Human Rethink

Human Rethink

Our organization is focused on fulfilling the promise of education for development, improving econom But it leaves behind the majority of humanity.

The fate of any developing country can now be changed from persistent underdevelopment or from the “middle income trap” to accelerated growth and prosperity with the Implicit Curriculum of Higher education, and its companion philosophy, the Inclusive Theory of Growth. The Western-style economic model is the predominant model in our world. The only practical means to systematically address this pro


Nigeria Will Not Develop Until We Fix This Problem

By Samuel Odunsi, Sr. Director of

What does development mean for Nigeria?

Development means that Nigeria will rise to meet the West and other developed countries as an economic equal. Like China has recently done. This is what development means for all postcolonial countries.

Why has Nigeria not developed?

Nigeria has not developed because of the permanent shortage of people who can effectively manage the economy like expatriates from the West and China already do. Read more:

What is the purpose of higher education in Nigeria?

In addition to imparting technical knowledge, the purpose of higher education is to train people to perform as well as expatriates in the role of manager, administrator, or entrepreneur in the public and private sectors. Read more:

Can’t Nigeria just hire the expatriates it needs to develop the country?

In theory, yes. But it’s not possible in reality because Nigeria can’t afford the financial cost. Read more:

What are the symptoms of the failure of “higher education for development” in Nigeria?

The symptoms include poverty, corruption, instability, bad governance, lawlessness, the endemic malfunction of institutions, permanent economic underperformance, and dependency on developed countries. Read more:

Why can’t Nigeria diversify its economy?
Diversification without increased expatriate domination is impossible for the same reason that previous 5-year and 10-year development plans have failed, why the Millenium Goals failed, and why the SDGs will fail. Read more:
Why is higher education effective in developed countries and not in Nigeria?

Culture is the reason why higher education is effective for developed countries. Cultural difference is the reason why higher education for development has not been effective for Nigeria and the global south. But all cultures have the innate means to achieve development. Read more:

Why are China, Japan, and South Korea developed, since their cultures are not Western?

The answer is these countries have cultural elements in common with the west. Read more:

Will development happen in Nigeria if the quality of education is improved?

No! The quality of education in Nigeria was arguably at its highest immediately after independence from colonialism and has steadily deteriorated ever since. Better quality education did not make development happen back then because quality was not the problem. Read more:

Can development happen in a uniquely Nigerian way?

Other than speculation, there is no alternative development path for Nigeria or any postcolonial country. Colonialism remade the economy of Nigeria’s territory in the image of the West, and there is no turning back. The economy of Nigeria has to be managed like the western economy that it is. Read more:

Do Nigerians have what it takes to graduate from higher education and immediately perform as well as expatriates?

Yes. The problem is not a lack of intellect or motivation among Nigerians. Nigerians possess and routinely demonstrate the minimum capacity for development. Higher education simply does not know how to tap into this inborn capacity. Read more:

What happens next?

That depends on you. But note:
1) Underdevelopment is the most intellectually stagnant area of study in history. Despite billions of dollars spent worldwide for solving the problem annually, no progress has been made in over 60 years.
2) Anything you read or hear about solving Nigeria’s problems is more-of-the-same unless the elephant in the room is addressed, which is the ineffectiveness of “higher education for development”
3) Nigeria is on its own. Despite their mandates and pronouncements, the Development Space (World Bank, IMF, Academia, and their support systems) don’t believe Nigeria can develop with the managerial leadership of Nigerians. Read more:

You have more power than you realize. Your role is to do everything with that power to notify authorities in government and in the development space that there is a new solution to try. Poverty, despair, human degradation, and hopelessness of most Nigerians need not be permanent. Learn about the proposed solution here:
Clarify the solution or learn about the full extent of Nigeria’s plight with these methods:
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1. Two years ago, the Development Space was notified of a viable solution for underdevelopment. But for 2 years, the solution has been ignored. Instead, the source of underdevelopment that the solution targets remains a taboo subject.

The source is the “elephant in the room” that every major player in the Development Space actively avoids in scholarship and in policymaking. Determine for yourself if the proposed solution should at least be tried or if it should continue to be ignored.

🔥Act now: End Underdevelopment and Widespread Human Suffering Now! 24/07/2022

Exercise your power to end needless human suffering and change the world!

🔥Act now: End Underdevelopment and Widespread Human Suffering Now! Let’s get to 96 signatures by the end of today - can you add yours?

Home 01/04/2022

Developing countries cannot develop no matter how hard they try because what will make development happen is similar to a foreign language with no means to learn it. There is a new way to teach the language with the resources of higher education. The question is when will it be implemented?

Home The beginning of the End of underdevelopment is now here. But how fast will it happen?​ The scarcity of effective managerial leadership is what makes underdevelopment persistent. It’s a problem that formal education could not address. There is now an effective solution for that. Game changing Id...


