Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE

Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE

Dự án phi lợi nhuận với mục đích chia sẻ kinh nghiệm học và thi SQE và con đường trở thành luật sư Anh Quốc & Wales.

Photos from Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE's post 27/01/2024

🖐️ “How can I become a lawyer in the UK” - My most and how I approach it (part 1)

🎓⚖️ Becoming a lawyer can sound very exciting. In reality there are lots of considerations to it. For the first time I wanted to put a comprehensive guide covering key steps and essential tips. Stay tuned for Part 2 with more insights and helpful links!

Photos from Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE's post 13/01/2024

My SQE1 exam days.

A friend of mine told me he was preparing for SQE1 this January, and it prompted me to look back at mine.

🗓️ 8th and 11th November 2021.
Those were the dates I took my SQE1 (the first of its kind) at the Pearson Professional Centre in Nottingham.

How time flies.

I’m sure you can probably find better and more detailed tips on how to prepare for SQE1 elsewhere. As always I’m just here to tell my story, as simple as it was in my memories.

🍀 I wish all candidates the best of luck next week, and don’t worry too much because you got this 💪

🚩Like, follow and join for the latest updates and support for law students qualifying under SQE route.


What I had failed in 2023

People often look at achievements and rewards at the end of a year, building momentum and optimism for the next one.

It’s good to embrace your wins, but in hard times, it may be difficult to find one, or for other reasons, you just don’t feel ready to tick a box as complete.

And that’s completely fine. I must admit, there were things I’d failed in 2023, even though I felt like I’d tried my best.

It’s unfortunate, yes. But am I disappointed? No. I know achievements and failures often go hand in hand. Each setback is an opportunity to learn and grow further. So I’m proud and grateful of my own progress. I can’t help comparing myself to others sometimes, but I know the path is mine to own and conquer.

Coming to 2024, I wish you all the luck to achieve what you deserve, and in the most difficult times, may you also have all the strength to overcome anything and everything.

Photos from Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE's post 16/12/2023

At school, I was taught being a lawyer would be challenging, but not how divergent it could be.

You often hear about being a commercial lawyer, but there are many other options that may better suit you.

Explore the vast ocean of legal specialties. Each path offers unique challenges and opportunities. In reality, the areas of laws are interconnected and interactive - the more you know, the more practical and valuable your advice can be.

Below are some suggestions but there can be many more. Which ones would you choose?


❄️The winter is usually one of the hardest times for us . But you’re not alone! Here are our top tips for you to stay and enjoy the . If you want, don’t hesitate to join our community (link in bio) for support, warmth, and shared experiences.🌟


Spring 2024 may see another batch of stricter rules:
🚩a surge in the earning threshold from £26,200 to £38,700
🚩increase of the income requirement
🚩new restrictions on .

The above add to the previously announced measures:
🚩a sharp spike in the Immigration Health Surcharge from £624 to £1,035
🚩increased visa fees across categories like visit, family, settlement, and citizenship
🚩employer levy of up to £1,000 annually for work permits

Yet, this isn't all. The restrictions may expand to other routes, notably the potential review of the Graduate visa ‘to ensure it works in the best interests of the UK and to ensure steps are being taken to prevent abuse’.

In reality, immigrants still have to face with entrenched prejudices, stereotypes, and discriminatory barriers while seeking employment or climbing the ladder.

Moral considerations aside, many questions remain:
🚩Do these measures truly combat 'abuse' and foster UK economic growth? These regulations seem directed at legal immigrants, who, by adhering to rules and contributing via fees for their stay, education, and public services, wouldn’t normally be the 'abusers' of the system.
🚩Immigration isn’t the direct cause of the recession or cost of living crisis, so why should it be addressed now over other more pressuring issues?

One thing I can fairly say, had I graduated in 2024 instead of 2019, my chances would probably have been much more limited, or even fanciful. So I stand with those who yearn and earn their own places, fairly and rightfully, no matter where they come from, as they could be you, me, or any of us.



🚀 Quick Tips: SQE or Conversion first? Below is based on my personal experience (and I surely learned it the hard way)! What about you?💡

🚩Like, follow and join for the latest updates and support for law students qualifying under SQE route.


