The Long Road Show

The Long Road Show

Education, health, philosophy, and culture with Ron Jones.

Youth Sports? 24/07/2023

Are we doing more harm than good with American youth sports? Many programs are actually doing more harm. Our kids would literally be better off NOT playing organized sports the way some of these programs are being conducted. Here are some facts on psychological research and history regarding youth sports that should be helpful.

Youth Sports? Are we doing more harm than good with American youth sports? Many programs are actually doing more harm. Our kids would literally be better off NOT playing organized sports the way some of these programs are being conducted. Here are some facts on psychological research and history regarding youth s...

Large VS. Small Muscle Development 21/07/2023

Hands are critically important for brain development--but the use of large muscle activities that involve legs, arms, shoulders, etc. are also mandatory for the development of young children--including health and wholesome living! Here's an interesting view of the debate between large vs. small muscles in schools and recreation.

Large VS. Small Muscle Development Hands are critically important for brain development--but the use of large muscle activities that involve legs, arms, shoulders, etc. are also mandatory for the development of young children--including health and wholesome living! Here's an interesting view of the debate between large vs. small musc...

Weekly Observations 20/07/2023

A collection of personal and national topics this episode from coaching youth XC to Jason Aldean's song controversy and back to post-WWII history of leisure, re-creation, and democracy.

Weekly Observations A collection of personal and national topics this episode from coaching youth XC to Jason Aldean's song controversy and back to post-WWII history of leisure, re-creation, and democracy. Reference: "Recreation and the Total Personality" by (1946)

MORE AMMO! 18/07/2023

We are being told that the US munitions supply is so low that it can take up to 18 years to replenish some of it. I'm calling BS and citing the real America as evidence. At the beginning of WWII, America went from no ammunition industry after WWI to creating the "Arsenal of Democracy" that not only supplied US forces in WWII but also supplied the allies. Let's get into the deeper reasons why we are being told it takes years to make ammunition.

MORE AMMO! *Language warning on this show! We are being told that the US munitions supply is so low that it can take up to 18 years to replenish some of it. I'm calling BS and citing the real America as evidence. At the beginning of WWII, America went from no ammunition industry after WWI to creating the "Arse...

Denver Keynote Summary 15/07/2023

As promised, here is my summary and overview of the American College of Sports Medicine keynote presentation I did this past June in Denver, CO. It was a great experience with an interesting backstory to how I got there and what I observed. It's a long road...keep traveling and keep learning.

Denver Keynote Summary

Bed Rotting & History 11/07/2023

There is something "new" trending with our young people called "Bed Rotting." It's where our youth stay in bed for days on end looping on Netflix or TikTok videos, etc. It's actually nothing new although the modern tech in bed is new. In the late 1800s, a neuropsychic condition developed--people tried to cure it with more bed rest--it backfired. People then realized what people needed to heal themselves mentally was NOT more bed rest but less bed rest and more PHYSICAL work! Here's a look back so you can move forward--better with more whole-body integration and well-being.

Bed Rotting & History There is something "new" trending with our young people called "Bed Rotting." It's where our youth stay in bed for days on end looping on Netflix or TikTok videos, etc. It's actually nothing new although the modern tech in bed is new. In the late 1800s, a neuropsychic condition developed--people tri...

"The Secrets of Long Life" 07/07/2023

There was a very famous questionnaire commissioned by the Saturday Evening Post in the late 1950s to seek "The Secrets of Long Life." Gallop Poll conducted the study and put together a 24-page 221-question survey on diet, health, birthplace, climate, and heredity. The subjects were all 95 or older. Here's a summary of foods, fluid intake, to***co use, health, body size, physical activity, religion, family, and heredity. The results are staggering when you consider what is going on today. History speaks...what is missing today?

"The Secrets of Long Life" There was a very famous questionnaire commissioned by the Saturday Evening Post in the late 1950s to seek "The Secrets of Long Life." Gallop Poll conducted the study and put together a 24-page 221-question survey on diet, health, birthplace, climate, and heredity. The subjects were all 95 or older.....

Masculinity Crisis! 06/07/2023

We have a masculinity crisis in America! Guess what? It's nothing new because we have had many masculinity crises in modern history. In today's show, I read you three of my newspaper articles that are all related to the Muscular Christianity movement and this problem of having men who are overly feminized. Weekly, I write a community health article for our local rural newspaper, so some of these articles are worth reading to you on my show. I'll start sharing some and giving you some extra context clues so we can expand a bit. Enjoy the show. I hope you find some inspiration and get some ideas from history. Take care of each other.

