Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans- 4TH Brigade

Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans- 4TH Brigade


Please take a few moments to view the following video clips brought to you by The Sons of Confederate Veterans. http://www.scv.org/video.php


Please take a moment to enjoy some Good Old Southern Music! Yellow rose of Texas

The Southern Soldier


Commander-in-Chief Walter D. (Donnie) Kennedy
Lt. Commander-in-Chief Tony Griffin
Army of Northern Virginia
Commander Jamie Graham
Councilman Randy Burbage
Army of Tennessee
Commander Carl Jones
Councilman Roy Hudson
Army of Trans-Mississippi
Commander John McCammon
Councilman Chuck McMichael

WE WILL RELEASE A SPECIAL EPISODE GOING INTO EVERYTHING AT SOME POINT. SCV CHAT will be taking its mid-season break, and the first two Mondays back will focus on Reunion, SCV CHAT report, and the 4 year anniversary of SCV CHAT. See you soon ChatHeads.


Attention Gun Crews , I have been approached by several individuals and asked to form a Honor Guard. This would consist of 6 men in matching uniforms and 3 alternates. Also I would like to form a 6 man rifle line. The Honor Guards responsibility would be to carry the appropriate flags and post flags at the appropriate event.
The 6 man rifle line would work in conjunction with the Cannon line in alternating firing volleys. I have spoken to a gentleman that is willing to instruct flag indicate and drills for the rifle line through a school of the soldier. If we could pull this off we could offer everything we need to be successful in performing at ceremonies , memorials , dedications, funerals and holiday functions that would require this. Please call me or text if you would be interested in becoming a part of either the flag detail or rifle line.
Thank u.
Please send us a message if you are interested in joining

Photos from Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans- 4TH Brigade's post 25/06/2024

The Confederate Veterans monument is back up at the Cotton Museum in Greenville, Texas, including additional signage which isn't as bad as some had expected ...
This is a big win for all who have been battling since 2020 to have this statue returned to it's original pedestal, including Mike Pierce who also took these photos, We Thank him.
Deo Vindice ... S.C.M. Texas 4th.

Photos from Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans- 4TH Brigade's post 19/06/2024

Here are a couple of pictures from the making of the SCV movie Black October. We need more fellowship like this. This is how you make great friends and have great fellowship.




We are officially 1 month away from our 160th anniversary re-enactment April 12-14!

Now is the time to register if you’re a re-enactor, get your vendor form in, sign up for the parade, finalize your pageant entries, etc! You can do all of those things on our website: www.battleofpleasanthill.com


Saturday, March 2, 2024 was the 10th Anniversary gathering for Lt. Alexander Cameron S.C.V camp #2226 Greenville, Texas ... A small camp which has accomplished so much in a short time & continue to do so ...
The gathering was attended by several S C.V. members from the area, and held at Carpenters Station flag site with memorials, located on hwy 69, Celeste, Texas ...


Farmersville, Texas ... 🌹


Last night, Commander Hurley spoke at the joint meeting of the W.L. Cabell Camp #1313 Dallas TX and the William H L Wells Camp #1588 Plano TX, Sons of Confederate Veterans.
Held at Norma's Cafe, 15th st.
Plano, Texas ....

Photos from Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans- 4TH Brigade's post 04/01/2024

One of several, within our 4th Brigade ... take time for a roadtrip and check them out ...
History awaits you 👍


Coming soon...


The story of the Southern tradition of eating black-eyed peas as the first meal on New Year's Day is generally believed to date back to the winter of 1864 - 1865.
When Yankee General William T. Sherman led his invading troops on their destructive march through Georgia, the fields of black-eyed peas were largely left untouched because they were deemed fit only for animals.
The Union foragers took everything, plundered the land, and left what they could not take, burning or in shambles.
But two things did remain, the lowly peas and good Ol’ Southern salted pork.
As a result, the humble yet nourishing black-eyed peas saved surviving Southerners - mainly women, children, elderly and the disabled veterans of the Confederate army - from mass starvation and were thereafter regarded as a symbol of good luck.
The peas are said to represent good fortune. Certainly the starving Southern families and soldiers were fortunate to have those meager supplies.
According to the tradition and folklore, the peas are served with several other dishes that symbolically represent good fortune, health, wealth, and prosperity in the coming year.
Some folks still traditionally cook the black-eyed peas with a silver dime in the pot as a symbol of good fortune.
Greens represent wealth and paper money. Any greens will do, but in the South the most popular are collards, mustard greens, turnip greens, and cabbage.
Cornbread - a regular staple among Southerners in the absence of wheat - symbolizes gold and is very good for soaking up the juice from the greens on the plate.
You should always have some cornbread on hand in your kitchen anyway. Good for dinner and in the morning with syrup.
Pork symbolizes bountiful prosperity, and then progressing into the year ahead. Ham and hog jowls are typical with the New Year meal, though sometimes bacon will be used, too. Pigs root forward, so it’s the symbolic moving forward for the New Year.
Tomatoes are often eaten with this meal as well. They represent health and wealth.
So reflect on those stories when you sit down at your family table and enjoy this humble, uniquely Southern meal every New Year’s Day. Be thankful for what this year did give you in spite of the bad, and hope and pray for better days that are coming ahead for you.
This was what your Southern Kinfolk did and reflected upon every year ...
(and most still do)
God Bless Dixie ‼🙏


Have a safe and Happy New Year.



