Victoriano Capagngan Jr.

Victoriano Capagngan Jr.

Barangay Fiesta

Photos from Victoriano Capagngan Jr.'s post 22/08/2022

First Day High Opens at SAANHS VJC The School Year 2022-2023 started today, August 22, 2022. It began with preliminaries like; opening prayer, singing of the Phil. National anthem, recitation of the Panatang Makabayan, and singing of Mahinog song. The MC introduced the school principal, Liezl A. Oclarit for a message. She stressed on the feeling of joy and excitement for at last, classes in person is now at hand. MT-1, Rafunzel C. Jamero made to introduced all the Class Advisers and Subject Teachers of Junior High School. MT-1, Vicente V. Sabellina also made to introduce the class advisers and subject teachers of Senior High School. Everything on this day was opened with ease, orderly, and excitement. It was observed finally that SAANHS is now ready to start the school year. This big event was hosted by Bern Lesleigh Ann J. Ochavillo, T-1.


When Can You Say That a Teacher Is Good?
Victoriano J. Capagngan, Jr.

There are many ways to say that a teacher is good but according to some research, a teacher is good when he or she does not only focus on the facilitation of knowledge to learners but also on the responsibility of the value and character formation on the life of certain individual learner. This might be forgotten if not given importance to many of the teachers but undeniably, due to the modernization of our times today, teacher-learner relationships are sometimes limited to giving instructions of learning competencies to our learners/students only and checking output afterwards and informing them regarding their performance rating or grades, nothing more, nothing less. However, this reality could not ignore us teachers that we still have responsibility behind all limits. These are the duties and responsibilities of a teacher to ensure that all learners/students develop the following desirable characters or moral values based on the sources cited below:
1. Honesty
Honesty is very important in life. I can be equally weighted with integrity. In a classroom setting, students must be taught not to cheat on tests, homework, and not to tell lies against each other, teachers in school, parents, and other members in the family. A teacher can guide students to be honest by setting a good example in class. The teacher should always be honest in his dealings with the class and would set as good example.
2. Enthusiasm or Avidity for Learning
All learners to be in school and having the love to learn in school are ones of the teachers strongest and heart’s desire. Teacher would always want his/her pupils/students to be always in school and be eager to learn. In generating enthusiasm or avidity for learning, a teacher must be a good motivator, facilitator of learning, and a creator of a very conducive and interesting classroom environment. He/she makes always available all the textbooks and other related learning materials necessary for growth and development of learners in a classroom. The teacher should always be as dynamic as professional willing to die for his/her learners and always gives inspiration to all.
3. Ambition and Hard Work
Thomas Edison once said that genius is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration. Anyone who wants to achieve a goal must set his or her mind to it and work at it. Ambition and hard work must begin in schools and classrooms. Students must not be allowed to be lazy, and they should be required to complete all assignments on time. Pupils should also work up to their abilities. A good teacher will get his students ambitiously to work hard by offering them rewards. These rewards would include comments such as "excellent" or "nicely done" on tests and assignments. They also would include recognition for being number one in the class or getting the highest grade on a test. A teacher can do this by announcing the highest achieving student in class or by posting their names on the classroom bulletin board, for example, as being the student of the month.
4. Curiosity and Asking Questions
Curiosity is a desirable characteristic that is missing from many students. There are just too many pupils who accept everything they hear or read and don't question its veracity. Many students have never learned how to ask questions to find out more about a topic they are studying. A good wise teacher will run a student-centered classroom and teach inductively. A Socratic method should be used to lead students to ask questions to get their answers.
5. Being Responsible
Student responsibility is one of the most important desirable characteristics. Being responsible and held accountable for one's actions is a necessary behavior for all members of society. There is no better place than the classroom to learn to be responsible. Students must be responsible and held accountable for bringing their books and school supplies to class, turning in assignments on time, making up missed assignments, and being punctual in class. As for all desirable characteristics, the teacher sets a good example by being punctual in class and having all his lessons prepared. There should be both rewards and punishments for ensuring the responsibility of students. The punishments could include staying after class or doing extra assignments.
6. Etiquette and Manners
This must be vividly evident in a classroom in which teachers play a great role being an example. It must be manifested on how a teacher should treat and care for his/ her pupils/students in a class situation. Any students behaved well in a classroom should be given recognition by the teacher, through posting on the corner as student of the month. It will be started from Kinder Garten going up. All students should be polite and respectful to all teachers and other elders in the family and in the community. There should also be no disturbances such as talking out loud in class or students getting out of their seats without the teacher's permission. Once again, teachers set an example by being polite to students and other teachers. If a student's manners are bad, a teacher must take the student aside and rectify the deficiency in his or her manners.
7. Self-Esteem
If a student is going to care about others and display good manners, he or she should have self-esteem. Students must learn to love themselves and take pride in their appearance and clothing. They must feel good about themselves and have self-confidence. Here the teacher can play a big part in developing a student's self-esteem. The teacher can do this by showing concern and love for the student, and by giving the student attention and every opportunity to succeed.
8. Co-operation With Others
Working with others is an essential part of classroom life. In fostering a good learning environment, it is worthwhile for pupils to join in discussion groups and work together on projects. A teacher sets an example by showing kids how to work together on a class project. Students could also observe a teacher working closely with another teacher in team teaching.
9. Being Kind and Helpful
There isn't one teacher who doesn't like a student who is kind and helpful to the teacher and other classmates. Students can exhibit this by doing classroom tasks such as erasing the board for the teacher or helping him or her pass out books and papers. A kind and helpful student will also tutor weaker students in the class. A teacher sets an example by being kind and helpful to his or her students.
10. Being Public-Minded
There is no other place or venue that this kind of character can be taught and can be developed in the minds and hearts of a person except in the school. School is the best place that good input can be delivered to the minds and hearts of a person like pupil/student. Public-mindedness is a desirable characteristic for everyone in society. There is no better place than the school to develop this civic responsibility. Students can be trained in school not to litter, pick up trash in the public areas, having the spirit of volunteerism, just like carrying benches and chairs to be set up for a school assembly. Teachers can develop this desirable behavior by setting a good example and showing his students films about the problem of pollution and global warming and discussing how these things could be avoided. re
Thus, in preparing students’ future and for the future of the society where they belong it is very imperative that they must be well acquainted and be guided of their roles respectively. It is firmly believed that in achieving these dreams, only the teachers, under their good hands, character formation is made possible.
Sources/Suggested Readings:
Campbell, E. (2003). The Ethical Teacher. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Kohlberg, L. (1981). Essays on Moral Development: The Philosophy of Moral Development. New York: Harper Collins.
Gilligan, C. (1982). In A Different Voice. Cambridge, MA: Harvrd University Press.
Goree, K., Pyle, M., Baker, E. & Hopkins, J.(eds) (2007). Education Ethics Applied. Boston: Pearson Education.
Pring, R. (2001). Education As A Moral Practice. Journal of Moral Education, 30(2): 101-112
Staratt, R. (2004). Ethical Leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Photos from Victoriano Capagngan Jr.'s post 14/08/2022