If I can speak to myself three years ago:

Trust your instincts, embrace opportunities, no matter what form they take. The journey to becoming a solicitor is paved with hard work, compromises, and unexpected turns. Your dream will lead you where you’re meant to be.

🚩Like, follow and join for the latest updates and support for law students qualifying under SQE route.

Photos from Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE's post 27/06/2023

📍Q&A on job finding in the UK

Join our Facebook Group (link in bio) for more free tips and resources!


Happy weekend everyone 🌈

My apologies for disappearing for a while. The end of my training was more stressful than I expected and everything just seems like never ending. Anyway, this week was quite meaningful to me as I’ve been admitted as a . 🎉

As some of you may know, my journey up to this point has been longer, more challenging and filled with more than anything I’ve ever experienced. Two years ago I made the decision to switch to instead of , not knowing what was going to happen. I chose while working full time (another questionable decision of mine). Last but not least, I decided to commit to my work, despite all other people’s drama and distractions.

It’s not been easy, but I’m glad I got here, and now ready again to continue to help and support others like me, a starting over to follow her dreams.

Trust me. You can do it. You can get there. No matter what others may say.
The path is yours to create. If you fight it through, you’ll see the light on the other side. 🌤️

✅ Like, follow and join our Facebook group (link in bio) for and on and working as a in the 🇬🇧


Happy weekend all 👋 hope you’re all keeping well. I’m not doing so well due to fever from Friday night but after lots (and I mean lots) of sleep and liquid, I’m starting to feel like the temperatures inside and outside my body are under control. Make sure to take care of yourself (there’s always something flying around). 🤧

As it’s been a turbulent time for the market (the , the , and the list goes on…), I think it’d be good to talk about . When I was in Vietnam, watching the used to be a family tradition. As I grow up, I realise reading the news is more than just knowing what is happening, but understanding how it can affect your clients, your firm and your practice. It can be difficult at times when you’re just so busy with work, but if you’re used to it, keeping up with the news doesn’t need to take long. You can do it during commute, breaks or weekend. The main challenge to me is forming the . Once you’ve developed a habit of checking the news, it will feel easier and more natural as making dinner everyday.

This post suggests some of the that you can use for work and study in . More details and tips can be found in our Group (link in bio). It’s based on my own experience so if you have any thoughts or comments, please feel free to let us know below! ⬇️

Photos from Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE's post 18/03/2023

Hi everyone, 🤗

Long time no see. We hope you are all doing well! 🌻

🤔 The first step of studying law is understanding what law is and how it differs from other rules, such as social rules and morality. Your everyday life can be affected by many rules, but not all are legal rules, such as queuing to pay at the shop. As a lawyer, you study and practice law and thus, it is important to understand the perimeter of the law and the scope of your services.

1️⃣ Law be defined as a system of rules applying to behaviours, recognised as binding usually in a country or community, capable of being enforced by a governing authority and normally reflecting the views of the majority of the population. Throughout history there may be law that does not meet one or more of the above conditions, but generally, the purpose of law is to regulate behaviours, maintain order and ensure that its members act in a particular way. There are different areas of law, such as criminal law and civil law, public law and private law, and international law and domestic law.

2️⃣ Social rules are also rules applying to behaviours, and members can consider certain social rules to be binding, but they are not legally binding, i.e., if you breach a purely social rule you are not subject to legal consequences. For example you shouldn’t jump the line at the store counter, but if you do, you probably won’t be punished for it (legally). Social rules may be enforced by way of social pressure or cultural expectations.

Customs generally originate from practices developed over time, but these can be made into law, i.e., the law can state that certain customs are legally binding. An example of this is international customary law.

3️⃣ Morality includes principles, values and beliefs that influence one’s behaviour (sense of right and wrong). However the law generally doesn’t reflect everyone’s moral principles, usually only those of the ruling class. If not made into law, moral principles are generally similar to social rules, they are voluntarily applied but not legally enforced.

However moral principles often change over time which can also affect the law, such as the abolishment of the death penalties and legalisation of prostitution.

Morality also includes ethics. Lawyers are commonly subject to strict professional ethical codes given the nature of their profession. Breach of these ethical rules can result in serious consequences against the lawyers, including disbarment.

❓How do you think the law is different from social rules and moral principles? Should legal rules be more influenced by social rules or moral principles? Feel free to comment below and let us know your thoughts!

