Enter Love: The Airport Musical

Enter Love: The Airport Musical

Enter Love is an original musical premiering at Civic Theater of Greater Lafayette, August 13-15 and


If you liked either the 2010 or 2015 iterations of Enter Love: The Airport Musical, you'll be pleased to learn that composer Lynn Lupold has a new show in the works. Pictures of the first workshop are over on the Red Boat Productions page.


If you haven't reserved your tickets to see "enter love" yet, do it today. This fantastic cast makes the time fly. The show is funny, entertaining and romantic. The show runs September 18-27. Don't miss it!


Behind the Scenes of ENTER LOVE Rehearsal at Theatre On the Square

Thank to our friends at RSDigital LLC for stopping by a rehearsal and putting together this video about the production.

ENTER LOVE | Theatre on the Square | Sep 12-27 http://redboatproductions.com/tickets Produced by Red Boat Productions Filmed and Edited by RSDigital Producti...


photo by Zach Rosing


This incredible cast for "enter love" is grade A+. If you like to laugh and hear good music don't miss this show. Going for another sold out run, so don't wait to purchase your tickets.


Enter Love: The Airport Musical's cover photo


What Your Enter Love Flight Crew Is Excited About For IndyFringe 2015 | Red Boat Productions

Enter Love opens next month, but in the meantime we asked the cast what Fringe shows they're excited about seeing this week. Who got a lot of love? Holy Ficus, Mr. Boniface, and more...

redboatproductions.com From Kristin: I’m looking forward to seeing several things at this year’s IndyFringe but Holy Ficus is top on my list! I love Tim Hunt. I love quirky, off-beat stories. I love Paige Scott’s music. Excited to witness it all come together!


We're very excited this September to bring the Indianapolis premiere of Enter Love to Theatre on the Square.


465: S*x Drive...a musical

Wondering what the production team behind Enter Love is up to? There bringing their next show to the Indianapolis Fringe Festival next month. Grab tickets and other cool swag over at the show's Kickstarter page.

kickstarter.com This original musical revolves around 5 s*x addicts who car pool to group therapy. Premiering at the Indianapolis Fringe Festival.



What's the set for Enter Love going to be like when the show opens in less than two weeks? Here's a hint.



The Chicago cast of Enter Love has started rehearsing. Here's a one minute sneak peek.


Meet Andrew Park (Director) | Red Boat Productions

Chicago's version of Enter Love is in good hands with Lafayette native Andrew Park at the helm.

redboatproductions.com Andrew Park is Quest Theatre Ensemble’s founding Artistic Director. He holds an MFA in Directing and Dramaturgy from the Chicago College of Performing Arts. Andrew worked with Bread and Puppet Theatre (2001) and was the Artistic Director for three professional seasons aboard the Showboat Becky Tha


What’s new in Enter Love? | Red Boat Productions

Brand new song?! Yup. The Chicago production of Enter Love has a little something special for ya'.

redboatproductions.com Since the last full performance of Enter Love the show has seen some tweaks. We refined the show in the months after the Lafayette performance and had a wildly successful workshop in Chicago this past April.


Kickstarter >> Bringing "Enter Love" to the Quest in Chicago by Lynn Lupold

Would you like an Enter Love t-shirt? Right now the only way to get your hands on one is through our Kickstarter project. Go here and check out the rewards in the right column.

Lynn Lupold is raising funds for Bringing "Enter Love" to the Quest in Chicago on Kickstarter! This original musical premiered in a small Indiana town last August. Now the Quest theatre wants to bring us to Chicago.


Kickstarter >> Bringing "Enter Love" to the Quest in Chicago by Lynn Lupold

Enter Love is going to Chicago! ...if we get your help. Go here and watch the video about how we're taking this next step. (Also there's some very cool stuff in it for you.)

Lynn Lupold is raising funds for Bringing "Enter Love" to the Quest in Chicago on Kickstarter! This original musical premiered in a small Indiana town last August. Now the Quest theatre wants to bring us to Chicago.


Red Boat Productions | showcasing original musical works

Red Boat Productions, the company that put out Enter Love now has a website. If you know someone interested in putting on a production of Enter Love or investing in the show, this is the place to send them.

redboatproductions.com Red Boat Productions is committed to providing opportunities for new and creative musical works. This production company was founded in 2006 by Lynn L. Lupold. As a composer and music educator, Lynn recognizes the importance of showcasing new compositions and the difficulty of finding venues.


