Midwife Pip

Midwife Pip

Practicing Midwifery Sister in the UK providing honest, evidence based Antenatal Education

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 10/09/2024

Pelvic Floor is so misunderstood and honestly I think one of the most important things women need to understand and be empowered with information for during pregnancy.

Pelvic Floor health isn't just for pregnancy, it is for life but pregnancy means it needs some TLC and you deserve to understand how to be proactive with this to prevent complications.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 06/09/2024

Often 'pain' is something that causes so much anxiety in expectant mums when you start thinking ahead to birth.

Truth is- we need to learn to understand the different types of pain and ways to cope with them differently for a calmer, more comfortable and controlled birth.

If birth prep is on your mind and causing you worry DM me: Birth Prep

You deserve to be excited and empowered at this important time.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 04/09/2024

The simplest things often make the biggest difference and your bladder is one of those things during labour and birth!

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 03/09/2024

This is one of the positions that can really help mums during labour and birth especially if things are progressing a little slower or more uncomfortably than expected.

There are, of course, elements of birth that are not in our control but there are also so many things you can actively do to help shape your birth and to make it a positive experience - knowledge and support is POWER.

DM me: Birth Support if you are looking to achieve a positive and empowering birth experience.


The mum multi tasking is REAL. What have you done one handed this week?

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 30/08/2024

Pregnancy is SO powerful in influencing the health and development of your baby it honestly blows my mind!

Your baby's brain really can be influenced by your actions in pregnancy and here are some of the ways you can improve it.

If you want to learn more about how you can support your baby's health during pregnancy DM me : Healthy Pregnancy.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 29/08/2024

Think of 'contraction' and what words come to mind?

If its uncertainty, pain, anxiety or fear then it is time to get your birth prep underway because you should be feeling excited by the process and power of contractions.
DM me: birth experience if a positive and empowering birth is important to you.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 28/08/2024

They could well be the super fruit of pregnancy!

Let's be real- there are elements to labour and birth that are not within our control but there are also plenty of actions that we can take to prepare our minds and body's for the demands and processes of birth and the postpartum.

If you are looking to hear more about how you can prepare for these important stages in your life DM me: Birth Prep


This post resonates so hard on many levels.

It takes me back to a conversation I had with my husband in 2020 after I was repeatedly coming home from work as a Midwifery Sister on a busy labour ward feeling so angry that women were birthing their babies with such a lack of real, honest knowledge and education. They had invested time and money thinking they’d done the best prep and had, in reality, been prepared for very little but they “didn’t know what they didn’t know”. Birth trauma impacts almost half of women and I really believe inadequate birth education and preparation has a lot to do with this.

“Why did no one tell me about…”
“I feel I failed”
“I didn’t plan for…”
“I thought I just needed to learn to breathe”

Comments I couldn’t keep hearing and the sole reason I ever started this page and my podcast which has grown into the publication of my book and creation of my exclusive YPJ programme.

The lack of regulation around antenatal education / birth prep is letting women down and it has to change.

Birth isn’t something to be gambled with, families, mums and babies deserve better.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 27/08/2024

This is a question I hear alot- ultimately as with everything pregnancy, birth and postpartum there is no right or wrong, I hope this helps you look at the risks and benefits should you be offered a stretch and sweep.

Do you really understand all your options in pregnancy? If not DM me: Empowered Pregnancy


Such beautiful words from

Tag a mum friend who will appreciate this too.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 22/08/2024

This is a question I hear SO much and it is important we dispel the myths on abdominal separation in pregnancy.

Let me know your questions about this below...

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 21/08/2024

There is so much parenting pressure out there and I will definitely be avoiding as much of it as possible with our second baby, ditching any comparison and just focusing on our journey, listening to the experts and being my own child's expert.

There is parents that clearly judge me at an activity we go to every week, Finley is a free spirit, wild, confident boy who finds sitting still next to impossible but I have no desire to suppress that side of him, I love it, I encourage it and am happy to be judged on his high energy and enthusiasm for everything!

