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Sex Crimes UK & Worldwide





A Devon man, who is ‘a danger to children’, has been sentenced to 36 years for s*xually abusing three children.

Aaron Bennett, 33, of New Exeter Street in Chudleigh, was sentenced today, Tuesday 21 November, to 28 years in prison with an extension of eight years due to the danger he poses.

Following a trial in October, a jury found Bennett guilty of 11 serious s*xual offences which included the r**e of a child under 13; attempted r**e of a child under 13; and assaulting a child under 13 by pe*******on.

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An elderly man who referred to himself as “cheeky Tom” before s*xually assaulting a girl on two separate occasions has been jailed.

Thomas Catcheside, 81, was shopping in Ely on 2 June last year when he walked past the teenage girl at just after 3pm.

It was a busy bank holiday for the Queen’s 70th Platinum Jubilee and the girl was handing out free samples of food outside the front of a shop.

Catcheside approached her and at first made general conversation, telling her that people call him “cheeky Tom”. However, he then s*xually assaulted her by touching her inappropriately.

The teenager, clearly shaken and distressed, immediately told her manager and police were called.

Just over a month later, on 9 July, Catcheside approached her again in almost identical circumstances.

This time, the manager of the store chased after him and managed to take a photo of him.

The image was then released in a media appeal and Catcheside, of Fanshawe Road, Cambridge, was identified and arrested.

In police interview, he claimed he’d only thrown a bit of paper at the teenager and denied s*xually assaulting her.

He admitted telling his victim that people called him “cheeky Tom” but said that was because of the way he “has a laugh and a joke with people”.

Catcheside was later charged with two counts of s*xual assault and was jailed for eight months at Peterborough Crown Court on Wednesday (15 November).

His sentence comprised six months for the above offences and a further two for a separate s*xual assault and assault by beating of a woman in her 20s in Haverhill on 11 February last year.

Catcheside was also placed on the S*x Offenders Register for 10 years and given a restraining order banning him from the shop in Ely until 2030.

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A man who s*xually assaulted three lone women on board trains has been sentenced to 14 months in prison, following a British Transport Police (BTP) investigation.

Hailu Getemariam, 24, of Southend Lane, London, appeared at Inner London Crown Court where he was found guilty of three counts of s*xual assault.

On 15 November 2023 he was sentenced to 14 months imprisonment. He was also handed a 5 year S*xual Harm Prevention Order and ordered to sign the S*x Offenders Register for 10 years.

The conditions of the S*xual Harm Prevention Order prohibits Getemariam from:

•Travelling on any form of public transport in the London transport network unless using an Oystercard registered in his name to pay for the entirety of his journey.
•Sitting immediately next to, touching, or making any attempts to communicate with any female unknown to him when travelling on any network or within any main line, London Underground, or Docklands Light Railway Station in the UK, unless not reasonably avoidable in the course of lawful daily life, such as in a genuine emergency.

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A couple who carried out multiple s*xual offences against children have been jailed.

Thomas Surtees and his partner Zoe Williams were brought to justice thanks to the bravery of the victims.

The extent of the offending came to light after victims of Surtees reported they had been s*xually assaulted by the 37-year-old.

This subsequently led specialist officers from our Safeguarding Department to uncover further offending, including by 30-year-old Williams.

Surtees, of Wallsend, was charged with 16 offences – 10 counts of s*xual assault, three counts of making indecent images, one count of taking an indecent image, s*xual activity in the presence of a child, and engaging in s*xual communication with a child.

Williams, of Widdrington, Morpeth, was charged with six offences – two counts of s*xual assault, three counts of making indecent images, and s*xual activity in the presence of a child.

Both appeared at Newcastle Crown Court earlier this year, where they pleaded guilty to all offences.

They were remanded in custody for sentencing.

Yesterday (Monday) they appeared at the same court, with Surtees receiving a 15-year prison sentence with a five-year extended licence.

Williams was handed a prison term of 10 years with a five-year extended licence.

Both were also handed indefinite S*xual Harm Prevention Orders and must sign the S*x Offenders’ Register for life.