Binaliwan DepEd Teachers participate Barangay Night DepEd Teachers of Binaliwan, Mahinog took part of the task or to the necessary assignments for the success of the barangay affair. By the way, Binaliwan teachers were made to organize themselves upon the call and request of barangay Chairman, Hon Cleofas R. Pahit in preparation of the Barangay Fiesta. The group called themselves, Binaliwan Educators Guild. The group's president is Mrs. Hermilita A. Maestrdo, Vice Presidents- Victoriano J. Capagngan, Jr. In Purok Madasigon, Roy S. Estrobo in Purok Mabungahon, Arnel F. Maestrado in Purok Malig-on. At the same time, those chosen vice presidents are assigned as Purok Presidents respectively. The organization volunteered the following: to decorate the stage, to compose as members of the board of judges in a dance competition, and to present an intermission number during the competition. The program started with a parade along the highway of barangay Binaliwan, followed by a blessing of the new barangay hall, then a dinner participated bay all existing organizations, dance competition proper and disco for all. The night ended with all happiness and fulfillment, congratulating the great leaders of the barangay, having the mind to get everybody involved in this affair.


Division of Camiguin Prepares for Medium Division In preparation of this Division to become a medium size, SDS Edgardo V. Abanil assigned ten District In-charge to planned ten districts respectively. Mambajao has four districts, Mahinog has two districts, Guinsiliban has only one, Sagay has only one, Catarman has two districts, a total of ten. For Mahinog districts 1 & 2, Lucia B. King and Victoriano J. Capagngan were assigned as DIC's respectively, for Guinsiliban, Jocelyn O. Abao was assigned, for Sagay was Marivic M. Amontos, for Catarman 1 & 2 were Rebecca S. Menciano & Verlyn T. Genoso respectively, for Mambajao, the biggest districts, having four districts, 1,2,3, & 4 with the respective DIC's: Reme C. Rufino, Nelson Abelo, Arnel F. Maestrado, & Liza D. Gamali. Being one the DIC's, it made feel that greater chances had been offered to serve in the department, having a wider and deeper sense of extending Technical Assistance, Monitoring and Supervising, and often allowing one's self for capability development to whatever means which will enrich our skills in supervisory and management jobs. Along with this new assignment, all of us are very thankful to our SDS for the trust and confidence. More power to all DIC's!