✨ Have a nice weekend and don’t forget to follow us to know more about law study!

📌Make sure to like, follow, and join our fanpages and group to keep up-date with our posts!
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Hi everyone 👋

With the hope of assisting students, particularly seniors, in their search for internships and job opportunities in the legal field, we are delighted to inform you of the upcoming event named “Employability Talk”.

💡 At this event, you will be presented not only CV and cover letter templates and tips, but also interview guides from legal recruiters. Besides, stress and pressure are unavoidable during the job-searching process. So the event will also be a space for you to talk, vent and discuss on taking care of your mental health and keep yourself motivated during a stressful job hunt.

⏰ Details of the event:
Date: Sunday, 19 February 2023
Time: 7:00 PM (VN) or 12:00 PM (UK)
Format: Online via Microsoft Teams platform

‼️ How to participate: Please join our Facebook group “Group cùng học & thi SQE” for instructions at https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenthvproject/

✨ Wish you all the best!

📌Make sure to like, follow, and join our fanpages and group to keep up-date with our posts!
✅ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenthvproject/
✅ page: https://www.facebook.com/thenthvproject
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenthvproject/

Photos from Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE's post 09/02/2023


🎓 For law learners, the course book contains a decent source of information. Yet, without the reference list, the decent is not completed. Much of the time, the reference list from the course book is a wonderful source for a broader understanding of the studied subject.

However, for those who did not originally study law in the UK or by the UK program, it could be troublesome to locate the referred document from the UK reference list, as citation styles might differ between countries. Especially for Vietnamese law learners who come from a country of civil law, understanding UK common law case citations would surely be a challenge.

📖 In this post, THENTHVPROJECT will assist you to “anatomize” UK case citations.


📌Make sure to like, follow, and join our fanpages and group to keep up-date with our posts!

✅ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenthvproject/
☝️ We will post the most detailed content first here!
✅ page: https://www.facebook.com/thenthvproject
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenthvproject/


Mừng năm Quý Mão 2023, xin chúc tất cả mọi người một năm mới thật hứng khởi và viên mãn, với nhiều trải nghiệm và bước tiến mới, và mọi nỗ lực luôn được đền đáp xứng đáng. 🧧🧧


Photos from Dự án NTHV - Cùng học & thi SQE's post 14/01/2023


🤔 What should you DO to prepare for SQE?

✅ SQE is a comprehensive and complicated set of examinations on both substantive and procedural aspects of English law. The SQE route itself provides students with flexibility to take the SQE (i.e., you don’t technically need to have a qualifying law degree or take a conversion course like PGDL or MA Law conversion) before studying for SQE (and you can also self study for it). However, having taken and passed the SQE I think it would have been impossible for me to pass without my conversion course (GDL).

If you’re an international student without formal education on common law (like me), I think a conversion course is very helpful - you’ll study the foundation of English law, including contract, criminal, equity and trusts, land, public, tort etc (which can be difficult to self study effectively). When you firmly understand the basics and have a good foundation of substantive aspect of English law, you can take a SQE prep course or self study for the procedural aspect of SQE.

❌ Rushing to self study for SQE without enough time and practice may cause you to fail given the high threshold. You should check SRA’s website regarding schedule/fees/attempts for more information. You should aim for the highest possible scores in the first attempts as it will probably help impress employers.

✅ There can be many sites and forums on SQE route providing information about the exams, questions, employability etc. I’ve heard many people question the knowledge/skills of SQE graduates and job prospects, comparing them to those who went through the traditional LPC route. It’s ultimately your decision and you should consider trusted sources only. The SRA’s website has a lot of information about the exams and questions and you can also attend events regarding employability.

❌ Relying on unofficial sources can result in misinformed decisions and prejudice against the SQE route. I’ve known many big firms who have initiated SQE programmes and I myself have secured jobs based on SQE qualifications. I know it may seem very daunting at first, but the fact is the SQE is the officially new route and it’s replacing the LPC, so you should make your decision based on official sources and guidelines, not unverified opinions and guesses.

✅ When studying for SQE you should make notes along the way to help with revision. Each person may study diffidently and you should prepare your own study notes in a way that helps you remember the principles best. Study notes should focus on key points/cases/principles, and you can also make mind maps or short summaries to ensure recollection during exams.