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A prolific pa******le who paid to watch the exploitation and abuse of children in the Philippines has been jailed.

Leslie Fletcher appeared at Newcastle Crown Court today (Monday) where was put behind bars for almost six years after previously admitting a string of s*xual offences.

The 76-year-old became the subject of a complex investigation after Google and Microsoft flagged the sharing of indecent images on their platforms.

Specialist officers from Northumbria Police’s Pa******le Online Investigation Team (POLIT) arrested Fletcher and seized his devices – which were then scoured by a team of digital investigators.

When forensic examination of his devices was completed, officers had a range of evidence which documented a pattern of dangerous offending between June 2020 and July 2021.

There were incriminating conversations in which Fletcher requested photographs and videos of babies and children no older than 11 years old, as well as receipts and records of calls with people abusing their children.

Fletcher, of Brancepeth Close in Washington, was later charged and previously pleaded guilty to a total of 13 charges, including three counts of making indecent images of children, four counts of arranging the commission of a child s*x offences and four counts of attempting to cause a child to engage in s*xual activity.

Seven of the offences related to Fletcher arranging the abuse of children abroad.

A judge sentenced him to a total of five years and nine months custodial and issued a S*xual Harm prevention Order and forfeiture of his electronic devices.

Fletcher must also sign the S*x Offenders’ Register.

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A man who tricked vulnerable women into his car before driving them to secluded locations and ra**ng them has admitted his crimes.

Nazim Asmal lured the women into his vehicle as they made their way home from nights out by leading them to believe he was a taxi driver. He then drove them to remote locations before subjecting them to serious s*xual assaults.

The first incident happened on the 3rd of October 2021. The victim got into Asmal’s car in Preston city centre. He drove for about ten minutes, r**ed his victim in the car and then dropped her off back in the city centre. She flagged a member of the public down for help.

The second incident happened on 4th of March 2023. The victim had been on a night out in Darwen and ended up in Asmal’s car. He drove her to a secluded area on the outskirts of Darwen where he then r**ed her. Asmal managed to get the victims phone number and called her at the start of April. She did not answer the call on that occasion because it came up with ‘no caller ID’.

Asmal called her again on 8th of April 2023 and this time she did answer. The victim recognised the voice as the man who had r**ed her but did not know his identity. She ended the call after Asmal asked the terrified victim ‘If she wanted to do something?’

Asmal r**ed his third victim on the same evening he made that call. The victim got into Asmal’s car in Darwen town centre. Driving her towards Bolton, in the opposite direction of her home, Asmal said: “You don’t want to pay for this taxi, do you?”

He stopped in a secluded area and r**ed her. He then dropped her off at her home address.

We identified Asmal after his black Toyota Yaris was picked up on CCTV cameras.

Asmal, 34,now of no fixed address but formerly Balaclava Street, Blackburn, appeared at Preston Crown Court on Friday (17th of November 2023) where he pleaded guilty to four counts of r**e.

He was remanded into custody to be sentenced at the same court on the 13th of February.

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A ‘perverted criminal’ who committed s*xual offences against children has today been sentenced to six years in prison and given a s*xual harm prevention order.

Appearing at court earlier this year, 43-year-old Laurence Gladwin of Withernsea faced 11 charges: seven counts of s*xual activity with a child aged 13-17 years-old and four of making indecent images of a child. He pleaded guilty to all offences, appearing in court again today, Monday 20 November, for sentencing.

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Sentenced For Possessing Indecent Images of Children

Lee Dennison aged 48 from Hartlepool was sentenced to 8 years in prison last week for possessing indecent images of children and for breaching a s*xual harm prevention order.

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A 43-year-old man who confessed to committing s*x offences against a girl in the 1990s has been sent to prison.

Robert Elliot Edward Kennedy, previously of Northampton, was serving a sentence for similar offences in February 2022 when, during a conversation with a prison officer, he confessed to further historic offences that he had not yet been convicted of.

An investigation was launched by Northamptonshire Police which involved tracing the girl, who was now an adult living in a different part of the country, and speaking to her about what Kennedy had done.

