Lee county good news

Lee county good news

Everyday life is a blessing ! ��

How We Got Rid of Stink Bugs | Easy DIY Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Trap 16/10/2023


How We Got Rid of Stink Bugs | Easy DIY Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Trap We're unveiling results of the last three years of research on eliminating stink bugs from our shed. This will once and for all deal with your annual fall st...

How to Love God by Being Yourself 16/10/2023


How to Love God by Being Yourself “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” 1 John 3:18 God wants us to bear good spiritual fruit in our lives. How do we do this? By allowing Him to live through us and by simply being ourselves as His children! It's a symbiotic relationship! It's

How to Handle Life’s Disappointments 16/10/2023


How to Handle Life’s Disappointments “All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 How do you handle disappointments? For years, I handled 99% of my disappointments the very opposite way that Jesus wanted me to. Why? Because I didn’t understand exactly how He ex...

5 Lies About Tithing - Matt McMillen Ministries 13/10/2023


5 Lies About Tithing - Matt McMillen Ministries Tithe, Malachi 3:10, Abraham’s Tithe, Melchizedek, Tithing Principle, Jacob’s Tithe, Luke 11:42, Matthew 23:23, Hebrews 7, Widow Gave Two Mites, Acts 5, Acts...


Dissatisfied is a gift!

For you see, until we are dissatisfied with this temporary, visible, external, tangible life.....we will not seek the eternal, invisible, internal, intangible one.

The tragedy is when the dissatisfaction comes and we don't believe that there is more to life than this.

There is!! It's our true life! The real life!
The best life!!

That's why the worst things in 'this life' can and often do bring out the best in us.

Like fire brings out the real gold!
Like pruning brings out the best fruit!

We are SO much more than our physical eyes can see!!! All of us are!

We are tricked, duped, deceived into believing that we are what we look like, what we do or what we have.
These things are fleeting, temporary, shadows, facades.... they're not us!

But we can't seem to see it, hear it or believe it
until we are shaken awake by.....dissatisfaction!!!

Our eternal, beautiful, wonderful soul cries out from within....
"That's not YOU!",
"Wake up!!!"
"You are here for so much more than this!!!" "You ARE so much more than this!" 😊

Can you hear it?

Thankfully life loves us enough to shake us awake.

Dissatisfied is a gift!!

Virginia’s clean energy revolution begins in the Southwest 12/09/2023


Virginia’s clean energy revolution begins in the Southwest There is no reason Southwest Virginia can’t become the energy innovation capital of the commonwealth or even the country and be the leader in nuclear, wind and solar.

Cannabis-related stores are popping up across Virginia amid confusion over the state’s ma*****na laws 12/09/2023


Cannabis-related stores are popping up across Virginia amid confusion over the state’s ma*****na laws Experts say the stores, many of which gift or share ma*****na, are proliferating because the Virginia General Assembly approved ma*****na for personal use but failed to set up a retail market.

Morocco earthquake: Christian groups send emergency aid as nearly 2,500 confirmed dead 12/09/2023


Morocco earthquake: Christian groups send emergency aid as nearly 2,500 confirmed dead A devastating earthquake has left more than 2,400 dead and thousands injured in Morocco, prompting international aid efforts and a response from Christian groups Convoy of Hope and Operation Rescue, ...



Good job Governor!!

“Scott Smith is a dedicated parent who’s faced unwarranted charges in his pursuit to protect his daughter. Scott’s commitment to his child despite the immense obstacles is emblematic of the parental empowerment movement that started in Virginia,” said Governor Glenn Youngkin. “In Virginia, parents matter and my resolve to empower parents in unwavering. A parent’s fundamental right to be involved in their child’s education, upbringing, and care should never be undermined by bureaucracy, school divisions or the state. I am pleased to grant Scott Smith this pardon and help him and his family put this injustice behind them once and for all.”



God is mad,
Life is hard,
People are broken,
Death is scary.
Things I used to believe.

