FEED Sadhus

FEED Sadhus

Braj Mandal Seva Team


Prayers to Lord Nrsimhadeva's Club

O Club! Your name is Kaumodaki and you are very dear to the Lord. Nrsimhadeva uses you for hammering the heads of the demons, smashing their bodies and mixing their blood. The demoniac soldiers of arrogance and conceit are attacking the city of my heart. O Club, please chastise these miscreants so that I may come to my senses.

O Club! Lord Caitanya once held you and, in the mood of Lord Nrsimhadeva, ran through the streets ready to kill the atheists.

O Lord Nrsimhadeva! The atheists - avidya and aparadhas - have invaded the nama-hattas in the city of my heart. Lord Nrsimhadeva! Please run through the streets of my heart, and pound these demons to pieces with the thunderbolt strikes of Your club.

O Lord Nrsimhadeva! The elephant of sinful lust has entered my garden of devotion. My Lord, please use Your club to chastise this elephant and drive him out of my garden.

O Lord Nrsimhadeva! I surrender unto You. Please protect me and give me Your mercy.
(An excerpt from the book Prayers to Sri Nrsimhadeva by Mahanidhi Swami.)
