Cost Benefit Analysis, Reciprocal Networking, Value Optimization, Java
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Jordan James Etem
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Integrating Market and State with People and Community, with Wisdom and Motivation.
Chu, J.-H., Feng, K.-T., & Chang, T.-S. (2014). Energy-efficient cell selection and resource allocation in LTE-A heterogeneous networks. In 2014 IEEE 25th annual international symposium on personal, indoor, and mobile radio communication (PIMRC), 2014: IEEE, pp. 976–980.��
�Guvenc, I. (2011). Capacity and fairness analysis of heterogeneous networks with range expansion and interference coordination. IEEE Communications Letters, 15(10), 1084–1087.��
* Okino, K., Nakayama, T., Yamazaki, C., Sato, H., & Kusano, Y. (2011). Pico cell range expansion with interference mitigation toward LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks. In 2011 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC), 2011: IEEE, pp. 1–5.��
* Tefft, J. R., & Kirsch, N. J. (2013). A proximity-based Q-learning reward function for femtocell networks. In 2013 IEEE 78th vehicular technology conference (VTC Fall), 2013: IEEE, pp. 1–5.� �
* Saad, H., Mohamed, A., & ElBatt, T. (2012). Distributed cooperative Q-learning for power allocation in cognitive femtocell networks. In 2012 IEEE vehicular technology conference (VTC Fall), 2012: IEEE, pp. 1–5.�
* Wen, B., Gao, Z., Huang, L., Tang, Y., & Cai, H. (2014). A Q-learning-based downlink resource scheduling method for capacity optimization in LTE femtocells. In 2014 9th international conference on computer science & education, 2014: IEEE, pp. 625–628.��
* Galindo-Serrano, A., & Giupponi, L. (2010). Distributed Q-learning for interference control in OFDMA-based femtocell networks. In 2010 IEEE 71st vehicular technology conference, 2010: IEEE, pp. 1–5.��
* Guo, D., Tang, L., Zhang, X., & Liang, Y.-C. (2020). Joint optimization of handover control and power allocation based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(11), 13124–13138.��
* Alnwaimi, G., Vahid, S., & Moessner, K. (2014). Dynamic heterogeneous learning games for opportunistic access in LTE-based macro/femtocell deployments. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14(4), 2294–2308.��
* Onireti, O., et al. (2015). A cell outage management framework for dense heterogeneous networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 65(4), 2097–2113.�
* Behjati, M., & Cosmas, J. (2013). Self-organizing network interference coordination for future LTE-advanced networks. In 2013 IEEE international symposium on broadband multimedia systems and broadcasting (BMSB), 2013: IEEE, pp. 1–5.�
* Aguilar-Garcia, A., et al. (2015). Location-aware self-organizing methods in femtocell networks. Computer Networks, 93, 125–140.��
* Kudo, T., & Ohtsuki, T. (2013). Cell range expansion using distributed Q-learning in heterogeneous networks. Eurasip journal on wireless communications and networking, 2013(1), 1–10.��
* Gomez, C. A., Shami, A., & Wang, X. (2018). Machine learning aided scheme for load balancing in dense IoT networks. Sensors, 18(11), 3779.��
* Ye, Q., Rong, B., Chen, Y., Al-Shalash, M., Caramanis, C., & Andrews, J. G. (2013). User association for load balancing in heterogeneous cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 12(6), 2706–2716.��
* Jiang, H., Pan, Z., Liu, N., You, X., & Deng, T. (2016). Gibbs-sampling-based CRE bias optimization algorithm for ultradense networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 66(2), 1334–1350.��
* Park, J.-B., & Kim, K. S. (2017). Load-balancing scheme with small-cell cooperation for clustered heterogeneous cellular networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67(1), 633–649.��
* Afshang, M., & Dhillon, H. S. (2018). Poisson cluster process based analysis of HetNets with correlated user and base station locations. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17(4), 2417–2431.��
* Musleh, S., Ismail, M., & Nordin, R. (2017). Load balancing models based on reinforcement learning for self-optimized macro-femto LTE-advanced heterogeneous network. Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC), 9(1), 47–54.��
* Jaber, M., Imran, M., Tafazolli, R., & Tukmanov, A. (2015). An adaptive backhaul-aware cell range extension approach. In 2015 IEEE international conference on communication workshop (ICCW), 2015: IEEE, pp. 74–79.�
* Hamidouche, K., Saad, W., Debbah, M., Song, J. B., & Hong, C. S. (2017). The 5G cellular backhaul management dilemma: To cache or to serve. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 16(8), 4866–4879.��
* Samarakoon, S., Bennis, M., Saad, W., & Latva-aho, M. (2013). Backhaul-aware interference management in the uplink of wireless small cell networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 12(11), 5813–5825.