❌ You shouldn’t wait until last minutes to make your study notes or rely solely on manuals. The SQE covers a lot of areas and you should devise an effective system for yourself to remember/locate the relevant principles quickly and accurately during exams.

✅ The key to passing SQE to me is practice, practice, practice. This is a good reason why you should consider taking a SQE prep course as they will give you access to more question banks and mock exams. You should also always check SRA template questions as I find them close to the real exams.

❌ If you only buy and self study from manuals (especially second hand), it will probably be difficult to pass the SQE as you may not have enough practice and up to date information. Retaking SQE can be a very costly, time consuming and disheartening process, thus you should really aim for passing in the first attempts.

Wish you a nice weekend and for those celebrating Lunar New Year, a lovely break. Stay tuned for our next post! 🌟

📌Make sure to like, follow, and join our fanpages and group to keep up-date with our posts!
✅ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenthvproject/
✅ page: https://www.facebook.com/thenthvproject
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenthvproject/



🎅🏻🦌 Ding-dong Ding-dong

✨🌟Does everybody remember what day it is today?
It is Christmas Eve!!!

On this special day, the NTHV Project wishes all of our members the best.

🍀🎉 Moreover, we would like to announce the results of our 1st Giveaway.
Three winners are…
Kim Duyên,
Tường Văn, and
Congratulations on being our lucky Christmas mates in the events! Please check your messenger on FB or Instagram so that we can arrange the CV/cover letter review sessions.

To other members, we are having more Giveaways in the future, so please stay tuned!
And, Merry Christmas! 🎄🎄

📌Make sure to like, follow, and join our fanpages and group to keep up-date with our posts!
✅ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenthvproject/
☝️ We will post the most detailed content first here!
✅ page: https://www.facebook.com/thenthvproject
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenthvproject/



🎅🏻🦌 Ding-dong Ding-dong

✨🌟 Chắc mọi người đều nhớ hôm nay là ngày gì nhỉ?
Hôm nay là Giáng Sinh đó!!!!!

Nhân dịp này, Dự án NTHV xin chúc tất cả mọi người thật nhiều điều tốt lành.

🍀🎉 Ngoài ra, chúng mình cũng muốn gửi đến mọi người kết quả Giveaway đầu tiên của fanpage

Các bạn giành được Giveaway của chúng mình là
Kim Duyên,
Tường Văn, và

Chúc mừng các bạn đã trở thành người may mắn trong dịp Giáng Sinh này! Đừng quên check hộp thư trên FB hoặc IG nhé vì chúng mình sẽ liên lạc để trao đổi về CV của các bạn.

Các thành viên khác ơi, chúng mình sẽ có thêm nhiều Giveaways trong tương lai nên các bạn hãy cùng đón chờ nhé!

Và, chúc mừng Giáng Sinh cả nhà! 🎄🎄

📌 Đừng quên thích, theo dõi và tham gia nhóm của chúng mình để nhận được thông tin mới nhất!
✅ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenthvproject/
☝️ We will post the most detailed content first here!
✅ page: https://www.facebook.com/thenthvproject
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenthvproject/



(Vietnamese caption below)

We can’t believe there are 1,000 of you now following us on Instagram and 100 on Facebook since we started a few months ago. We’re so grateful for your support and joining our camaraderie of The NTHV Project. So let’s celebrate it with a giveaway this Christmas, shall we?

As an international student now working in law, I understand one of the biggest challenges (or the biggest one) is probably securing a legal job that I enjoy. That’s why when I started this Project one of the missions is to ultimately help law graduates secure their dream jobs and hopefully find their permanent careers.

Therefore, we’re giving you the chance to win three CV/Cover Letter reviews to help and support you on your journey to secure your dream job.

All you have to do is:
1️⃣ Follow on Facebook or Instagram (both would be great!)
2️⃣ Share this post to your story
3️⃣ Tag 3 friends in the comments (each tag = one entry)

️⏰ The giveaway will be closed at 12:59 PM (Vietnam time) on Friday, 23 December 2022.
We’ll randomly select and announce the lucky three winners at 3:00 PM (London time) or 10:00 PM (Vietnam time) Christmas Eve, 24 December 2022.