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 20/08/2024

Your pelvic floor is working super hard in pregnancy, taking measures to protect and support it rather than adding to its strain is really important during the pre and postnatal period.

Have you got Q's about supporting your body during pregnancy?
Let me know below... 👇

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 18/08/2024

Life Update!

Somehow I have an almost 3 year old and an almost 14 week old. Like HOW did they happen?

Life feels abit like a hamster wheel juggle at times and I’ve made peace with the fact that I cannot spin all the plates. My two little people need so much of me around the clock that coffee dates with friends are less than ideal, the house looks like it’s been ransacked most of the time and I am 50% dry shampoo. And do you know what? I am completely OK with it. Because I know one day when those tiny hands don’t want to hold mine anymore I will long for them and when I have a tidy home free from overstimulating toys my heart will hurt as I will desperately miss the happy noise and caos that comes with early motherhood.

Lots of you wanted to know about our adjustment to life with 2 children and it’s BUSY for sure, some days feel like they last a week (toddler emotions) and some go in the flash of an eye. I look at the boys growing up before my eyes and want to hit pause. Finley’s adjusted so well to big brother life and is incredible with Alfie which to be honest makes the whole thing a tonne easier! Alfie is such a smiley baby which brings me so much joy after the toughest time we had when he was in hospital and each beaming smile feelings healing and hopeful. I am grateful for strong arms and never leave without a baby carrier.

Potty training is going well- Finley nailed wee’s quickly and poo’s took a few more weeks but he is pretty much there now for the most part which is a relief because it’s hands down been my least favourite part of parenting to date!! This last week Finley’s had some strong emotions I think all linked to over tiredness to be honest but he has been going from 0-100 which in the new parents tired haze is testing for all so we are putting a screen time ban on for a bit and really trying to stick to his routine so he gets the rest he needs amongst all the summer fun.

My husband and I are communicating hard to make sure when the boys needs are met that we can meet our own too- sounds simple but parents out there you know how easy it is to forget and then it’s all just a slippery slope.
More in comments ….

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 16/08/2024

I really think so much generational change could come from this.

Swipe to see my body celebration to kick this off and let me know yours in the comments. I know it can feel awkward at first but your body is worthy of self love and compassion and there are little eyes and brains absorbing the way you treat and speak about it so let's make this powerful shift for our children.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 15/08/2024

Induction of Labour for Big Babies is something I see more and more expectant mums making decisions about. My ethos is to provide evidence based, non biased information that allows you to make an informed decision that feels right for you. We are all individuals with different interpretations of 'risk' and will naturally make differing choices on our journeys.

One of the challenges around 'big babies' is that there are a number of studies which have shown that ultrasound weight estimates have a wide margin of error. Studies show a 15% margin of error either way. A 15% margin means the range of the estimate for a 4kg baby is is from 3.4kg (7lbs 5oz) to 4.6kg (10lbs 4oz). The reality is ultrasound is not a perfect tool however it is the best tool we do have and unless we start having transparent abdomens it will be the best available tool for the foreseeable future too.

I hope the facts in this post help you make your decision if you are offered an induction for a big baby.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 14/08/2024

What myths have you been told? There are SO many out there around the postpartum and looking after a newborn.

If you are postpartum and wish to explore expert, postpartum support for you and your baby (1:1 messaging with me and my expert team, wellbeing coaching, postnatal recovery and pelvic health, infant feeding, infant sleep, exercise, development and milestones and much more) then DM me: YPJ to find out more.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 13/08/2024

The REST period often gets forgotten about but it sets the foundations for the time spent contracting and given it can make up such a huge % of your time in labour it is a really important part of labour to consider.

Let me know how your currently feeling about your labour and birth below... Excited? Nervous? Overwhelmed? Unsure? You certainly won't be alone in any of these emotions.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 11/08/2024

We made it swimming!