Masculinity Crisis! We have a masculinity crisis in America! Guess what? It's nothing new because we have had many masculinity crises in modern history. In today's show, I read you three of my newspaper articles that are all related to the Muscular Christianity movement and this problem of having men who are overly fem...

'Sharpening" 05/07/2023

There is a story about Abe Lincoln who said if he had hours to cut down a tree--he would spend a lot of time sharpening his axe. It got me thinking about the lack of proper sharpening in my life from working "too much" and NOT resting enough. Here I share some self-criticism in hopes to help some of you not make the same mistakes so you can improve the quality and production of your lives.

'Sharpening" There is a story about Abe Lincoln who said if he had hours to cut down a tree--he would spend a lot of time sharpening his axe. It got me thinking about the lack of proper sharpening in my life from working "too much" and NOT resting enough. Here I share some self-criticism in hopes to help some of...

"Compression of Morbidity" 03/07/2023

I heard something on the radio that reminded me of this very important concept I learned decades ago relating to the final act of decay as our bodies prepare to die...the "compression" of morbidity. Learning about this really changed my perspective and opened my eyes to seeing the world differently. I hope it helps you too.

"Compression of Morbidity" I heard something on the radio that reminded me of this very important concept I learned decades ago relating to the final act of decay as our bodies prepare to die...the "compression" of morbidity. Learning about this really changed my perspective and opened my eyes to seeing the world differently....

"Feminized Dependence" 30/06/2023

Following the Crash of 1929 and into the Great Depression of the 1930s, the US Government began involvement with "prehabilitation camps" that sought to make the American males fitter following WWI. Spinning around this movement was the Civilian Conservation Corps program--the CCC. Men could sign up for the CCC for one full year and get room, board, plenty of good food (which was hard to find in the 1930s), and make a small wage while they learned manual skills they could use to get a job after their service year. The government was involved in building their morale, character, and financial independence "through the physical bodies" of the men. Through this process, they eliminated the "feminine dependence" upon the state such as standing in the soup lines and getting free handouts. What the men really needed was WORK and work SKILLS. Here's a quick share about this fascinating era of American history and fitness.

"Feminized Dependence" Following the Crash of 1929 and into the Great Depression of the 1930s, the US Government began involvement with "prehabilitation camps" that sought to make the American males fitter following WWI. Spinning around this movement was the Civilian Conservation Corps program--the CCC. Men could sign up....

Pizza Propaganda & More 27/06/2023

The Climate Communists now want to outlaw wood-fired pizzas in NYC. Forget the ban on flames--let's fire it up on this show! (Note language disclaimer this episode)
Yet more! Russia in the news, real stories from Kalifornia when they banned surfing and skating (your pizzas are next in line on the firing squad NY), deportation camps in South America videos and reports coming out now about the US behind "sending" hundreds of thousands into the US illegally, and of course...the real overall goal for the US. Brace yourselves.

Pizza Propaganda & More The Climate Communists now want to outlaw wood-fired pizzas in NYC. Forget the ban on flames--let's fire it up on this show! (Note language disclaimer this episode) Yet more! Russia in the news, real stories from Kalifornia when they banned surfing and skating (your pizzas are next in line on the fi...

Military UNreadiness 20/06/2023

Here are some latest updates on the US state of military UNreadiness. I go over current rejection rates and injury issues within the first few months of training with Army recruits. Points made on the history of PE and quality of movement focus from "classical PE training" vs. current physical "illiteracy" with our 18-29-year-olds.

Military UNreadiness "Here are some latest updates on the US state of military UNreadiness. I go over current rejection rates and injury issues within the first few months of training with Army recruits. Points made on the history of PE and quality of movement focus from "classical PE training" vs. current physical "ill...

Tulsa Storm Updates! 19/06/2023

Here are some current updates on the savage storm that hit the Tulsa area around 12:30 AM this last Sunday. The OK Corral did well despite branches and limbs being flung all over our property. We never lost power, but up to 200,000 in the Tulsa area lost power, and some will not get power until this Saturday afternoon with the heat index climbing to 90-95 degrees tomorrow. Preparation came to mind for this show. What did I do? What can you do? Are you prepared physically to handle an intense situation? Mentally? Gas, water, food, medications, clothing, and more! Do what you can, and take care.