🎁 Each winner will be contacted to send their CV/Cover letter to us (in Vietnamese or English). We will then arrange an event especially for this (virtually) where we will answer questions, give suggestions and send the amended documents based on our chats.

Good luck everyone! 🌟

*This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram or Facebook. By entering this giveaway, you agree to a complete release of Instagram and Facebook from any and all liability in connection with this giveaway.

Thật bất ngờ là The NTHV Project hiện đã có 1.000 người theo dõi trên Instagram và 100 người theo dõi trên Facebook chỉ sau vài tháng. Mình rất biết ơn sự đồng hành của các bạn với Dự án NTHV. Vì vậy, nhân dịp Giáng sinh sắp đến, hãy cùng mình kỷ niệm thành tựu nho nhỏ này bằng một chương trình Giveaway nhé!

Là một sinh viên quốc tế hiện đang làm việc trong ngành luật, mình hiểu một trong những thách thức lớn nhất (hoặc cũng có thể là lớn nhất) có lẽ là đảm bảo được một công việc mà bản thân yêu thích. Đó là lý do tại sao ngay từ khi mình bắt đầu Dự án này, một trong những nhiệm vụ quan trọng nhất mình đặt ra là giúp các sinh viên tốt nghiệp ngành luật đảm bảo được công việc mơ ước và hy vọng các bạn sẽ có được một sự nghiệp lâu dài.

Do đó, Dự án mang đến cho bạn cơ hội giành được 3 suất review CV/Cover Letter để hỗ trợ các bạn trên hành trình đạt được công việc mơ ước.

Các bước bạn phải làm là:
1️⃣ Theo dõi trên Facebook hoặc Instagram (nếu cả hai thì sẽ rất tuyệt!)
2️⃣ Chia sẻ bài đăng này lên story của mình
3️⃣ Tag 3 người bạn vào comment (mỗi tag = một cơ hội trúng thưởng)

️⏰ Chương trình sẽ kết thúc vào lúc 12:59 PM (giờ Việt Nam) thứ Sáu, ngày 23/12/2022.
Chúng mình sẽ chọn ngẫu nhiên và công bố 3 bạn may mắn nhất trúng thưởng vào lúc 15:00 (giờ London) tức 22:00 (giờ Việt Nam) Đêm Giáng sinh, ngày 24/12/2022.

🎁 Mỗi bạn chiến thắng sẽ được liên hệ để gửi CV/Cover Letter cho Dự án (bằng tiếng Việt hoặc tiếng Anh). Sau đó, chúng mình sẽ sắp xếp một buổi gặp (hình thức online) để trực tiếp trả lời các câu hỏi, đưa ra đề xuất cũng như gửi các tài liệu đã chỉnh sửa dựa trên các cuộc trò chuyện của hai bên.

Chúc các bạn may mắn! 🌟

*Chương trình này hoàn toàn không được tài trợ, xác nhận, quản lý hoặc liên kết với Instagram hoặc Facebook. Bằng cách tham gia chương trình này, bạn đồng ý loại trừ hoàn toàn Instagram và Facebook khỏi mọi trách nhiệm pháp lý liên quan đến chương trình này.

📌 Make sure to like, follow and join our pages and group to keep up-date with our posts!
✅ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenthvproject/
☝️ We will post most detailed content first here!
✅ page: https://www.facebook.com/thenthvproject
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenthvproject/


[VLSCR & The NTHV Project Event]

🔔 We are delighted to remind you of the first collaboration between the Vietnamese Law Student Chat Room and The NTHV Project. Don’t miss out on this event!

Participants will be provided with an overview of SQE which is the centralised assessment for anyone wishing to qualify as a solicitor in England and Wales. Moreover, there will be interesting shares about the life of solicitors there.

💡 Details of the event:
Time: 19:00 - 20:00 (GMT+7) | Friday, 9 December 2022
Format: Online via Zoom platform
Zoom Invite Link: http://bit.ly/VietnameseLawStudentChatRoom
Meeting ID: 6802744164
Passcode: 208022

✨ We hope to see you soon!

- - -
📌 Make sure to like, follow and join our pages and group to keep up-date with our posts!
✅ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenthvproject/
☝️ We will post most detailed content first here!
✅ page: https://www.facebook.com/thenthvproject
✅ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenthvproject/



📣 First of all, we are deeply sorry to inform you that the collaboration event between Vietnamese Law Student Chat Room (VLSCR) and the NTHV Project has been rescheduled for December 9, 2022. So, please stay tuned for that date and the details will be updated soon!

