Justice 4 Animals

Justice 4 Animals

Information sharing on injustice by those in power.

WILD BEAUTY for Congress: Pass H.R. 3656 09/05/2024


Important !

Please watch - engage and comment under the video - so the video will get more exposure and SHARE !

Thanks !

WILD BEAUTY for Congress: Pass H.R. 3656 A five-minute video from the award-winning documentary WILD BEAUTY: MUSTANG SPIRIT OF THE WEST to educate Members of Congress about H.R. 3656, The Wild Horse...

Extremist Anti-Conservation Bills Expected to Receive Congressional Vote This Week 01/05/2024


The one direction they know is backwards.

Extremist Anti-Conservation Bills Expected to Receive Congressional Vote This Week WASHINGTON, D.C. – A suite of Republican-led bills seeking to gut conservation standards and wildlife protections are scheduled to be voted on in the House of Representatives this week.The Congressional GOP is pushing through six bills that would, among other things, allow drilling and mining in s...

China’s Smithfield Foods Pushes the EATS Act in Congress 12/04/2024


Greedy, cruel humans still heading in the wrong direction.

Don't be a consumer of cruelty, please consider leaving animals off your plate.

China’s Smithfield Foods Pushes the EATS Act in Congress The EATS Act is an assault on states’ rights and an invitation for China to bring its high-rise factory farms to the homeland

Demand Felony Charges Against Cody Roberts for Animal Cruelty 10/04/2024


Please sign and share this petition. This coward tortured this wolf then killed it.

Wildlife don't need management in a crooked system that is run by hunters for hunters. We need a system that protects our fellow animals from these cowardly thugs. Its 2024 - not the 1800s.

Demand Felony Charges Against Cody Roberts for Animal Cruelty Can you spare a minute to help this campaign?


BLM Corruption , an imbedded good ole boy regressive system - now systematically destroying wild horse herds, and engaging in animal cruelty , for an outdated, tax payer fleecing cattle grazing program while Dab Haaland twiddles her thumbs.

Some light reading on the BLM, by a former employee on a management team.


Its amazing what changes in your life when you stop being part of the suffering.


Donate if you care - share either way.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt slammed for openly supporting cockfighting — encouraged farmers ‘preserving’ state’s ‘spirit of competition’ 16/11/2023


A shame Oklahomans didn't vote in the other Republican who wanted to preserve your property rights and instead voted in this small minded, crooked, animal abusing bear killer - who sold your property rights to the OTA.

Oklahoma seems to like being a lower rung animal abusing, ,backward state. They like to vote in those who empower ignorance, no progress and primitive animal cruelties.

Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt slammed for openly supporting cockfighting — encouraged farmers ‘preserving’ state’s ‘spirit of competition’ Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt is getting blasted by animal rights activists and lawmakers for showing overwhelming support for cockfighting.

Photos from Animals' Angels USA's post 14/10/2023

This is what perverted cowards do.....canned hunting ( really-hunting period)

Is it clear we still live in a world where the good ole boys make the laws and turn their heads to animal suffering and cruelty?
Where parasitic, filthy people make tons of money raising these animals to be killed by the lowest of cowards.

We don't need these people on the planet.

BLM whistleblower says illegal grazing is ruining land along the Rio Grande River 23/08/2023

BLM whistleblower says illegal grazing is ruining land along the Rio Grande River A veteran employee of the Bureau of Land Management in the San Luis Valley filed a whistleblower complaint Monday, saying her bosses are failing to enforce livestock grazing rules on public lands a…

Massive land swap proposed at historic Elko County ranch 17/08/2023

Massive land swap proposed at historic Elko County ranch Winecup Gamble Ranch wants to exchange private land for public land and is proposing conservation easements that would be written into law and still allow for livestock operations

"Investigation" WILD BEAUTY: MUSTANG SPIRIT OF THE WEST 03/06/2023


The Bureau of Land Management is a government agency, whose corrupt actions cost taxpayers millions of dollars to pander to the beef industry.
They are on a mission of destruction. The only herds that will be spared of being terrorized - ripped from their bands to lose their freedom or killed at the whims of the BLM, will be the rare Kigers.

They have a special profitable breeding program in how they manage the Kigers. They sell intact stallions from these two herds - yet castrate all other wild stallions.

Corruption, lies, malfeasance and cruelty on our tax dollar.

Head of the Department of the Interior Deb Haaland is a do nothing , ineffective figurehead, that looks the other way while these irreversible atrocities happen.

Please stand with wild horses and share this video.

"Investigation" WILD BEAUTY: MUSTANG SPIRIT OF THE WEST Do you stand with wild horses? Few people know that wild horses are fast disappearing across the Western United States, losing their freedom and their famil...

Ford Reverses Gears, Funds Crash Test on Pigs 19/04/2023

How are we not better than this ?
Shame on FORD.

Ford Reverses Gears, Funds Crash Test on Pigs Just when PETA thought U.S. automakers had finally moved away from senselessly using animals as stand-ins for humans in crash tests, Ford Motor Company is careening out of control.

