased this week by rates of…

The Sunday Week in Review Georgia COVID-19 updates 28Jun - 05Jul2020

COVID-19 and the Reopening of Schools β€” Academic Mama 03/07/2020

COVID-19 and the Reopening of Schools β€” Academic Mama Should schools reopen this Fall? For many of us who have been attempting to balance full time work and full-time childcare responsibilities in the middle of this pandemic, this is the million dollar question! As a mother of three kids (ages 4 months, 5 years, and 7 years) attempting to work full-tim


Risk Reducing Strategies for Opening Schools

Reopening Schools Safely

We all want for our children and educators to be back in school together. Our hope is that we can work together to do this in a way that is safe for everyone! Returning to school during a pandemic requires collaboration, communication, and significant planning. In Oconee County, GA, a small team of individuals created a reopening plan that did not include the voices of all community stakeholders. This plan does not include a mask mandate, social distancing, any changes to interior air filtration, adequate access to cleaning supplies, and emotional support for educators. Educator voices and many community voices have been silenced in the process of reopening the schools. We help provide a platform for educator and community voices to be heard.
