Voices for the Voiceless: The Student Experience

Voices for the Voiceless: The Student Experience

In the world of education, we do not frequently listen to the needs and voices of students. My goal with this podcast is exactly that.


This is it. This is the last interview of this year (Epilogue to come out next week). It’s unreal. It’s be an unreal journey and there is no better way to end interviews then with two kids who have been by my side since the beginning. Molly and Sarah are incredible and although we get off the rails quickly they provide so much amazing information. Kids getting “labelled” is one of the reasons why I did this in the first place.


With 3 episodes left I get to interview a top 3 favorite student. As a student who sometimes flies under the radar she provides some valuable information. She just “wants to learn” but also wants a longer lunches and just wants to be heard. Listen to her amazing words!


We have 4 episodes left this season!

Forgot to post earlier this morning but is a shorter episode. As I travelled the country I interviewed many students along the journey at stadiums I visited. It was truly incredible and hope you enjoy this little fun episode!


There’s nothing like catching up with old friends, especially when that friend almost cost you your life by her scaring you so bad. Life as a Tennessee educator is never boring and this summer it only got more interesting. Teachers went to saviors to the hated babysitter in a matter of months. But, they are doing some things right as well. Moral of the story: every teacher needs “P.O.E.T.S” in their life! 4 more episodes to go!


We’re in the last 6 episodes of this FIRST season! Many stories left to be told!

But… in this episode I met one of the kindest humans ever in Molly Turner. She not only welcomed me into her workshop but also fed me and welcomed me onto her beautiful property in Southwest Colorado. The work she is doing is what education should look like and it was an honor to interview her. As educators we “can’t be silo’s” and need to do more to prepare them for the world outside of the traditional school walls. Listen in as I saw first hand at what CTE is all about.


Volleyball is a major part of my life so I was so happy to speak with ’s Coach Casey. It also helps to have hook ups on the team. We speak student-athlete mental health, the growth mindset, and why the “struggle is necessary.” This is a really important conversation for so many… not just athletes.


“A mind shift” may seem difficult in the world of education but it’s not in the grand scheme of things. As I spoke with Janene Mondragon and battled my technology issues, we tried to bring to light the simple things we can do to help students. It’s the little things that can go a long way.


For your Friday listening pleasure. Southwest Colorado was one of my favorite spots on my trip. Not only for the amazing sights but seeing how the education system works within a rural community. The Southwest Colorado Education Collaborative may be working from a small office at Fort Lewis College but they are accomplishing great things. “A grand experiment” is happening and it has to work.


Wind Down Wednesday’s: escape

We all need one. We all need that thing to help us get out of our heads. To help us release some tension. For some reason mine has always been a gym. For those that know me know it’s not me playing anything but instead it’s coaching.
After 3 weeks on my own it was great to return to some normalcy. Something that I knew well and need could help me get out of my head. During the summer I get trapped in it and although I learned to live with it on my journey, it’s still a scary place to be. Therefore my escape. And this beautiful new gym floor definitely helps.
I hate needing to rely on something to distract me but it is what it is. It’s my way of working with the kids without having to live in the world of the last. I get to coach a sport I love and get to see the smiles of my players as they love it too. So I’ll take this escape just like I hope you have yours.


As I was looking to build a professional development experience with this project I was inspired by the many things Trying Together was doing. I was lucky enough to be able to interview Emily Neff and their organization along the way to just see how important it is to let kids be kids. “Play is learning” and will help us close the achievement gap.


Chapter 18 is out now! I catch up with Ciel as we have a trip down memory lane to school prior to COVID. He also discusses life as a trans student and the “driving factor” to things that he wants to do!


While in Houston I got to meet a lovely group of kids that showed me just how perceptive this generation us. A historically minority group in Texas they provided a lot of information on culture, identity, race, classroom experiences and reminded me to always “challenge the system”

From the bottom of my heart… thank you a so much for putting so much into perspective.


For your late night listening pleasure: home.


Mia… I hope you’re out there somewhere listening. Although we only met for a brief time and out of nowhere at that, you provided a wonderful interview and really helped show inside the classroom walls. Even then, you still reminded me “context is everything”


Wind Down Wednesday’s: Home
Some people don’t have a traditional home. Some people find a home away from their family. Some people have multiple homes. Some people only know one home. For 3 weeks I called the home and also a companion. But I know exactly where my home is.
It doesn’t have a set location. But it’s wherever my wife is. My animals. The place where I feel most comfortable. I enjoyed every moment over the last 3 weeks but it showed me just how important home is to me. I love Staunton and the family I’ve grown to have there. I can see making a new home in some of the places I visited. But without my wife, family, and animals it will never truly be home. I missed them dearly.
There could only be one post to reintroduce to Wind Down Wednesday’s. If you are new over the past 3 weeks: welcome. It’s a thing here. But as I say that my home is where these things are, it is completely ok for it to be elsewhere. It can be school as some days I find it that way. It can be anywhere your friends are. It can move. It can be an idea. But you have to find a home. I’ve always known but this trip made it VERY clear.