Announcing the Red Boat Board of Directors | Enter Love

The official announcement about the Board of Directors for Red Boat (Lynn L. Lupold's production company) is up. You may recognize a few names that were directly involved with the Lafayette run like Clay Mabbitt (Frank) and Joy A Seybold (AD). If you like the visual branding for the show, you'll also be glad to hear that creator @[759527511:2048:Brian Atki

enterlovemusical.com We just realized that we never made any formal announcement about Red Boat's Board of Directors. These folks bring together a wide range of talents, contacts,


2011 is almost here | Enter Love

There's a very short blog post over at the Enter Love website with some teasers about what's going to be happening next year.

enterlovemusical.com Clearly 2010 was a breakout year for Enter Love. We had a world premiere that sold out every show before opening night. We met with excellent reviews. We've


The End of Act I | Enter Love

enterlovemusical.com With tweaks to the show, plans being made about future performances, and a ton of behind the scenes work to take Enter Love farther along it's journey we're


Interview with Don – part 1 | Enter Love

Don has the conch shell. Listen up for some insight on how these characters were created.

enterlovemusical.com How did you and Lynn end up working together on this project? Lynn invited me to come to the cabaret performance of the tunes in Indianapolis last fall. I went


Lynn Lupold Explains How Enter Love Began

Get the scoop straight from Lynn on how this whole crazy ride got started.

Lynn Lupold Explains How Enter Love Began


Bring to Your Stage | Enter Love

Seen the new promotional video for Enter Love? We cut it together to show theatre owners and programming directors what it might look like when they bring it to life on their stage. Hop over to the official site and watch a six-minute version of the show with clips from your favorite songs.

enterlovemusical.com Following what was by all accounts a wildly successful opening run in Lafayette, Indiana in August of 2010, we're now spreading to new venues. If you think


We’re making Enter Love even better | Enter Love

The production team is hard at work getting Enter Love ready for its next run.

enterlovemusical.com Now that we've had a chance to see the show on stage, we're sanding down the rough edges and adding a little polish. Don't worry, the songs and characters that


Want to be notified when new shows of Enter Love are announced? | Enter Love

Did you know you could get an email when new Enter Love performances are announced?

enterlovemusical.com We've already hinted that more productions of Enter Love are in the works. Want to receive an email when the details become available? Just let us know where


Marketing a Musical « Marketing Muse

Here's an overview of the method/madness that went into the online promotions of Enter Love.

silversquareinc.com This summer I appeared in a musical called Enter Love. This was an original work by a very good friend, Lynn Lupold, among others. Because I cared about the


Enter Love CD and DVD available for preorder | Enter Love

Big thanks to everyone who helped make this such a fantastic opening weekend. If you want to order a copy of the CD and/or DVD you now can.

enterlovemusical.com The entire run of Enter Love was sold out before opening night. If you didn't get a chance to catch the show live, we are going to have CDs and DVDs available.


Congratulations to Karen Demerly who entered the contest for free tickets to the show each week and finally won in the 11th hour.


Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette debuts "Enter Love" | jconline.com | Journal and Courier

There's a nice preview write-up of the show in the Journal and Courier. (Nice photo, Debbie Fights)

jconline.com Doing an original musical could be seen as a risk for a community theater.


Buy Tickets | Enter Love

Just checked online and this entire weekend is sold out - even the Sunday matinee. (I counted less than 10 tickets still available for next weekend.)

enterlovemusical.com Tickets are now available for the following showtimes. All performances are at the Historic Monon Depot Theatre in Lafayette, Indiana. Ticket prices range


Enter Love Musical Contest!

You have to act fast. Opening night this Friday is sold out, but you still have a chance to win tickets to the show by leaving a comment below this promotional video over at YouTube. There's also a few nice extras: dinner at the Bistro and tickets to the Cabaret in Indy. Good luck!

Enter to win FREE tickets to see Enter Love by leaving a comment below!


Looks like the first two nights of the show are sold out. I counted three tickets still available for Sunday. Tickets for the second weekend are almost gone. Congratulations and thanks to Civic Theatre of Greater Lafayette for giving us a sell out run.


Yes, there is still one more chance to win free tickets to Enter Love. This one will be for opening night (this Friday!) and include a couple of extremely cool extras. The timeline on this one will be short so you'll have to act fast, and we're still getting a few last wrinkles ironed out. Fingers crossed it will be up and running tomorrow morning.


Meet Jason Bennett (Keyboards) | Enter Love

Meet Jason Bennett: lawyer, musician, and sitting-in-front-of-lake enthusiast.

enterlovemusical.com Jason is a lawyer by day and a musician by night. At times, he has combined the two -- including writing and recording an original blues song that won a


Sarah Fitzgerald (SarieFitzgerie) on Twitter

Congratulations to Sarah Fitzgerald who won free tickets to Enter Love and a gift card to Lowes. Perhaps she'll buy materials to build a platform from which she can look down on everyone else who didn't win?

twitter.com 21 year old future celebrated novelist. I'm going to be your bathroom reading material someday.


Meet Brandon Knechtel (Auxillary… well, probably a bit of everything) | Enter Love

Have you met Brandon Knechtel? ...cause there's a lot of detail here if you want to learn more.

enterlovemusical.com Brandon Knechtel is a freelance studio producer, arranger, and music director based just outside of Orlando, Florida. Originally from Lafayette, Brandon