Ali Davidson

Ali Davidson

Author, Coach, Workshop Presenter. Ali helps you become the person you want to be. It's your time to


Recently I've been painting online with Whitney Freya...part of my desire to connect with my creativity once again. Yesterday she introduced us to the idea of a "symbol" for the new year. I've picked words before and done vision boards. But this intrigued me. So I set my intention that the symbol would come to me within 24 hours. And it did. There were actually two. Both highly meaningful to me. I intend to make this a part of my daily practice. I created the picture and affirmation below. I wonder what symbol comes to you? Share it in the comments below if you like.

A Holiday to Remember | Chevrolet 26/11/2023

Just to touch your at time when things are difficult...there is always just "a day"....

Thank you for this Chevrolet...grab your kleenex.

A Holiday to Remember | Chevrolet The best part of the holidays is the memories, the ones we make and the ones we reminisce.Watch this heartwarming story about a woman’s holiday journey to gi...


Thanksgiving is more than family, turkey, and pumpkin pie. It is a reminder that gratitude can change your life and the lives of others. As we fill our tummies with food and our hearts with love...let us also give thanks for the things we do not understand, the things we can not control, and the experiences we've had that have made us expand. Life is hard...sometimes very hard...but living... as the deer in my backyard, the squirrel peaking into my window, the butterfly that appears out of nowhere on a winter day...remind us... that indeed living can be easy. It takes an open heart, a willing mind, and a faithful spirit to be present in each moment and witness the miracle that life is. May your day be filled with little miracles. Look for them. I promise they are there. And then give thanks not just today but every day. Because the greatest miracle of all...IS YOU!

Robin Hauser: The likability dilemma for women leaders 23/08/2023

Unconscious bias. What does that mean? It means we are either drawn to something or someone or we reject someone or something because of conditioning, patterns, cultural norms, and historical beliefs. This Ted talk really describes it very well. The question? Can a woman be both a competent leader and a likeable person? You probably say, "of course". But watch this video and see if you can identify with what Robin is sharing. Someday....I hope it will be true that we women can be both. Till then...awareness is the first step for all of us.

Robin Hauser: The likability dilemma for women leaders When women lead, bias often follows. Documentarian Robin Hauser dives into the dilemma between competence and likability faced by women in leadership roles, detangling the unconscious beliefs and gendered thinking that distort what it means to be a good leader.


There is still time to join my monthly Empowering Women's Potential group. Doors close on July 31st. Sign up now using this link...

Or set up at time to talk with me if you have any questions:


Well this guy has an interesting take on how and why the patriarchy shut women down. Just remember...the patriarchy is NOT men! It is a system, a way of thinking, and today women are misogynistic to themselves and other women. That is where the healing has to start.

Empowering women's potential 28/06/2023

🌍🤝♀️🌟 As women, we have the power to uplift and support each other to achieve greatness. Let's stand together, lift each other up, and break down the barriers that hold us back. When we empower one another, we create a ripple effect that can transform the world.

Check out a program designed just for you!

Empowering women's potential Come join me The Conscious Cocoon. A safe group setting where you will emerge knowing who you are, what you love and what you are here to create in your life.


🌟💪♀️ Never forget that you are enough, just as you are. Your worth is not defined by society's expectations or anyone else's opinions. Embrace your flaws, celebrate your strengths, and let your authentic self shine. You are a powerful force, and the world is lucky to have you.


🌟💪♀️ Never forget that you are enough, just as you are. Your worth is not defined by society's expectations or anyone else's opinions. Embrace your flaws, celebrate your strengths, and let your authentic self shine. You are a powerful force, and the world is lucky to have you.


🌟 Join Our Empowering Women's Potential Group Program! 🌟

Calling all inspiring women who are ready to unlock their full potential and achieve their wildest dreams! Introducing Empowering Women's Potential, a group program designed exclusively for you. This is your chance to connect, learn, and grow alongside a community of like-minded women who are passionate about reaching new heights.