* Team Basics: Edge, Security, Cloud, Data. Holistic Development with Community.
1�Aprodu, M., Naie, D.: Enriques diagrams and the log-canonical threshold for curves. Preprint, arXiv:math/07070783.�2�Casas-Alvero E.: Infinitely near imposed singularities and singularities of polar curves. Math. Ann. 287, 429–454 (1990)�� 3�Ein, L.: Multiplier ideals, vanishing theorems and applications. Algebraic geometry—Santa Cruz, pp. 203–219 (1995)�4�Ein L., Lazarsfeld R., Smith K.E., Varolin D.: Jumping coefficients of multiplier ideals. Duke Math. J. 123(3), 469–506 (2004)�� 5�Enriques F., Chisini O.: Lezioni Sulla Teoria Geometrica Delle Equazioni e Delle Funzioni Algebriche. N. Zanichelli, Bologna (1915)�� 6�Evain L.: La fonction de Hilbert de la réunion de 4h gros points génériques de ℙ� de même multiplicité. J. Algebraic Geom. 8, 787–796 (1999)�� 7�Favre Ch., Jonsson M.: Valuations and multiplier ideals. J. Am. Math. Soc. 18(3), 655–684 (2005)�� 8�Howald J.A.: Multiplier ideals of monomial ideals. Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 353, 2665–2671 (2001)�� 9�Järviletho, T.: Jumping numbers of a simple complete ideal in a two-dimensional regular local ring. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Helsinky (2007)�10�Lazarsfeld, R.: Positivity in algebraic geometry. A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics. Springer, Berlin (2004)�11�Naie D.: Irregularity of cyclic multiple planes after Zariski. L’enseignement mathématique 53, 265–305 (2008)�� 12�Semple J.G., Kneebone G.T.: Algebraic Curves. Oxford University Press, London-New York (1959)�� 13�Smith, K.E., Thompson, H.M.: Irrelevant exceptional divisors for curves on a smooth surface. Preprint, arXiv:math/0611765�14�Tucker, K.: Jumping Numbers on algebraic surfaces with rational singularities. Preprint, arXiv:math/081.0734�15�Wall, C.T.C.: Singular points of plane curves. London Mathematical Society Student Texts, vol. 63. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (2004)
Sheryl Sandberg and Guy Kawasaki: Creating Radiance for People and Community. Holistic Progress with the market.
* Sirower ML (1997) Synergy trap: how companies lose the acquisition game. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY��
* Slusky AR, Caves RE (1991) Synergy, agency and the determinants of premia paid in mergers. J Ind Econ 39(3):277–296� �
* Sparks D (1998) Creating and leading strategic combinations. Delta Consulting Group, New York, NY� �
* Stahl GK, Voight A (2008) Do cultural differences matter in mergers and acquisitions? A tentative model for examination. Organ Sci 19:160–176��
* Stahl GK, Angwin DN, Very P, Gomes E, Weber Y, Tarba SY, Noorderhaven N, Benyamini H, Bouckenooghe D, Chreim S, Durand M, Hassett ME, Kokk G, Mendenhall ME, Mirc N, Miska C, Park KM, Reynolds N-S, Rouzies A, Sarala RM, Seloti SL, Søndergaard M, Yildiz HE (2013) Sociocultural integration in mergers and acquisitions: unresolved paradoxes and directions for future research. Thunderbird Int Bus Rev 55(4):333–356��
* Steiner PO (1975) Mergers: motives, effect, policies. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI� �
* Strikwerda J, Stoelhorst JW (2009) The emergence and evolution of the multidimensional organization. Calif Manag Rev 51(4):11–31��
* Sudarsanam S, Holl P, Salami A (1996) Shareholder wealth gains in mergers: effect of synergy and ownership. J Bus Financ Account 23(5–6):673–698��
* Takeishi A (2001) Bridging inter- and intra-firm boundaries: management of supplier involvement in automobile product development. Strateg Manag J 22(5):403–433��
* Teece DJ, Pisano G, Shuen A (1997) Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strateg Manag J 18:509–533� �
* Thanos IC, Papadakis VM (2012) The use of accounting-based measures in measuring M&A performance: a review of five decades of research. In: Cooper CL, Finkelstein S (eds) Advances in mergers and acquisitions, vol 10. Emerald, Bingley��
* Thompson A et al (2013) Crafting & executing strategy: the quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases, 19th edn. McGraw-Hill Education, New York, NY��
* Tortoriello M, Krackhardt D (2010) Activating cross-boundary knowledge: the role of Simmelian ties in the generation of innovations. Acad Manag J 53(1):167–181� �
* Trautwein F (1990) Merger motives and merger prescriptions. Strateg Manag J 11:283–295� �
* Uhlenbruck K, Hitt MA, Semadeni M (2006) Market value effects of acquisitions involving internet firms: a resource based analysis. Strateg Manag J 27(10):899–913��
* Vaara E (2002) On the discursive construction of success/failure in narratives of post-merger integration. Organ Sci 23(2):211–248��
* Vaara E (2003) Post-acquisition integration as sensemaking: glimpses of ambiguity, confusion, hypocrisy, and politicization. J Manag Stud 40(4):859–894��
* Villalonga B, McGahan AM (2005) The choice among acquisitions, alliances, and divestitures. Strateg Manag J 26(13):1183–1208��
* Vivek S, Banwet D, Shankar R (2008) Analysis of interactions among core, transaction and relationship-specific investments. J Oper Manag 26(2):180–197��
* Weber Y (2011) Managing mergers and acquisitions: implementation and integration. Int Stud Manag Organ 41(3):3–8��
* Weber Y (2013) Handbook of research on mergers and acquisitions. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham� �
* Wernefelt B (1995) The resource-based view of the firm: ten years after. Strateg Manag J 16:171–174��
* Williamson OE (1975) Markets and hierarchies. Free Press, New York, NY��
* Yu J, Engleman RM, Van de Ven AH (2005) The integration journey: an attention-based view of the merger and acquisition integration process. Organ Stud 26(10):1501–1528��
* Zaheer A, Castaner X, Souder R (2013) Synergy sources, target autonomy, and integration in acquisitions. J Manag 39(3):604–632��
* Zollo M, Meier D (2008) What is M&A performance? Acad Manag Perspect 22(3):55–77
Jordan Etem: How do codes of ethics affect management behavior? The Impact of familiar ethics.
* Sirower ML (1997) Synergy trap: how companies lose the acquisition game. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY��
* Slusky AR, Caves RE (1991) Synergy, agency and the determinants of premia paid in mergers. J Ind Econ 39(3):277–296� �
* Sparks D (1998) Creating and leading strategic combinations. Delta Consulting Group, New York, NY� �
* Stahl GK, Voight A (2008) Do cultural differences matter in mergers and acquisitions? A tentative model for examination. Organ Sci 19:160–176��
* Stahl GK, Angwin DN, Very P, Gomes E, Weber Y, Tarba SY, Noorderhaven N, Benyamini H, Bouckenooghe D, Chreim S, Durand M, Hassett ME, Kokk G, Mendenhall ME, Mirc N, Miska C, Park KM, Reynolds N-S, Rouzies A, Sarala RM, Seloti SL, Søndergaard M, Yildiz HE (2013) Sociocultural integration in mergers and acquisitions: unresolved paradoxes and directions for future research. Thunderbird Int Bus Rev 55(4):333–356��
* Steiner PO (1975) Mergers: motives, effect, policies. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI� �
* Strikwerda J, Stoelhorst JW (2009) The emergence and evolution of the multidimensional organization. Calif Manag Rev 51(4):11–31��
* Sudarsanam S, Holl P, Salami A (1996) Shareholder wealth gains in mergers: effect of synergy and ownership. J Bus Financ Account 23(5–6):673–698��
* Takeishi A (2001) Bridging inter- and intra-firm boundaries: management of supplier involvement in automobile product development. Strateg Manag J 22(5):403–433��
* Teece DJ, Pisano G, Shuen A (1997) Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. Strateg Manag J 18:509–533� �
* Thanos IC, Papadakis VM (2012) The use of accounting-based measures in measuring M&A performance: a review of five decades of research. In: Cooper CL, Finkelstein S (eds) Advances in mergers and acquisitions, vol 10. Emerald, Bingley��
* Thompson A et al (2013) Crafting & executing strategy: the quest for competitive advantage: concepts and cases, 19th edn. McGraw-Hill Education, New York, NY��
* Tortoriello M, Krackhardt D (2010) Activating cross-boundary knowledge: the role of Simmelian ties in the generation of innovations. Acad Manag J 53(1):167–181� �
* Trautwein F (1990) Merger motives and merger prescriptions. Strateg Manag J 11:283–295� �
* Uhlenbruck K, Hitt MA, Semadeni M (2006) Market value effects of acquisitions involving internet firms: a resource based analysis. Strateg Manag J 27(10):899–913��
* Vaara E (2002) On the discursive construction of success/failure in narratives of post-merger integration. Organ Sci 23(2):211–248��
* Vaara E (2003) Post-acquisition integration as sensemaking: glimpses of ambiguity, confusion, hypocrisy, and politicization. J Manag Stud 40(4):859–894��
* Villalonga B, McGahan AM (2005) The choice among acquisitions, alliances, and divestitures. Strateg Manag J 26(13):1183–1208��
* Vivek S, Banwet D, Shankar R (2008) Analysis of interactions among core, transaction and relationship-specific investments. J Oper Manag 26(2):180–197��
* Weber Y (2011) Managing mergers and acquisitions: implementation and integration. Int Stud Manag Organ 41(3):3–8��
* Weber Y (2013) Handbook of research on mergers and acquisitions. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham� �
* Wernefelt B (1995) The resource-based view of the firm: ten years after. Strateg Manag J 16:171–174��
* Williamson OE (1975) Markets and hierarchies. Free Press, New York, NY��
* Yu J, Engleman RM, Van de Ven AH (2005) The integration journey: an attention-based view of the merger and acquisition integration process. Organ Stud 26(10):1501–1528��
* Zaheer A, Castaner X, Souder R (2013) Synergy sources, target autonomy, and integration in acquisitions. J Manag 39(3):604–632��
* Zollo M, Meier D (2008) What is M&A performance? Acad Manag Perspect 22(3):55–77
Jordan Etem: Organizing Cybersecurity in Action: A Pragmatic, Ethical Reasoning Approach.
* Adams, J.S., Tashchian, A., Shore, T.H.: Codes of ethics as signals for ethical behavior. J. Bus. Ethics 29(3), 199–211 (2001)� �
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* Baskerville, R., Spagnoletti, P., Kim, J.: Incident-centered information security: managing a strategic balance between prevention and response. Inf. Manag. 51(1), 138–151 (2014)��
* de Bruijn, H., Janssen, M.: Building cybersecurity awareness: the need for evidence-based framing strategies. Gov. Inf. Q. 34(1), 1–7 (2017)��
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* Hildebrandt, M.: Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law: Novel Entanglements of Law and Technology. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham (2015)��
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Team Basics: Improving as a whole with evolved innovation.
* 1.�Ben-Ari M (2008) Mathematical logic for computer science, 2nd edn. Springer International, London. ISBN-978-81-8128-344-3� �
* 2.�Chowdhary KR (2012) Fundamentals of discrete mathematical structures, 2nd edn. EEE PHI India. ISBN: 978-81-203-4506-5� �
* 3.�Cohen PJ (2008) Set theory and the continuum hypothesis. Dover, New York� �
* 4.�Davis M, Putnam H (1960) A computing procedure for quantification theory. J ACM 7(3):201–215.� �
* 5.�Gelder AV (1991) The well-founded semantics for general logic programs. J ACM 38(3):620–650� �
* 6.�Hilbert D (2005) The foundations of geometry. Ebook # 17384� �
* 7.�Kaushik S (2002) Logic and prolog programming. New Age International, New Delhi� �
* 8.�Puppes P (1972) Axiomatic set theory. Dover, New York� �
* 9.�Shankar N (2009) Automated deduction for verification. ACM Comput Surv 41(4):20:1. �
* 1.�Bborrajo D et al (2015) Progress in case-based planning. ACM Comput Surv 47(35):1–35� �
* 2.�Bonet B, Geffner H (2001) Planning as heuristic search. Artifi Intell 129:5–33� �
* 3.�Dean T (1996) Automated planning. ACM Comput Surv 28(1):85–88� �
* 4.�Fikes RE, Nilsson NJ (1971) STRIPS: a new approach to the application of theorem proving to problem solving. Artifi Intell 2:189–208� �
* 5.�Jonsson P et al (2000) Towards efficient universal planning: a randomized approach. Artifi Intell 117:1–29��
* 6.�Kaelbling LP et al (1998) Planning and acting in partially observable stochastic domains. Artifi Intell 101:99–134� �
* 7.�Kambhampati S (1995) AI planning: a prospectus on theory and applications. ACM Comput Surv 27(3):334–336� �
* 8.�Kautz H, Selman B (1992) Planning as satisfiability. In: Proceedings of the 10th European conference on artificial intelligence (ECAI 92), Vienna, Austria�
* 9.�Leckie C, Zukerman I (1998) Inductive learning of search control rules for planning. Artifi Intell 101:63–98��
* 10.�Melis E, Siekmann J (1999) Knowledge-based proof planning. Artifi Intell 115:65–105� �
* 11.�Nareyek A (2005) Constraints and AI planning. Intell Syst 03(04):2005� �
* 12.�Oh SC et al (2005) A comparative illustration of AI planning-based web services composition. ACM SIGecom Exchanges 5(5):1–10� �
* 13.�Russell SJ, Norvig P (2005) Artificial intelligence—a modern approach, 2nd edn, Pearson
Oracle and Tesla:
Securing internet of things from the ground up.