Urgency of our Solution for Underdevelopment

Thanks so much for your support of the Definition of Development and Underdevelopment

But note that Human Rethink is not about exploring solutions for underdevelopment or just presenting new ideas. Instead, we provide a ready-made turnkey solution that will end the problem of underdevelopment in any country that implements it. The solution is the Implicit Curriculum of Higher Education. To end underdevelopment, a developing country simply needs to implement the solution exactly as it is recommended in as many local universities as possible. Four years later, graduates of the Curriculum will perform as well as expatriates from developed countries and China. This will happen immediately upon graduation, not at some unknown future date (which is what conventional higher education promises)

A developing country can now make the choice: Continue the redundant increase in the population of university graduates with zero result for development, or change the curriculum so that a graduate will immediately perform managerial duties as well as expatriates from the West and China to make development happen fast.


Does modernization add up to development?
Like globalization, modernization is not incremental development. Since independence, most developing countries have expanded modernization projects, including public bureaucracy and infrastructure. None of that has increased the supply of competent indigenous managerial leadership. Hence, modernization projects will not cause a developing country to eventually catch up with developed countries.


Is Modernization the same as Development?
For developed countries the answer may be yes. But the answer is no for developing countries. Colonialism eliminated the choice of economic models for developing countries and imposed the current economic model along with its rules for political and military organization, social institutions, national borders, markets, and other systems and structures. For developing countries, modernization is the mere existence of these systems and structures. Development is when these existing systems and structures are maintained with the effectiveness of developed countries, and then propagated with steadily improving efficiency. By definition, the managerial talent needed to do that is scarce in developing countries. Effective managerial talent is supplied mostly by the expatriate diaspora of developed countries, but only insufficiently due to the high cost and not enough to facilitate development as defined here. Modernization can procure only limited and shallow growth because there are not enough expatriates to sustain, multiply, and propagate its potential. So, the opportunities that modernization presents are not fully availed. Moreover, when expatriate managerial supervision is lost for any reason, modernization structures and systems stagnate and deteriorate.


Does steadily increasing globalization add up to development?
No. Globalization is not gradual development. When the footprint of industry is expanded in a developing country by expatriate-led administrative structures, the scarcity of indigenous managerial competence remains. GDP may increase and poverty may be reduced, but the country will not someday catch up with developed countries. A large and increasing base of competent indigenous managers is required for that to happen.


Is “globalization” the solution for underdevelopment?
For developing countries, globalization is the control of industry by foreign capital interests and by expatriate managers from developed countries. For generations, capital and managerial leadership for this and other large-scale operations have been provided mainly by multinational interests from developed countries. Globalization has reduced poverty for many in developing countries and provides revenue for governments. But it has not reduced the shortage of managerial talent that defines underdevelopment. Employees of globalization interests do not leave to start competitive operations. The efficiencies of globalization operations have not been spread across the economy by indigenous managerial talent in the numbers required for development as defined here. Globalization is not development. At best, it leaves the majority in poverty and much of the rest in the “middle income trap.” Countries caught in the middle-income trap have a prosperous and affluent minority population of Western and or Asian managers, administrators, entrepreneurs, and their indigenous cohorts in the professions. But the bulk of the indigenous majority is far less prosperous and stuck in economic stagnation.


How can missing managerial talent be acquired?
Currently, effective managerial talent is provided in two ways:

1) By expatriates from developed countries that may or may not be temporary, transient workers and
2) By the diaspora of expatriate countries who have made their home in developing countries.

Both methods have not provided enough managerial leadership to facilitate development as defined here.

The enduring way to provide managerial leadership is to systematically train indigenous populations in large numbers to be effective managers. Higher education claims to do that but evidence to support this claim is lacking. Most developing countries have been educating their people in local and overseas universities for decades and now have large populations of graduates living in their midst. Yet, underdevelopment remains persistent. Lesson learned: More of the same type of higher education will continue to fail.


What is Underdevelopment?
Persistent underdevelopment is a permanent shortage of effective managerial and entrepreneurial talent in a country. The abundant supply of effective managerial talent is the essential precondition for the type of growth that will develop a country to the level of developed countries. Without it, developing countries are trapped in underdevelopment no matter what else they might try or do to escape. Underdevelopment is persistent because effective managerial leadership is in short supply.


What is Development?

Development is the rise of a nation to meet the West and other developed countries as an economic equal based on the managerial and entrepreneurial leadership of its own indigenous people, as China is doing.

Timeline photos 02/03/2021

Why is underdevelopment not being addressed?

Timeline photos 01/03/2021

Why is underdevelopment not being addressed?

Timeline photos 27/02/2021

Our goal is to eliminate the implicit knowledge gap in higher education.

Timeline photos 23/02/2021

Human Rethink has developed the path to lasting economic development.


Exporting raw materials and resources will not combat underdevelopment.


International aid will not combat underdevelopment.


Regime change will not change underdevelopment.

Timeline photos 19/02/2021

Human Rethink directly addresses the causes and solutions of underdevelopment.

Timeline photos 17/02/2021

Consider this:

Timeline photos 15/02/2021

Progress is not being made in third world countries. No area of knowledge is as stagnant as the issue of development.


Ever ask yourself “why haven’t we created effective solutions for underdevelopment?”

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