🌟 What You'll Experience 🌟

🚀Personal transformation as you gain the tools and mindset to overcome obstacles and unlock what's possible for you. Discover your strengths, cultivate self-confidence, and break free from limitations.

🌟 Surround yourself with a tribe of strong, empowering women who will uplift and inspire you every step of the way.

🌟 S Acquire practical skills and knowledge to enhance your personal and professional life. From effective communication and leadership to time management and goal setting, you'll gain the expertise to thrive in any endeavor.

🌟 Benefit from the wisdom of an experienced coach, author and teacher who is dedicated to guiding you towards success.

✨ Engage in thought-provoking discussions, interactive exercises, and group activities that will empower you to embrace change and take meaningful action towards your goals.

✨ Gain inspiration from other influential women leaders who will share their personal journeys, valuable lessons, and secrets to success.

✨ Access a treasure trove of curated resources, including e-books, articles, and worksheets, to deepen your knowledge and facilitate continuous personal development.

🌟 Reserve Your Spot Today! 🌟

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to join the Empowering Women's Potential: The Conscious Cocoon. Spaces are limited, so secure your spot today by clicking on this link or contacting us at Ali at. [email protected].
Together, we'll unleash your limitless potential and create a future filled with success, fulfillment, and joy.


Just as there are 5 languages of love per Gary Chapman, there are also 5 languages of apology. I myself hadn't know that till a few years ago and it really makes a difference in how you feel when the apology is made. Check out Gary's explanation here
Meantime...listen to this guy's take. I think it's pretty brilliant!


Change is something a lot of people aren't comfortable with. But I have to say...I'm an expert on change! I've moved 37 times in my life. If that's not change I don't know what is.

Change is easy for me because I learned one thing...nothing happens suddenly...everything begins with one small movement, one small shift, one small step. And suddenly your are on your way...and you don't have to know exactly where you are get there.

What one small step can you take today that will bring about the change your heart desires?


This is my sweet dog, Sophie. And this pink bed was one she came home with from the breeders. There was a time when it was so huge for her. As she grew...I offered her many alternatives...but still...she'd rather sleep with her head hanging over than let go of the one she had at the start.

How many times have we done something similar? We hold onto something that once fit us, our lives, our relationships, our dreams...even though now it is just too small for who we are and who we want to become? Maybe it's better to just shrink ourselves instead of take that leap of faith, right?
But here's the thing...

In order to grow you must be willing to change. And if you are not growing then you really aren't living because nothing in this universe stays the same...ever! And though sometimes change is messy, confusing, and scary we can do it consciously by being pro-active or unconsciously by letting life circumstances force us to change.

The caterpillar had no idea that the cocoon was a place in which transformation would occur so that she could become a whole new creature with a whole new world ahead of her...

And sometimes don't know where the change...the metamorphosis will lead...

But if you are feeling the calling to emerge as the butterfly that is waiting within you... then stay tuned...I will be giving you an opportunity very soon. Say YES below if you are curious...

Simon Cowell BREAKS His Own Rules! Most CHAOTIC Auditions on BGT 2023! 06/06/2023

It's not just about talent...or greatness...or's a message the world needs to hear...from the children who will one day inherit the world we've created. Can we accept their brilliance...can we celebrate their courage...can we....

Simon Cowell BREAKS His Own Rules! Most CHAOTIC Auditions on BGT 2023! Simon Cowell BREAKS His Own Rules! Most CHAOTIC Auditions on BGT 2023!Unity - 0:00Lilliana Clifton - 8:47Cammy Barnes - 14:24Antony Torralvo - 20:33Lewis Ful...


You all know how much I love to share greatness! And how much I love to share kindness! And in this video not only do you see both with such also see how when we have the invitation to shine and our brilliance is validated...we become even more!

No matter what life has presented to you... how much you've much you've been small you tired you are...YOU HAVE MADE IT!!! YOU ARE HERE! That tells me you are STRONG, you are BRAVE, and deep down inside you know you have GREATNESS that is waiting to be revealed.