She bravely agreed to support the case and detailed how, for more than two years in the 1990s in Corby when she was under 10 years old, Kennedy had subjected her to numerous s*xual assaults.

Kennedy was eventually charged with three counts of indecent assault and one count of gross indecency, all four of which he pleaded guilty to at Northampton Crown Court on October 24.

He returned to the same court this month (November 2) where he was sentenced to six years in prison with an extended sentenced of two years.

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A s*x offender has been jailed after s*xually assaulting a 14-year-old girl he approached at a Stourbridge graveyard.

Robert Osbourne, 48, was jailed at Wolverhampton Court on November 10, after pleading guilty to s*xual assault of a female over 13 and breaching a S*xual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO).

Osbourne, a registered s*x offender, approached a group of children and asked to sit on the bench with them before making conversation.

He persuaded the girl to move away from her friends by asking her to show him where the water tap was in the graveyard. He then s*xually touched her. The incident took place on October 22, 2021.

The girl bravely reported the incident a few days later. Following this he was spotted in the Stourbridge area. We managed to secure CCTV and he was identified by his s*x offender manager.

As well as being handed a 35 month jail term Osbourne was also given a new SHPO which has strict conditions.

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A registered s*x offender who broke the terms of a court order and attempted to communicate s*xually with what he thought was a child has been jailed for five-and-a-half years.

Iain Stavert, 60, was brought before a court following work by police after he communicated online with a law enforcement employee who he believed to be a child.

He admitted a range of charges, covering:

•Breaching and attempting to breach a s*xual harm prevention order.
•Failing to comply with the notification requirements of the S*x Offenders Register.
•Attempting to engage in s*xual communication with a child.

Stavert, of Low White Close, Barrow, appeared before Preston Crown Court for sentencing.

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A dangerous s*x offender has been jailed after sending explicit messages and arranging to meet a person he believed to be a 14-year-old girl.

Naveed Sultan arranged to meet the ‘girl’ – actually an adult posing as a teenager – at Sutton Lawn park in Sutton-in-Ashfield after sending her a number of s*xually explicit messages.

Sultan turned up at the location but the woman he had been speaking to never approached him and just watched from a distance.

Nottinghamshire Police launched an investigation after the information was passed to officers via the company which employed 38-year-old Sultan.

Detectives were also made aware of s*xually explicit voice messages, videos and screen shots which Sultan had sent the ‘girl’.

After a detailed investigation, officers discovered Sultan had also been communicating s*xually with two other teenage girls and had attempted to work out where they lived.

He sent messages to one of the girls, aged 13, threatening to r**e her and also sent messages encouraging her to meet him.

Detectives were able to charge Sultan with a number of offences and he eventually pleaded guilty to two counts of engaging in s*xual communication with a child and one of attempting to meet a child following grooming.

At Nottingham Crown Court on Thursday (16 November), he was given a total custodial sentence of eight years, which will include five years in jail and a further three years on licence.

He was also made the subject of a s*xual harm prevention order that will limit his online activities once he is released from jail.

Sultan, of Sophie Road, Nottingham, was also added to the s*x offenders’ register for life.

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A registered s*x offender who breached the terms of a court order by having s*xualised conversation online with two people he believed to be 14-year-old girls has been jailed.

Bradley Warner, 26, of Warwick Road, Kenilworth was jailed for 26 months following an investigation by the South Warwickshire Police S*x Offender Management Unit (SOMU).

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A Gillingham resident has been jailed for the s*xual abuse of a child.

Milen Ivanov targeted the young victim between 1 June and 9 August 2022, after he made them believe they were in a relationship.

His offending came to light after the child told their parents what had been happening, and they then contacted Kent Police.

Ivanov, of Chaucer Road, was arrested on 28 August 2022. He was bailed with conditions, including not to contact the victim, while investigators built the case against him.

During this time, Ivanov committed further offences including sharing indecent images of the victim and making threats towards the child.

He was charged with two counts of s*xual activity with a child, intimidation of a witness, making indecent photographs of a child and disclosing a private s*xual photograph.

