Family and Community Engagement Videos

Videos by Family and Community Engagement. FACE provides effective school-home communication, quality and relevant educational support programming, meaningful engagement opportunities, multilingual support, and resource navigation for the students families of Champaign Unit 4 School District.

Mayan-Q'anjob'al Family Night at Centennial

Invitation to Mayan-Q'anjob'al Family Night.
Jan 25, 5:30
Centennial HS Tutoring Center
Dinner and Childcare provided

Other Family and Community Engagement videos

Mayan-Q'anjob'al Family Night at Centennial
Invitation to Mayan-Q'anjob'al Family Night. Jan 25, 5:30 Centennial HS Tutoring Center Dinner and Childcare provided

Invitation to Mayan-Qánjob'al Parent Night at Centennial
Mayan-Q'anjob'al Family Night in Spanish and Q'anjob'al. Jan 25, 5:30pm, Centennial HS Tutoring Center, Dinner and Childcare provided.

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¡Ya llegó la temporada de las conferencias entre Padres de Familia y Maestros! Oct 20-21. Champaign Unit 4 Schools Franklin Middle School Garden Hills Elementary School

¡Familias de Franklin! Están invitados a nuestra Fiesta Anual del Barrio de Franklin! Champaign Unit 4 Schools Franklin Middle School

Hey Franklin Families! You are invited to the annual Block Party! Champaign Unit 4 Schools Franklin Middle School

Entreguen sus formularios del cheque físico, juntos con el registro de inmunizaciones antes del 1ro de septiembre para que su estudiante permanezca en la escuela. Champaign Unit 4 Schools

English: Welcome to the new school year! Have you turned in your child's school physical? For more information, visit: Champaign Unit 4 Schools

Español: Bienvenidos al nuevo año escolar, ¿han entregado el examen físico? Champaign Unit 4 Schools

Debido a la gran participación de las familias de la Unidad 4, han sido distribuidos los útiles escolares y no habrá una repartición esta tarde. Si tiene preguntas, llame a la oficina de su escuela y le atenderemos. Champaign Unit 4 Schools