Diary ka Phumeza : How met the love of my life

Diary ka Phumeza : How met the love of my life

Am writing a story


Guys angikho sure but am here now ukubhala ngizoqala kahle next week ☺❀


Insert 12

Phumeza POV❀😍

(We at school it's break time)
Me: mngani i still wanna find out ukuthi which jerk tried to drug us
Amandla : yazi chommie you read my mind and futhi ngiyazi ukuthi who we should ask chommie
Me: and futhi nami am sure ukuthi siyobuza that guy who was a bar tender in the party
Amandla: yazi nami i was gonna suggest that , i guess great minds think alike
Me : phela thina we are soul twins moss , singama sisters for life ( We laugh hard )
Amanda : yeah right
( while we are chatting kubuye u pearl ka Lungani aike this is just great)
Pearl : hello weirdos
Me : eyy fuseg wena
Pearl : aibo khaladi you got balls now ( she laugh and we just look at her )
Amandla : ubekwa yini lana, cause asibona abangani bakho
Pearl : am here to warn you to stay away from Lungani, siyathandana nje manje am his main chick phela ngiyamnika ikhekhe
Amandla: relaxer girly mina i don't have to open my legs to keep a man uyayibuyela nje , and mina wangishela u Lungani i don't know about you boo
Pearl: nakhu nje you no longer together moss
Amandla: awuu shem that yesterday news love u Lungani is back were he truly belongs huns and i will make sure ukuthi you are wiped out of the picture one night stand
( We left her shocked and angry)

Pearl POV πŸ’”β˜ΊπŸ˜

( how could Lungani do this to me , I thought that this is our chance to be together bengithi uyangithanda moss, I must go now ngimuzwe kahle ukuthi uzothini)

Pearl : ( ngimfice ehleli no Lungelo ) Lungani can i have a word with you ( Lungelo gives us space)
Lungani: what's up
Pearl : you and that slt Amandla a back together
Lungani: ofcourse sibuyelene moss we fixed things
Pearl: how could you do this to me, I thought you are serious about us
Lungani: hayi hayi Pearl sivumelen nje ukuthi this is not serious is just a one time thing don't behave like my wife please angizange ngikushele nokuku shela sisi ( angishiye kanjalo , am so angry and hurt about this , they will pay for this )


Thanks guys for the 597 like πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ”please comment ❀☺it would mean alot ☺


Insert 11

Lungelo POVβ€πŸ˜”

Phumeza : what ( she looks shocked)
Me : i mean ngiyakuncanywa blind , i want you to be my girlfriend
Phumeza : i don't know what to say Lunge
Me : just say yess mama(she is now blushing shem)
Phumeza : i have to think about it first
Me : okay okay don't take to long then ( she smiles) look i Phum i have to go , zokubona sasa esgela yezwa
Phumeza : okay see you
( now my plan is in motion i hope nothing is going to screw it up this time )

Phumeza POV ❀😍

( i feel like this is all a dream, Lungelo likes me guys , i can't wait to tell Amandla about this .I arrive at the shop
Me : hi bengisacela ulofu we isinkwa ne dozen yama Qanda
( i pay for the item and head back home in hurry )
Mom : yini wabuya somoyizela nje , what took you so long ??
Me : no angimoyizeli mah , bekugcwele estolo so ihad to wait
Mom : if you say so ( she is looking at me with an eyebrow creased ) ufuna amaqanda a fryiwe or ushatini wama qanda
Me : ushatini wamaqanda ( guys don't judge me i love eggs yhoo )
Mom : Ngazile miss maqandeni
( after that i go straight to my room and call my bestie)
Amandla : Mnganam
Me : hey mindlosi
Amandla : stop calling me that otherwise i will stop taking your calls , what's up bitch
Me : so Lungelo asked me to be his girlfriend
Amandla : what ( she creams)
Me : yey do you want me to be deaf or something
Amandla : fuseg so wena what did you say i hope you said yes
Me : i said i will think about it chommie
Amandla : think about what P you already like him moss
Me : i want him to stall him a bit , i don't want to seem cheap
Amandla : i get you mngan so mina no Lungani we are back together
Me : aibo chom nin , how and when??
Mom : Phumeza lunch is aready shesha kuzobanda
Me : Ngiyeza mah just a sec , eish mngan we will continue with this conversation later ngisayodla i lunch am starving
Amandla : okay food killer bye i love you
Me :don't call me that , I love you more sweetie
( i hang up and go to the dining room to eat my favorite lunch meal )