�Diffusion of Innovation, Big Value for Economy and Community.
Smart City as a Service.
Improving Services,
Holistic Decision Making,
Breakthrough progress,
Sensible Planning,
Real Innovation.
Integrating Market and State with People and Community, with Wisdom and Motivation.
Chu, J.-H., Feng, K.-T., & Chang, T.-S. (2014). Energy-efficient cell selection and resource allocation in LTE-A heterogeneous networks. In 2014 IEEE 25th annual international symposium on personal, indoor, and mobile radio communication (PIMRC), 2014: IEEE, pp. 976–980.��
�Guvenc, I. (2011). Capacity and fairness analysis of heterogeneous networks with range expansion and interference coordination. IEEE Communications Letters, 15(10), 1084–1087.��
* Okino, K., Nakayama, T., Yamazaki, C., Sato, H., & Kusano, Y. (2011). Pico cell range expansion with interference mitigation toward LTE-Advanced heterogeneous networks. In 2011 IEEE international conference on communications workshops (ICC), 2011: IEEE, pp. 1–5.��
* Tefft, J. R., & Kirsch, N. J. (2013). A proximity-based Q-learning reward function for femtocell networks. In 2013 IEEE 78th vehicular technology conference (VTC Fall), 2013: IEEE, pp. 1–5.� �
* Saad, H., Mohamed, A., & ElBatt, T. (2012). Distributed cooperative Q-learning for power allocation in cognitive femtocell networks. In 2012 IEEE vehicular technology conference (VTC Fall), 2012: IEEE, pp. 1–5.� �
* Wen, B., Gao, Z., Huang, L., Tang, Y., & Cai, H. (2014). A Q-learning-based downlink resource scheduling method for capacity optimization in LTE femtocells. In 2014 9th international conference on computer science & education, 2014: IEEE, pp. 625–628.� �
* Galindo-Serrano, A., & Giupponi, L. (2010). Distributed Q-learning for interference control in OFDMA-based femtocell networks. In 2010 IEEE 71st vehicular technology conference, 2010: IEEE, pp. 1–5.� �
* Guo, D., Tang, L., Zhang, X., & Liang, Y.-C. (2020). Joint optimization of handover control and power allocation based on multi-agent deep reinforcement learning. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(11), 13124–13138.��
* Alnwaimi, G., Vahid, S., & Moessner, K. (2014). Dynamic heterogeneous learning games for opportunistic access in LTE-based macro/femtocell deployments. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 14(4), 2294–2308.�
* 1.�Willemsen B, Mahdi D (2018) Preserve privacy when initiating your IoT strategy. Gartner Report, ID: G00317400��
* 2.�Bandyopadhyay D, Sen J (2011) Internet of things: applications and challenges in technology and standardization. J Wirel Pers Commun (Springer) 58(1):49–69.��
* 3.�Miorandi D, Sicari S, Pellegrini F, Chlamtac I (2012) Internet of things: vision, applications and research challenges. J Ad Hoc Netw (Elsevier) 10(7):1497–1516.��
* 4.�Zhang Z et al (2014) IoT security: ongoing challenges and research opportunities. IEEE 7th international conference on service-oriented computing and applications (SOCA), pp 230–234.��
* 5.�Microsoft (2016) Securing your internet of things from the ground up. Whitepaper��
* 6.�Shafi Q (2012) Cyber physical systems security: a brief survey. In: 12th international conference on computational science and its applications, pp 146–150. ��
* 7.�Kandukuri BR, Ramakrishna Paturi V, Raksh*t A (2009) Cloud security issues. In: IEEE international conference on services computing, Bangalore, pp 517–520. ��
* 8.�Aljawarneh SA, Alawneh A, Jaradat R (2017) Cloud security engineering: early stages of SDLC. J Future Gener Comput Syst (Elsevier) 74:385–392. ��
* 9.�Vogel B, Gkouskos D (2017) An open architecture approach: towards common design principles for an IoT architecture. In: Proceedings of the 11th European conference on software architecture: companion proceedings. ACM, pp 85–88.��
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