

Whats good everyone, ImDosh here welcoming you to my page. I appreciate all my current and new follo


Good morning everyone, sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ve been dealing with some personal issues at this time, which has caused me to put streaming aside at this time. Reasons for not posting up sooner was because I was sick of making excuses to which I wasn’t streaming so decided to hold off for a bit. I’m planning to take another week off and make a return on the week after. I appreciate everyone that has liked, followed and supported me and I’m truly sorry about the lack of streams. Thank you all for understanding and I hope everyone has a blessed day 🙏


What’s good everyone, just want to take this time to apologise for no stream yesterday. Had some personal issues that had stopped me from streaming, I will hopefully be back on tonight with a stream. Again I apologise for no stream 🙏 hope you all enjoy your weekend.


What’s good everyone, just want to take this time to thank all the people that liked the stream and to my new followers welcome. I know my game wasn’t really on point today but shows that what they say about consistency is true, just felt so rusty playing today... catch me tomorrow and hopefully I put on stream that’s worthy of being a streamer. Thank you all again, as always love y’all 🙏


Apologies for the sudden stop to the stream everyone, won’t be streaming tomorrow but will be on the day after. Having a bit of down time with my partner, appreciate everyone that showed love in the streams and yes even you the brothas that are cheeky everytime they pop in 😂 I know it’s your way of showing love. Thank you all again, and see you on Thursday 😎🙌🏻


Happy Tuesday everyone, sorry about the short stream this morning. I’ll be back on around 8 for another chilled out stream, probably be running some duos with the bro. Tune in and have a chat, all that good stuff. Thank you to everyone that tuned in and left a like on the steam appreciate you all 😎👌🏻 see everyone tonight!


Whats good everyone, hopefully I've got my OBS working. If you like, follow and share the stream and I don't say anything please don't think I don't apprerciate it. My alerts aren't probably working so if that happens I know theirs stuff i still need to fix. Thank you and enjoy the stream.

Follow my other social links:


What’s up everyone, so unfortunately my Streamlabs isn’t working so I won’t be streaming 🤦‍♂️ I’ll spend the weekend trying to fix it and hopefully Monday can pull off a couple dubs. Sorry again, next week I should hopefully be in full swing ✌🏻 thank you.


Good afternoon people, still trying to sort my Streamlabs out... stream will be a bit late today. Hopefully I’m able to fix it for my night streams tonight, having such bad luck 🤦‍♂️ should be on in a couple hours ✌🏻


What’s good everybody, sorry about the bad stream tonight my Streamlabs is playing up atm. Gonna uninstall and reinstall it tonight but won’t be streaming till tomorrow, sorry again. Tune in tomorrow when I stream in the morning and then I’ll be doing another at night. Hope y’all enjoy the rest of your night 😎✌🏻


Whats up everyone, big apologies for not streaming today and I’m not going to be streaming tonight. My work schedules got my sleep all messed up, I’m working from 10pm - 6am. I’ll be back tomorrow with a night stream and Saturday I’ll be doing a morning and night stream too. Big apologies again to everyone, thank you for understanding 👌🏻


Whats good everyone, hoping everyone is enjoying their week so far... I apologize for no stream yesterday and unfortunately i wont be streaming today/tonight as ive started a new job with my hours being so messed up atm, ive gotta get adjusted with the times and come up with a schedule to suit streaming and IRL. I will definitely be back tomorrow streaming. Thank you all for understanding and as always love yall 😎👌


Thank you to everyone that watched the stream today, taking the time out of your Monday to tune in and watch. Welcome to all the followers, thank you everyone that liked the stream. I really appreciate everyone, means a lot. Hopefully everyone enjoyed their day & as always love yall 😎👌


Morning everyone! Thank you to everyone who took time out of their night to tune in and watch the stream lastnight, I really appreciate it and to my new followers thank you for the support. I'll put a schedule for my future stream which will be daily so hopefully everyone will look forward to that. Take care and love all yall 😎👌


Welcome to the page, just starting out with streaming and content creating. Would be appreciated if you would like and follow the page, thank you for your support and can't wait to hear from everyone in the streams 😎