“Actions speaks louder than words.” The recent action of destroying the North/South Reconciliation monument in Arlington National Cemetery by the U.S. Army and the U.S. Congress demonstrates this ancient truth. The Arlington Reconciliation monument was endorsed by Presidents McKinley and Wilson because it demonstrated the South’s loyalty to the United States after the disastrous blood letting of the “Civil War.” The South’s patriotic zeal during the Spanish-American War (1898) was recognized by Northerners. The Albany Journal of New York acknowledged the patriotic contribution made by Southerners. The Journal observed that, “…the honors of the [Spanish-American] war are being carried away by the sons of the South…. Sons of the South are showing the same acts of heroism that they have always shown in time of war, and, unless the sons of the North bestir themselves the honors of this conflict may go to the Southland.” The South’s dedication to the U.S.A. has been demonstrated in every war since the South’s surrender at Appomattox. Today, sons and daughters of the South represent a large percentage of our volunteer military—much greater than the South’s proportion of the population. Yet, our reward is to be stigmatized as racists and traitors by people who hate the conservative, Constitution-loving South. Why would the Woke U.S. government destroy a beautiful monument that was honored by presidents of the past?

Authoritarian rulers hate ancient monuments that remind people of heroic traditions that free people should emulate. It is a constant public reminder of the cost of freedom and the sacrifice that people are often called upon to make in defense of freedom. When the Soviet Communists occupied the Baltic States they removed ancient monuments, prohibited the display of national flags, and removed the money then in circulation containing images of ancient heroes. When the Taliban took over Afghanistan, they destroyed ancient Buddhist monuments. Authoritarians detest anything that might cause people to question authoritarian rule. The recent attack against monuments across the South is carried on by individuals, groups, and politicians who detest the conservative South. They have the backing of monied individuals, the media, postmodern academia, and the ruling political class. The South has no spokesmen to give a counter-argument. The South is convicted in the court of public opinion without being allowed to present its defense—a court system fitting for authoritarian regimes.

Why are Southerners who love their heritage, honor their ancestors who served honorably during the “Civil War,” and who can trace their lineage back to “Civil War” and Colonial days, why are we branded as traitors and racists? President Eisenhower did not think we were traitors. He kept a photo of General Lee in his office while president and defended his action by noting that General Lee was an honorable man. President Kennedy spoke highly of the sons of the South and recognized the national kinship between the North and South. Yet, today we are branded as traitors and racists. We are not allowed to have a monument in the public square! Why? Because Southerners are the only American group who are not allowed to define who we are, what our ancestors fought for and what we stand for today. In Woke America, Southerners who love their heritage are defined by those who hate us. It would be like allowing neo-Nazis to define what Jewish culture is and whether its symbols and monuments should be allowed in the public square or allowing white-supremacists to define what Black culture is and whether its monuments should be allowed in the public square. “With liberty and justice for all?” Not if you are a traditional conservative Southerner.

What does the destruction of Arlington’s Reconciliation monument mean? It means that the healing (reconciliation) never occurred as far as America’s Woke political and military class are concerned. After Appomattox the South tacitly agreed to never again raise the call for Southern independence, to forgo centuries of conflict like the way the Irish responded to English invasion and occupation of their homeland. The secessionists’ South became the patriotic South that provided the nation’s military with unnumbered troops and officers. Presidents since the Spanish-American War have recognized the outpouring of Southern blood in defense of our mutual country. They even annually placed a wreath at the Reconciliation monument but no more. It has become apparent that the only way the conservative, Constitution-loving, South will be accepted in Woke America is if we renounce our conservative political and moral principles and embrace leftist Woke ideology—this we will not do!

The North/South reconciliation bargain is now broken. We, the Constitution-loving South did not break the bargain, but a bargain broken by one party is broken completely. Since traditional Southerners are no longer wanted in the military, and since America’s political class demands our removal—perhaps it is time for conservative Southerners to rethink the North/South bargain.

Walter Donnie Kennedy, Lt. Commander-in Chief
Sons of Confederate Veterans

James Ronald Kennedy, Chief of Heritage Promotions
Sons of Confederate Veterans

Thanks to all Southern Patriots!


Merry Christmas To All ‼☃️
Travel Safely & Enjoy 🎅


HOLIDAY ALERT: Buttermilk Junction Old Time String Band will play Christmas music this coming Saturday afternoon (December 23rd) from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.


Per - J. Mark Powell ...
To the miscreants who desecrated the Reconciliation Monument in Arlington National Cemetery, the vile fiends who ordered it, and the blind who support it;
I give you these words written by a young woman in Madisonville, Tennessee on June 7, 1861:
“Blot out the Southern Rebel if you will; subjugate them if you can; what great end will you have attained? Crush them you may; but subdue them never! Like the smothered volcanic fire, it will still burn and burst forth fiercer than before.” ...

Photos from Texas Division Sons of Confederate Veterans- 4TH Brigade's post 20/12/2023

This is the update that we didnt want to hear, but not surprised ...
December 20, 2023

Previously ... Workers prepare a Confederate memorial for removal at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, December 18 ...
(Kevin Wolf/AP)

A day after halting work to remove the Confederate memorial at Arlington National Cemetery .. a federal judge in Virginia on Tuesday, (the 19th) said he would allow the removal to proceed.

On Tuesday evening, Judge Rossie D. Alston Jr. of the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Virginia ( Ruled Against) a request from a group called Defend Arlington that the memorial remain undisturbed ...

Judge issues order keeping Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery for now 18/12/2023

Update ...

Judge issues order keeping Confederate memorial at Arlington Cemetery for now A federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order barring removal of a memorial to Confederate soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery.


"Lest We Forget Those Who Served"
From privates thru officers, and citizen soldiers ... SCV Honors All

(Call .. 1-800-MY-South)