Erdmann Consulting, LLC

Erdmann Consulting, LLC

Wellness Consulting. Providing individual consulting services in holistic christian wellness.


Faith is not waiting for the bridge to be built.

Faith is stepping out and believing the board will be placed before your foot hits the water.


Sunday’s are made for Rest. Carry the peace you find in today into the week ahead!


Sunday’s are made for rest! Not not necessarily sleeping or sitting... but free from worry.

What are you worried about today? Is that worry to heavy for you to carry? What if I told you that there is someone that could carry that worry for you?

By the Grace of God our worries we’re taken from us at the cross. Today you can lay them down at the feet of Jesus. And rest in his arms.


A blessing is coming, in the waiting it can be hard and frustrating, waiting for promises that never seem to come. Our neighbors, friends, co-workers all have great advice however if it doesn’t come from a place of God (Biblically Sound) it could lead you down the wrong path delaying your blessing.

If you are in the waiting place, remember to be joyful! Praying continuously, and don’t give up! 

“Let this hope burst forth within you, releasing a continual joy. Don’t give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:12‬ ‭TPT‬‬


Goals are a huge part in wellness! Whether they are physical (I want to lose 10 pounds), financial (I want to save for a new car), or intellectual (I want to learn a new skill).

We all have them! Share one of your goals. One you met in the first quarter of this year or one your working towards for the fist day of summer!


Coming soon...

Life Coaching
Personal Training
Wellness Shoppe


Sunday’s are made for rest.

Time to reflect and refocus.

Did last week have some obstacles?

What actions can you take not to repeat lasts weeks missed opportunities to succeed?


Are you rooted by the stream?

Are you fearful of the unknown or embrace the challenge?

Become Rooted in Wellness!

Join our FREE Webinar-- to lay a strong foundation in the 8 Dimensions of Wellness.

Register at


Are you ready to become Rooted in Wellness?

Are you ready to dig deep to grow tall?

Are you ready to weather the storms with Joy and Peace?


Are you dealing with any of these... Fear, Anxiety, Stress?

Did you know that when you are Rooted in Wellness, you have the power to overcome fear, anxiety and stress in your life.

Schedule a call today to learn more!


You are wonderfully made!

Made to worship
Made to give freely
Made to love
Made to care
Made to be in control of your emotions and actions
Made to be creative
Made to move
Made to ________

Today know that you are not a mistake. You are not unwanted. YOU ARE WONDERFULLY made. Do not compare yourself to your surroundings. They are also wonderfully made, but they are not you, and you are not them. A cactus and a oak tree do not grow in the same soil. But are wonderfully made, but made for different reasons.

“For skillful and godly Wisdom is better than rubies or pearls, and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it. [Job 28:15; Ps. 19:10; 119:127.]”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8:11‬ ‭AMPC‬‬


Does Mood equal Action?

Is your mood an excuse for your actions, good or bad?


Question of the day
When your at the intersection and the light turns green... the car behind you honks.

Do you—
A. Yell at the person behind you, point a finger at them...?
B. Wave and say thank you as you proceed

Comment A or B


When you think of WELLESS, what does it mean to you?


Happy New Year!

May the best thing that happened to you in 2021, be the worst thing that happens in 2022!

May this year be full of double blessings!


Merry Christmas!

What a beautiful day that we remember the reason for giving.

Be blessed this Christmas!


Good Morning Friends, I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for liking and following Erdmann Consulting, LLC. We are excited to be developmenting a wellness program to coach individuals, organizations, couples, families, students in the dimensions of wellness.


The ripple of water moving slowly on a lake, or the waves crashing on the sea are both balanced. Above the storm clouds, you can also see this balance. The motion of waves formed by the storm in the clouds.

Some trees bend in the storm but do not break. While others fall. What is the difference between the two? Those rooted in Christ, stand strong. Like the wise man who build his house on the rock.


What is your favorite Bible Verse?


Drop a gif of a funny social wellness situation.


What is your favorite book or subject to study?


Emotional Wellness comes from your thoughts, what are you thinking? How do you react to daily life events? Your reactions comes from your emotions.

Fix your thoughts on what is truem and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Thank about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8


Focusing on the 8 dimensions or pillars of wellness, Erdmann Consulting, helps individuals and groups balance their life to weather any storm that comes their way.