The Rescue Ministries
The Rescue Ministries seeks to be the hands and feet of Christ in Cebu, Philippines. Our mission is to rescue abandoned and orphaned children in Cebu.
It has been 10 years since this trip and this video was produced and created. Levi has heard about our mission work for the majority of his life. We leave on Friday morning. Pray for our safety and time together.
Refuge Film: Children of the Trash This is the full-length documentary Refuge: Children of the Trash. This film is about poverty, violence, and hope.
Two weeks from today, Dustin and Levi will be headed back to Cebu. This will be Levi’s first trip. Goals are to meet with all former graduates and assess any needs since the pandemic. Provide food and school supplies for kids and families living in the trash. Sharing our faith with those that we encounter. Please pray for health and clarity of mind for the long journey to and from Cebu. It takes around 30 hours each way.
Jeffrey was a youth we helped several years ago. He has now graduated from Bible college and is now a pastor. So thankful God is using him to share the gospel.
Dustin will be flying out at the end of March to go back to Cebu, Philippines. He will be celebrating the graduation of two girls from a 2 year college. Dustin will be meeting with leadership in the Philippines to pray and discern about the future of the ministry. Please pray for wisdom and clarity as Dustin and leaders seek God’s will for how best to minister to the youth in the care of The Rescue Ministries.
Giving Statements will be mailed out by January 31. Thank you for your contributions during 2018!
Thank you for your prayers and support in 2018. We are prayerfully considering what the ministry will look like in 2019. We would love for you to join us in prayer,
Luke 7:36-50
Pharisee knew she was a sinner.
The church later said she was a pr******te.
Jesus only saw her for who she will become.
Aren’t you thankful the same can be said for me, you and the children we serve and minister to? What others see, believe and label about you doesn’t make it so. May we see ourselves and others with the eyes of Christ.
“Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest. Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things. Plant your seed in the morning and keep busy all afternoon, for you don’t know if profit will come from one activity or another—or maybe both.”
Ecclesiastes 11:4-6 NLT
Ecclesiastes 11:4-6 NLT; Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest. Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot.. Farmers who wait for perfect weather never plant. If they watch every cloud, they never harvest. Just as you cannot understand the path of the wind or the mystery of a tiny baby growing in its mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the activity of God, who does all things. Plant your seed in the ...
I found out that the weekend before I arrived, Blesschelle’s father passed away. She and her family were obviously heartbroken.
Several years ago, missionaries went to the remote island where Bleschelle is from and shared the gospel. This island where people starved to death and fished just to survive. Bleschelle’s father was the primary elder/deacon of the church there.
Around 4 years ago, we rescued Junnel from the island to help him complete high school and get a job off the island to support his family. Last year is when we rescued Blesschelle.
It is not lost on me that without faithful givers many years ago to those who were sent; this entire island would have never heard the gospel. Without faithful givers, Blesschelle and her brother Junnel would still be fighting for basic survival. This Sunday, I ask that you pray for Blesschelle and her family. That they have comfort in knowing the faithfulness of Christ.
Thank you for being the giver so that we can go and rescue these children who desperately need the good news of Christ.
Congratulations to our newest college graduate, Michelle!
Michelle came to us in January 2010 when the doors of BHY opened. She was a tiny, ball of energy with a love of playing with critters! Always at the top of her class, she has become a Godly young woman with a very bright future in the Hospitality Industry.
We are certain to see great things from Michelle in the future!
Dustin has returned! Would you like him to update your church or small group?
Email us:
In just a few short days, Dustin's 2018 mission journey will begin. Please pray as he prepares his heart and mind for celebrating graduations, and the great task of moving Banhaw.
In just two weeks, Dustin will be flying back to Cebu. This trip will be like many trips in that he will get to support our Elementary, High School, and College graduates. But unlike most trips he will also relocate Banhaw for the first time since it opened in January 2010.
Please pray for peace for the girls; and for discernment and wisdom for the staff.
If you would like to give toward the cost of transition, please give online at
Because of our ministry, girls who normally sleep in the trash and streets will sleep on their own bed in a safe environment.
Because of our ministry in the next few weeks 2 girls will be graduating elementary school, 1 girl from high school and another girl from college.
Because of our ministry when they wake up, they will have food, medicine and the opportunity to go to school. Without our ministry they would be waking up to little or no food, being told that they can’t go to school because they need to “work”
God allows us to rescue children out of the most horrific circumstances. Without our ministry I literally know of no one who cares about these children or are willing to help them get out of the situation they are in.
Without your prayers and support our ministry will no longer be able to help these children. We literally need you to give TODAY.
Home Hope Begins with you Donate Today
We have a board meeting Thursday night. We are very far from raising the funds needed to transfer our youth from our current home to the new home we have found. We are $5,000 shy. Please pray for our ministry as we face potentially being unable to pay for the new home and needing to find another ministry to provide care for our kids. Which ultimately means our ministry would need to end for a season. I appreciate all of you!
Dustin leaves on 3/27 to go back to Cebu, Philippines. We have two youth graduating from grade school. One youth graduating from high school and another from college.
The exciting news is that we have found a property where our ministry may relocate. We cannot wait to show the kids their new home. It looks like it will cost us around $5,000 to relocate.
We have right at 3 weeks to raise enough support so that our ministry may continue in the Philippines. If you or your church would like to help our children continue to have a safe Christian home please consider giving. Dustin can come and speak to your church or small group. Grace,
Home Hope Begins with you Donate Today
Thank you to our friends at First Baptist Church, Decaturville, TN for hosting us this week. It was such a blessing to reunite and be rejuvinated by your love and support!
"The Church has to be the body of Christ in the most literal sense that in the Church Jesus Christ must find lips to speak for Him, hands to do His work, feet to run upon His errands."
*William Barclay, Fishers of Men
Happy Birthday February Babies!
As part of the , we are asking you to help us raise awareness for Gang Prevention Awareness Month.
This month, as part of your birthday celebration, we ask you to invite others to learn more about The Rescue Ministries and to serve alongside us.
Consider giving in honor of your birthday, giving in honor of your favorite February baby, or asking others to give on your behalf.
If you haven't heard about the , follow the link here to learn more.
Today is Street Children's Day. This is not a celebratory day, but a day to create awareness. Street Children are real people. They sleep on sidewalks, (and at gas stations as shown in the photo) being stepped over by people passing them by. They beg for food. They beg for money (which in turn is given to their pimps in most cases).
Tell someone today.
January Babies -- It's not too late!
Take the REborn Challenge before your special month slips by you.
REBORN Challenge So, the idea of Banhaw kept running through my mind. That our kids, after we rescue them, are truly reborn. Their world is turned upside down. Their identity of being a commodity is REBORN into realizing they were purposefully made by God—they have a soul; they are not an accident. The han...