Tulsa Storm Updates! Here are some current updates on the savage storm that hit the Tulsa area around 12:30 AM this last Sunday. The OK Corral did well despite branches and limbs being flung all over our property. We never lost power, but up to 200,000 in the Tulsa area lost power, and some will not get power until this...

"Indictment of Modern Schools" 14/06/2023

"In developing knowledge men must collaborate with their ancestors." -Walter Lippman

On December 29, 1940, Walter Lippman delivered the following speech entitled, "The State of Education in this Troubled Age: A Sweeping Indictment of Modern Schools and Colleges" at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the University of Pennsylvania. Lippman was one of his era's greatest minds and one of America's top journalists and authors. He won two Pulitzer Prizes and was also part of the establishment of modern social psychology and propaganda along with Edward Bernays. His speech has startling warnings regarding the dangers of throwing out cultural traditions which leave us sailing without a rudder in a stormy sea of life trying to figure out how to re-invent the wheel--it does not have to be this way. Correct the course!

"Indictment of Modern Schools" "In developing knowledge men must collaborate with their ancestors." -Walter Lippman On December 29, 1940, Walter Lippman delivered the following speech entitled, "The State of Education in this Troubled Age: A Sweeping Indictment of Modern Schools and Colleges" at the annual meeting of the American...

"Democracy is a Conquest" 13/06/2023

"The very success of previous civilizations has always proved to be the cause of their downfall." -George Barton Cutten

On December 26, 1940, George Barton Cutten, President of Colgate University, delivered his speech, "Democracy is not a Gratuity; It is a Conquest" at America's Town Meeting of the Air in Miami, Florida. Here's the speech with a few context clues added. Think about it.

"Democracy is a Conquest" "The very success of previous civilizations has always proved to be the cause of their downfall." -George Barton Cutten On December 26, 1940, George Barton Cutten, President of Colgate University, delivered his speech, "Democracy is not a Gratuity; It is a Conquest" at America's Town Meeting of the....

Victory VIOLENCE! 13/06/2023

Dear Denver,

Victory VIOLENCE! Have you ever wondered why people riot and become violent after their team wins a major sports championship? What is the real reason for this from the physiology standpoint? Here ya go. Listen up and understand why spectating runs right into a fight or flight sympathetic nervous system response--the...

Propaganda Punt Return 26/05/2023

Here is another share of a segment of public relations history, social psychology, and propaganda. This idea of "diversity" to get away from a totalitarian "monolithic unity of group think" started in the early 1960s. The idea was to get away from controlled media by government overreach, yet that punted ball was returned right into our own end zone!

Propaganda Punt Return Here is another share of a segment of public relations history, social psychology, and propaganda. This idea of "diversity" to get away from a totalitarian "monolithic unity of group think" started in the early 1960s. The idea was to get away from controlled media by government overreach, yet that p...

Full STOP. 24/05/2023

Sometimes in life, you hit a situation that requires a full STOP. Your original plans or existing thoughts fly out the window. Yesterday afternoon marked the beginning of a full stop for me...and many others in my community.

Full STOP.

"The Nut of Dreams" 24/05/2023


"The Nut of Dreams" Back in the mid-1990s, I was in a really hard place where I was going to college part-time but could not yet afford to go full-time. This time was absolutely agonizing and miserable because I was SO READY to move forward but was still stuck in a hard place for a while--then I took one small action t...

Creating News 22/05/2023

Most of what is on the news is actually created for the purpose of controlling people. Sound like a conspiracy theory? Think again because this admission came from the father of modern propaganda and public relations Edward Bernays who was voted as one of the most influential people of the 20th Century. Here are a few shares on how most news is indeed "created" and what is being done behind the scenes to manipulate people through their emotions.

Creating News Most of what is on the news is actually created for the purpose of controlling people. Sound like a conspiracy theory? Think again because this admission came from the father of modern propaganda and public relations Edward Bernays who was voted as one of the most influential people of the 20th Cent...

"No Bending Over" 15/05/2023

I noticed an advertisement on the back of my magazine for some new shoes by Skechers. The catch lines were, "No Bending Over. No Touching Shoes." I get why they are making and marketing these shoes--Americans do not move well especially as they age, but where does this philosophy of living end? The promotion of rigidity and being LESS mobile does not sound like a good idea! Here are some quick thoughts on what I have learned about seniors and mobility over the decades.

