Signals Radar

Signals Radar

Signals Radar


When you first get your feet wet with forex trading, you'll learn about trading lots. In the context of forex trading, a lot refers to a batch of currency the trader controls. A “lot” is a unit measuring a transaction amount. 💰⁠

Micro lots are the smallest tradeable lot available to most brokers. A micro lot is a lot of 1,000 units of your account funding currency. If your account is funded in U.S. dollars, this means that a micro lot is $1,000 worth of the base currency you want to trade.⁠

Before micro-lots, there were mini lots. A mini lot is 10,000 units of your account funding currency. If you are using a dollar-based account and trading a dollar-based pair, each pip in your trade would be worth about $1.00.⁠

A standard lot is a 100,000-unit lot. That is a $100,000 trade if you are trading in dollars. Trading with this size of position means that the trader's account value will fluctuate by $10 for each one pip move.⁠

What lot sizes do you prefer trading?
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What is forex and how does it work?

📈Forex trading is the process of speculating on currency prices to potentially make a profit. Currencies are traded in pairs, so by exchanging one currency for another, a trader is speculating on whether one currency will rise or fall in value against the other.

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