Insert 10

Continuation ❀❀

Dad : cha maDlamini don't get involved lah , that what caused this , wena Amandla did i raise harlot ??
Me : cha baba ( tears start falling)
Dad :yey ungalinge uteteme ngingaka kwenzi lutho , wipe those crocodile tears off your face
Me : ( the more i wipe them off , the more they fall )
Mom : baba please calm down
Dad : Eish MaDlamini wena Amandla kusukela namhlanje, you are no longer allowed to sleep over at your friend house, as soon as uphuma eskolen uqonda ekhaya , from now on mesingekho uzohlala naye u Mah ka Phumeza siyezwana
Me : yebo baba siyezwana
Dad : now go to your room ngingaze ngikhiphe ibhande
( I ran off to my room as fast as i can )

Phumeza POV ❀😍

( it's been 2 weeks since the party incident happened, me and my friend had been grounded since , we only spend time together at school or when Amandla parents are working outside of town , am at home finishing my Geography assignment)

Mom : wee Phumeza
Me : mah ( i shout )
Mom : awuze ngapha e kitchens my baby
Me : okay ngiyeza manj momie( i rush to the kitchens)
Mom : awungiyele estolo uthenge isinkwa nama qanda i wanna make lunch
Me : okay mah
Mom : thatha imali phezu kwe sink lapho usheshe ngoba nawe you will complain that you are hungry
Me :okay mah i will be fast
( i take the money and start walking to the shop , on my way to the shop i meet Lungelo , yhoo the way engi nervous ngakhona )

Lungelo : beautiful Miss Smith unjan
Me : Ngiyaphila Lungstar and how are you
Lungelo : ngi grend My coloured, (i blush ) uyaphi vele ??
Me : am actually going to buy bread and egg
Lungelo : yazi nam ngisuka ( he shows me a bottle of coke) othi ngikuphelezele vele am not in a hurry , only if awu mind kodwa
Me : no i don't mind Lunge
Lungelo : waze wangibiza kamnand boh ( i laugh and he joins in )
Me : hayi awukahle Lungelo
Lungelo : yazi i been meaning to talk to you for a very long time
Me : about what exactly??
Lungelo : about us yazi i like you Phum Phum


Insert 9

Phumeza POV ❀😍

( i have already been discharged from the hospital and my parents decided that their going to hold a meeting for me , we are seating in lounge )

Dad : wee Phumeza since when wena uhamba ama party ??( he is fuming)
Me : (silence)
Dad : ngikhuluma nawe wena
Mom : baba please calm down
Dad : yey don't tell me to calm down, ngoba uyamtotosa loh , wena Phumeza are you a harlot??
Me : cha baba
Dad : Usuya phuza manj wena huh ??Mina ngizale isdakwa esihamba ama party huh ??
Me : cha baba
Dad : listen to me very carefully, angifune lento yenzeke ngalela langa iphinde yenzeke siyezwana
Me : yebo baba
Dad : infact no more sleeping over to your friends house ngoba niyaganga nina , buka nje abantu sebethi awubambeki lah uyisdakwa, wena seke wezwa osisi bakho kuthiwa bahamba ama party ??
Me : cha baba
Dad : pho wena ukuthathe laphi lokho wena ?? Nxx uyangicasula nje am done talking with , ngidlulisel ubhandi lapho mfazi
(Oh s**t it's about to go down for real now)
Mom : hhayi baba hlisa umoya she just got out from the hospital
Dad : ngeke ngilawule yingane kwami mina khohlwa
Mom : hhayi keh baba this is not how you do things lah , uzomlimaza umntwana
( dad get's out of the house fuming with anger )
Mom : nawe kodwa nje awuhlupho nje why would you lie to us like that Phumeza
Me : ngiyaxolisa mah
Mom : hhayi fuseg marn uyanyolisa , uyanyolisa (after that my mom slaps me across the face , i swear i just saw the stars , right after the slap she come back with the wet towel and whipped me all over my body)
Mom : yabona wena Phumeza mina angizalanga uno nkiloyi uyezwa
Me : ( am whaling , my thighs are red am sure my back is red too)
Mom : anginayo ingane eyisfebe kemina, ehamba idakwa nje( after that she storme out and go straight to her bedroom , never in my life have seen my parents like this , i really messed up , i go straight to my room and go to the bathroom and take a bath . I wear my tracksuit and lay down in bed )

Amandla POV ❀😍

( am at home sitting in my room)

Mom : Amandla woza ngapha wena ( shouting )
Me : okay ngiyeza ( i get up from bed and go to the sitting room )
Dad : yiqiniso kant lento engiyzwa lah ukuthi when we are traveling lah wena and your friend start going to parties ?
Me : cha baba that not true
Dad : yey ungangiqambeli amanga mina , yaz i trusted you Ama ngithi you are responsible kant cha you behaving like a pr******te huh??
Mom : hayi baba that language is not right


Insert 8

Lungelo POV

(Am in my room sitting with Lungani)