“Sunset” Thoughts (the last night)- wow. It’s here. One last night in the . To , I will never be able to thank you enough for the things you provided me. Ever. This journey has been unreal and would. It have been possible.

Wish The Valley could have given a bit of a better sunset for the last sunset thoughts but the view from this hill was great. This journey will be once in a lifetime. These views will be once in a lifetime. The connections, the stories, the history: once in a lifetime.

To the people that took me in, fed me, let me bathe, shared their space and stories: I will be FOREVER grateful. This could not have been possible without you. Staunton was the perfect place to end this journey. It was family. It was home again. Where it started. Where it ended.

This post doesn’t make a whole lot of sense but when someone is cutting onions in the van and makes it hard to write these posts. Plus it’ll never be easy to put everything that has happened into words. It has left me speechless and I’m awe. But I think it’s time again for some normalcy and it’s time to reflect to hopefully make meaningful change. Back home we go.


Yea yea I know… it was supposed to be a student interview. But, I have to be home to post some of those. BUT, this interview with Shep from does an amazing job of showing just how awesome this generation is.

I will let you listen for yourself but just know I cannot wait to “sit at the table” more often. Find their apparel at onlyhumanco.com

Photos from Voices for the Voiceless: The Student Experience's post 25/07/2022

School Trip #4 and the last. Shelburne, I don’t even know where I begin. I spent more time in your walls as a teacher than any other school. In fact I probably spent too many hours between volleyball, NHD, and whatever other craziness I got into.

I will not miss your early mornings. I will not miss your ungodly hot classrooms. But I will miss your people, connections, stories and the opportunities you provided me. What was supposed to be a 5 minute photo stop turned into an hour long conversation with an old friend and former student. Of course we ranted but it was just like the old days.

It was time for me to move on from you. I had done all I could but without you I would not have found my “why” or the drive to make a difference. COVID ended my time in A18 earlier than I wanted. I mean I had an Econ fair to put on. But if anything it made saying goodbye easier.

Thank you Shelburne. For volleyball, for amazing NHD students. For new experiences. For great people and even better stories.


School Stop #3… oh Riverheads. I may not have taught here it I definitely spent some time coaching here. I could smell the ring. I could almost taste it. But man there were some fun times here

You taught me what to value. You taught me how to coach. You gave me an amazing g group of players that I just can’t seem to get rid of (jk guys). I value every moment in this gym and on that field. My history at this school is definitely not conventional but it is without a doubt a part of my story.


Sunset Thoughts (Night 19) 3 more sleeps. Back in Virginia. The place I call home. This is the Shenandoah Valley, the place that shaped me into who I was and where I found peace.

Naturally, there are storm clouds that cover up the 1st of 3 chances for my favorite sunsets in the world. Yea, the Grand Canyon was amazing and one i’d kill to see again. But these are my sunsets. The inspiration for these posts. I love this time of day in this place. It brings back memories both happy and sad. It reminds me of how far I’ve come. It’s not RVA but it’s still home. A piece of me will always be here and I’m so happy to be back.


The school tour continues. I did miss another sunset picture but this place is more important to me. It brought me in when I was transferred. It let me be the teacher I wanted to be. It made me a coach. It taught me so much of the teacher I am today.

Although I spent only a year here, Carter Middle School will always have a warm place in my heart. The staff welcomed me with love and compassion. The students were so much fun and found my open door policy for the first time. It’s where I fell in love with volleyball again.

My time here was special when I entered it at a pretty dark time. Thank you Carter. Thank you for everything. I made sure the VANpire had a bath for this special place.


Sunset Thoughts (Night 17)- “Leave it better than you found.” A phrase I use frequently use when leaving a bus with sports but apparently is also the motto of Southern Miss. Maybe I should use it more in everyday life.

On the other side of that window over 7 years ago, a kid started his teaching career. He had no idea what he was doing and it showed. He got put on essentially a remediation plan as a teacher. Had regular meetings with admin. Tried to navigate the world of education for the first time. I was that guy. And at the end of the first year I was transferred. Told I wasn’t a right fit. I put everything I could into that year. Came in on weekends, painted a mural (that has been removed), did extra PD, met with people to get better. It wasn’t enough. I was destroyed. Heartbroken. Mad. Sad. I felt like a failure. I did everything I could to leave it better than I found it.

Don’t ask me why I went back. I don’t know. It was actually very emotional. I was able to look into that classroom that I called home for a year. But maybe leave it better than I found it can also apply to me as a person. As I was transferred on the last day of school, I was determined to be better. For me. To prove people wrong. Which I will be the first to admit is not the right frame of mind of education but I had something to prove. Maybe I went back with the to show the school what I could do. What I did do. I did overcome.