That's what I help people do. I know life is hard. I know sometimes no matter how much we try we feel we can't go on.

But we do!!!!

Because we are Stronger than we think we are. So step up and step out...into the life that is waiting for you to shine! Let those around you see your BRILLIANCE so that they too can be BRAVE enough to shine theirs.

And if if feels the road to your GREATNESS is feels too hard to to do...too far off in the distance...too scary to climb...too lonely to go alone...then let me help you! PM if you'd like my ebook From Desire into's a great place to start!!!

Your greatness is just one action away!


Whether you have given birth or not...YOU have "mothered" if...
you raised a child
cared for a child
taught a child
encouraged a child
inspired a child

You have "mothered" if you...
cared for a parent
uplifted a friend
supported a philanthropic cause
created your own business
nurtured a garden
loved an animal

And all you MOTHER'S out there...may your day be filled with love, laughter and many hugs!

Born of Betrayal: From Breakdown to Breakthrough 05/05/2023

I just received this message from a new client who is reading my book. And she wanted me to share this as a testimonial. I'm always so touched when someone shares how my book speaks to them.

"Ali, I’m at JFK heading to the UK and on page 47 of your book. This is exactly how I felt and what I grappled with.. these are the same thoughts that went through my head and the same conclusion I reached.. I’m sitting here, nodding and saying “Oh God, yes that was me”.. Can’t wait to get to page 182. 🤗😘
Well, I’ll need to buy another copy of your book, Ali, because I gave it to Valentina, a woman I met and just spent 3 hours with on a long layover in Copenhagen. She lives in New York, and is Polish and on her way back to Warsaw. She’s still raw in her journey of healing. It felt so good to give something to her that I knew would help 🤗 and it brought her to tears. So, your book is en route to Poland.. altho’ I’m sure it has helped women all over the world, already. I do intend to finish it, so I’ll order a copy from the UK and will no doubt hand it to another injured soul after I get to page 182 😘" Maggie

If you are interested, check it out on Amazon.
Born of Betrayal: From Breakdown to Breakthrough

Born of Betrayal: From Breakdown to Breakthrough Born of Betrayal: From Breakdown to Breakthrough


I bet few of you know that once a long time ago I actually owned a Monkey. I had rescued it from a shelter. Unfortunately he didn't like women! LOL. So I had to find him another home. But I can sit and watch these little guys all day long. Maybe it's because I have no grandchildren. And maybe it's because it takes me back to younger days. Or maybe it's because they are just so dang cute!!!! What do you think?


I am so excited!!! Today I began training with one of the greats! Claire Zammit! She is an amazing woman who has been leading the way for powerful women for the last 20 years. She is the founder of Evolving Wisdom and and the Institute for Women Centered Coaching. OH MY Goodness. Such an honor to be in her community. Stay tuned as I add new skills to my toolkit that will bring on lasting transformation. If you have any questions....private message me. I'd love to share...


This is so good!


My Friend Dolly wrote this a few years ago. Today is a perfect day to share it again. So very beautiful!!!

All the women I know are like air. It would be impossible to live without them, for they hold that special life-sustaining essence that brings us alive. We feel them as the vital energy in our throats, encouraging us to move air out of our lungs with courage as we speak what is true in our hearts and our minds.

These are the spirited ones, little winged sprites and fairies, stirring up both our dreams and our imaginations, inviting us to lift our veils of illusion so we can see with clarity. Their presence is playful, a little mischievous, and purely uplifting. They are the change-makers and the idea-shakers.

All the women I know are like fire. It would be impossible not to notice them, for the heat of their fervor burns like an inferno for all to see. We experience them as the potent energy in our solar plexus, blowing on the embers of our waning will and fanning the flames of our power into a greater and greater pyre of personal truth.

These are the blazing ones, powerful beings of passion, igniting the fire in our bellies and showing us how to rise from the flames, unscathed. Their presence is compelling, a little exhilarating, and completely life-changing. They are the light-bringers and the truth-slingers.