The 34-year-old was jailed at Maidstone Crown Court on 26 October 2023, for six years and eight months. He will also be subject to a 10-year S*xual Harm Prevention Order and a five-year restraining order on his release.

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An Accrington man has been jailed for s*xually abusing two children.

Eoin Kelly, now 29, was a juvenile himself when he committed the offences.

But justice caught up with Kelly when one of the victims disclosed in 2020 what had happened.

During the investigation, the second victim came forward with a complaint against Kelly.

Kelly, of Alliance Street, Accrington, was convicted in June of r**e, three counts of s*xual assault on a child and four counts of inciting a child to engage in s*xual activity.

The Judge sentenced Kelly to two years imprisonment.

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A man has been jailed for six years and nine months after pleading guilty to ra**ng and assaulting a woman in Hatfield town centre.

Stefan Keleman, aged 46, of Campion Road in Hatfield, appeared for sentencing at St Albans Crown Court on Monday (13 November).

In addition to the custodial sentence, he was handed a restraining order and placed on the s*x offenders register for life. When he completes his prison sentence, he will be deported to Romania.

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On Friday 17 November, a man from St Helens has been jailed for more than 14 years for committing child s*x offences.

Connor Paul Gavin, 21 years, of Blackbrook, St Helens was found guilty by a trial by jury at Liverpool Crown Court last month.

He was sentenced to 14 years and nine months in prison for nine counts of r**e and s*xual assault of a child under 13.

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A predatory s*x offender who committed a catalogue of crimes against children and vulnerable adults spanning more than three decades has been jailed following an investigation by specialist safeguarding officers in Leeds.

Craig Meredith, aged 50, of Middleton Road, Morley, was convicted of 38 offences following at trial at Leeds Crown Court.

He was found guilty of offences including r**e, s*xual assault by pe*******on, s*xual activity in the presence of a child and s*xual touching.

The offences covered a period from 1987, when he was 14 years old, to 2019 when he r**ed a victim under the guise of a paranormal entity which had possessed her.

He manipulated vulnerable young children and adults with learning disabilities and left them suffering significant trauma and long-term mental health issues.

He was sentenced to 33 years – 30 years custody with a three-year extended licence.

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A man has been jailed and given a lifelong restraining order for a s*xual assault in Canton, Cardiff.

Paul McGrath, 67, s*xually assaulted a woman in the bus stop outside the Admiral Napier Pub, on Cowbridge Road East, at around 1am on Friday, April 14.

Detectives have praised the actions of some members of the public – including a group of young men from Splott – who intervened.

McGrath, from Riverside, was arrested at the scene and later pleaded guilty to two counts of s*xual assault by touching.

The court heard that McGrath had targeted the victim who was intoxicated and vulnerable, and that his actions had caused her extreme psychological harm.

She was unconscious during the 22-minute ordeal which was captured on CCTV.

McGrath, who has been in custody since his arrest, was sentenced at Cardiff Crown Court on Tuesday, November 14 to 25 months in prison for each of the two offences to run concurrently.

He is on the S*x Offenders’ Register for 10 years and is also subject to a lifelong restraining order, banning him from contacting the victim directly or indirectly,

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A man from Melksham has been sentenced to two years in prison for s*xual assault by touching, of a 15-year-old teenager.

Scott Davis, 39, was sentenced at Salisbury Crown Court on Friday (10/11), after being found guilty by a majority verdict during the trial at Salisbury Crown Court on September 13.

The offence took place in the early hours of New Year’s Day, 2022, after Davis spotted the girl walking alone.

She had left a New Year’s Eve party in Roundponds at around 5am and was heading to the other side of Melksham, when Davis offered to walk with her.

During the walk he grabbed the teenager’s hand tightly so that she was unable to pull away, grabbed her around the waist, forced himself onto her to kiss her and grabbed her bottom under her clothes.

Davis was also given a 10 year S*xual Harm Protection Order.

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Man jailed after being found guilty of ra**ng and assaulting a woman at her home in Runcorn.

Scott Lindsay, of Nantwich Road, Crewe, appeared at Liverpool Crown Court on Friday 10 November, where he was sentenced to 11 years in prison.