This is a HUGE milestone for me with Alfie. Finley started at 5 weeks and has adored swimming ever since he is super confident and knows his water safety which is really important to us a family.

So why hasn’t Alfie been yet at over 12 weeks? Because I’ve been ANXIOUS with him and his immunity since he had meningitis. I said once he was better that after his 8 week vaccines I would feel comfortable… they came and went … he got a cold and I spent more time than is healthy placing a hand on Alfie to check he was breathing (something I still do if he has a more lengthy sleep to be honest). He recovered from the cold and had his 12 week vaccinations and I decided it was time to move forwards and TRY not to wrap him in cotton wool.

We purposefully just went to a little quiet, warm pool where Finley could be happy with some armbands on and toys and we could just be and have no pressure and it was so lovely.

Whilst yes it was lovely to have a very relaxed morning with both the boys in the pool together, for us it was about much more than this 🫶


Modern day motherhood is tough we are a generation of mothers with much less social and professional support and much higher demands societally and personally.

Can women have it all like society likes us to believe?


We have all been there!

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 08/08/2024

Back, hip or pelvic pain in pregnancy?

Your posture is a likely culprit!

The growing weight of your bump along with all the hormonal changes circulating your body and the addiitonal mobility in your pelvis result in discomfort amongst many pregnant women.

Correcting your posture is a really good way to help prevent, protect, manage and improve back pain in pregnancy and this is your guide to screen your body's posture and help keep it in check!


Which one do you most need reminding of?

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 06/08/2024

Knowing the norm's is SO important because then you can spot signs of something being wrong early and seek help. Postnatally the sooner any physical or psychological issues are picked up the better the outcome so knowledge is POWER!

Have you been surprised by anything postpartum / have a postpartum Q?
Let me know below...


This is SO true in my house! Who is with me?

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 01/08/2024

Your breathing in labour is one of the most influential tools if used correctly, it can be used in any setting or circumstance and has a profound impact on your physiology.... if you want to learn about how to breathe in the second stage drop YES in the comments!

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 31/07/2024

Mum brain fog. I was SO interested to read this because it is a very accurate description of my brain right now- how about you? Let me know below...

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 30/07/2024

if your looking to breastfeed your baby then pregnancy is the time to get educated and supported and this is one of the reasons why. In YPJ we have an amazing, dedicated Lactation Consultant Midwife Bec who has live calls, 1:1's chats and much more to make sure all our members are expertly supported and prepared for their feeding journeys.

Photos from Midwife Pip's post 28/07/2024

I love a Sunday evening reflection. Trying to soak up all the magic that the weeks thrown us, making peace with the things that didn’t quite work out and granting us all some self compassion whilst we all navigate a difficult time.

There have been moments this week where I have smashed motherhood and others where quite honestly motherhood has smashed me and that’s ok- as mothers we are human beings, perfectly imperfect and on a challenging ride.

I also love setting mini goals@for the week ahead - hydration is up there I realise I spend so much time making sure the boys have drink enough and I am here like a shrivelled crisp all dehydrated- not good!

What’s gone well for you this week?
What’s your goal for the week ahead?

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Community Clinic Q&A [23/07/2024]In this session we covered:* Postnatal body and exercise goals* Settling a newborn * Co...
How to Train Abs in Pregnancy? Training abs in Pregnancy is a lot different to your traditional ab training routine. You...
Baby SleepI have seen so much on social media about this recently and I hate the idea that another new mum is thinking t...
NEW PODCAST EPISODE:Episode 121- Hormonal Issues in Pregnancy and the PostpartumWith Dr Mary Ryan @drmaryryan Mood swing...
E.96 Motherhood Minds and Bodies@madeleychloe  Your body after you have had a baby is different, it looks different, it ...
Thanks to you... 👏For all your support towards the Midwife Pip Podcast. I have been overwhelmed with feedback and commen...
Juggling Mum Life Can Be Super Difficult... E.90  With Natalie Ward, founder of @latcheduk You become a mum and probably...