💡 To reimburse for this inconvenience, we prepared a post about the path to becoming a lawyer or solicitor. We hope you find this useful and informative. Have a nice weekend!

The journey to become a qualified lawyer or solicitor is certainly a long and challenging one, no matter where it takes place, however there may be some interesting similarities between different countries. In this post we briefly cover some of the main routes to become a lawyer or solicitor in Vietnam and England & Wales as we think this may be helpful and relevant to our members.

🇻🇳 In Vietnam, 6 years is generally the minimum time to obtain a lawyer practising licence which includes:
▪ 4 years for a bachelor's degree in law 🎓
▪ 1 year for a lawyer-training course at the Judicial Academy 📚
▪ 1 year for a traineeship with a law firm or law office 💼
A Vietnamese LLB degree usually takes 4 years to complete and you can choose from a wide range of majors (dual degrees may last for 5 years). After completing the LLB degree, graduates can register for a professional lawyer-training course with the Judicial Academy which normally takes 1 year (which can be shortened if taking evening classes). Then they can undertake their traineeship with a law firm or law office and a training record will need to be submitted to apply for a practising licence. Finally, they have to pass the bar examination conducted by the Vietnam Bar Federation.

🇬🇧 In England and Wales, students generally have more options to qualify as solicitor and the two main paths are as follows:
🌟 The LPC route:
▪ 3 years for a qualifying law degree (QLD) 🎓
▪ 1 year of Legal Practice Course 📚
▪ 2 years of training contract (TC) 💼
Under the old route, if you’re a non-law student (including overseas law degrees), you may need to complete a conversion course (e.g., PGDL or MA Law conversion) before starting the LPC, which may take an additional year. International students often face difficulties in securing TCs as the process can be extremely competitive and time-consuming.

🌟 The Solicitors Qualifying Exam (SQE) route:
▪ A Level 6 degree or above (e.g., a bachelor‘s degree) in any subject 🎓
▪ Passing stages 1 and 2 of the SQE 📚
▪ 2 years of qualifying work experience (QWE) 💼
We believe the new SQE route offers more flexibility and opportunities for international students to become solicitors as a qualifying law degree is not strictly required (although recommended) and paralegal, legal clinic experience etc can also count towards the QWE. Many big firms have initiated SQE programmes to recognise qualification under this route. We aim to create a community to support students to study and prepare for the SQEs and contribute to building a more level playing field for international students.

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🤔 Why study SQE (even if you don’t want to become a solicitor)?

You would normally think someone pursues the SQE because they want to be a solicitor in England and Wales - the appeal is obvious, the status, the income, the welfare etc.

But we wouldn’t think that’s the only reason. The fact is that SQE is essentially a qualification and thus we believe in the future it can provide wider opportunities to candidates.

👇 Here are some benefits of the SQE!

1️⃣ Learn knowledge and skills
SQE is a series of exams to test your knowledge and skills relating to English law. If you come from another country especially one with civil law system it can help you expand your knowledge and skillset. Interestingly I learn that different legal systems can have similar approaches.

2️⃣ Use in work and school
At university you can engage in various activities such as research projects and moot courts. When I worked in VN I also often dealt with common law style contracts and documents. The SQE can again help you achieve better results in these areas as it covers the key areas of English law.

3️⃣ Finding your path
The SQE covers substantive and procedural law in a wide range of areas - the more you learn the clearer view you’ll have of the industry. Thus you can make better decision of your specialised areas which you know you’ll enjoy and love.

4️⃣ Better opportunities

5️⃣ Better income

6️⃣ Career progression
These apply even if you’re not based in the UK! As said above, the more knowledge and skillset you have, the more competitive you’ll be in the job market - leading to better opportunities and income and more exposure and progression.

7️⃣ Relocation

8️⃣ Becoming solicitors
Even if you haven’t thought about using them yet, it will probably be nice to have these cards on the table. SQE is a sophisticated and comprehensive set of exams and thus passing it the SQE will prove you’re essentially capable of doing the job. It can help open doors especially if you’re a foreign lawyer.

✨ Have a nice weekend! ✨