The 55-year-old has previously pleaded not guilty to r**e and assault, but was found guilty by a jury during an earlier trial.

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A man from Marlborough has been sentenced to six and a half years in prison for a r**e that he committed almost a decade ago.

Robert Miles, 37, was sentenced (Monday) 13 Nov at Swindon Crown Court after being found guilty by jury at the end of a trial on September 29.

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Man jailed for s*xual assault

Steven Dodd, was sentenced to three years for s*xual assault on a female, common assault and causing actual bodily harm.

Dodd, 38, appeared at Stoke Crown Court on 9 November and was jailed following two incidents in August 2021 and March 2022 in which he s*xually and physically assaulted a woman.

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The Royal Court sentenced 57-year-old Paul Kelly to 20 years in prison after he was found guilty of 28 serious s*xual offences in June of this year. The offences included r**e, gross indecency and indecent assault, as well as Grave and Criminal assault on a juvenile. He was also placed on the S*x Offenders Register for 20 years.

Kelly committed the offences between July 2005 and June 2013, subjecting a juvenile female to s*xual abuse over a prolonged period of time. He was arrested in April 2022 and following an extensive investigation was charged with the offences in September 2022.

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A s*x offender who served a prison sentence for assaulting a woman at a gym is back behind bars after breaching a court order.

Hernando Ferraro-Cordoba, of Thorleye Road, Cambridge, was handed a prison sentence in January after his actions in the city.

The 61-year-old was also handed a S*xual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) until 2030, prohibiting him from attending or loitering near any exercise classes and groups, sports or leisure centres, gyms, swimming pools, sporting events or arenas without prior permission from the force’s Public Protection Unit (PPU).

He was released from prison in March but, four months later, on 6 July, police were called after a man was seen speaking to teenage girls near the YMCA – which also has a gym as part of its facilities.

Investigations revealed Ferraro-Cordoba was loitering in his car and asking girls to perform s*xual acts on him in return for alcohol and a drive in his car.

He was arrested at his home in the early hours of the following morning. Officers from the force’s Management of S*xual Offender and Violent Offender (MOSOVO) Unit were able to piece together his movements.

Their work showed Ferraro-Cordoba passed car park banners clearly advertising a gym and visited the YMCA forecourt twice in less than five hours, including just a few hours before his arrest.

CCTV captured him dropping off three teenage girls at the location and enquiries also revealed he had brought one girl flowers and asked two girls to go to a hotel with him - an offer they declined.

In police interview, Ferraro-Cordoba gave a prepared statement stating that he denied all offences against him, including loitering outside a gym, and claimed one of the teenage girls had lied about her age and wanted to start a relationship with him. He answered no comment to all other questions.

He denied charges of breaching a SHPO by loitering outside a gym and breaching his S*x Offenders Register notification requirements by ordering, and not registering, a new bank card.

However, he stood trial at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court in August and was found guilty of both offences.

His case was committed to Peterborough Crown Court for sentencing, where he was handed one year and two months in prison. His SHPO was ordered to continue until 2030.

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Jail for prolific pa******le

A man from Merstham was jailed today (17 November) for a multitude of s*xual offences against children.

Dean O'Reilly, born on 06/07/1982, was sentenced to 15 years behind bars at Guildford Crown Court, after pleading guilty to 38 child s*x offences, including 17 charges of causing or inciting a child to engage in s*xual activity. He was also handed an indefinite S*xual Harm Prevention Order.

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A child s*x offender has been jailed

Carl Smith, 36, of no fixed abode, inflicted a campaign of physical and emotional abuse on the survivor. It happened in South Staffordshire.

He was arrested in July 2022 after offences were reported to us. He continued to deny the offences and was brought before a jury in September (2023).

Following a four-day trial, the jury found Smith guilty on a number of offences, including:

•Two counts of r**e a girl
•Six counts of s*xual assault a girl

He was jailed for a total of 20 years at Birmingham Crown Court on Friday (10 November). Smith was also made subject to an indefinite S*xual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and a restraining order against the survivor.

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