The Eminent Domain Podcast: Pike Off OTA Leaders Share Their Mission pikeoffota.com 20/11/2022


Informative podcast about more corruption in Oklahoma and abuse of power by the Oklahoma Turnpike authority.

The Eminent Domain Podcast: Pike Off OTA Leaders Share Their Mission pikeoffota.com The Eminent Domain Podcast Episode 103Pike Off OTA Leaders Share Their MissionNovember, 2022pikeoffota.comToday, we are joined by the leaders of Pike Off OTA...


Sickening on so many levels.



The livestock industry would like you to believe that infestations of the invasive w**d cheatgrass are caused by fire, and livestock have very little to do with it. Not so.

Here's a photo from last weekend from the Idaho National Laboratory, lands that burned around 2000. And lo - despite the fire, no cheatgrass. About half of INL is closed to livestock, as it turns out. And without overgrazing by domestic livestock, which is chronic on western public lands, the native bunchgrasses (bluebunch wheatgrass, here) are the post-fire dominants, not cheatgrass.


In Oklahoma, eminent domain gives the government the power to take your property, even if you don't want to sell. But under the Fifth Amendment, eminent domain must be for a “public use,” which traditionally meant projects like roads or bridges.

And they can take your hard earned land/home and sweat equity even if the people don't need what they selling and are actually doing for profit.

Time to end eminent domain and shut down the crooked ineffective so called leadership in Oklahoma.

Oklahoma needs leaders who are progressive thinkers and visionaries, not concrete blockheads.


We need people in positions of power to be good people, especially where the most vulnerable are concerned.

Photo: After Zoltan was scheduled to be killed, Hannah Carl, a staff member at the Maricopa County, AZ, animal shelter did a live broadcast on TikTok to promote him. She vowed to stay on the air until he was adopted: “He deserves someone to love him.” Roughly 30,000 people tuned in to ask questions about him and Zoltan was rescued. But rather than celebrate her success, she was fired. She is not the only one. At Maricopa County Animal Care & Control, efforts to find homes are not rewarded, managers and others who cut corners or kill in the face of alternatives are not punished, and in fact, too often, those who try to improve things are. This is YOUR animal shelter; the one that blames YOU for the killing: https://bit.ly/3ltYAxU.

In other news:

- The Mayville, NY, Board voted unanimously to embrace TNR for community cats.

- Legislation pending in New York would make it illegal for shelters to kill animals if qualified non-profit organizations are willing to save them. But the bill cannot get a hearing because the ASPCA, the Humane Society of the United States, and their allies are lying to legislators by telling them that the bill is not needed because every single shelter in the state, without exception, is already No Kill.

- A lawsuit to force the federal government to protect orcas has failed. The court ruled that federal agencies cannot be compelled to enforce the law.

- Meanwhile, another court is being asked: “Is an elephant legally a person?” “That’s the central question in a case that New York’s highest court considered Wednesday in a dispute over the living quarters of Happy, an Asian elephant at the Bronx Zoo.”

- Six years ago, after nearly 150-years of performances, Ringling Bros. closed its doors “following intense criticism over its use of circus animals.” This week, however, Ringling Bros. announced its unfurling the big top once again, but this time without the animals.

- After someone shot and killed their mother, the community rallied to save her two orphaned bear cubs. But state officials “insisted that they would not interfere” with nature and told rehabbers that no one else would be allowed to help the cubs either, even though they were too young to survive on their own. The community forced them to do an about-face.

- Animals in zoos, shelters, community pets, wild animals, and animal companions remain under mortal threat from Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. Ukrainian Railways has now transported over 100,000 animals away from warzones and to safety.

- “Students at the University of Maine Fort Kent will now be able to bring a special friend to campus with them. The University has announced it is now a pet-friendly campus.”

- The No Kill Advocacy Center released a new position paper on why “Human Animal Support Services” — a program that tells people who find stray animals to leave (or re-release) them on the street — is a threat to animals, an existential threat to sheltering, and what progressive shelters committed to the best interests of animals should be doing instead.

- As more people turn to rescue and adoption and more shelters embrace progressive policies, the number of communities placing over 95% and as high as 99% of the animals is increasing.

These and other stories are part of my Substack coverage on “This Week in Animal Protection”: https://bit.ly/3ltYAxU.

While there, sign up to receive an email whenever a new article or podcast is published.

Gov. Stitt likely to sign bill to make Oklahoma fishing, hunting licenses valid for 365 days from purchase date 18/05/2022

Taking up weapons and slaughtering animals, while hiding behind the lie of conservation, shows how far we have to go as a species.
Creating more and more leeway for wonton killing shows we are moving in the wrong direction altogether.
Hard to understand how a higher species finds enjoyment in violence and doing so much harm to innocent animals.

Gov. Stitt likely to sign bill to make Oklahoma fishing, hunting licenses valid for 365 days from purchase date If Gov. Stitt signs SB 1696, hunting and fishing licenses would be valid for one year from the date of purchase.