All the women I know are like water. It would be impossible not to feel them, for their essence ebbs gently and in soothing streams, lapping at the shore of our soul. We sense them as the subtle energy in our belly and womb, caressing our emotions and dissolving our fears in their soft broth.

These are the sinuous ones, beings of great floating grace who show us in their feline-savvy ways how to become shape shifters with our own creative juices. Their presence is enchanting, a little mysterious, and absolutely forgiving. They are the emotion-projectors and the feeling-reflectors.

All the women I know are like earth. It would be impossible not to witness them, for their existence makes us delight in being on this great planet. We sense them as the magnetic energy in our bare feet, giving us reason to dance and skip and run wild through tall meadow grasses and on warm soil.

These are the substantial ones, richly abundant beings who teach us the lessons of authentic living without needing to say a word. Their presence is captivating, a little grounding, and totally accepting. They are the gratitude-instillers and the trust-refillers.

All the women I know are made of air and fire and water and earth. Perhaps in vastly different combinations, but we are all made of the same stuff.
All the women I know are amazing in their own uniquely wonderful ways.
To all the women I know, thank you for being YOU.
To all the women I know, know that you are loved.
Dolly Kaupp


Share if you agree!


This month we celebrate women in history. But the truth is many women have been maligned, betrayed and destroyed by history. And that continues today...We will never have peace, shared wisdom, and mutual respect for all, until women stop betraying themselves. Herstory has not been written yet...but we can change that. This is not about fighting for equality. This is not about taking back "power". This is not about making men "wrong". This is about embracing who we are and sharing the best part of ourselves. Stay tuned for more...


The origin of Valentine's Day is actually a celebration of the death of two martyrs. Hardly something we think about on this day.

Though the commercialized version is certainly meant to serve those in relationships...husbands, wives, girlfriends and boyfriends, etc. I invite everyone to consider the different expressions of love that can be honored today.

Today's coffee culture has an incredibly sophisticated vocabulary. Do you want a cappuccino, an espresso, a skinny latte, or maybe an iced caramel macchiato?

But when it comes to LOVE, we have only one word to describe so many kinds of love. Like: I love my shoes, I love my dog, I love my child, my parent, my partner. I think we can all agree that love for a partner and love for a friend is a very different experience. And this is where we sometimes fail each other, disappoint, and perhaps even betray one another.

The ancient Greeks had a different view. They believed there were six different loves. They are...
Eros, Philia, Ludas, Agape, Pragma and Philautia.

So here is my question: Can these different forms of love inspire us to move beyond our current addiction to romantic love, which has 94 percent of all people hoping—but often failing—to find a unique soul mate who can satisfy all their emotional needs?
Is it possible to develop enough love in all it's forms that our hearts are so full and expectations are more realtistic?

If your heart has been broken and on this day you feel it more than any other...what I've shared above is only a small part of what you will receive in my Healing the Heart group program in March. For more details, just click the link below or PM me.

Happy Valentine's are so loved.


Are you ready to Heal your Heart?
If you have experienced a great loss, betrayal or breakup that has broken your heart....
Now is the time to take your life back. Don't get stuck in survival mode. You can be happy and healthy again.
Check out my new program starting March 7th. PM me if you have any questions.

Videos (show all)

Are you ready to Heal your Heart?  If you have experienced a great loss, betrayal or breakup that has broken your heart....
Join me on Wednesday November 16th at 4pm pacific time for a special complimentary masterclass called Healing for the Ho...
Happy Wednesday! Today I am sharing with you something that came to me as I wrote in my journal this week.  I hope you f...
Hello all...Please share this post with anyone you feel will benefit from joining the conversations I'm going to be offe...
“Hey if you’re new here or you’ve been here for awhile, I want to get to know you better and vise versa. Here are some t...
Join me here:  Remember betrayal is simply an expectation or pro...
New Year's Eve thoughts and wishes
Monday Moodivators
Monday Moodivators