God is love!
Life is good!
People are amazing!
Death is going home!
Things I now believe.

I didn't know.
I didn't understand.
I was confused.
I didn't trust myself.
My perspective was so small.

God pursued.
Life taught.
People loved.
Death revealed.

God is patient and kind. God doesn't judge or compare. God doesn't keep record of wrongs. God delights in the truth. God always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always preserves. God never fails!

Life happens FOR us, every day!!! Leading and guiding and showing us the way. Teaching, refining, correcting, pruning and loving us!

Happy, healthy, safe, loved people don't hurt each other. Whatever is inside is what comes out....

We all have a different course set out before us, we run ours the very best we can, when our course is completed, we cross the finish line. There is a huge celebration, with lots of love and cheering. Then we turn around and cheer for those still running their race.

What we believe determines how we feel. How we feel determines how we act. How we act determines how we live.

"Father forgive them, they know not what they do!" (Jesus)❤️☀️🙏🏼

10 Reasons Christians Are Leaving Church (Part 1) 27/08/2023


10 Reasons Christians Are Leaving Church (Part 1) Topics: Church Attendance and Membership Decline, Church Accountability, Loss of Influence, Lampstand Removed, Forgotten Our First Love, Church Buildings, Hi...

The Truth About the Tribulation - Matt McMillen Ministries 20/08/2023


The Truth About the Tribulation - Matt McMillen Ministries Topics: Tribulation, End Times, Great Tribulation, Post-Trib, Mid-Trib, Pre-Trib, The Rapture, Prophecy, Trouble and Suffering, Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13,...

Hell Is Real 15/08/2023


Hell Is Real "I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins." ~Jesus John 8:24 Nobody likes to talk about hell. It’s not very popular to tell someone, “Hey, if you don’t believe Jesus has forgiven


I am the captain and this is my vessel!

I must keep my hands on the wheel and my eyes on where I'm going!

I must choose my thoughts and determine my focus!!!

For I am the captain and this is my vessel!

I choose my destination and I choose my course! I must decide to be a good force.

Life is moving at breathtaking speed, there's no one else driving this vehicle- its me!

I'm grateful today for discomfit and pain - they're reminders to take the wheel again!!

Life is an adventure... it can be terrifying - when you don't realize that you are driving!!

I felt like a row boat being tossed by the ocean.
I didn't know it was me causing the commotion.

I must take the wheel!! I must choose my thoughts! For I alone am my own boss!

If I'm not driving, I'm bound to crash.
And my mind will be filled with trash!

The wind won't stop, the waves won't slow.
I must use them to get where I want to go!!

Learning, adjusting, and course correcting.
These are required in navigating.

I am the captain and this is my vessel!
It is up to me - it's me I must wrestle!

I'm taking the wheel, I'm choosing what I'll see.
I'm the captain and the vessel is me!!

Our thoughts are powerful beyond comprehension. They determine our lives, need I mention.

So, let's stay alert and choose our aim.
Cuzz this is our life, it isn't a game.

There's so much to see and so much to do.
The choice is yours, it's up to you! 😊

You are the captain of your mind, body and soul. You are the Master - you're the one in control.

We are the captains of our vessels.
We are the masters of our souls.
It's not realizing this that keeps us from reach our goals!

You are amazing and equipped.
To sail the seas and navigate this ship!! ⛵

The Top Ten Lies About God’s Will 03/08/2023


The Top Ten Lies About God’s Will "Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is." Ephesians 5:17 Satan, rubbing his hands together, speaks, "If I can just keep them confused about God's will, their lives will be ruined. If they'll just believe my lies about what He wants for them, their relationships will fall...

Why It’s Important to Protect Your Eyes and Ears 01/08/2023


Why It’s Important to Protect Your Eyes and Ears "But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear." Matthew 13:16 "Let's find a new series to watch on Netflix together," my wife says to me as we relax on the couch one evening. "Okay, that sounds good," I respond. After scanning for a while, we decide on a new