Lungani : ey ntwan the party was absolutely lit , we almost slept with all the girls man
Lungelo : it was great dude except we didn't get Phumeza and Amandla
Lungani : i can't believe it dude our plan failed mfethu
Me : eey mfethu we were so close at excecuting our perfect plan
Lungani : i don't think the will be any chance now those old hags caught them
Me : eish i don't even know will get that drug again man
Lungani : anyway dude where the hell did you get that drug
Me : aibo mft angithi uyazi my parents own a pharmacy ( he nods )i stole it
Lungani: ey dude you are a genius i wouldn't have thought that
Me : we have to come up with another plan dude
Lungani : maybe we should do this the old school way
Me : ey dawg am listening
Lungani : let us just pretend that we love them and make them fall inlove with us ,
Me : that a great idea man , but that will take a long time to for them to trust us especially for you cause i doubt it will be easy getting Amandla trust back
Lungani : i know man but i can handle Amandla ( we laugh) ey mfethu do you trust Linda with this
Me : don't worry Linda won't slip up
Lungani : uyamazi dude ukuthi ukhuluma kanjan
Me : i will warn him to keep his mouth shut
Lungani : let me get going before oledi start breathing down my neck
Me : sure mfethu

( as soon as he leave i call Linda )

Linda : Luh man ugrend
Me : sure ngi grend dawg , ntwana i trust that no one knows about that ancident from the party
Linda : ( he keeps quiet)
Me : hayi mfethu who did you tell about this man (am shouting at him )
Linda : Noxy
Me : man what did that chick do to you ukufakel i korobela yin s**t man , make sure that lomuntu wakho doesn't tell any one ( i hang up on him )


Insert 7

Phumeza POV ❀❀

(I wake up from my sleep around it already dark and my parents have already left ,i get up and go to Amandla ward i found her busy with the phone)

Amandla: ( she looks up) hey chommie you are awake already
Me : yeah mngan i wanted to see you earlier, but i couldn't,u right mngan?
Amandla : am fine, i was only worried about you ( we look at each other and we laugh )
Me : hhayi yazi we are in deep s**t i tell you
Amandla: you can say that again, am even scared to cross paths with your parents( i laugh)
Me: i feel the same way chom ,
Amandla: what did your parent's say about this whole situation
Me : yey they say sizakhuluma when we arrive home
Amandla: am sure they will tell you to stop being friends with me
Me : no mngan nawe uyaz i won't let that happen over my dead corpes, anyway what your punishment vel
Amandla: i guess nami ngizozwa mase ngiphuma lah
Me : i wonder yaz chommie who could have drugged us
Amandla: the answers to that lies on Linda , phela he was the one who gave us drinks
Me : we must confront him on Monday we need to get to the bottom of this , i have a bad feeling about this
Amandla: what funny is that am glad our parents got the in time , who knows what could've happen
Me : don't even mention that mngan
Amandla: so are you going to give Lungelo a chance
Me : i don't really know mngan phela the is a saying " a crush must just be a crush "
Amandla : Yhoo unjalo kambe wen ( we laugh)
Me : chommie let me love and leave you , i need to rest too
Amandla : okay mngan i love you
Me : i love you more
( we hugged and i went to my ward and immediately fell asleep)


Guys tell me your thought about this story should I continue ❀


Insert 6 ❀🌹πŸ₯€

Mthandeni POV ❀

Chalet : baba calm down
Me : am not going to calm down until I give our daughter a piece of my mind
Chalet : don't be to hursh baba
Me : wife i think it time we tell her ( she frowns)
Chalet : don't you think it's too early for that
Me : I feel like the sooner she knows the better
Chalet : let's find her first then we will have conversation with her
Me : we should check her room maybe we will find ( as we about to go to the room , my wife get a call from Amandla mom again )
Chalet : yes mfazi
Amandla's mother : i got their location am gonna send you now
Chalet : thank you mkhozi , we were about to look
Amandla's mother : no need to thank me their my kids to
Chalet : okay Sthandwa , baba is going the
Amandla's mother : okay Amandla dad is going the too they will meet at the party
Chalet :okay mkhozi we will talk later bye ( she hangs up)
Baba this is the address where phumeza is located
Me : okay nkosikaz get me car keys i want to get going
Chalet : here are the keys , please drive safely ( i give her peck on the forehead and walk out)

Phumeza POV❀πŸ₯€πŸŒΉ

( I wake up , i see my parents worried faces)
Me : what going on here guys
Mom : you are in the hospitals, someone spiked you and your friends drinks at that party ( i look around and i can't see Amandla )
Mom : your friend is in the other ward , with her parents ( i looked at my dad and he looks pi**ed , am in deep trouble )
Me : mom and dad am sorry for what i did
Mom : relax honey try to gets some rest we will talk about this about some other time
Me : can i go and see my friend first please
Mom : you will see her some other time, please rest honey ( i close my eyes and try to sleep,but i cant sleep so i just close my eyes )