I wish I knew where my first year students were so I could thank them because they have no idea the motivation they had for this journey. Without them I wouldn’t be here. I’m a better teacher than the one I found in that room 7 years ago. And I want to keep getting better

Photos from Voices for the Voiceless: The Student Experience's post 21/07/2022

The college visits continue! And another school that provides educational access like it should! University of Southern Miss provides an out of state tuition that is cheaper than most in state tuitions in Virginia.

The southern charm is real y’all and can just be felt as I walk around campus. They were again so gracious with greeting me and providing me a goody bag of stuff for stopping by!

Anyone looking for Marine Biology, Criminal Justice, Radiology, or Nursing may need to take a hard look at Southern Miss!


New episode up! (And a day late) I speak with Dr. Fulton of the Center for Urban Education at Northern Colorado University. “Competence and Confidence” is the goal of the Center and help prepare teachers for a new educational world.

PS: more student interviews will be back for the next couple weeks after this one!

Photos from Voices for the Voiceless: The Student Experience's post 20/07/2022

Glad I made the stop in Houston to meet this incredible group of upcoming High Schoolers and young adults. They’re inquisitive, spirited, and have a grasp on this world and education system that I’m sure we never give them the credit for.

Look forward to their interview in a couple weeks!!


Sunset Thoughts (Night 15)- although a parking spot, this will be one of the last times the will face west while on this journey with me. It’s actually pretty bittersweet.

This silly little campervan has turned into almost a companion as I’ve travelled through large portions of the country. Seen the same things I’ve had. Endured the same heat I’ve had. Seen the same stars I’ve had. When you spend a lot of time on your own, it’s these kind of things you rely on and think about.

One more work old friend. I’ve grown attached to you and although I’m ecstatic to be home, I’ll never forget this journey we’ve spent together.

Photos from Voices for the Voiceless: The Student Experience's post 19/07/2022

I know Texas has made a lot of people upset of recent. I’m sure there are some of you that follow will be mad that I even gave it the time of day. But this is the location of day in history that showed perseverance, bravery, and tragedy.

Yes this was the location of a Catholic Monastery that focused on the Spanish Conversion of Indigenous Americans. Yes, bloodshed was spilt over territory that never really belonged to the Spanish, Tejanos, or Americans. Yet, you see a group of people from around the WORLD stand till death in what they believed in. 189 people died here on March 6, 1836 fighting for what they believed was right.

As I travel the country and explore these historical locations, I have to remind myself that although horrible things may have occurred, there was a story to be told in those walls, those fields, those locations. The traits of the people who lived there made them who they are and created these stories. And should be a message of the people of today that we should always stand for what we believe but there may always be better ways to do it. If anyone tries to change you, they don’t deserve you. Remember that, just like we should remember these stories.


Sunset Thoughts (Night 14)- first of all… dear lord there really isn’t anything in West Texas is there…

Anyway, one of my favorite things along this trip has been without a doubt trying local favorites or just seeing how different places are in general. I feel like gotten a pretty good taste of all of America. Whether is a Navajo Taco, In N Out, local pizza joints, or now Whataburger I can now say I’ve tried all of things and places.

Food is a way to my heart and feel like that’s true for a lot of people. It has without a doubt been one of my favorite parts!


Chapter 12 is out now!

I speak with Donovan Fountain of Aurora, CO and we discuss a lot of the high stakes when it comes to urban education. It was a pleasure finally talking to an elementary teacher and seeing the things that I can bring to my own classroom especially the counting game! 👀👀

But as we talk about these high stakes and the life of a teacher, it helped me realize I really need to keep “one foot in, one foot out.”


Sunset Thoughts (Night 13)- as I drove through the vastness that is the AZ/NM desert I really sat and thought about the amazing words that I shared with of this morning.

She made me incredibly aware of just how amazing this coming generation is. How willing they are to come and sit at the table to have the conversations that need to be had. This is something my generation and previous ones really cannot say.

The things Only Human Co. preaches and the resources they provide to make us all better humans for a safer world is incredible. Shep’s conversation with me opened my eyes to let my students trust their gut but also to be more proactive to letting more open conversations happen. For that, I am forever grateful.

Ps: check them out at onlyhumanco.com for all their resources and amazing apparel

Videos (show all)

Sunset Thoughts (Night 11)- yea I missed a night. Yea it’s way past sunset for my easterners. But I will never replicate...
As we wait for the first episode to upload I have some exciting news! I was waiting to see when I wanted to sneak this i...
We are officially ONE DAY AWAY. Tomorrow morning will be the launching of Voices for the Voiceless. Over a year of hard ...
LESS THAN A WEEK AWAY! Do not ask me what is happening in this video but it is probably my brain with the thought that f...
JULY 22 VOICES FOR THE VOICELESS IS GOING TO KNOXVILLE. Where this journey all began and I hope to have a lot of partici...
THAT’S RIGHT! It is finally here. After an almost year-long journey, the time to start recording episodes is here. At th...