"No Bending Over" I noticed an advertisement on the back of my magazine for some new shoes by Sketcher. The catch lines were, "No Bending Over. No Touching Shoes." Now I get why they are making and marketing these shoes--Americans do not move well especially as they age, but where does this philosophy of living end?....

"The Trail" 11/05/2023

I've been building this trail behind my lake house--ALL by hand with a pick axe, shovels, blade axe, and two plastic buckets to carry dirt, gravel, and rocks back and forth. Here's how I feel about it and what we can all learn from VERY HARD manual labor.

"The Trail"

"Propaganda Peek-a-BOO!" 10/05/2023

History often repeats--good or bad. We decide--but "how we decide" is quite orchestrated by the elitists. Here's a share straight out of the N**i propaganda playbook using cutting-edge social psychology science and the "art" of rhetorical control of the masses...the same methods are being implemented NOW to engineer public consent and opinion.

"Propaganda Peek-a-BOO!" History often repeats--good or bad. We decide--but "how we decide" is quite orchestrated by the elitists. Here's a share straight out of the N**i propaganda playbook using cutting-edge social psychology science and the "art" of rhetorical control of the masses...the same methods are being implemente...

Graduation Advice 08/05/2023

At a recent high school graduation I attended, the principal concluded his grad speech with these wise words, "Get off your phones; live your lives." I thought this was brilliant; however, as he stated above, I noticed many surrounding me ON THEIR PHONES having completely unrelated conversations, watching videos, playing video games, etc. Some of the kids attending had iPads and full-cover headsets, so they we completely tuned out of the speeches and zoned out on stupid video games. It's frightening--and dangerous.

Graduation Advice At a recent high school graduation I attended, the principal concluded his grad speech with these wise words, "Get off your phones; live your lives." I thought this was brilliant; however, as he stated above, I noticed many surrounding me ON THEIR PHONES having completely unrelated conversations, wa...

"Ms. B" 08/05/2023

My esteemed colleague "Ms. B" just retired after 37 years of classroom teaching. I grew quite fond of Ms. B, and we developed a wonderful appreciation for each other and her students this past year. Here are a few moments of sharing from the front lines of education. Thanks Ms. B...I'll always remember you. :)

"Ms. B" My esteemed colleague "Ms. B" just retired after 37 years of classroom teaching. I grew quite fond of Ms. B, and we developed a wonderful appreciation for each other and her students this past year. Here are a few moments of sharing from the front lines of education. Thanks Ms. B...I'll always remem...

"A Year of Country" 06/05/2023

I just wrapped up a full year of teaching at the rural Oklahoma school where I taught 3rd-5th grade physical education. What I learned about love, family, community, and relationships is worth a whole segment today. I love my kids, and they love me back. I hope you enjoy the sharing and find some value in the Native Cherokee philosophy of "wrapping them" with love and care.

"A Year of Country" I just wrapped up a full year of teaching at the rural Oklahoma school where I taught 3rd-5th grade physical education. What I learned about love, family, community, and relationships is worth a whole segment today. I love my kids, and they love me back. I hope you enjoy the sharing and find some va...

Thought Control History 29/04/2023

1917 was a pivotal year for propaganda and social psychology. The emerging science and understanding of how to control mass thought were used to talk Americans into supporting WWI in Europe. Some of those who opposed this orchestrated "national" effort--were arrested and imprisoned. Sound familiar?

Thought Control History 1917 was a pivotal year for propaganda and social psychology. The emerging science and understanding of how to control mass thought were used to talk Americans into supporting WWI in Europe. Some of those who opposed this orchestrated "national" effort--were arrested and imprisoned. Sound familiar?....

Music To Die For? 26/04/2023

Music To Die For? Narcan, the opioid reversal drug, is now being distributed at music shows in America. We have reached a new low in culture and lack of health. Narcan has also been approved as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug now too, yes, it's that bad. Here are some reflections from a veteran rocker who has attended...

"The Digital Dictator" 25/04/2023

I've been looking in the wrong place for a "human dictator" who is going to emerge to restore order to the growing chaos and anarchy. I realized this morning after more deep reading on the history of social psychology and modern propaganda, the modern dictator to fear is the digital dictator that brings the modern "tyranny of technology."

"The Digital Dictator" I've been looking in the wrong place for a "human dictator" who is going to emerge to restore order to the growing chaos and anarchy. I realized this morning after more deep reading on the history of social psychology and modern propaganda, the modern dictator to fear is the digital dictator that br...

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